Animals for which is not characteristic of a molting. Animal for which is not characteristic of seasonality


The quality of the fur directly depends on the time of year. In winter, animals are thick and fluffy fur, which protects the animal from the adverse effects of frost. In the summer, the hairproke becomes smaller, low and rare. In the people, the time when animals change the hair cover, called molting.

each type of animal link occurs in its own way, depending on their image
Life. For example, some furst animals do not fall into the winter hibernation, and lead active
Lifestyle, moreover throughout the year. In such beasts, as a rule,
Two mole occurs - one spring, and the second with the onset of autumn.

thick fur with the onset of spring falls, rare summer begins to appear
Fur, so spring molting is more noticeable. Spring molting, unlike autumn molting, flows faster. Autumn molting in some
Animals proceeds almost imperceptibly. This is explained by the fact that rare
Summer fur falls quite slowly. Winter fur tall and thick, this is he and
Differs from summer fur. Winter fur has more dying and cutting hair,
Also differences in coloring.

some fur animals winter fur has
Lighter color than summer fur, and in some animal hair
Winter and summer fur is very different in color. In proteins, summer fur
bright red or dark brown (sometimes even black) color, and with
winter fur comes with gray,
dark gray or bluish-gray color, but the color does not change on the womb,
It remains white. The color of fur for the seasons is changing in white sand, ermine,
Breyak hare and caress. Winter fur they have purely white color, and summer fur
Acquires brought color.

Fur Zaita-Rusak has partial breaths, while the northern animals fur whites is stronger,
Whereas the southern animals have a weight of fur, weaker is observed. In Vologda
The area of \u200b\u200bthe Zaitsev-Rusakov fur for the winter is almost all whites, and Rusakov Transcaucasia
Fur remains brown. Due to molt
In some fur animals, the thickness and the height of the hair is changing. Crumbling
hair and fluff in winter Long, first 1.5 times, second 2 times.

different species Fur thickness changes unenochnakovo. Fur on his density in water
Animals in different seasons are almost the same. But in the land animals fur
on the ridge in the winter ground 2 times, rather than in summer period. Summer fur, in
The difference from winter coarse, it all depends on the thickness, length, ratios
The number of fluff and covering hair. Winter down hair hair more than crumbling
about 2.5 times.

molting on some fur animals begins with sweating of the hairproof,
which becomes more brittle and dry. Hair roots during this period are
Shallow skin when the skin of the hair roots with the skin becomes
Weaker, they fall out. First of all, the crumbling hair falls out, exposing the fluff,
Which is falling through time and begins to fall out to shreds. New hair
The cover begins to grow when there is a rapid fracture of fur. First
Growing hair, then grows down the fluff. Mebier in the formation of new hair
Darkens and thickens.

The appearance of dark spots on Mezdrais is the coloring substance - a pigment that
It appears in the bulb's hair and which shines through the skin. However, Mezdra
Darkens only when the painted hair grows. If the white fur is growing
Colors, then the ebb does not darken. Through the time of the Mezer, it becomes thinner and lighter,
Fully formed hair
Acquires its usual color and thickness. Mother of the skins and winter and summer
Clean and thin.

molting for many fur animals who do not fall into winter hibernation begins
on the front paws and head, then applies to the neck, rear paws and
shoulder blades. Then molting begins on the front of the ridge, on the sides and hips,
Then lens the womb and the back of the ridge, the tail and flashes lines in the last
queue. In the spring, the quality of the skins is reduced, resulting in decreasing it

Time autumn molting Summer fur begins to replace winter fur. Begins
Change of hair at this time of year due to the fact that the skin is formed
First covering hair, then fluff. The skin by this time is essentially thickened,
And the destruction of summer fur is practically not noticeable. Moreover, skin in places,
Where new dark-colored hair grow, begins to shine.

During the teenager white hair during the autumn molting period thickens. Teenager
The new winter hairproke grows to the length of the old, thereby forming
Mixed fur. Especially it becomes
noticeable for those animals who have summer dark hair against the growing white
Winter hair is clearly visible. After time, summer hair falls, and winter
continues to grow to its normal length. Mebel by this time becomes
Clean and thin.

molting begins with those places where the spring molting ends, that is, with
tail and extinguispens, then the back of the ridge lins and the womb, then the hips and sides,
And last of all the front of the ridge.

Winter hair in some fur animals starts from the tail, then moving to
Lapam and head. The same sequence is observed in the fallout of the summer
Hair. The quality of the skins after autumn molting is gradually improving, together with
This increases the cost of the skins.

What animals change the color of the fur coat in winter? You will find out the answer to this question in this article.

Who among animals changes wool in winter?

With the onset of cold weather, most animals change their wool, it becomes more dense and warm. When harsh winter comes, they dressed still warmer and curves the fur.

Here are the beasts change their wool:

  • Hare In the summer was gray, and by the end of autumn it becomes white.
  • Squirrel The summer red coat changes to the winter gray.
  • W. caress By winter, wool becomes very white
  • White color pox In winter - pure and white, and in summer - dirty-brown. The color of blue sands in winter is dark (from sandy to dark gray with a bluish tint). On the mainland, blue sands are quite rare, and on the islands, on the contrary, often. The change of woolen cover in the textsies is twice a year: in the spring (in March - April) and in the fall (from September to December). In the period from January to February, the foxes have the best fur. . In the spring and autumn, when the mink process occurs, the animals acquire a spotted color, which also masks them well on the motley landscape.
  • Ermine In winter, pure white, summer two-color - the top of the body of brownish-redhead, the bottom is yellowish-white. Winter color is characteristic of districts, where the snow is at least 40 days. The tip of the tail is black throughout the year.

Why are the animals change the color of their wool for the winter? Beasts change the color of their wool for the winter for their own safety to protect themselves from various predators who go hunting to catch some kind of prey. So, for example, hares change their gray wool on white in order to seem imperceptible in the snow, the squirrels - on gray, it is in such a robe it will be difficult to notice among the naked gray branches of the trees on which she lives.

The owners of the shaggy four-legged pets are well known such a period when their favorites are completely found everywhere, and even in food. This delivers a lot of inconvenience, but is a completely normal physiological process. Linky is subject not only cats and dogs, but also other representatives of ground vertebrates. All of them require special attention during this period. What and how to do during molting - tell me further.

What is Linka

Link is a natural process, during which there is a change in the external cover in the animal. Each class has four-legged this process is a certain nature. So, the reptiles change the top layer of the skin, the epidermis. Mammals and birds are replacing skin cover (feathers, fur, wool). Insects are capable of dropping parts of the body during the molting process.

For mammals and birds is characterized by a seasonal molting. They change the plumage and fur with warmer to lighter, and vice versa. Together with the density of the cover, its color can change.

Pets that are capable of licking

To petty pets, subject to molts include:

  • (pieces);
  • birds (et al.);
  • lizards;
  • amphibians ();

Did you know? The Latin name of all four-legged animals, Tetrapoda, comes from the confluence of two ancient Greek words: τετράς, which means« four» , and πούς -« leg» .

Features of the molting process at domestic pets

We have already said that each class of terrestrial vertebrates change the cover has its own characteristics. We will tell about them further.

In dogs

Natural molting in dogs and all pings is seasonal (spring and autumn). It lasts a seasonal molt for a short time, a week-other. For the first time, this phenomenon is experiencing young individuals in half a year old. In order for the four-legged pet, it is easier to transfer the change of cover, it must be combed every day that wool can quickly recover and chopenins did not form.

The more intense you will comb your pet, the smaller the wool will be scattered along the residential premises. It should also be borne in mind that every type of wool should be your approach. Smooth-haired need to comb and wipe the hard towel. Long-haired need to comb and cut.

In the period of molting, the animal may change behavior, since this process Energy cost enough. The dog can lose weight, will become more sluggish, lazy, passive. To support the organism of the animal in a tone, it is necessary to change its diet, make it more nutritious. You should also enter more vitamins in the menu. Special vitamin complexes can be found in retipec.

Breeds linening the least:

  • some
  • and some others.

Important!Homemade pets living in apartments can lift year-round or seasonal molting period can be shifted. It is connected with a constant high temperature and dry air indoors. Therefore, it is desirable to bring the dog to the street as often as possible so that the molting is at certain times.

At cats

Small kittens change their soft children's wool on a rigid adult in five-seven-seven age. It can last it from a few weeks to several months. It all depends on the breed. When the hairproker has changed from the nursery for an adult, a seasonal molting begins. It happens twice a year, in spring and autumn. Its duration is two or three months.

During this period, the cat becomes less active. In order to change the fur coats, the animal is overwhelmed easier, it needs to be fed balanced and give a complete complex of vitamins. It is also possible to comb a pet daily daily to save it from dead villi and stimulate blood flow to hair bulbs for faster growth of new hair.

If you have noticed that the cat lins longer than three months and the wool is dull, unhealthy, falls by shreds, then you should contact the veterinarian. Perhaps there are some deviations in the health of the pet.

To prevent the unnatural change of cover, follows:

  • regularly inspect the pet for the bonding, tubercles or specks on the skin;
  • enrich the diet of the cat with vitamins of the group B, pick up more suitable food under the type of wool and age;
  • regularly carry out a pet treatment from fleas, ticks and worms.

Breeds of weakly melting cats:

In birds

The usual inhabitants of the apartments as pets from feathers are parrots and canary.

For parrots, a seasonal molting is characteristic. The change of plumage occurs gradually, and therefore the behavior of the bird does not change. During this period, it is enough to introduce into the diet minerals, Vitamins, amino acids. They will help to recover faster. It should also limit the bird in the free flight. If a bleeding wound formed on the place of the feather, it should be treated with a solution of chlorine iron.

Canaries replace the plumage once a year, and lasts this process for about a month. Young still experiences juvenile molting, during which the gun is replaced by feathers. It happens on the second-third months of life and lasts until the chicks reach the semi-annual age. The end of the juvenile molt testifies to the achievement of puberty.

Change of plumage from canary more energy costs than parrots. Therefore, during this period, they disappear, the appetite is lost, the temperature rises. If the plumage change occurs in the warm season, the cell with a bird should be taken on fresh air under the sun rays. In the cold season, it is necessary to create artificial lighting with luminescent lamps. In the diet you need to introduce greens, fruits, berries, vegetables, eggshell, ash, clay.

Important!Try as much as possible to disturb the feathers. If they are afraid, they can easily injure the rapid feathers about the rod cell.


Spiders change the cover constantly, starting from birth. Thus, they have the growth and development of the exoskeleton. The spiders have just appeared for about once a month. More older individuals interval between the shifts of exoskeletons is two or three months. In adults, this process happens every three years. The linky approximation is evidenced by the darkening of the bare portion of the abdomen.

The process of replacing the exoskeleton in spider-shaped can be divided into four stages: Premotion, molting, postlinka and interstrall stage. On the initial stage There is a new exoskeleton. For this answer hormones. Because of this, the spider becomes very aggressive. The foresight lasts from several days to two to three weeks. At the stage of molting, clad-legged create an overpressure, breaking the old exoskelet in such a way.

They may need it from a few minutes to several hours. At the stage of postlinka, arthropods are very vulnerable.

Their new "shell" is still very soft, so they are not able to move normally and hunt. Restoration can take from several days to month, depending on the age of the animal. On the last stage The spider is completely restored and returns to the usual rhythm of life.

Did you know?During molting, clansworms are able to restore the limbs lost earlier.

For amphibians

Amphibians change the top layer of the skin as it wear it. Usually it happens in the summer. The frequency of the process depends on the ambient temperature.

The molting occurs on them regularly throughout the lifetime, since the growth of the animal does not stop, and the skin does not grow. Pokrov gets in one whole. On one of the parts of the body, it cracks, and amphibians crawl out of it. To help yourself get rid of the old cover, animals rub about stones or squigs. Some representatives of amphibians (frogs, salamandres) immediately eat old skin.

For a period of molting, the main thing:

  • Cats and dogs to output more often for a walk.
  • Birds, spiders, amphibians and reptiles as possible to disturb.
  • Food should be the most balanced and diverse. In the diet should be introduced vitamins and minerals. In the mammalian menu, you need to introduce fish oil, sea fish, liver.
  • Cats and dogs need to be performed regularly. To clean the wool from dirt, it is desirable to use dry shampoos that strengthen hair cover.
As you can see, Link is susceptible to most animals living in our house. For each of them, this process is very energy-efficient. And on how much the owners will be attentive to their pets, the speed of the restoration of forces depends.

Linkie Linka

periodic change of external skin and spoke. their formations (cuticles, scales, wool, feathers, etc.) in animals. It can be age (passes in the first months of life), seasonal (in certain seasons of the year) and constant (throughout the year). The onset of L. depends on the stage of development, age, the hormonal state of the body, as well as the conditions externally. Environments - tempo, photoperiod, etc. factors. Invertebrates L. (characterized by the age of L. in the Osn. For arthropods) lies in periodic. Resetting the larva of the old cuticular cover and replacing it new. He is regulated by hormones - ecodiizons, juvenile, brain and sinus gland. L. Provides the ability to change the shape and increasing the size of the body of the animal, it grows up until the newly formed cover (exoskeleton) does not work closely and will not start slowing down, then the animal again lines. Insects, the number L. varies from 3 (flies) or 4-5 (mn. Straight, bugs, butterflies, etc.) up to 25-30 (cannuts, spring). For vertebrae L. is associated with a device for certain seasons of the year, restoration of wear covers. He is regulated by hormones of the endocrine system. At the amphibians and reptiles of L. are discharged and updating the upper burner of the skin and occur throughout the summer, and the frequency of them (from 2 to 6) depends on the temperature of the medium. Amphibians, lizards and snakes L. covers all parts of the body at the same time (serpent the upper burdulous skin layer - crawls - comes entirely). In crocodiles and turtles of L. partial (in the turtles they lose parts of the body, not covered with a shell). Poultry lines feathers, as well as horny formations on their feet and beak. Beginning L. at MN. birds associated with a change in the length of the daylight; Moreover, usually terms of L., reproduction and migration are divided. in time. Types L. Various. So, the chick, when leaving the egg, dresses the embryonic fortune, to-ry is replaced by T. N. A nesting outfit from contour feathers, then a complete or partial charter L. Change of all feathers usually passes towards the end of summer, when a beautiful marriage outfit is replaced by a less bright winter plumage. In some groups (road-shaped, shepherds, cranes, etc.) simultaneously with the crumbling feathers, steering and flying falls out, with the result that the bird loses the ability to fly (eg, duck - for 20-15 days, swans - almost 1, 5 months). In sedentary small birds in the winter dress larger than the feathers than in the summer, which provides the best thermal insulation in winter (for example, in Chizhi in winter, 2100-2400 feathers, and in summer approx. 1500). In mammals, age and seasonal L. are accompanied by the change of hair cover (eg, the soft hair of a young individual is replaced by a coarse adult animal), a change in its density (increases in winter more than twice) and color. Typical earthquakes (Mole, Pleum), the hair cover of the to-rye is quickly wearing, except for seasonal, there is a permanent, t. N. Compensation, L., contributing to the restoration of the hairproof. Animals living in conditions with a sharp shift cold winter And hot summer, linen quickly, the inhabitants of the tropics and semi-water animals (ondatra, nutria, cailat) - gradually. Most mammals lines twice a year - in spring and autumn, some animals (eg, seals, crops, gopters, tushkans) - once.

Winter passed, together with her snowfall and frost. The long-awaited spring came, the sun is accuming - the most suitable time for a hike in the zoo. But some visitors are unhappy and complain: why snow goats are so shaggy, and they stick to the wool with shreds, why did the fur in the fox lost his winter shine and looks like something dull? Even usually neat wolves - and then look like some nonsense.
In fact, everything is very simple: our animals are linen. In the spring they no longer need a long, thick and lush hair cover, without which they could not survive the harsh winter. It's time to replace it with another, easier, summer, which is twice in short and less. For example, proteins per 1 square. See of the body surface instead of 8100 winter hair grows only 4,200 scent, and hare-beyak instead of 14 thousand hairs - only 7 thousand.
Molting animals have long been interested in zoologists. Research recent years It has been established that on it, in addition to temperature, light is affected, acting on the animal body through the inner secretion gland - the pituitary gland. For molting hare Length of the daylight - the determining factor, the temperature only accelerates or delays this process.
The timing of molting in wild animals depends on the geographical latitude of the terrain. Some mammals and birds together with mammals are changing and coloring: light is replaced with darker. White winter painting hare - Belyaka becomes summer in summer, and the squirrel made of gray in the spring becomes red. Similar transformation occurs with the ermine, white partridge and other species. Here, too, everything is clear, in winter, animals become imperceptible against the background of snow, in summer they are harder to notice against the background of the earth and herb. This is called patronizing color.
Molting animals passes in a strict sequence and every species in its own way. For example, proteins have a spring molting begins with a head. First of all, bright red-haired summer hair make their way to the front end of her face, around the eyes, then on the front and hind legs, later - on the sides and on the back. The whole process of "dressing up" lasts 50-60 days. The fox has signs of spring molts appear in March. Her wool loses his shine and begins to gradually delay. The first signs of molts can be noticed on the shoulders, then on the sides, and the back of the fox body remains covered with winter fur as much as July.
Almost animals are linked. But inhabitants continental climatecharacterized by sharp seasonal temperature changes, changing the cold winter and hot summer, is driving quickly, but the inhabitants of the tropics and semi-water animals (Giraffe, Ontatra, Nutria, Kalan) - gradually. Most mammals living in moderate latitudes lines twice a year - in spring and autumn, but some animals (seals, surs, gopters, tushkars) - once.
Linka is a natural process in which old and dead cells and fabric are replaced by more new. So the fact that our animals are linen - is an indicator of their health. But if the molting becomes irregular and accompanied by various painful phenomena (as it sometimes occurs in domestic cats and dogs) - it really can serve as a concern.
Now comes the queue of the second question: why do we not deduct our melting animals? Well, first, it is not quite so: pet, we still help free from winter wool. For example, Yak, who lives in the "Children's Zoo", regularly deduct. But only with predators will not work so - after all, the zoo is not a circus, here far from all animals allow themselves to touch themselves. But they also do not "be thrown on the arbitrary of fate." Take a closer look: in some enclosures (for example, in oxtems) you will notice old trees or special designs from different materials - the so-called, "chemicals". Animals about them regularly and with obvious pleasure itch. And their winter wool does not disappear in vain - her employees then collect and give the birds and small animals that use it to build a nest. Such nests can be seen in the "night world."
Well, and in conclusion, let's see who in the zoo actively lines in the spring, to whom you need to pay special attentionFor whom it is interesting to observe. The link is easy to see Guanko, homemade lias and vicuns, foxes and hares, gray and red wolves, raccoons and raccoon dogs, sheep, snowy goats and camels. Maybe you yourself add someone to this long list?

Seasonal variability. Mammals wild animals in moderate and cold zones usually change their hair cover twice a year. This change of hair, called linky, is in spring and autumn, and, accordingly, it is called spring and autumn. The observations were established that in tropical countries and on the distant north, the animal links there are only once a year, and it happens gradually. Mammal animals living predominantly in water, there is no noticeable spring and autumn molting. W. separate species Linky seals only spring.

With domestication of animals, the molt becomes irregular, and so much so that there doesn't happen in some sections of the skins of the hair.

In connection with the molt distinguish the winter and summer hair. The majority of fur animals winter and summer cover are distinguished by a height, thickness, different quantitative ratios of isge and down hair, shape, structure, painting hair, thick and density of leather tissue.

The most strong differences in the structure of the winter and summer hair cover in the fur animals living in a continental climate, characterized by sharp seasonal changes in temperature. Summer hair cover is shorter, rougher, less dense than winter. Pooh hair is poorly developed.

In some species of fur animals, summer hair is different from the winter color, for example, hare-beyak, ermine, white sand, which replacing the white winter fur cover on summer dark.

Summer leather skuffs are hot and mostly thicker than winter skins. Roots of Jewish Hair are in the leather tissue so deeply that black dots can be observed in separate places on the middle side. The middle side of the skins has a blackish, bluish or greenish color. Summer skins have a minor value. Extraction of them in the USSR for the overwhelming majority of species of animals by law is prohibited.

Winter skins have a long, thin and thick hair. Pooh hair prevails in the hairproof. Skin fabric from an angry side is uniformly white.

The most complete input of the skins reach the beginning of winter. The skins mined at this time are called full-haired. By the same time, the hairpro is best for this type of animal color.

The greatest "maturity" of the skins of different fur animals in various districts reach different time (in our latitudes between November and February).

The change of hair, called mol, does not occur simultaneously on all parts of the beast's body; In some places it comes before, on others - later. The sequence of hair change in some sections in different animal species is also different.

A mole begins in the body sections, called "molting centers", and then applies to adjacent areas in a sequence characteristic of each species. Some animal molting begins with the exhaust, and then extends to the ridge, hips, cereals, head, paws and zhuralo; Other molts take place in the reverse order, starting from the head and ending on the Ogzka.

The periodic change of hair is determined by the cyclicality of their development, characterized by changing the flavory hair, which ended with the growth, growing new papillae hair.

The formation of painted, usually dark spots, noticeable on the midwife side of the dried raw skins, is associated with molting. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that in dark places there are deep and closely lying pigmented hair roots. As hair grow, the roots are freed from the pigment and the stain color disappears. Therefore, in bright places, the skunders are always grew or bright, upigmented hair in the stage of growth.

Time molts also depends on the age of the animal. So, many species of fur animals of a molting of young people proceeds somewhat later than adult individuals.

There is also a dependence of molting from the floor of the animal. In the spring females of the fur animals of many species, they first led by males and molting they proceed more violently.

Most of the species of fur animals lines twice a year. The animals flowing into the winter hibernation are linted once a year. Mole lines three times a year.

Double molting throughout the year is in protein, water rat, sowing of thin-pop, hare-beyak, hare - Rusak, sable, cunits, column, ermine, sand, mink.

At the furny animals flowing into the winter hibernation (Suslik, the ground, the chipmunk, badger), during the 7-9-month hibernation, the new hair is not formed. They have one long linky of the hairproof, which begins in the spring and ends at the time of location in the hibernation.

This means that these animals have no summer fur. In the summer, they are covered with a deep winter fur, which consists mainly of the faded, dull, oratory hair.

Age variability. The hair and skin of fur animals and animals with age undergoes significant changes, and the most sharp changes are observed at an early age. As a rule, newborn young, growing, at the end of the lactation period change their primary hair cover to another, secondary, distinguished both by structure, and in color from the primary one. The age variability is characteristic of the hairproof sheep, seals and white sands.

Typically, the primary hair cover is different from the secondary greater softness, tenderness and velvety; The isy hair is thin, few different from the fluff in thickness and length (in connection with which the primary hair cover is often called fluffy).

The primary hair is different from the secondary also its coloring, which is most often darker compared to the colorful adult individuals. Exception is white color The lush hair cover of newborn young (fabric) seals. The hair cover of adult seals has a dark color, in addition, it is less lush.

Skin leather leather covered with primary hair cover is fine, loose and fragile.

Secondary hair cover in quality is close to the fur of an adult animal.

Due to the fact that the quality of young fur animals low, their fishery is prohibited (except for pest fishing - wolf, sacking, gopher).

Otherwise, the age variability has been expressed in the majority of agricultural and domestic animals, who have the cub skins give the most valuable fur product (Karakul, a smoothie, stallions, a goat, oooek). But for this group of animals there are exceptions: the skins of rabbit, cats, dogs with primary hairproof low-value.

Sex variability. The hair and skin of males and femoral animals and female animals have some differences. These differences are relatively empty, expressed in the magnitude of the skins, length and thickness of the hair, as well as the thickness of the leather tissue.

The skins of male fur animals, except the beaver, are larger than the skins of females.

The males hair cover, with rare exception, magnificent and rougher (black chore, columns, bear). In some species of animals, males, unlike females, have mane (sea seals, rams).

Skin leather fabrics are thicker than in females. Individual variability.

In the party, the skins of one species, age and gender, mined in the same area and at the same time of the year, it is often difficult to find two completely identical skins on coloring, height, thickness and softness of the hair cover. This is explained by the individual (personal) variability of animals, independent of gender, age, season and habitat.

The individual variability of the hair cover of fur animals, agricultural and domestic animals is a serious factor complicating the sorting of fur-fur raw materials and semi-finished products, as it requires an individual assessment of the quality of each skirt.

In different species of fur beasts, individual variability is expressed unequally. For example, in the skins of the otter, it is poorly pronounced, and at the skins of a sable, on the contrary, very much.

Party Sweet Solly, who received from one area and one variety, is so diverse that it has to be broken into groups on coloring, pomp, softness and other signs of hair.

In agricultural and domestic animals, the individual variability of the hairprook is expressed no less sharply than that of wild fur animals.

For example, in the skins of the Karakulian lambs, individual differences in the nature, structure and the magnitude of the curls of the hairproof are so great that the skins during sorting are divided into dozens of varieties of various quality and values. Pets belonging to even one breed, there is an individual variability in the painting of the hairproof. An example is the same skins of the doodle, which are black, gray, brown and other colors.

And close to them groups. Most of these animal molts are regulated by Hormone Ecodisone. Since according to molecular phylogenetics, these groups are related to each other, recently they are united by title EcdySosoa. - Linters. These link groups are reduced to periodic discharge and change of cuticle. In front of the mole, the inner layers of the old cuticle are dissolved, and under it, the cells of the hypoderma secrete a new cuticle. After molting, the animal is rapidly increasing in size (usually by absorbing water or "inflation" to air) to solidification of the new cuticle, after which the growth stops until the next molt (periodic growth).

Nematodes are leafing (usually there are four larval stages), adult nematodes do not grow and do not lose. In most groups of arthropods (crustaceans, spiders, etc.) migra and growth continue throughout life.

see also


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    SUD Flowing dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 informatrary. 2012. Link SUMS., Number of synonyms: 2 Liney (3) ... Synonym dictionary

The owners of the shaggy four-legged pets are well known such a period when their favorites are completely found everywhere, and even in food. This delivers a lot of inconvenience, but is a completely normal physiological process. Linky is subject not only cats and dogs, but also other representatives of ground vertebrates. All of them require special attention during this period. What and how to do during molting - tell me further.

What is Linka

Link is a natural process, during which there is a change in the external cover in the animal. Each class has four-legged this process is a certain nature. So, the reptiles change the top layer of the skin, the epidermis. Mammals and birds are replacing skin cover (feathers, fur, wool). Insects are capable of dropping parts of the body during the molting process.

For mammals and birds is characterized by a seasonal molting. They change the plumage and fur with warmer to lighter, and vice versa. Together with the density of the cover, its color can change.

Pets that are capable of licking

To petty pets, subject to molts include:

  • (pieces);
  • birds (et al.);
  • lizards;
  • amphibians ();

Did you know? The Latin name of all four-legged animals, Tetrapoda, comes from the confluence of two ancient Greek words: τετράς, which means« four» , and πούς -« leg» .

Features of the molting process at domestic pets

We have already said that each class of terrestrial vertebrates change the cover has its own characteristics. We will tell about them further.

In dogs

Natural molting in dogs and all pings is seasonal (spring and autumn). It lasts a seasonal molt for a short time, a week-other. For the first time, this phenomenon is experiencing young individuals in half a year old. In order for the four-legged pet, it is easier to transfer the change of cover, it must be combed every day that wool can quickly recover and chopenins did not form.

The more intense you will comb your pet, the smaller the wool will be scattered along the residential premises. It should also be borne in mind that every type of wool should be your approach. Smooth-haired need to comb and wipe the hard towel. Long-haired need to comb and cut.

In the period of molting, the animal may change behavior, since this process is quite energy-cost. The dog can lose weight, will become more sluggish, lazy, passive. To support the organism of the animal in a tone, it is necessary to change its diet, make it more nutritious. You should also enter more vitamins in the menu. Special vitamin complexes can be found in retipec.

Breeds linening the least:

  • some
  • and some others.

Important!Homemade pets living in apartments can lift year-round or seasonal molting period can be shifted. It is connected with a constant high temperature and dry air indoors. Therefore, it is desirable to bring the dog to the street as often as possible so that the molting is at certain times.

At cats

Small kittens change their soft children's wool on a rigid adult in five-seven-seven age. It can last it from a few weeks to several months. It all depends on the breed. When the hairproker has changed from the nursery for an adult, a seasonal molting begins. It happens twice a year, in spring and autumn. Its duration is two or three months.

During this period, the cat becomes less active. In order to change the fur coats, the animal is overwhelmed easier, it needs to be fed balanced and give a complete complex of vitamins. It is also possible to comb a pet daily daily to save it from dead villi and stimulate blood flow to hair bulbs for faster growth of new hair.

If you have noticed that the cat lins longer than three months and the wool is dull, unhealthy, falls by shreds, then you should contact the veterinarian. Perhaps there are some deviations in the health of the pet.

To prevent the unnatural change of cover, follows:

  • regularly inspect the pet for the bonding, tubercles or specks on the skin;
  • enrich the diet of the cat with vitamins of the group B, pick up more suitable food under the type of wool and age;
  • regularly carry out a pet treatment from fleas, ticks and worms.

Breeds of weakly melting cats:

In birds

The usual inhabitants of the apartments as pets from feathers are parrots and canary.

For parrots, a seasonal molting is characteristic. The change of plumage occurs gradually, and therefore the behavior of the bird does not change. During this period, it is enough to introduce mineral substances, vitamins, amino acids into the diet. They will help to recover faster. It should also limit the bird in the free flight. If a bleeding wound formed on the place of the feather, it should be treated with a solution of chlorine iron.

Canaries replace the plumage once a year, and lasts this process for about a month. Young still experiences juvenile molting, during which the gun is replaced by feathers. It happens on the second-third months of life and lasts until the chicks reach the semi-annual age. The end of the juvenile molt testifies to the achievement of puberty.

Change of plumage from canary more energy costs than parrots. Therefore, during this period, they disappear, the appetite is lost, the temperature rises. If the plumage change occurs in the warm season, the cell with a bird should be taken on fresh air under the sun rays. In the cold season, it is necessary to create artificial lighting with luminescent lamps. In the diet you need to introduce greens, fruits, berries, vegetables, eggshell, ash, clay.

Important!Try as much as possible to disturb the feathers. If they are afraid, they can easily injure the rapid feathers about the rod cell.


Spiders change the cover constantly, starting from birth. Thus, they have the growth and development of the exoskeleton. The spiders have just appeared for about once a month. More older individuals interval between the shifts of exoskeletons is two or three months. In adults, this process happens every three years. The linky approximation is evidenced by the darkening of the bare portion of the abdomen.

The process of replacing the exoskeleton in spider-shaped can be divided into four stages: Premotion, molting, postlinka and interstrall stage. At the initial stage, the formation of a new exoskeleton. For this answer hormones. Because of this, the spider becomes very aggressive. The foresight lasts from several days to two to three weeks. At the stage of molting, clad-legged create an overpressure, breaking the old exoskelet in such a way.

They may need it from a few minutes to several hours. At the stage of postlinka, arthropods are very vulnerable.

Their new "shell" is still very soft, so they are not able to move normally and hunt. Restoration can take from several days to month, depending on the age of the animal. At the last stage, the spider is completely restored and returns to the usual rhythm of life.

Did you know?During molting, clansworms are able to restore the limbs lost earlier.

For amphibians

Amphibians change the top layer of the skin as it wear it. Usually it happens in the summer. The frequency of the process depends on the ambient temperature.

The molting occurs on them regularly throughout the lifetime, since the growth of the animal does not stop, and the skin does not grow. Pokrov gets in one whole. On one of the parts of the body, it cracks, and amphibians crawl out of it. To help yourself get rid of the old cover, animals rub about stones or squigs. Some representatives of amphibians (frogs, salamandres) immediately eat old skin.

For a period of molting, the main thing:

  • Cats and dogs to output more often for a walk.
  • Birds, spiders, amphibians and reptiles as possible to disturb.
  • Food should be the most balanced and diverse. In the diet should be introduced vitamins and minerals. In the mammalian menu, you need to introduce fish oil, seabed, liver.
  • Cats and dogs need to be performed regularly. To clean the wool from dirt, it is desirable to use dry shampoos that strengthen hair cover.
As you can see, Link is susceptible to most animals living in our house. For each of them, this process is very energy-efficient. And on how much the owners will be attentive to their pets, the speed of the restoration of forces depends.

Linkie Linka

periodic change of external skin and spoke. their formations (cuticles, scales, wool, feathers, etc.) in animals. It can be age (passes in the first months of life), seasonal (in certain seasons of the year) and constant (throughout the year). The onset of L. depends on the stage of development, age, the hormonal state of the body, as well as the conditions externally. Environments - tempo, photoperiod, etc. factors. Invertebrates L. (characterized by the age of L. in the Osn. For arthropods) lies in periodic. Resetting the larva of the old cuticular cover and replacing it new. He is regulated by hormones - ecodiizons, juvenile, brain and sinus gland. L. Provides the ability to change the shape and increasing the size of the body of the animal, it grows up until the newly formed cover (exoskeleton) does not work closely and will not start slowing down, then the animal again lines. Insects, the number L. varies from 3 (flies) or 4-5 (mn. Straight, bugs, butterflies, etc.) up to 25-30 (cannuts, spring). For vertebrae L. is associated with a device for certain seasons of the year, restoration of wear covers. He is regulated by hormones of the endocrine system. At the amphibians and reptiles of L. are discharged and updating the upper burner of the skin and occur throughout the summer, and the frequency of them (from 2 to 6) depends on the temperature of the medium. Amphibians, lizards and snakes L. covers all parts of the body at the same time (serpent the upper burdulous skin layer - crawls - comes entirely). In crocodiles and turtles of L. partial (in the turtles they lose parts of the body, not covered with a shell). Poultry lines feathers, as well as horny formations on their feet and beak. Beginning L. at MN. birds associated with a change in the length of the daylight; Moreover, usually terms of L., reproduction and migration are divided. in time. Types L. Various. So, the chick, when leaving the egg, dresses the embryonic fortune, to-ry is replaced by T. N. A nesting outfit from contour feathers, then a complete or partial charter L. Change of all feathers usually passes towards the end of summer, when a beautiful marriage outfit is replaced by a less bright winter plumage. In some groups (road-shaped, shepherds, cranes, etc.) simultaneously with the crumbling feathers, steering and flying falls out, with the result that the bird loses the ability to fly (eg, duck - for 20-15 days, swans - almost 1, 5 months). In sedentary small birds in the winter dress larger than the feathers than in the summer, which provides the best thermal insulation in winter (for example, in Chizhi in winter, 2100-2400 feathers, and in summer approx. 1500). In mammals, age and seasonal L. are accompanied by the change of hair cover (eg, the soft hair of a young individual is replaced by a coarse adult animal), a change in its density (increases in winter more than twice) and color. Typical earthquakes (Mole, Pleum), the hair cover of the to-rye is quickly wearing, except for seasonal, there is a permanent, t. N. Compensation, L., contributing to the restoration of the hairproof. Animals living in conditions with a sharp change of cold winter and hot summer shift quickly, the inhabitants of the tropics and semi-water animals (ondatra, nutria, cailat) - gradually. Most mammals lines twice a year - in spring and autumn, some animals (eg, seals, crops, gopters, tushkans) - once.

Linkie Linka

periodic change of external skin and spoke. their formations (cuticles, scales, wool, feathers, etc.) in animals. It can be age (passes in the first months of life), seasonal (in certain seasons of the year) and constant (throughout the year). The onset of L. depends on the stage of development, age, the hormonal state of the body, as well as the conditions externally. Environments - tempo, photoperiod, etc. factors. Invertebrates L. (characterized by the age of L. in the Osn. For arthropods) lies in periodic. Resetting the larva of the old cuticular cover and replacing it new. He is regulated by hormones - ecodiizons, juvenile, brain and sinus gland. L. Provides the ability to change the shape and increasing the size of the body of the animal, it grows up until the newly formed cover (exoskeleton) does not work closely and will not start slowing down, then the animal again lines. Insects, the number L. varies from 3 (flies) or 4-5 (mn. Straight, bugs, butterflies, etc.) up to 25-30 (cannuts, spring). For vertebrae L. is associated with a device for certain seasons of the year, restoration of wear covers. He is regulated by hormones of the endocrine system. At the amphibians and reptiles of L. are discharged and updating the upper burner of the skin and occur throughout the summer, and the frequency of them (from 2 to 6) depends on the temperature of the medium. Amphibians, lizards and snakes L. covers all parts of the body at the same time (serpent the upper burdulous skin layer - crawls - comes entirely). In crocodiles and turtles of L. partial (in the turtles they lose parts of the body, not covered with a shell). Poultry lines feathers, as well as horny formations on their feet and beak. Beginning L. at MN. birds associated with a change in the length of the daylight; Moreover, usually terms of L., reproduction and migration are divided. in time. Types L. Various. So, the chick, when leaving the egg, dresses the embryonic fortune, to-ry is replaced by T. N. A nesting outfit from contour feathers, then a complete or partial charter L. Change of all feathers usually passes towards the end of summer, when a beautiful marriage outfit is replaced by a less bright winter plumage. In some groups (road-shaped, shepherds, cranes, etc.) simultaneously with the crumbling feathers, steering and flying falls out, with the result that the bird loses the ability to fly (eg, duck - for 20-15 days, swans - almost 1, 5 months). In sedentary small birds in the winter dress larger than the feathers than in the summer, which provides the best thermal insulation in winter (for example, in Chizhi in winter, 2100-2400 feathers, and in summer approx. 1500). In mammals, age and seasonal L. are accompanied by the change of hair cover (eg, the soft hair of a young individual is replaced by a coarse adult animal), a change in its density (increases in winter more than twice) and color. Typical earthquakes (Mole, Pleum), the hair cover of the to-rye is quickly wearing, except for seasonal, there is a permanent, t. N. Compensation, L., contributing to the restoration of the hairproof. Animals living in conditions with a sharp change of cold winter and hot summer shift quickly, the inhabitants of the tropics and semi-water animals (ondatra, nutria, cailat) - gradually. Most mammals lines twice a year - in spring and autumn, some animals (eg, seals, crops, gopters, tushkans) - once.

.(Source: "Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary." Ch. Red. M. S. Gilyarov; Radric.: A. A. Babaev, G. M. Vinberg, G. A. Zavarzin, and others - 2nd ed., Focused . - M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1986.)


Periodic change of exterior covers (chitinovoy, cuticular, scaly, plumage and wool) in animals. Characteristic for arthropods and terrestrial vertebrates. It happens constant, seasonal and age. Permanent molting occurs throughout the year, seasonal - in certain seasons, age - more often at the early stage of the life of the animal. The onset of molt depends on the internal (age, stage of development, physiological state, etc.) and external (temperature and humidity of the air, the length of the daylight and etc.) of factors. The moltery process is regulated by hormones.
For segment, characteristic ch. arr. Age linky, at which old cuticular cover is reset and for a short time of enhanced body growth is replaced with new, stretchable. Different insects can occur from 3 to 25-30 age lines.
The vertebrate molt can be seasonal or constant, the so-called. compensatory related to the restoration of constantly wear-in bodies of the body (for example, the cloth, the hair cover of which is rapidly wear out due to the digging lifestyle). Amphibians and reptiles are discharged by the upper burned skin layer throughout the summer (from 2 to 6 times), depending on the temperature of the habitat. Self-definition range of snakes: the surface layer of the skin, starting to separate on the jaws, gradually comes off entirely, turning inside out, forming so-called crawls. Transparent fragile eyelids are also replaced. Lizard links proceeds with parts, flap. The turtles molt occurs in places free from the shell.
The birds can flow 2 or 3 times a year, which is associated with the seasonal polymorphism and the change of marriage on the winter plumage and vice versa. Some birds linen gradually without losing the ability to fly. Others, mostly inhabitants of the forest and shrub thickets from this. Chicken, dump old feathers quickly, so during the molting period can not fly and hide in thickets. Ducks, geese, swans, gagars and shepherds lose all flying feathers on wings and steering on the tail, in connection with which for quite a long time (up to 1-1.5 months) are not capable of flying. At this time, they usually collect huge flocks in deaf, hard-to-reach places. In the birds, the structure and the number of feathers change during molting: by winter, their quantity and density increases by about 1.5 times, increases the fluff layer.
Mammals are linted 1-2 times a year, while one hair cover is replaced by another, for example. Winter - summer and vice versa; Soft hair of cubs - a coarse horsepower characteristic of adult individuals. The speed of the mole directly depends on the speed of changing the cold winter on the hot summer.

.(Source: "Biology. Modern illustrated encyclopedia." Ch. Ed. A. P. Gorkin; M.: Rosman, 2006.)


Watch what is "Link" in other dictionaries:

    Link, the process of dropping and replacing the outer layers of the cover of the body. Mammals, a lone, dump outdoor skin layers and hair often occurs within certain seasons of the year. A person does not learn, however, constantly discharges dead dry ... ... Scientific and Technical Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Link, mongs, mn. No, wives (specialist.). Also that linen. Molting beast. Autumn molting. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    SUD Flowing dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 informatrary. 2012. Link SUMS., Number of synonyms: 2 Liney (3) ... Synonym dictionary

    Periodic change of exterior covers (chitinovoy, coat, as well as plumage) in animals. Link regulation occurs with the participation of hormones ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    To lift (yay, yay, 1 and 2 liters. Not sootr.), Yas; Nesov. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Linka - periodic change of hair cover in mammals, feathers and horny formations in the birds, the upper burntal layer of the skin in the reptiles and the cuticular cover from Arthropod. Ecological encyclopedic dictionary. Chisinau: Home ... ... Ecological Dictionary

    Linka - Link, see the epidermis ... Big medical encyclopedia

    linka - periodic change of external covers in animals; may be age, seasonal and constant; L. Invertebrates, as a rule, is associated with the phase of individual development, and the vertebrates with adaptability of external conditions. [Arefiev in ... Technical translator directory

    Linka - Seasonal changing hair. At l. Current hair is replaced twice a year in spring and autumn. During L. for skin l. Care accurately carefully, carefully clean her, removing drop-down hair ... Handbook of horse breeding

    Wolf in the stage of molts (Moscow Zoo, June). Link process of changing the cover of animals, having a diverse character. Among the invertebrates typical lin ... Wikipedia


  • Fauna of the USSR. Birds. Volume III. Issue 1. Choir detachment. Part 2. Family Tetherovina, R. L. Potapov. The monograph is devoted to the families of the Birds, most of whom are important hunting and fishing species. The description of the family is given in its full volume, including North American ...

Winter passed, together with her snowfall and frost. The long-awaited spring came, the sun is accuming - the most suitable time for a hike in the zoo. But some visitors are unhappy and complain: why snow goats are so shaggy, and they stick to the wool with shreds, why did the fur in the fox lost his winter shine and looks like something dull? Even usually neat wolves - and then look like some nonsense.
In fact, everything is very simple: our animals are linen. In the spring they no longer need a long, thick and lush hair cover, without which they could not survive the harsh winter. It's time to replace it with another, easier, summer, which is twice in short and less. For example, proteins per 1 square. See of the body surface instead of 8100 winter hair grows only 4,200 scent, and hare-beyak instead of 14 thousand hairs - only 7 thousand.
Molting animals have long been interested in zoologists. Recent years have been studied that on it, in addition to the temperature, the light acting on the body of the animal through the inner secretion is the pituitary. For molting hare Length of the daylight - the determining factor, the temperature only accelerates or delays this process.
The timing of molting in wild animals depends on the geographical latitude of the terrain. Some mammals and birds together with mammals are changing and coloring: light is replaced with darker. White winter painting hare - Belyaka becomes summer in summer, and the squirrel made of gray in the spring becomes red. Similar transformation occurs with the ermine, white partridge and other species. Here, too, everything is clear, in winter, animals become imperceptible against the background of snow, in summer they are harder to notice against the background of the earth and herb. This is called patronizing color.
Molting animals passes in a strict sequence and every species in its own way. For example, proteins have a spring molting begins with a head. First of all, bright red-haired summer hair make their way to the front end of her face, around the eyes, then on the front and hind legs, later - on the sides and on the back. The whole process of "dressing up" lasts 50-60 days. The fox has signs of spring molts appear in March. Her wool loses his shine and begins to gradually delay. The first signs of molts can be noticed on the shoulders, then on the sides, and the back of the fox body remains covered with winter fur as much as July.
Almost animals are linked. But the inhabitants of the continental climate, characterized by sharp seasonal changes in temperature, changing the cold winter and hot summer, are quick, but the inhabitants of the tropics and semi-water animals (Giraffe, Ontatra, Nutria, Kalan) - gradually. Most mammals living in moderate latitudes lines twice a year - in spring and autumn, but some animals (seals, surs, gopters, tushkars) - once.
Linka is a natural process in which old and dead cells and fabric are replaced by more new. So the fact that our animals are linen - is an indicator of their health. But if the molting becomes irregular and accompanied by various painful phenomena (as it sometimes occurs in domestic cats and dogs) - it really can serve as a concern.
Now comes the queue of the second question: why do we not deduct our melting animals? Well, first, it is not quite so: pet, we still help free from winter wool. For example, Yak, who lives in the "Children's Zoo", regularly deduct. But only with predators will not work so - after all, the zoo is not a circus, here far from all animals allow themselves to touch themselves. But they also do not "be thrown on the arbitrary of fate." Take a closer look: in some enclosures (for example, in oxtems) you will notice old trees or special designs from different materials - the so-called, "chemicals". Animals about them regularly and with obvious pleasure itch. And their winter wool does not disappear in vain - her employees then collect and give the birds and small animals that use it to build a nest. Such nests can be seen in the "night world."
Well, and in conclusion, let's see who in the zoo actively lines in the spring, who needs special attention to whom it is interesting to observe. The link is easy to see Guanko, homemade lias and vicuns, foxes and hares, gray and red wolves, raccoons and raccoon dogs, sheep, snowy goats and camels. Maybe you yourself add someone to this long list?

What is called molting in birds? This is a process at which the perceptic cover changes. For the feathery, it is a necessity. Over time, feathers wear out, lose thermal qualities and affect even the ability to fly. When molted, a layer of epidermis is changing, which periodically dies. Scales on the paws and the beak plates are updated.

All birds molt occurs differently. Someone quickly, some last six months. Some birds are linked abundantly, so that they even form are formed, others can not notice the process of changing the plumage. However, all of them unites one thing - the weakening of immunity. Pernavi becomes less mobile, they have drowsiness. Also birds during molting need more calorie food. As for homemade individuals, they require more careful care during this period.

Types of mongs

There are two types of molts:

  1. Juvenal - in young individuals. It happens to all birds at different times. For example, a chickens juvenile molting begins at the age of 3-45 days from birth and ends in about 4-5 months. And young individuals, this molting occurs slightly later. It begins at the age of 60-70 days, but ends after 2 months.
  2. Periodic is a molting in adult individuals occurring once a year.

What is a link in birds? This is a periodic change of plumage. In adult individuals in natural conditions It depends not from age, but from the season. This is usually the end of summer or autumn. But the feathers contained in captivity, molting occurs only after the egg laying.

Periods of replacement of plumage

Birds are always starting from the central part. The new feathers looked wider than that of discarded, and they are brighter than old. The duration of the replacement of the plumage is also different in all.

Birds can lift and several times a year, it all depends on their species. But all the feathery without exception take place the first annual change of feathers. The beginning of this process has different views. In some - between migrations, others - in the gap between the masonry of the eggs and the appearance of chicks.

What is needed by birds during molting

During this period, the immunity of birds is weakened, and their organism needs to receive additional trace elements. If in natural environment Habitat feathers intuitively find everything they need, then living birds living at home need additional care. This includes mandatory vitamin supplements and special feed. This is especially necessary that the process occurs in the winter period. Birds that have a bright color, attention needs to be given more than the rest. If they feed them incorrectly, the plumage will become dim.

What to do if the bird does not linger

The reason for the absence of molts can be in illness or healthy health problems. Such feathers contain in warm rooms, but the air should not be very dry or wet. It is also necessary that the cell or aviary is large and spacious.

What is called molting in birds? This is a change of plumage at which the skin can become more rigid. So that it does not dry and remained elastic, swimsuits with water should be installed in the cells and enclosures if the bird does not use them, then it needs to be sprayed from the sprayer every day. But if the molting did not come, then you can try to add to the foods of the Muravyev.

Linka in chickens: Features

Due to the fact that there is the possibility of adjusting the climate, the molting process does not depend on the season at all. Chicken, derived in spring, lines at the beginning of winter or at the end of autumn. Accordingly, if it appeared on the light in the fall, then this process falls at the end of spring or summer. In the period of molting, the chicken does not carry eggs. It lasts from 15 to 20 days. After molting, the egg production is immediately renewed.

The individuals that appeared in the spring are mainly grown for meat. Because they have a short egg carrying period, to keep such a bird on the farm is unprofitable. At the same time, the molt in such chickens flows very slowly.

How is the change of plumage from parrots

These birds have a process several times a year. The very first molting of the parrots begins in a two-month age. This period is very important, since individuals occurs. After the end of the linky, the parrot is considered an adult and halm.

This is a process for the normal existence of birds. Feathers change not only during puberty, but also throughout life. This is usually happening twice a year. At the same time, the bird becomes inactive, lethargy and drowsiness appear. This is due to the fact that metric processes are enhanced with molting.

The change of plumage occurs and after the pairing period. In some species, the process of molting is generally impaired, the galls are not observed. But if the feathers fall out unbalanced, then the parrot can not fly at this time. Often molting is the reaction of birds on the fright. Sometimes it is a symptom of a serious illness.

How to linen Korlala

This natural process occurs in all birds, regardless of the type. Korell thus still changes his colors, as new feathers have brighter and rich shades. But this type of birds and its own features.

We have already found out what is called molting in birds. Corell has this process gradually. Flying feathers change first, then the steering. The process takes a long time - until six months. And in several stages. But visually notice it is very difficult.

Young birds are linked a little faster: they begin to lose the plumage already by four months, and end by the end of the first year of life. At this time, the diet is very important. Korell need to receive as much vitamins and minerals as possible.

With molting, some parrots experience strong painful sensations. But for the most part, this process is painless. However, Korlel's mongka is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Therefore, in the captivity they are contraindicated with drafts and a large humidity. Power should be full, and during the peak period, the molting is very nutritious. In the diet, oilseeds must be present, you can give sunflower, hemp or crushed nuts. It is also recommended to use vitaminated which are sold in all pet stores.

In the article, we looked at what they call the liny in birds, as it happens and when. Summing up, you can say briefly: this is a change of old feathers to new, which in birds of different species and ages fall at different times, and also depends on the change of seasons and so on.


The zoologists observe no one dozen years behind the animal linky. The research path establishes that on time and quality molts affect various factors. One of them is temperature. The biological process of molting in animals is launched in nature both at low and high temperatures. Animals in nature, or contained in the enclosures, linen "as a clock." Such molts are called autumn and spring.

The double molt is carried mainly furious animals, proteins, water rats, susliki thin-pop, minks, hares, etc. Mals are thinning 3 times a year. But not all animals change their covers 2-3 times a year. The beasts included in the hibernation are linked only 1 time per year. Features in hibernation 7-9 months, the new cover of the hair during this period is not formed. They transfer 1 long-lasting molt, which lasts from spring until the occurrence in the hibernation.

Homemade pets contained in heat, periodically walking on the street, siting for some time on the windowsill, constantly get the temperature difference. Their molting loses seasonality, becomes constant, pathological. In addition, such a type of molt may occur with an improper diet of animals, stress and other circumstances. The loss of hair cover with the wrong diet can be held in different ways with a smaller or greater loss of cover. With a bad stern, the wool fallout occurs mainly on the hips and back of the animal.

Age molting, this is a significant variability of fur during animal growth. Moreover, young individuals have more active. The time of the age molt for each animal depends on the birthday of the baby. The first age molting occurs between 3-7 months from the birth of an animal. Young at the end of breastfeeding change the original fluffy cover. Secondary wool differs from the first structure, coloring. The age molting is characteristic of sheep, white sand, seals and other animals. Most often the first fluff on animals is softer, gentle and velvety. The keys in kids are thin, almost no different from the fluff in thickness and length. Such a cover is often called chubby. The color of the first hairproke is also different from the following. Most often the first is darker, the exception is newborn seals.

Wool, fluff, can lift in females during the sexual cycle or after the generic period of the animal. Linka usually begins in 5-10 weeks, after the appearance of kids. Wool with such a molting is mainly falling from the abdomen, chest and sides. Such a molting is called sex, it just like other molting depends on the state of hormones in the animal body.

Since according to molecular phylogenetics, these groups are related to each other, recently they are united by title EcdySosoa. - Linters. These link groups are reduced to periodic discharge and change of cuticle. In front of the mole, the inner layers of the old cuticle are dissolved, and under it, the cells of the hypoderma secrete a new cuticle. After molting, the animal is rapidly increasing in size (usually by absorbing water or "inflation" to air) to solidification of the new cuticle, after which the growth stops until the next molt (periodic growth).

Nematodes are leafing (usually there are four larval stages), adult nematodes do not grow and do not lose. In most groups of arthropods (crustaceans, spiders, etc.) migra and growth continue throughout life.

see also


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Watch what is "Link" in other dictionaries:

    Periodic change of external skin and spoke. their formations (cuticles, scales, wool, feathers, etc.) in animals. May be age (passes in the first months of life), seasonal (at certain seasons of the year) and constant (for ... ... ... Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Link, the process of dropping and replacing the outer layers of the cover of the body. Mammals, a lone, dump outdoor skin layers and hair often occurs within certain seasons of the year. A person does not learn, however, constantly discharges dead dry ... ... Scientific and Technical Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Link, mongs, mn. No, wives (specialist.). Also that linen. Molting beast. Autumn molting. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    SUD Flowing dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 informatrary. 2012. Link SUMS., Number of synonyms: 2 Liney (3) ... Synonym dictionary

    Periodic change of exterior covers (chitinovoy, coat, as well as plumage) in animals. Link regulation occurs with the participation of hormones ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    To lift (yay, yay, 1 and 2 liters. Not sootr.), Yas; Nesov. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Periodic change of hair in mammals of animals, feathers and horny formations in birds, the upper burntal layer of the skin in reptiles and the cuticular cover from Arthropod. Ecological encyclopedic dictionary. Chisinau: Home ... ... Ecological Dictionary

    Linka - Link, see the epidermis ... Big medical encyclopedia

    linka - periodic change of external covers in animals; may be age, seasonal and constant; L. Invertebrates, as a rule, is associated with the stratification of individual development, but for vertebrates with adaptability to external conditions. [Arefiev in ... Technical translator directory

    Linka - Seasonal changing hair. At l. Current hair is replaced twice a year in spring and autumn. During L. for skin l. Care accurately carefully, carefully clean her, removing drop-down hair ... Handbook of horse breeding


  • Zaryanka in the north of the range. Volume 2. Link and migration, V. B. Zimin. The second part of the monograph `The charge in the north of the range`res, summarizes the study of migration and migra's birds of this species. For the first time, the processes of emigration, resettlement and immigration are described in the details ...

Link, that is, the seasonal change of fur and conjugate changes in the skin of mammals, represents the most important biological process, designed to ensure the integrity of body cover as the main protective and thermal insulation education.

For small insectivores and rodents, conducting a lot of time in the litter and strokes of holes and constantly contacting with a solid substrate, regular overflow has special meaningSince their hairproof is quickly wearing and requires timely replacement. The need for a periodic change of fur is also dictated by seasonal climate change, being a means of increasing heat transfer in summer and a decrease in winter. As shown by our research, the timing and intensity of the molts vary depending on the floor and age, as well as from the physiological state of animals, feed and weather conditions. Therefore, the specific features of the stroke and the pace of molts in animals of various age and genital groups can serve as a kind of indicator of the state of the entire population and signaling serious violations of important ecological and physiological and population processes.

Most of the authors, discussing the course of the spring molting near the earthquake, describes the waves of a long and short hair, following each other in a special order in different parts of the body of the animal, but nothing reports about the dwarfger. Meanwhile, when considering autumn molting, they specifically emphasize this phenomenon. All of them are unanimous in the opinion that the autumn molting begins in the sacral region and continues towards the head, gradually moving to the abdominal side. Spring molting, on the contrary, begins with the head and applies to the sides to the tail and belly. Nevertheless, other authors argue that the spring molting of the ordinary burzubka takes place in the reverse order: it begins on the abdominal side of the body and ends on the dorsal.

The fact that in the spring has not been seen of the characteristic changes in the skin (MOTHER Pigmentation), led to the birth of a hypothesis, according to which earthlings have no normal spring molting (growth of a new hair), and the so-called "reduction" occurs - the formation of the last segments of winter hair on haulages and the transition of part of the isgery into dying. This hypothesis criticized later researchers who had specimens in their collectible fees in the stage of normal spring molting with dark stains on Mebir and the growth of a new hair. Cases when the animal had a short and long hair on different parts Skirts (for example, long on the trouser and short on the back) with a sharp boundary between them, but without pigmentation on member, they were considered as a break in the mol. Later, refusing the hypothesis of "reduction", and Borovsky came to this. According to his new ideas, the waves of a short and long hair are twice along the body of the animal: once from the abdominal side on the spinal and shortly after that in the opposite direction - from the back to the abdomen. In the light of these data it is not difficult to reconcile the above-mentioned statements regarding the direction of the spring molting. V. A. Popov and Scaren observed the first phase of the spring molt, and Dennel, Croochroft and other authors - the second phase.

In the thorough work of Borovsky, which was then confirmed in the studies of a number of zoologists, it was shown that the burroseworks in the spring there are two molting on each other, various in character, deadlines and the direction in which they proceed. Spring molting I (VL-I) is a change in a six-segment winter hair on a five-segment spring and runs from the abdominal side to the dorsal. In the process of spring molting II (VL-II), this five-segment spring hair is replaced with a four-month summer. It begins on his back and ends on the trouser. The molting can capture most or the entire skin of the animal ("complete" molt, on the terminology of Borovsky) or to pass within a narrow (1-5 mm wide), a gradually moving strip on the skins ("wave" molt). In addition, intervals (breaks) in the mole are often observed, and then the earth wash can have at the same time long hair on one part of the body and short on another without pigmentation of the skin. Such a "interrupted" molt is observed during the VL-I in 40% of individuals, VL-II - in 22%.

Regarding the autumn molting of agricultural, the opinions of various researchers are generally quite close. All of them converge on the fact that it passes into narrower, than in the spring, deadlines, begins on the back, near the base of the tail, it extends forward to the head, and then goes to the abdomen. They are less unanimous in the question of the so-called "intermediate" link. For example, Stein believes that a small part of the corobular population, in addition to the normal spring and autumn lines, is three more: one - in their first summer, another - in the second and last (third intermediate) - shortly before death, in the fall ("senile molting" ). With regard to wintering individuals, the existence of an elder molting on November to November was confirmed by the research of Borovsky. At the same time, CROUKROF believes that the "intermediate" summer molting is a delayed spring or early autumn. Skaren agrees with this.

According to the long-term research of Borovsky, representatives of Sorex and Neomys generators have four molts during life: autumn, two spring and old, and the canor also has a juvenile molting. At different types of agriculture, these molts flow synchronously in time and direction: autumn - from the head on the abdomen, the spring - first with the abdomen to the back, and then from the back of the back to the abdomen, the old - diffuse, juvenile - from the ventral side on the back. Differs in terms of only VL-II; In the center, it passes later than the burzubok.

Based on our data set out in the relevant sections of the first chapter, it can be concluded that there are no significant species differences in the timing, intensity and seasonal limits. Meanwhile, relationship with the floor, age and condition of the sexual system is quite clearly. It is established, for example, that the spring molting in breeding females begins a little earlier than the males and not participating in the reproductions of females. The autumn link of profitable animals in all types of Soricidae occurs in close terms (September-October) and is to change short summer hair for longer and thick. The appearance of new fur is preceded by morphorous processes in the skin (loosening, thickening, pigmentation). They usually begin on the back at the exhaust, then apply forward to the head, then go to the sides and end on the trouser.

In the spring, in April-May, adults are linked (overlooking) individuals. Hair change begins with them on the abdominal side of the body with gradual coverage of sides, and ends on the back or head. The two-stage character of the spring molt with the opposite direction of the mechanism of the fur (some animals it goes from the belly to his back, and others - from the back to the stomach) we, unlike Borovsky, we explain not to the existence of two spring lines, but an unlimited entry into the line of representatives of different age-related generations. The first to lift the individuals of last year's spring litters, i.e. older in age. They form an imaginary VL-I with a characteristic ventridge process. As for the second stage of the spring molt (on Borovsky, it is VL-II), then it corresponds to the mass line of animals of late (summer) generations and has an adventral procedure for changing fur. This autumn molting in these animals is apparently absent in general. Instead, they have an elder molting, affecting, as a rule, only certain sections and has no clear picture. It suggests that any seasonal molting - whether it is spring or autumn - if she is the first in the life of the animal, begins on the dorsal side of the body, and if the second is on the abdominal. Finnish researchers come to the denial of two spring lines. Thus, the burrows-burrows undergo in the conditions of the North, two normal seasonal molting (spring and autumn), as well as senile. In addition to this, there is a juvenile molting, and the clock is compensatory.

The rodent mole, especially commercial and semi-general, is devoted to relatively large literature. There are works and on mouse-like rodents - representatives of the generics of Clethrionomys, Microtus, Lemmus, Arvicola, Micromys, Apodemus. However, the most disconstruct studies on seasonal changes in the fur of small rodents are made by Lehmann, A. I. Porchtsov and Ling.

Based on the study of mass species of rodents of Kazakhstan, A. I. Porchov comes to the conclusion about the exceptional stability and one-ways in the sequence of hair change in all the voles of the old light, which almost does not depend on the lifestyle of animals. In the inhabitants of wetlands and forests - watered pools and voles - housekeeping, typical semi-deserted forms - public fields, in semi-water - water rats and ondatra, even in such specialized underground rodents, like slapuccuses, there is one and the same peculiar to most studied species Fur shift. It happens on a sublatheral (dorsal) type, in which new hair appears first on the lower parts of the sides and the head, then the process extends to the abdomen and spin, and the top of the head and the back of the back will turn the top and rear. In general terms, the sublatheral type of hair of the hair is preserved with all types of age and seasonal lines, it varies only the sequence and speed of scaling, middle and back. Only some representatives of the genus Clethrionomys, as well as the Norwegian lemmming, all or part of the species in the period of one of the seasonal lines are replaced by a fur on the cefalo-sacral type. The procedure for changing the hair in this case inversely described: begins two oval stains on the back of the back, then goes onto the head and ends on the sides and trouser. Old animals in all species have a diffuse type of molting, in which there is no natural sequence in its topography.

Our research is generally confirmed by the conclusions of the authors cited above. The linky of the studied rodents passes according to a single plan and approximately in the same deadlines. For the fields, the existence of three lines is established: juvenile, which, depending on the birth time, the animal can take place in spring, summer and autumn and ends with a change of children with adults (summer or winter), and two seasonal - spring and autumn, accompanied by a full change of hair, respectively Summer and winter. Forest momottle, as probably, and other warm mammals, lines the entire summer period from May to October, while the molting, apparently, proceeds diffusely, in any case, it is not possible to establish a legitimate order in changing fur. Autumn molting in all rodents is usually more intense than spring, the timing of which due to the inhomogeneity of the population in the age ratio is extremely stretched. The timing and speed of the line also depend on the gender and the physiological state of the animals. So, a molting of lactating females is larenched compared to females without signs of breeding, but begins for 2-3 weeks earlier than in males. The juvenile molting of young late sings usually passes faster than the early, and nevertheless, can move to the autumn without a break. Adjustments to the overall move, the rates and order of seasonal molting make climatic conditions The year and the state of the population (the level of numbers and phase of the population cycle).

And close to them groups. Most of these animal molts are regulated by Hormone Ecodisone. Since according to molecular phylogenetics, these groups are related to each other, recently they are united by title EcdySosoa. - Linters. These link groups are reduced to periodic discharge and change of cuticle. In front of the mole, the inner layers of the old cuticle are dissolved, and under it, the cells of the hypoderma secrete a new cuticle. After molting, the animal is rapidly increasing in size (usually by absorbing water or "inflation" to air) to solidification of the new cuticle, after which the growth stops until the next molt (periodic growth).

Nematodes are leafing (usually there are four larval stages), adult nematodes do not grow and do not lose. In most groups of arthropods (crustaceans, spiders, etc.) migra and growth continue throughout life.

see also


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Winter passed, together with her snowfall and frost. The long-awaited spring came, the sun is accuming - the most suitable time for a hike in the zoo. But some visitors are unhappy and complain: why snow goats are so shaggy, and they stick to the wool with shreds, why did the fur in the fox lost his winter shine and looks like something dull? Even usually neat wolves - and then look like some nonsense.
In fact, everything is very simple: our animals are linen. In the spring they no longer need a long, thick and lush hair cover, without which they could not survive the harsh winter. It's time to replace it with another, easier, summer, which is twice in short and less. For example, proteins per 1 square. See of the body surface instead of 8100 winter hair grows only 4,200 scent, and hare-beyak instead of 14 thousand hairs - only 7 thousand.
Molting animals have long been interested in zoologists. Recent years have been studied that on it, in addition to the temperature, the light acting on the body of the animal through the inner secretion is the pituitary. For molting hare Length of the daylight - the determining factor, the temperature only accelerates or delays this process.
The timing of molting in wild animals depends on the geographical latitude of the terrain. Some mammals and birds together with mammals are changing and coloring: light is replaced with darker. White winter painting hare - Belyaka becomes summer in summer, and the squirrel made of gray in the spring becomes red. Similar transformation occurs with the ermine, white partridge and other species. Here, too, everything is clear, in winter, animals become imperceptible against the background of snow, in summer they are harder to notice against the background of the earth and herb. This is called patronizing color.
Molting animals passes in a strict sequence and every species in its own way. For example, proteins have a spring molting begins with a head. First of all, bright red-haired summer hair make their way to the front end of her face, around the eyes, then on the front and hind legs, later - on the sides and on the back. The whole process of "dressing up" lasts 50-60 days. The fox has signs of spring molts appear in March. Her wool loses his shine and begins to gradually delay. The first signs of molts can be noticed on the shoulders, then on the sides, and the back of the fox body remains covered with winter fur as much as July.
Almost animals are linked. But the inhabitants of the continental climate, characterized by sharp seasonal changes in temperature, changing the cold winter and hot summer, are quick, but the inhabitants of the tropics and semi-water animals (Giraffe, Ontatra, Nutria, Kalan) - gradually. Most mammals living in moderate latitudes lines twice a year - in spring and autumn, but some animals (seals, surs, gopters, tushkars) - once.
Linka is a natural process in which old and dead cells and fabric are replaced by more new. So the fact that our animals are linen - is an indicator of their health. But if the molting becomes irregular and accompanied by various painful phenomena (as it sometimes occurs in domestic cats and dogs) - it really can serve as a concern.
Now comes the queue of the second question: why do we not deduct our melting animals? Well, first, it is not quite so: pet, we still help free from winter wool. For example, Yak, who lives in the "Children's Zoo", regularly deduct. But only with predators will not work so - after all, the zoo is not a circus, here far from all animals allow themselves to touch themselves. But they also do not "be thrown on the arbitrary of fate." Take a closer look: in some enclosures (for example, in oxtems) you will notice old trees or special designs from different materials - the so-called, "chemicals". Animals about them regularly and with obvious pleasure itch. And their winter wool does not disappear in vain - her employees then collect and give the birds and small animals that use it to build a nest. Such nests can be seen in the "night world."
Well, and in conclusion, let's see who in the zoo actively lines in the spring, who needs special attention to whom it is interesting to observe. The link is easy to see Guanko, homemade lias and vicuns, foxes and hares, gray and red wolves, raccoons and raccoon dogs, sheep, snowy goats and camels. Maybe you yourself add someone to this long list?

What is called molting in birds? This is a process at which the perceptic cover changes. For the feathery, it is a necessity. Over time, feathers wear out, lose thermal qualities and affect even the ability to fly. When molted, a layer of epidermis is changing, which periodically dies. Scales on the paws and the beak plates are updated.

All birds molt occurs differently. Someone quickly, some last six months. Some birds are linked abundantly, so that they even form are formed, others can not notice the process of changing the plumage. However, all of them unites one thing - the weakening of immunity. Pernavi becomes less mobile, they have drowsiness. Also birds during molting need more calorie food. As for homemade individuals, they require more careful care during this period.

Types of mongs

There are two types of molts:

  1. Juvenal - in young individuals. It happens to all birds at different times. For example, a chickens juvenile molting begins at the age of 3-45 days from birth and ends in about 4-5 months. And young individuals, this molting occurs slightly later. It begins at the age of 60-70 days, but ends after 2 months.
  2. Periodic is a molting in adult individuals occurring once a year.

What is a link in birds? This is a periodic change of plumage. In adults in natural conditions, it does not depend on age, but from the season. This is usually the end of summer or autumn. But the feathers contained in captivity, molting occurs only after the egg laying.

Periods of replacement of plumage

Birds are always starting from the central part. The new feathers looked wider than that of discarded, and they are brighter than old. The duration of the replacement of the plumage is also different in all.

Birds can lift and several times a year, it all depends on their species. But all the feathery without exception take place the first annual change of feathers. The beginning of this process has different views. In some - between migrations, others - in the gap between the masonry of the eggs and the appearance of chicks.

What is needed by birds during molting

During this period, the immunity of birds is weakened, and their organism needs to receive additional trace elements. If, in the natural habitat, the pennate intuitively find everything they need, then the birds living at home need additional care. This includes mandatory vitamin supplements and special feed. This is especially necessary that the process occurs in the winter period. Birds that have a bright color, attention needs to be given more than the rest. If they feed them incorrectly, the plumage will become dim.

What to do if the bird does not linger

The reason for the absence of molts can be in illness or healthy health problems. Such feathers contain in warm rooms, but the air should not be very dry or wet. It is also necessary that the cell or aviary is large and spacious.

What is called molting in birds? This is a change of plumage at which the skin can become more rigid. So that it does not dry and remained elastic, swimsuits with water should be installed in the cells and enclosures if the bird does not use them, then it needs to be sprayed from the sprayer every day. But if the molting did not come, then you can try to add to the foods of the Muravyev.

Linka in chickens: Features

Due to the fact that there is the possibility of adjusting the climate, the molting process does not depend on the season at all. Chicken, derived in spring, lines at the beginning of winter or at the end of autumn. Accordingly, if it appeared on the light in the fall, then this process falls at the end of spring or summer. In the period of molting, the chicken does not carry eggs. It lasts from 15 to 20 days. After molting, the egg production is immediately renewed.

The individuals that appeared in the spring are mainly grown for meat. Because they have a short egg carrying period, to keep such a bird on the farm is unprofitable. At the same time, the molt in such chickens flows very slowly.

How is the change of plumage from parrots

These birds have a process several times a year. The very first molting of the parrots begins in a two-month age. This period is very important, since individuals occurs. After the end of the linky, the parrot is considered an adult and halm.

This is a process for the normal existence of birds. Feathers change not only during puberty, but also throughout life. This is usually happening twice a year. At the same time, the bird becomes inactive, lethargy and drowsiness appear. This is due to the fact that metric processes are enhanced with molting.

The change of plumage occurs and after the pairing period. In some species, the process of molting is generally impaired, the galls are not observed. But if the feathers fall out unbalanced, then the parrot can not fly at this time. Often molting is the reaction of birds on the fright. Sometimes it is a symptom of a serious illness.

How to linen Korlala

This natural process occurs in all birds, regardless of the type. Korell thus still changes his colors, as new feathers have brighter and rich shades. But this type of birds and its own features.

We have already found out what is called molting in birds. Corell has this process gradually. Flying feathers change first, then the steering. The process takes a long time - until six months. And in several stages. But visually notice it is very difficult.

Young birds are linked a little faster: they begin to lose the plumage already by four months, and end by the end of the first year of life. At this time, the diet is very important. Korell need to receive as much vitamins and minerals as possible.

With molting, some parrots experience strong painful sensations. But for the most part, this process is painless. However, Korlel's mongka is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Therefore, in the captivity they are contraindicated with drafts and a large humidity. Power should be full, and during the peak period, the molting is very nutritious. In the diet, oilseeds must be present, you can give sunflower, hemp or crushed nuts. It is also recommended to use vitaminated which are sold in all pet stores.

In the article, we looked at what they call the liny in birds, as it happens and when. Summing up, you can say briefly: this is a change of old feathers to new, which in birds of different species and ages fall at different times, and also depends on the change of seasons and so on.


The zoologists observe no one dozen years behind the animal linky. The research path establishes that on time and quality molts affect various factors. One of them is temperature. The biological process of molting in animals is launched in nature both at low and high temperatures. Animals in nature, or contained in the enclosures, linen "as a clock." Such molts are called autumn and spring.

The double molt is carried mainly furious animals, proteins, water rats, susliki thin-pop, minks, hares, etc. Mals are thinning 3 times a year. But not all animals change their covers 2-3 times a year. The beasts included in the hibernation are linked only 1 time per year. Features in hibernation 7-9 months, the new cover of the hair during this period is not formed. They transfer 1 long-lasting molt, which lasts from spring until the occurrence in the hibernation.

Homemade pets contained in heat, periodically walking on the street, siting for some time on the windowsill, constantly get the temperature difference. Their molting loses seasonality, becomes constant, pathological. In addition, such a type of molt may occur with an improper diet of animals, stress and other circumstances. The loss of hair cover with the wrong diet can be held in different ways with a smaller or greater loss of cover. With a bad stern, the wool fallout occurs mainly on the hips and back of the animal.

Age molting, this is a significant variability of fur during animal growth. Moreover, young individuals have more active. The time of the age molt for each animal depends on the birthday of the baby. The first age molting occurs between 3-7 months from the birth of an animal. Young at the end of breastfeeding change the original fluffy cover. Secondary wool differs from the first structure, coloring. The age molting is characteristic of sheep, white sand, seals and other animals. Most often the first fluff on animals is softer, gentle and velvety. The keys in kids are thin, almost no different from the fluff in thickness and length. Such a cover is often called chubby. The color of the first hairproke is also different from the following. Most often the first is darker, the exception is newborn seals.

Wool, fluff, can lift in females during the sexual cycle or after the generic period of the animal. Linka usually begins in 5-10 weeks, after the appearance of kids. Wool with such a molting is mainly falling from the abdomen, chest and sides. Such a molting is called sex, it just like other molting depends on the state of hormones in the animal body.

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