Climatic zones Temperature Saltness of the Pacific Ocean. Pacific Ocean


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In the Pacific Ocean allocated all climatic belts with the exception of the Northern Polar (Arctic). Western and eastern parts of the Pacific Ocean differ significantly from each other and from the central ocean regions. As a result, inside the belts, physico-geographic areas are distinguished. In each particular area, natural conditions and processes are determined by the situation in relation to the mainland and the islands, the ocean depth, the originality of air and water circulation, etc. In the western part of the Pacific Ocean as physico-geographic areas are usually separable and interconnected seas in Eastern - Intensive Apuvelling zones.
Northern subpolar (subarctic) belt
Unlike the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific part of the belt is sufficiently isolated from the influence of the North Arctic Ocean. The belt takes most of the Bering and the Okhotsk seas.
In the autumn and winter, the surface layer of water is cooled to the freezing point, and large ice masses are formed. Cooling is accompanied by coat of water. In summer, sea ice gradually disappear, the temperature of the fine upper layer rises to 3-5 ° C, in the south - up to 10 ° C. Below is preserved cold waterForming an intermediate layer formed as a result of winter cooling. Thermohalin convection, summer heating and desalination of water (30-33% o) as a result of melting of ice, the interaction of jets of warm currents (Aleuto) with cold subogenous waters determine the relatively large content of nutrients in surface waters and the high bioproductivity of the subarctic belt. Biogenic substances are not lost at large depths, since within the water area there are extensive shelves. Two areas are distinguished in the subarctic belt: Bering and Okhotskaya Sea, rich in valuable fishing fish, invertebrate and marine beast.
Northern temperate zone
In the Pacific Ocean, it covers extensive water areas from Asia to North America and occupies an intermediate position between the main areas of the formation of cold subarctic and warm subtropical and tropical waters.
In the West, the belt intersect the warm flow of Kurosio and Cold Kuril (Olyasio). From the resulting streams with mixed water, the Severoticookean flow is formed, which occupies a significant part of the water area and transfers the huge masses of water and heat from the west to the East under the influence of the Western winds dominant here. The temperature of the water during the year in a temperate belt hesitate. In winter, she can go to 0 ° C, in the summer rises to 15-20 ° C (in the yellow sea up to 28 ° C). Ims are formed only on limited internal sections of shallow seas (for example, in the northern part of the Japanese Sea). In winter, vertical thermal convection of waters is developing with the participation of intensive wind mixing: cyclonic activity is active in moderate latitudes. The high content of oxygen and biogenic in water provides relatively large bioproductivity, and its value in the northern part of the belt (subogenous water) is higher than in southern (subtropical water). The salinity of waters in the northern half of the water area is 33% o, in South Close to the middle - 35% of. For the western belt, monsoon circulation is characterized, sometimes tiphuns come here. Inside the belt, the areas of the Japanese and Yellow Seas and the Bay of Alaska are distinguished.
Northern subtropical belt
It is located between the zone of the Western winds of moderate latitudes and the trade winds of equatorial-tropical latitudes. The middle part of the water area is surrounded by the northern subtropical ring of flows.
Due to the prevailing lowering of the air and its sustainable stratification within the belt, a clear sky is usually a clear amount of precipitation and relatively dry air. There are no dominant air flows, the winds are weak and changeable, characteristic of the shot. Very large evaporation due to dryness of air and high

Pacific Ocean Located in almost all climatic belts. Its large part lies in the equatorial, subequatorial and tropical belts.

The climate of the Pacific Ocean is formed due to the zonal distribution of solar radiation and the circulation of the atmosphere, as well as the powerful seasonal influence of the Asian mainland. In the ocean, you can allocate almost all climatic zones. In the northern moderate zone in winter time The Baric Center is the Aleutian minimum of pressure, weakly pronounced in summer time. The south is located North-Pacific Anticyclone. Along the equator, the equatorial depression is noted (the area of \u200b\u200breduced pressure), which is south of the South Pacific Anticyclone. Next to the south, the pressure is rebuilt again and then replaces the area again. high pressure Above Antarctica. In accordance with the location of the baric centers, the direction of the wind is formed. In moderate latitudes of the northern hemisphere, the strong predominant western windsAnd in the summer - weak southern. In the north-west of the ocean, the northern and northeastern monsoon winds are installed in the north-west, which in summer are replaced by southern monscons. Cyclones arising in the polar fronts determine greater repeatability storm winds In moderate and sugar zones (especially in the southern hemisphere). In the subtropics and tropics of the northern hemisphere, northeastern trade winds are dominated. In the Equatorial zone round year There is a predominantly calm weather. In the tropical and subtropical zones of the southern hemisphere, a steady Southeast Passat is dominated, strong in winter and weak in summer. In the tropics they originate (mainly in summer) brutal tropical hurricanes, here called typhoons. Usually they arise east of the Philippines, from where they move to the north-west and north through Taiwan, Japan and fade on the approaches to the Bering Sea. Another region of the origin of typhoons is the coastal areas of the Pacific Ocean adjacent to Central America. In the fortieted latitudes of the southern hemisphere, strong and permanent Western winds are observed. IN highly lardah of the Southern Hemisphere The winds are subordinated to the general cyclonic circulation, characteristic of the pointerctic field of low pressure.

The total latitudinal zonality is subordinated to the distribution of air temperature over the ocean, but the western part has a turbulent climate than Eastern. In tropical and equatorial zones, the average air temperatures from 27.5 ° C to 25.5 ° C are dominated. In the summer, the isotherm of 25 ° C is expanding to the north in the western part of the ocean and only to a small extent in the eastern, and in the southern hemisphere is very shifted to the north. Passing over the huge expanses of the ocean, the air masses are intensively saturated with moisture. On both sides of the equator in the electorial zone, two narrow strips of the maximum of precipitation were noted, outlined by a year of 2000 mm, and along the equator is expressed relative to the dry zone. In the Pacific Ocean there is no zone of the convergence of Northern Passyats with southern. There are two independent zones with excess moisture and separating them relative to the dry zone. To the east in the equatorial and tropical zones, the amount of precipitation decreases. The most arid areas in the northern hemisphere are adjacent to California, in the South - to the Peruvian and Chilean basins (coastal areas are less than 50 mm of precipitation per year).

In allocated all climatic belts with the exception of the Northern Polar (Arctic). Western and eastern parts of the Pacific Ocean differ significantly from each other and from the central ocean regions. As a result, inside the belts, physico-geographic areas are distinguished. In each particular area, natural conditions and processes are determined by the situation in relation to the continigs and islands, the ocean depth, the originality of circulation and water, etc. In the western part of the Pacific and the physico-geographic areas, the outskirts are usually isolated in Eastern - Eastern - Intensive Apuvelling zones.

Northern subpolar (subarctic) belt

Unlike, the Pacific part of the belt is sufficiently isolated from influence. The belt takes most of the Bering and the Okhotsk seas.

In the autumn and winter, the surface layer of water is cooled to the freezing point, and large ice masses are formed. Cooling is accompanied by coat of water. In the summer, sea ice gradually disappear, the thin upper layer rises to 3-5 ° C, in the south - up to 10 ° C. The cold water is preserved below that form an intermediate layer formed as a result of winter cooling. Thermohalin convection, summer heating and waters (30-33% o) as a result of melting of ice, the interaction of jets of warm (Aleutskoe) with cold subogenous waters determine the relatively large content of nutrients in surface waters and the high bioproductivity of the subarctic belt. Biogenic substances are not lost at large depths, since within the water area there are extensive shelves. Two areas are distinguished in the subarctic belt: Bering and Okhotskaya Sea, rich in valuable fishing fish, invertebrate and marine beast.

Northern moderate belt

In the Pacific Ocean, it covers extensive water areas from Asia to North America and occupies an intermediate position between the main areas of the formation of cold subarctic and warm subtropical and tropical waters.

In the West, the belt intersect the warm flow of Kurosio and Cold Kuril (Olyasio). From the resulting streams with mixed water, the Severoticookean flow is formed, which occupies a significant part of the water area and transfers the huge masses of water and heat from the west to the East under the influence of the Western winds dominant here. The temperature of the water during the year in a temperate belt hesitate. In winter, she can go to 0 ° C, in the summer rises to 15-20 ° C (in the yellow sea up to 28 ° C). Ims are formed only on limited internal sections of shallow seas (for example, in the northern part of the Japanese Sea). In winter, vertical thermal convection of waters is developing with the participation of intensive wind mixing: cyclonic activity is active in moderate latitudes. The high content of oxygen and biogenic in water provides relatively large bioproductivity, and its value in the northern part of the belt (subogenous water) is higher than in southern (subtropical water). The salinity of waters in the northern half of the water area is 33% o, in South Close to the middle - 35% of. For the western belt, monsoon circulation is characterized, sometimes tiphuns come here. Inside the belt, the areas of the Japanese and Yellow Seas and the Bay of Alaska are distinguished.

Northern subtropical belt

It is located between the zone of the Western winds of moderate latitudes and the trade winds of equatorial-tropical latitudes. The middle part of the water area is surrounded by the northern subtropical ring of flows.

Due to the prevailing lowering of the air and its sustainable stratification within the belt, a clear sky is usually a clear amount of precipitation and relatively dry air. There are no dominant air flows, the winds are weak and changeable, characteristic of the shot. Very large evaporation due to dryness of air and high temperatures, and consequently, the salinity of the waters is increased - up to 35.5% o in the open part of the ocean. Water temperature in summer about 24-26 ° C. The density of waters in the winter is significant, and they are immersed under the warmer and light water of low latitudes. The immersion of surface waters is compensated not as much as the rise of deep waters, as they have been received from the north and south (subtropical convergence), which is facilitated by the anti-cyclonic circuit. A strong ocean heating in summer causes a decrease in the density of the surface layer, the immersion is terminated, a steady stratification of water is created. As a result, the belt has a low bioproductivity, since neither in winter, no summer increases, the surface layers are not enriched with nutrients. The eastern part of the belt is sharply different from the main water area. This is the zone of a California flow, characterized by an upwelling and high bioproductivity and allocated in a separate physical and geographical area. In western subtropical belt The region of the East-China Sea with its specificity of atmospheric (monsoon) and hydrological regimes and the Kurosio flow region.

Northern tropical belt

This belt is stretched from the coast of Indochina to the coast of Mexico and Central America. Sustainable spents of the northern hemisphere are dominated here.

In the summer, when the zone of action of the trade winds is shifted to the north, it includes equatorial air with unstable stratification, high humidity, cloudiness and abundant rains. Winter is relatively dry. The storms in tropical latitudes are non-specifics, but they often come here Typhins. A significant part of the water area is occupied by the Northern Passatown, which transfers surface water to the western part of the water area. In this direction, heat accumulated by them is moved. On the contrary, the eastern part of the ocean includes relatively cold waters of the compensatory California. In general, high temperatures are characterized for surface tropical waters - 24-26 ° C in winter and 26-30 ° C in the summer. The salinity on the surface is close to the middle and decreases in the direction of the equator and the eastern outskirts of the ocean. In the summer it is somewhat lowered due to frequent rains. Under the surface layer of water with high temperature, medium salinity and a small density, subsurface coolest water with high salinity and high density. Even below, there are intermediate waters with low temperatures, low salty and high density. As a result, a steady stratification is created in the upper layers throughout the year, the vertical mixing of water is weak, their bioproductivity is low. But species composition organic World Warm tropical waters are very diverse. In the northern tropical belt, the areas of the South China, Philippine Seas and the California Gulf stand out.

Equatorial belt

This belt in the Pacific is represented widely. This is the convergence zone of the northern and southern hemispheres with a strip of a clutch, where weak are observed oriental winds. Here develops intensive thermal air convection, abundant rains fall throughout the year.

The main surface current in this belt is compensatory in relation to the interpassate (equatorial) countercase, going east. The sub-surface flow of Cromwell is pronounced, which moves to the east (from New Guinea to Ecuador). Surface water throughout the year is heated strongly (up to 26-30 ° C). Seasonal temperature fluctuations are insignificant. Soleside is small - 34.5-34% O and lower. Water rise prevails in the eastern and central parts of the ocean, in the western places there are their immersion. In general, the rise prevails over the immersion, and the surface layers are constantly enriched with biogenic substances. Water is pretty fertile and in equatorial belt There is an exceptionally large species diversity of the organic world. But the total number of organisms in equatorial waters (as in tropical) is less than in medium and high latitudes. Inside the belt, areas of the Australo-Asian seas and the Panaman Gulf are highlighted.

Southern tropical belt

It takes an extensive water space between Australia and Peru. This is the zone of the Passatoves of the Southern Hemisphere. Quite clearly expressed alternation of rainy summer and dry winter periods. Hydrological conditions determines the southern trade in the current.

Surface water temperatures are as high as in the northern tropical belt. Soleside is somewhat higher than in equatorial waters (35-35.5% o). Vertical mixing in the upper layers, as in the northern belt-analogue, is very weak. The primary and fishing productivity of the water area is small. Exception is east End Ocean - the area of \u200b\u200baction of the Peruvian flow with a relatively sustainable and intensive upwelling. This is one of the most highly productive districts not only in a quiet, but also. Tropical waters are the kingdom of corals. There are several thousand large and small islands in the western and middle parts of the belt, most of them coral origin. The coast of Australia is a big barrier reef. In the western part of the ocean, tropical hurricanes are frequent. This part of the belt is influenced by monsoon circulation. In the West districted areas Coral Sea and big Barrier Reefa, in the east - Peruvian district.

South subtropical belt

This belt extends from Southeast Australia and Tasmania to the shores. South America between 20 ° and 35 ° sh. The belt axis serves as a zone of subtropical convergence of the water of the southern trade-mortage and the northern flow of the flow of Western winds. The water area is under the influence of the South Pacific Bariac Maximum.

The main natural processes are the same as in the northern belt-analogue: the lowering of the air masses, the formation of a high pressure area with weak unstable winds, a cloudless sky, dry air, small quantity atmospheric oyphans and cooation of water. It is here that the salinity of surface waters for the open part of the Pacific Ocean is 35.5-36% about. The main area of \u200b\u200bthe formation of subtropical water mass is a strip of high evaporation in the eastern belt (from about. Easter). Warm and salty applies from here to the West and North, gradually plunging under the warm and despicable precipitation surface. The biological productivity of the water belt is not yet sufficiently studied. It is believed that it cannot be high. On the eastern outskirts of the water area there is a zone of subtropical upwelling of the Peruvian current, where the biomass is still great, although a sagon and water rise occur in weakened (compared to tropical belt) form. Here districted areas of coastal waters of the North and Central Chile, and in the western belt, the Tasmanov Sea area is isolated.

Southern moderate belt

It includes a large northern part of the Circumpolar flow of Western winds. South his border passes on the edge of distribution marine ice In September, in the region of 61-63 ° sh. Southern moderate belt is the area of \u200b\u200bthe domination of the Western transfer of air, significant cloudiness, frequent rains (especially in the autumn-winter period).

Very characteristic storm weather ("roaring forties" and no less turbulent fifties latitudes). Waters on the surface B - 0-10 ° C, B - 3-15 ° C. Saltness - 34.0-34.5% o, off the coast of southern Chile, where many atmospheric precipitation falls, - 33.5% of. The main process in the moderate latitudes of the southern part of the Pacific Ocean is the same as in Northern, - the transformation of the warm low-wing and cold high-grade air and water masses coming here, constant interaction and as a result of this greater dynamism and ocean. The convergence zone of two jets of the circumpolar flow takes place about 57 °. sh. Water belts relative to fertile. Inside the belt highlights the area of \u200b\u200bcoastal waters of southern Chile (South Chile).

South subogenous (subanartic) belt

The boundaries of this belt in the Pacific Ocean compared to other oceans are shifted to the south (63-75 ° J. sh.). Especially wide water area in the Ross Sea area, which is being introduced deep into the array of the Antarctic continent. In winter, the water is covered with ice.

The border of marine ice migrates for a year by 1000- 1200 km. In this belt dominates the flow of water from the west to the east (south jet of the flow of Western winds). In the southern belt there is a flow to the West. The water temperature in winter is close to the freezing point, in summer - from 0 to 2 ° C. Salt in winter - about 34% o, in summer, as a result of melting of ice, up to 33.5% of the melting of ice is reduced. In winter, deep water are formed, which fill the surface of the ocean. The belt is the interaction of antarctic waters and water of moderate latitudes of the southern hemisphere. High bioproductivity. In fishing attitude, the water area is not sufficiently studied.

Southern Polar (Antarctic) belt

Within the Pacific Ocean, it is quite extensive. In the sea Ross water of the ocean, it is far for the southern polar circle, almost to 80 ° YU. sh., and taking into account the shelf glaciers - even further. Eastern Bay McMarto for hundreds of kilometers stretches the breakdown of the Ross Glacier (Great Ice Barrier).

The southern part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bRoss is a unique water area engaged in a giant slab of the shelf glacier with a length from the north to south 500 km and an average of 500 m. In the sea Amundsen and Bellingshausen, the Antarctic belt roughly coincides with the shelf zone. Here is harsh, with strong winds from the continent, frequent borrowings of cyclones, storms. As a result of strong winter cooling, many very cold waters are formed with salinity, close to normal. Immersing and spreading to the north, they form deep and bottom aquatic masses of the boiling ocean until the equator and further. On the surface of the ocean, the most characteristic of the belt natural processes are ice phenomena and glacial stock from the continent. The bioproductivity of cold Antarctic water is small, their field importance is not studied enough. peculiar.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest water tank in the world. He stretches from the very north of the planet to her south, reaching the banks of Antarctica. The greatest width reaches at the equator, in the tropical and subtropical zone. Because the climate of the Pacific Ocean is more defined as warm, because most of it is part of the tropics. This ocean has both warm and cold flows. It depends on how the mainland in one or another place is fitting the bay and what atmospheric flows are formed over it.

Video: 213 Pacific Climate

Atmospheric circulation

In many ways, the climate of the Pacific Ocean depends on atmospheric pressurewhich is formed above it. In this section, geographers allocate five main areas. Among them are zones and high, and low pressure. In subtropics in both hemispheres of the planet over the ocean, two high pressure regions are formed. They are called the North Pacific or Hawaiian maximum and South Pacific maximum. The closer to the equator, the lower the pressure becomes. We also note that atmospheric dynamics are lower than in Eastern. In the north and in the south of the ocean, dynamic minima is formed - Aleutian and Antarctic, respectively. The North exists only in the winter season, and the southern for its atmospheric features is stable all year round.


Such a factor, as the Passat, is largely affected by the climate of the Pacific Ocean. Briefly, such windmills are formed in the tropics and subtropics in both hemispheres. There, over the centuries, a system of trade winds, which cause warm currents and stable hot air temperature. They are separated by a strip of equatorial clutch. In this area, they prevail, but sometimes light minor winds occur. In the northwestern part of the ocean, the most frequent guests are monsoons. In winter, the wind blows from the Asian continent, bringing with it cold and dry air. Summer blows the oceanic wind, thanks to which the humidity and temperature increases. A moderate climatic belt, as well as all southern hemisphere, starting with strong winds. The climate of the Pacific Ocean in these areas is characterized by typhoon, hurricanes, gusty winds.

Air temperature

In order to clearly understand what temperatures the Pacific Ocean is characterized, the card will come to help us. We see that this reservoir is located in all climatic belts, starting with the north, ice, passing through the equator and ending with southern, also ice. Above the surface of the entire water branch climate is subject to latitudinal zonality and winds that bring hot or cold temperatures to those or other regions. In equatorial latitudes, the thermometer shows from 20 to 28 degrees in August, approximately the same indicators are observed in February. In moderate latitudes, February temperatures reached -25 Celsius, and in August, the thermometer raises to +20.

Video: Pacific Ocean

Characteristics of currents, their effect on temperature

The facilities of the Pacific Climate are that in some latitudes at the same time may be observed different weather. So everything is developing because the ocean consists of various currents, which are warm or cold cyclones from the mainland. So, for beginnings, consider the northern hemisphere. In the strip of tropics, the western part of the reservoir is always warmer eastern. This is due to the fact that in the west of water are warmed by trade winds and East Australian. In the east, water is cooled by Peruvian and California trends. In the lane moderate climate, on the contrary, the east warmer of the West. Then the Western part is cooled by the Kuril current, and the Eastern heats up thanks to Alaskan. If we consider the southern hemisphere, then we will not find a significant difference between the West and East. Here everything happens naturally, since the trade winds and winds of high latitudes distribute the temperature above the water surface equally.

Clouds and pressure

Also, the climate of the Pacific Ocean depends on the atmospheric phenomena, which are formed over this or that its area. Raising airflows is observed in low pressure zones, as well as in coastal areas where there is a mountainous area. The closer to the equator, the less the clouds are going on the waters. In moderate latitudes, they are contained in 80-70 percent, in subtropics - 60-70%, in the tropics - 40-50%, and at the equator only 10 percent.


Now consider what weather conditions the Pacific Ocean is in themselves. Map of climatic belts shows that the greatest humidity here falls on tropical and subtropic zoneswhich are north of the equator. Here the amount of precipitation is equal to 3000 mm. In moderate latitudes, this indicator is reduced to 1000-2000 mm. We also note that in the west climate is always more dry than in the east. The most arid region of the ocean is the coastal zone about and from the coast of Peru. Here, due to condensation problems, the amount of precipitation is reduced to 300-200 mm. In some areas it is extremely low and is only 30 mm.

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Climate of the seas of the Pacific

In the classic version it is customary to believe that this water tank has three seas - Japanese, Bering and Okhotsk. These reservoirs are separated from the main reservoir of the islands or peninsulas, they are adjacent to the continents and belong to countries in this case. Their climate is determined by the interaction of the ocean and sushi. In the surface of the water in February is about 15-20 below zero, in coastal zone - 4 below zero. The Japanese Sea is the warmest, because there is a temperature in it within +5 degrees. Most severe winters Pass in the north, the thermometer can show below -30 degrees. In the summer of the sea heated an average of 16-20 above zero. Naturally, the Okhotsk in this case will be cold - + 13-16, and Japanese can warm up to +30 or more.

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The Pacific Ocean, which is essentially the largest geographical object of the planet, is characterized by a very diverse climate. Regarding the time of the year over its waters, a certain atmospheric influence is formed, which generates low or high temperatures, strong winds Or the utmost shot.

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