Small predatory animals of coniferous forest. What animals live in a mixed forest


Between the tundra in the north and deciduous forest in the south, extensive and picturesque coniferous forests are drawn. One type of such forest is called northern BorealIt is located between 50 ° and 60 ° of northern latitude. Another type - coniferous forest moderate belt , grows in lower latitudes of North America, Europe and Asia, on high hills of mountains.

Coniferous forests are found mainly in the northern hemisphere, although some of them can be found in South.

This largest ground biotop in the world consists mainly of coniferous trees - Trees that grow needles instead of leaves, instead of colors - cones, and seeds develop in cones. Coniferous trees tend to be evergreen, that is, their needles keep on the branches round year. The exception can be considered only the genus of larchs whose needle yellow is shied at the end of each summer. Such adaptations help plants to survive in very cold or dry areas. Some of the most common breeds - spruce, pines and fir.

The precipitation in coniferous forests is from 300 to 900 mm per year, and in some forest arrays of a moderate belt - up to 2000 m. The amount of precipitation depends on the location of the forest. In the northern boreal forests of winter long, cold and dry, and the summer is short-temperedly warm, with an abundance of moisture. In lower latitudes, the precipitates are evenly distributed over the year.

Air temperature in pine and spruce wood grains - from -40 ° C to 20 ° C, the average summer temperature is 10 ° C.

Coniferous forests - evergreen kingdom

Coniferous trees grow where summer is short and cool, and winter is long and harsh, with a strong snowfall, which can last up to 6 months. Needle leaves have a waxy outer coating that prevents the loss of water in frosty weather. Branches, in turn, soft and flexible and usually directed down, so that snow is easily rolling with them. Larch were found in some of the coldest regions of our planet.

Evergreen forests consist mainly of these breeds as ate, fir, pines and larchs. The leaves of these trees are small and needles, either on scales, and most of them remain green all year round (evergreens). All coniferous rocks are capable of living in cold and acidic soil.

All coniferous forests in the world are classified according to the following types:

  • Eurasian coniferous forest With the Siberian Pine, Siberian Fir, Siberian and Daurosky dominant in the east ( L.andsvestric Gmlinina) larchs. Pine ordinary and spruce - Important forest-forming species in Western Europe.
  • FROMevroa-American coniferous forest With a predominance of white ate, black spruce and balsamic fir.
  • Tropichiy and subtropicallyconiferous forest With an abundance of cypresses, cedar and sequel.

Northern coniferous forests, such as coniferous forest in Siberia, are called taiga or boreal forests. They cover the vast areas of North America from the quiet to the Atlantic Ocean and are located throughout Northern Europe, Scandinavia, Russia and all Asia through Siberia and Mongolia to Northern China and Northern Japan.

The duration of the growing season in boreal forests is 130 days.

Cypress, cedar and sequoia grow strictly vertically. The highest of them can reach 110 m in height. Trees are usually pyramidal. Short side branches grow pretty close to each other, but they are so bending that the snow just clench.

(Pine and larch prevails):

(spruce and fir prevails):

Life in the coniferous forest

Bioma is noticeably higher compared to tundra: only nesting birds numbered 120-150 species, and mammals - up to 40-50. At the same time, biodiversity coniferous forests Significantly inferior in its wealth to the tropical regions.

Even evergreen trees ultimately drop their leaves and grow new. The needles fall onto the forest litter and form a thick spring carpet from the needles. Bright, usually acidic soils of coniferous forests are called subzole And have a compacted layer of humus, which contains many mushrooms. Fit-shaped mushrooms Help to break the needles fallen on Earth. These organisms ensure the flow of nutrients from fallen needles back to the roots of trees. But since the needles decompose very slowly, soils under such trees have a low content of minerals and organic substances, and the number of invertebrates, such as rain Worms They are extremely small.

Mosquitoes, flies and other insects are the usual inhabitants of the coniferous forest, but due to low temperatures There are little cold-blooded vertebrates, such as snakes and frogs. Birds of coniferous forests include dyatlov, chests, kolikov, ripples, waxers, tetraev, hawks and owls. Among the mammals are destroyed excavation, voles, proteins, cunits, moose, deer, lynx and wolves.

Through the thick dome of coniferous trees penetrates too little light. Because of the permanent darkness in the lower tier, only ferns and very little herbaceous plants are growing. Mossi and lichen on the contrary, are found everywhere on forest soil, trunks and branches of trees. Flowering plants are quite a bit.

Currently, extensive logging in boreal forests may soon lead to their disappearance.

The value of coniferous forests

Coniferous forests are the main source of commercial wood in the world. Their use has many advantages:

  • With the exception of very cold areas, they grow rapidly and can cut down every 40-50 years.
  • Many conifer breeds are well neighboring.
  • Frozen soil simplifies wood access for technology and transport in winter.
  • Soft wood has many different applications - paper, construction and furniture, etc.
  • Softwood can be easily removed, like a crop using modern technique.

Acid rain

Over the past 50 years, coniferous forests have suffered from acid rainy. The main causes of which are:

  • Emissions in the atmosphere sulfur dioxide Power plants, industrial enterprises
  • Increase the number of power plants emitted, as well as cars azoto oxide

These pollutants are transferred to the air masses in Western Europe. Fifty million hectares of forest arrays in 25 European countries suffers from the action of acid rain. For example, coniferous mountain forests are dying in Bavaria. Cases of lesion of conifers, as well as deciduous arrays of Karelia, Siberia are noted.

The most common coniferous trees:

  • Spruce ordinary
  • White spruce
  • Elo black
  • Canadian Tsuga.
  • Kedar Lebanese
  • European larch
  • Juniper Ordinary (Versere)
  • Fir
  • Games
  • Western pine
  • Pine Caribbean
  • Pine ordinary
  • Twisted pine
  • Fitzroy Cyparisovoid

Their house in which they live, hide and eat, bring offspring. The forest is their defender.


Forest beasts confidently feel in habitat familiar to them. In the forest, they are comfortable, despite the fact that there are dangers here, but each kind of adapted to defend and hide.

The decoration of the forest community is elk, belonging to the family of deer. Separate copies reach a length of up to three and a half meters, and in height - up to two meters. The weight of such an animal can reach 500 kilograms. Agree, these are impressive parameters. It is very interesting to watch such a giant who is silently moving around the forest.

He is very strong and, oddly enough, wonderful floats and dives. In addition, it has a thin hearing and good small. Imagine that it melt without running can jump over the four-meter hole or a two-meter obstacle. This is not at least every animal.

He dwells exclusively in the forests. On another territory it can be found only during the period of spring nomads. At such a time you can face the fields, sometimes he even enters the village. Feeding on the fence of pine, rowan, aspen, crazy, cherry, willow. Also eating grassy plants, mushrooms, moss, berries. Forest animals in winter are forced to look for food. And they are not always so easy to find it. Sometimes impasses greatly harm the fact that young pine forests and forest stocks eat. It happens only in winterWhen quite a tight with food, and a decent number of individuals focuses on a relatively small area.

However, biotechnical events are trying in forest areas to create comfortable and satisfying conditions for living with these wonderful beasts.

Forest beast bear

The most famous forest resident. He is an indispensable hero of most folk fairy tales. Moreover, he always acts as a good character. However, it should be noted that bears - predatory animals of the forest age.

They can be rightfully called the owners of the forest. The bear has a powerful body, it is enough, but at the same time small eyes and ears. On the withers he has a hump, which is nothing more than any muscles that give him the opportunity to apply very strong blows. The tail at the bear is completely small, about twenty centimeters. It is practically and not visible in his thick rude wool. The color of the beast varies from light brown to almost black. Of course, the most typical color is brown.

Animal has very powerful paws. On each of them five fingers. Claws on the beast paws reach ten centimeters in length.

The territory of habitat brown bear

These majestic forest beasts have previously dwell on extensive territories. Now their arral narrowed significantly. Currently, they are found in Finland and Scandinavia, sometimes in the forests of Central Europe and, of course, in Taiga and Tundra in Russia.

The size and body weight of the bears are entirely dependent on their habitat. The weight of animals living in Russia does not exceed 120 kilograms. However, Far Eastern Bears is much larger. Their weight comes up to 750 kilograms.

The favorite place of their habitat is the impassable areas of the forest or places with dense thickets of shrubs and trees. However, they love the crossed terrain, and therefore they can be found in Tundra and in highland forests.

What does the predator eat?

I must say that a bear feeds almost to all that you can only eat. Most of his diet is vegetable food: herbs, mushrooms, berries, nuts. When the animal lacks food, he can eat insects and larvae, rodents, reptiles and even Padal. Large representatives can afford to hunt hoofs. This is only at first glance, these forest beasts seem very vague. In fact, bears, pursuing prey, show the wonders of agility. They are able to develop speed up to 55 kilometers per hour.

Love bears to eat and fish. By the autumn, they are eaten and percent for twenty gain weight.

Winter hibernation

However, the life of forest animals in winter is very changing. Bears half of the year are in their refuge-berry, falling into the hibernation. Place for your home they are chosen in the most hard-to-reach places. As a rule, they make a winter funder under the huge roots of broken firings, in the crevices of the rocks, in the ruins after the Burls. Inside their house they linse dry moss and grass. Sleep bears sensitively. If it is disturbed, it may well wake up, and then it will be forced to look for a new cozy place to sleep.

When very hungry years happen and the bear can not gain enough fat stock, it does not fall asleep. An animal just wanders in search of food. This bear is called a connecting rod. During this period, he becomes very aggressive and is able to attack even a person.

The marriage of bears in May and June. He, as a rule, is accompanied by a strong roar and fights between competing males.

A young after mating appears in about six months after mating. They are born in Berorga. As a rule, two kids weighing up to a half-kilogram appear on the light. By the time the family couple comes out of the beam, the offspring reaches the size of the dog and is already starting to eat with adults.

Mama Mama live a couple of years. In puberty they reach three or four years. In general, bears live in wildlife up to thirty years.


Forest animals are always associated with predators. One of their representatives is a wolf. In our country, they live a huge amount. It has long been with actively struggle, since they make a significant damage to households.

It is common that the wolf is a forest beast. However, this is not quite true. They live a lot in the tundra, they prefer open spaces more. And in the forest they force them to leave a person, leading an active struggle with them.

Externally, the wolf is similar to a large large dog. It has a powerful physique. The length of his body reaches up to 1.5 meters. Mass fluctuates from 30 and to 45 kilograms. Females, as a rule, fewer males.

Wolves have strong and hardy paws. They are runners big distances. In general, this is a highly organized animal and besides very smart. Looking at each other, wolves exchange information.

This beast is perfectly developed ear, excellent smelling and vision. All information about the world around the world is obtained thanks to the smell. He is able to distinguish tracks of forest animals by smell after many hours after they left them. In general, it is difficult for us to imagine the variety of odors that can distinguish the wolf.

Hawting wolves

Wolves are very strong and hardy animals. They develop speed in pursuit of mining up to 60 kilometers. And in the throw, this value increases to 80.

In the summer, wolves live in pairs and raise their offspring strictly on their territory. By winter, young individuals together with the elders gather in the group and lead a stray lifestyle. Wolves, like all forest beasts, change their lifestyle in winter.

Usually, the pack consists of ten wolves, which are representatives of one family. Sometimes a few flocks can be combined into one larger. This is possible in a harsh snowy course or in the presence of very large prey.

What do wolves eat?

Since the wolf is a predator, then meat is the basis of his diet. Although sometimes the animal can try and vegetable food. The wolf is hunting absolutely on any beast, which will be under power. If he has enough game, he will not come back in the village of people. Wolves are very intelligent and understand the entire degree of risk.

In the forest, this animal hunts almost all the inhabitants, ranging from the moose and ending with the chipmuncture and vole. Of course, his favorite prey, depending on the habitat, is the raisub, roe. However, the wolf does not circulate and fox, raccoon, rat, ferret, pig, hare. Hunting habits of wolves are diverse. They can wait their prey in ambush, and may for a long time Drive it. And their collective hunting is generally a complex coordinated mechanism, where everyone understands each other without words.

They are very prolonged by the packages of mining into the water. The wolf is a major predator, but he knows how to catch a fish, frogs, mice, and also likes to break the bird nests.

But not always only forest animals and birds become prey of a predator. In the populated areas, Dići is missing, and therefore in harsh winter monthsWhen it becomes very difficult to survive, the wolves keep closer to the villages and begin to robbing. Their prey can be a sheep, dog, pig, horse, cow, goose. In general, any living nature, to which the predator can only get. Even one person is capable of putting a big damage for one night.

A fox

Forest animals for children are, rather, fabulous characters. And the fox is at all the heroine of many children's fairy tales. However, as a fabulous person, it is endowed with the features that it is inherent in real life. Fox and beautiful, and the cunning. She has a long fluffy tail and tricky narrow muzzle, small eyes. This predator is really slim and elegant, in size it is commensurate with a small dog. Weighs from six to ten kilograms.

We are accustomed to the fact that since childhood, we call Fox red. And this is true. That's just in her life she has a white abdomen or grayish. The back and the sides are painted in different ways: from light gray to brightly red. As a rule, bright color have northern foxes. And more faded - those that live in the forest-steppe. Fur Chernoburki is considered the most beautiful and expensive. Such a fox has long been bred on special farms, because in wilderness they are extremely rare. And people their beauty for beauty enjoys extremely popular.

In the summer, the animal looks a little reasonable due to the fact that the wool in this period becomes short and tough. But by the autumn, the fox will grow beautiful winter coat. Lines a predator only once a year - in spring.

Fox cunning habits

Fox meets not only in the forest, but also in tundra, mountains, steppes, swamps, and even human housing. She knows how to adapt to any conditions, but still loves more open spaces. Deaf Taiga does not like her.

In life, as in fairy tales, Fox is very fast and clever. It runs it very much, easily catches flying past insects. As a rule, she moves a slower. Periodically stops, looks around, examined. Lisa is very careful. When she sneaks up to mining, then crawling quietly on the belly, almost merging with the ground. But runs away from persecution by big and sharp jumps, skillfully the traces.

In fox behavior, you can see the fabulous episodes. People of their unfinished. All plots are taken from real life. Foxes are really cunning predators, which are suitable for hunting. Rather, they take prey not by force, but by seduction. No other animal is called by patronymic. A fox is called Patrikev. Why?

Once upon a time there was such a prince named Patrica. He became famous for his cunning and dodgy. Since then, the very name of Patricae is associated with cunning. Lisa has long been in the people, I walked to the cheerful, because it was painted by Patrikev.

Who hunt foxes?

Foxes are very active animals. In winter, her tangled traces are clearly visible in the snow. Immediately you can see where the cheating hunted. It is believed that foxes feed on the hare. But this is a big misconception. She is not able to catch up with such fast prey. Of course, if she snaps down somewhere on defenseless, it will certainly take advantage of the case. And therefore, hares are a very rare dish in her diet. She is simply not aware of them.

Foxes feed on various insects, birds and animals. But the basis of their menu are rodents. Predatnitsy remarkably exterminate pools. In addition, they know how to catch fish in shallow water. Sometimes animals are tagged with berries.


The forest life of animals is very interesting for study. All the representatives of the animal world are very different, some run away, others hunt. Previously, we looked at some predators. Now let's talk about the brightest representative of the forests. Of course, about the hare.

Hares, as in fairy tales, long legs, with short tails. The rear legs are much longer and more powerful than the front. In winter, it is clearly clearly seen that the hind legs are ahead of the front. It is caused by the fact that they go ahead during running.

These animals feed on that food that does not attract others at all, for example, bark, young escapes and branches, grass.

A lot of fairy tales were written about the forest animals, but a hare was always a favorite hero. He and in life, leaving the chase, chittrate and tries to confuse traces, jumps in one direction, then to another, as in children's stories. It is capable of running at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour. Not every predator will bearing for such fast prey. In general, in the arsenal, hares have many ways to go away from persecution. These are sly these forest inhabitants. Beasts are able and run away, and defend, and in each case they use the most optimal tactics - they have so much developed.

But not so much saves the hares of their cunning, as they take their number. Every year they have four or five litters. In each of which can be from two and up to five.

Belyaki are most famous. They weigh up to seven and a half kilograms and in length reach 70 centimeters. Their differences are the color of the wool. Rusaki in winter do not change their coloring. But in summer, these varieties distinguish much more difficult.

In general, hares are characterized by a settled life. Of course, they will jump around the fields and meadows, leaving for quite long distances. But then they return to their territory of habitat. Very rarely they can migrate. It happens only in particularly cold and snowy winter.

Who else lives in the forest?

We listed only the most famous animals, because within the framework of the article it is difficult to pay attention to all forest residents. There are actually a lot of them: boars, badgers, hedgehogs, moles, mice, squirrels, chips, sobats, cunits, raccoons, deer, roeble, lynks ... as they say, from Mala to Great. All of them are very different and interesting. In addition, it would be unfair not to mention the pennate, which also lives enough in our forests.

Forest birds

Not only forest animals are diverse, photos of some of which are given in the article, but also birds. The world of winged is no less interesting. They live in the forest a huge number of species. Here you can meet: Dyatlov, Flashorkov, Zarya, Oriwall, Klezle, Nightingale, Oatmeal, Soroka, Duck, Wagtail, Stream and many others.

Forests of Northern Europe, Russia, Canada and the Northern part of the United States are often referred to as a biome coniferous forest. Biom is special geographic regions with a special climate, Flora and fauna. Coniferous forests These regions are distinguished continental climat With hot summer and cold winter. This is a very dry climate. In winter, the cold leads to a lack of liquid water. In these areas, winter days are very short, and summer - very long. To survive, inhabitants of coniferous forest Must as much as possible to use every summer day, and for the winter or fall into the hibernation, or be at rest.

Coniferous forest is a habitat for many types of deer. Maral is the biggest view of deer. Its large size allows him to survive during a cold winter. In relation to the body mass index, it has a small surface, which reduces heat loss, and the main organs are deep inside the body. Together with deer in the forest, Kosley live. IN different times years they move on north, then south to escape from extreme cold Weather And to have time to get on the most fertile pastures. Although forest caribou is subjected to extermination, it is found throughout Canada.

Baribal, Bear Grizzly and Wolverine are also associated with coniferous forests. Although it is usually said that the bears for the winter fall into the hibernation, a more accurate description of this state is that they flow into a state of false sleep, characterized by lethargia and a decrease in metabolic processes. The duration of false sleep depends on the breed. Baribal flows into a deeper hibernation than grizzly or wolverine. Before the hibernate, the bears fall into the state of high activity and gain weight. Grizzly's Bear enters Berloga only after the first snow falling. It does not allow predators to find his berrogue. The bears have a very fat fur that allows you to carry frost. Wolverine highlights water repellent fat, which prevents the heat loss through the wet fur.

Small mammals
In the coniferous forest dwells a large number of Small mammals from the category of rodents. Typical representatives include beaver, protein, bunny-white and voles. In relation to the mass they have a big surface of the body, which is why they lose a lot of heat in winter. The optimal option for such animals is a hibernation in deep nora. Small mammals stop the body systems much better than bears, so zoologged scientists divided the hibernation state from the state of false sleep.

In general, a small amount of predators lives in the coniferous forest, since the main part of the mammals is herbivores. The predatory lifestyle requires too much energy, so poorly suitable for climate with a short period of growth. Among the predators of the coniferous forest can be found foxes and mines that feed on rodents, as well as lynx and wolves that hunt large animals.

From September 15 to September 17, one of the largest ecological holidays is celebrated in Russia - Russian days the woods. As you know, forests are not only light planets and storerooms of various berries, mushrooms and medicinal herbs, but also a house for a variety of amazing animals. In connection with this, we tell you about some rare animals that live in Russian forests.

1. Kabarga.

This small reindeer animal with fangs dwells in the mountain coniferous forests of Sayan, Altai, Transbaikalia and Primorye. Despite its awesome look, Kabarga feeds solely with vegetation. However, a noteworthy of Kabarga not only with this, but also with its attractive smell, which lures females for mating. This smell appears due to the muscus gland in the belly of the male next to the urinary channel.

As you know, Muscus is a valuable component of various drugs and perfumes. And precisely because of him, often Kabarga becomes mining hunters and poachers. Another reason why this unusual animal refers to the threat of disappearance of species is to reduce the boundaries of its range, which is associated with increased economic activity man (mainly with cutting of forests).

One of the solutions to the problem of preservation of the species in the wild is the farm breeding of the Kabargy and the selection of musk in the living males.

2. Japanese green dove.

This unusual bird is about 33 cm long and weighing approximately 300 grams has a bright yellowish-green color. It is common in South-East AsiaBut also meets in the Sakhalin region (Peninsula Krönon, Islands Moneron and South Kuril Islands). The bird inhabits wide and mixed forests with an abundance of cherry trees and cherry, bushs of elders and other plants whose fruits eat.

Japanese green dove is a rare species, and therefore a little known about his life. Today, scientists know that green pigeons are monogamous birds. They fly their nests from thin twigs and place them on trees at an altitude of up to 20 meters. It is believed that partners surround eggs in turn for 20 days. And after that, helpless, covered with fluttering chicks, which will learn only five weeks later. However, in Russia, there are rarely pairs or flocks of green pigeons, most often they are noticed by one.

3. Far Eastern, or Amur Leopards.

Even at the beginning of the 20th century, rare cats were much more, and their area covered a considerable territory - Eastern and northeast China, Korean Peninsula, Amur, Primorsky and Ussuri Territory. However, in the period from 1970-1983, the Far Eastern Leopard lost 80% of its territory! The main reasons then served forest fires and transformations of forest areas for agriculture.

Today, the Amur Leopard continues to lose its territory, and also suffers from lack of food. After all, the roe deer, spotted deer and other hoofs, on which this leopard hunts, poachers kill in a huge number. And since the Far Eastern Leopard has a beautiful fur, he himself is very welcome trophy for poachers.

Also due to a lack of suitable food in the wild far Eastern leopards Forced to go to her searches to reindeer breeding. There predators are often killed by the owners of these farms. And to all of the time, because of the small size of the population of Amur Leopards, representatives of the subspecies will be very difficult to survive during various catastrophes like a fire.

Nevertheless, all this does not mean that the subspecies will soon disappear. Today there are still large areas of forests that are a suitable habitat for the Far Eastern Leopard. And if these areas can be preserved and protected from fires and poaching, the population of these amazing animals in the wild will increase.

Interestingly, Far Eastern leopards is the only leopards who were able to learn to live and hunt in conditions harsh winter. In this, by the way, long wool helps them, as well as strong and long legs, which allow you to catch up with prey, moving through the snow. However, Amur Leopards are not only good hunters, but also exemplary family mans. After all, sometimes the males stay with females after mating and even help them with the upbringing of kittens, which in principle do not characterize leopards.

4. Alkina.

These butterflies live in the south-west of the Primorsky Territory and are found along the streams and rivers in mountain forests, where the feed plant of the caterpillage of the species is growing - Liana Cyrkazon Manychur. Most often to the flowers of this plant, the males of butterflies arrive, and female most of the time are sitting in the grass. The female alkinoy, as a rule, is delayed on this plant to postpone the eggs on its leaves.

Today, due to the violation of the habitat of the kirkazone and collecting it as a medicinal plant in nature, it decreases, which, of course, affects the number of alkino. Everything else, the butterflies suffer from the collection of their collectors.

5. Bison.

Previously, these animals were widespread in the territory former USSRBut by the beginning of the 20th century, they remained only in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the Caucasus. However, and there their number has been steadily reduced. For example, by 1924, only 5-10 bison preserved in the Caucasus. The main causes of bison reductions were exterminating their hunters and poachers, as well as destruction during hostilities.

The restoration of their number began in 1940 in Caucasian Reserve, and now in the territory of Russia, the bison inhabit two regions - North Caucasus and the center of the European part. In the North Caucasus, the bison is inhabited in Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia, Chechnya, Ingushetia and in the Stavropol Territory. And in the European part there are isolated herds of bison in Tver, Vladimir, Rostov and Vologda regions.

The bison was always residents of deciduous and mixed forestsBut avoided extensive forest arrays. In the West Caucasus, these animals live mainly at an altitude of 0.9 - 2.1 thousand meters above sea level, often leaving the glades or flame slopes, but never removing from forest edges.

By appearance The bison is very reminiscent of its American relatives - Bizon. Nevertheless, you can still distinguish them. First of all, the bison has a higher horn, longer horns and tail than that of Bizon. And in the hot months, the rear part of the bison is covered with very short hair (it seems even that she is bald), whereas the bison is at any time of the year on the whole body the cooler of the same length.

The bison is listed in the Red Book of Russia as a disappearing appearance and today lives in many reserves and zoos.

6. Fish Filin.

This species settle down on the shores of the rivers on Far East from Magadan to Amuria and Primorye, as well as on Sakhalin and South Kurilla. Fish Filin prefers to live in the hollows of old trees with an abundance of water mining nearby, however, the old man and dumpy trees are often subjected to cutting out that inevitably displaces these birds from their habitats. In addition, the fishers are caught by poachers, and they often get into the cabins during an attempt to pull the bait of them. The development of water tourism in the Far Eastern rivers and, therefore, the increase in the concern of these birds gradually leads to a decrease in the number of Filins and prevents their reproduction. All this led to the fact that today this species is under threat of disappearance.

Fish Filin is one of the largest owls in the world, as well as the most large representative kind. Interestingly, these birds can hunt in two different ways. Most often, Fishille Filie is looking for fish, sitting on a stone in the river, from the shore or with the tree hung over the river. Noticing prey, Filin dives into the water and instantly enough with her sharp claws. And in the case when this predator is trying to catch sedentary fish, crayfish or frogs, it simply goes into the water and proves the bottom of the bottom in search of mining.

7. Giant Evening.

This largest bat in Russia and Europe lives in wide forests in the territory of the western borders of our country to the Orenburg region, as well as from the northern borders to the Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod regions. There they will settle in the wrappers of trees of 1-3 individuals, in the colonies of other bats (usually red and small standings).

Giant Evening is rare viewHowever, environmentalists do not exactly know what is the cause of their low numbers. According to the assumptions of scientists, the threat is cutting wide forests. Nevertheless, there are no special measures for the protection of these animals, since it is not clear what measures will be effective.

I wonder what these the bats Hunt for large beetles and night butterflies, flying over forest edges and reservoirs. However, blood test and litter showed that these animals also feed on small birds during migrations, however, it has never been fixed.

8. Heavenly Usache.

In Russia, in the south of the Primorsky Territory (in Ternaya, Ussuriysk, Shkotovsky, Partizan and Khassan regions), a beetle with a bright blue color lives. It lives in wide forests mainly in the wood of the Maplea Zelensky. There, the female beetle lays eggs, and approximately after a half months appear larvae. They develop in the wood around 4 years, and then, in June, the larva squints "cradle" and pumped. After about 20 days, the beetle comes out of the wood and immediately proceeds to reproduction. On this he will spend all his strength until the end of life, which lasts only two weeks.

Svezache Heavenly entered into the Red Book of Russia as a rare species whose number is reduced. According to environmentalists, the cause of this is the deforestation of forests and a sharp decrease in the amount of greenland maple.

9. Himalayan, or Belogruda Bear.

Ussuri Belogruda Bear inhabit the broad-sized forests of the Primorsky Territory, southern regions Khabarovsk Region and the southeastern part of the Amur region. Until 1998, he was listed in the Red Book of Russia as a small appearance, and today is a hunting type. However, if in the 90s its number was 4-7 thousand individuals, now this bear is on the verge of extinction (its population is up to 1 thousand individuals). The cause of this is, first of all, cutting down forests and mass hunting. The latter, the word was discussed during the International Environmental Forum "Nature Without Borders" in Vladivostok, after which in 2006 it was decided to introduce the limitations of hunting for the Himalayan Bear during hibernation.

Belogruda Bear leads a half impellent lifestyle: on the trees he mines food and hides from enemies (this is mainly amur tigers and brown bear). Almost the entire diet of this bear consists of vegetable food, in particular nuts, fruits and berries, as well as shoots, bulbs and rhizomes. It also does not refuse to enjoy ants, insects, mollusks and frogs.

10. Black stork

A widespread, but rare species, the number of which is reduced due to the economic activity of a person who is manifested in the information of the forests and the drainage of the swamps. Today, the bird is found in the forests from Kaliningrad and Leningrad regions to southern Primorye. Black stork prefers to settle near water bodies in deaf, old forests.

It is there, on old high trees (and sometimes on the occasions of the rocks), black storks build nests, which will then be used for several years. When the time comes to invite a female on the nest (approximately at the end of March), the male flies its white suite and begins to make a sipid whistle. The demolished eggs (from 4 to 7 pieces) partners will sit in turn, while in 30 days they will not hatch chicks.

Everyone has long known that the forest is "light" of our planet. It is the forest that purifies air and feeds it with oxygen, and also protect the earth from drought. Describe all the benefits that forests bring us in a nutshell is quite difficult. It is impossible to imagine anything more delicious than a walk through the sunny, light birch glade or on a fabulous, mysterious fry. The forest is a place where animals live, birds, insects. Animals living in the forest are perfectly getting on one territory, despite the fact that among them there are harmless beasts, and there are predators.

Forest animals of Russia

From Eurasia to North America, extensive taiga, coniferous forests, who are not terributed, nor crazy heat are terrible. There are fir, pines, larchs, cedars, and underground moss and herbs are green. In these forests, the present expanse for avid mushrooms. Since they are rich in berries and mushrooms. In Taiga Forests, you can see a sable, a cunita, breeding, through the bushes of shrubs, a shaggy Wolverine, a hare running away from the wolf, as well as the fox. Many animal forests of Russia, prefer to live in the most common, as the poachers have already mastered the outskirts and scared them with their shots. In secluded places, bears laid on the winter hibernation.

You can find moose or deer. Especially beautiful autumn in mixed forests. Trees dress in yellow, red, orange outfits. They seem to be looked into the golden shawls. In the air hovers the smell of the fool. And if you look at the sky, then you can notice the keys of birds that fly into the warm edges. Only this does not mean that in winter time There are no birds at all. The title was called the tit, fun jumping on the branch of Krasnogrudoy, \u200b\u200bFast Snegiri. This is only at first view the forest seems asleep and deserted. In order to find out what animals in a mixed forest usually live, you just need to carefully look around.


Raccoons are peculiar and interesting animals. They are wrapped in thick, long and fluffy fur, and on the face black strip between the eyes. Raccoats are not at all afraid of water and swim wonderfully. They love to catch fish, crabs and crayfish. Probably the most popular among raccoons is raccoon poloskun. He got his nickname for the fact that before eating food, longly wrinkles it in water. By nature, raccoons are quite curious. Racoses prefer not to gather in flocks, but exceptions serve as a place where a lot of food. With the onset of winter, raccoons are hiding in mink or hollow and sleep. And when spring comes, then small young people appear, which for a whole 2 months will not come out of the hole. They are under the care of parents for a whole year.


Jersey are dressed in a coat of sharp, prickly needles. She protects them from all the attackers. Already taking into account the danger, hedgehogs, instantly turn into a small spiny tangle. But when it is safe, the world is a smart face with a black nose and eye beads. Jerzy puffed, snatch and make funny sounds. During the day, they sleep, clogging into a mink, and in the evening they are looking for food. In the fall, the hedgehog eat a lot and poisoned with fat for winter hibernation. Then they dig up under himself a mink, demolish the leaves there, the grass and go to bed. In the spring, small hedgehogs appear on the light. They have soft needles similar to wool. But so far, the kids will not grow up, they are not going to move away from Mom. Herage is very helpful. They exterminate harmful insects, and mice.


Peering, what animals live in the forest, you will certainly notice the moose. He has a massive, big body, and on it is a patch, quite similar to hump. The body is covered with thick, warm wool, which protects against frosts. These animals have a very well developed rumor. Losi can run quickly, and if necessary and swim or even dive. The moose head is decorated wide, big horns. In winter, animals drop their main decoration, and in the summer they grow new. The moose is very bold and strong. They are not afraid of any wolves nor bears. Spring at mom-losi appear young. Moose amazing animals.


Mangoshos have a flexible, long body, on which the head is located with ears. They are slightly reminded by a cunita or a cat. Separating to the mining, the mangoste, bends all the body. Its wool is practically merged with thick thickets. Due to the dexterity, the rapid reaction and courage, the mangoste is protected from enemies. The animals live in long nora or in thickets. There and appear on the light of the kids. Mongoshos live, mostly families, and dad-mangoshoust is responsible for the upbringing of children. In case of danger, the young protects the whole family.


Not all animals living in the forest are allocated by their beauty or power. But this statement is absolutely not concerned with deer. They are beautiful and stronger, and noble. Like the moose, their heads are decorated with branched horns. Deer has a well developed ear and smell. Deer live on mountain slopes, in thickets of shrubs, or in glades with thick grass. They prefer to hold on herds. The biggest enemy of deer is a wolf. Deer protection means are strong hooves and horns. Cubs are born spotted, but with age it passes. Mom protects his cub and talks to them.


It was the wolf that is the main character of a set of fairy tales. Wolves are a bit larger than the middle dog. The body is covered with dense, warm, gray fur. These are very clever, cunning, and bold beasts. Hunt wolves with flocks. They drive their booty in the ambush and attack. Despite its cruelty, wolves are very caring and good parents.


Lisa is very beautiful. She has a warm, beautiful, redhead fur coat and a long, fluffy tail. She is very smart, cunning and clever. When it threatens danger, it can run very quickly. The main delicacy of fox is mouse, hares, birds, fruits, berries. She has a very well developed rumor and smell. In order to bring offspring, Lisa Roets holes. Lylyaty are very curious, but they are unquestioning their mother.


Sable is very beautiful, deft and fast beast. It dwells among Koragia and fallen trees. He has a strong, flexible body and fluffy small tail. Soud meh, very beautiful, thick and warm. Hunting comes at night and day. In the spring it takes off the offspring. Nowadays, the hunt for a sable is prohibited.


Badger's body is covered with wool. Purchase prefers bumblebees, beetles and worms. Before the onset of cold, the badger should accumulate fat stocks. Since he is going to sleep in Nore. Badgers are very clean and neat beasts who carefully and carefully take care of their offspring.

Brown bear

Considering what animals in a mixed forest usually dwell, it is impossible not to mark brown bear. He is practically, the king of the forest age. Bears have tremendous power. The body is covered with warm, thick, brown fur coat. At first glance, the bears may seem clumsy, but it is not. They are very deft, bistro and silently running. Bears love berries, fish, insects and fruits. They winter in the burgrels. There is also a clergy.

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