The emergence of adaptability and its relative character. The fitness of the organisms to the conditions of the external environment as a result of the action of natural selection


Body fitness to the habitat plays great value in the process of survival of living beings and is the result natural selection.

The existence of the evolutionary mechanism of fitness ensures maximum adaptation to the conditions in which the view dwells.

Adaptability - what is it

It consists in compliance with the characteristics of the structure, physiological processes and the behavior of the living organism of the environment in which it lives.

This mechanism increases the chances of survival, optimal nutrition, mating and growing healthy offspring. This is a universal feature peculiar to all creatures of the planet from bacteria to higher Forms Life.

This adaptation mechanism is manifested very diverse. Plants, animals, fish, birds, insects and other representatives of flora and fauna are quite inventive in the choice of means that contribute to the preservation of their species.

The result becomes a change in coloring, body shape, structure of organs, methods of reproduction and nutrition.

Feature features for habitat and their result

For example, the body of the frog merges with the color of water, herbs and makes it imperceptible to predators. The hare-whisk is changing the color from gray on white in winter, which helps him to be invisible against the background of snow.

Champion in camouflage practice is chameleon. But, alas, the view is that it is adjusted to the color of the place in which it is located somewhat simplifies the real picture. Changing the color of this amazing lizard is the answer to the effects of air temperature, solar UV rays, and even depends on the mood.

And the ladybug instead of disguise uses another color selection strategy - scaring. Its saturated red color with black dots gives a signal that this insect may be poisonous. It is not, but what's the difference, if such a move helps to survive?

Head of Dyatla is an excellent example of the formation of a certain form of body, structure and functioning of organs. The bird has a powerful, but elastic beak, a very long subtle language and depreciation system, which protects the brain from traumatization with the strongest blows of the bird's beak about the trunk of the tree.

Curious find - "Aggression" in plants. The burning petals of nettles are a great way to protect from herbivores. The crowd of the barb did the leaves and the roots, so that she successfully retains moisture in the conditions of the desert. Method of food of Rosyanka, eating flies, allows it to get nutrients very uncharacteristic for the plant.

Geographical speciation

It is also appropriate to use the term "allopatrical" formation of species. It is associated with the expansion of habitat when the species takes out all large areas. Or so that the territory is divided by natural barriers - rivers, mountains, etc.

In such a situation, there is a collision with new conditions and new "neighbors" - the species with which you need to study interaction. Over time, this leads to the fact that due to the ability to adapt at the species to the formation and genetic consolidation of new favorable traits.

Representatives of geographically isolated populations do not cross each other. As a result, they begin to possess a number of pretty bright differences from the relatives. Thus, a sore wolf and a wolf from the detachment of predatory as a result of the selection quite far diverged in their own traits.

Environmental speciation

Not related to the direct extension of the range. It occurs as a result of the fact that inside a single area, habitat may vary.

So, among the plants, an example may be a species diversity of a dandelion, which differs in the territory of Eurasia.

The relative nature of the cactus fitness

The plant demonstrates the amazing ability of survival in the circumstantial conditions of drought: wax film and spines minimize evaporation, well-developed root system Can go deep into the soil and accumulate moisture, the needles protect from herbivores. But, in the situation of pouring rains, the cactus dies from the oversupply of moisture due to rotting the root system.

The relative nature of the adaptability of a white bear

In Latin, this bear is called Ursus Maritima, which means the sea bear. Its wool is perfectly adapted to cold water.

She does not let the water during swimming and almost completely delays the return of heat from the skin of the animal. But if placing a white bear in more warm conditions The habitats of his brown relatives, he will perish from overheating.

The relative nature of the fitness of the Crow

This beast dwells mainly in the ground. It has a streamlined body shape, powerful limbs of a vopotoxic form with developed claws. It deftly digs multi-meter tunnels.

And at the same time at all is not focused on the surface: its visual system is undeveloped, and it can only be shifted.

Relative character of camel fitness

Gorb camel - his pride! There accumulates precious in drought water. Of course, not in the literal sense, it is H2O molecules associated with lipid, fat cells.

An animal can carry hunger for a long time, lying on hot sand, he has a minimized sweating. Not just so nomads, the Sahara moved exactly on camels. But, alas, on the snow-covered conditions, this hardy handsome man will not cope with movement, nutrition and maintenance of body temperature.

What is characterized by the fitness of plants to pollinate insects

Plant flowers are beautiful, unlike each other, they want to admire! Truth, biological significance This beauty is not at all to please the person.

The main task of the flowering plant is to attract the insect of the pollinator. To do this, a few basic ways are used: bright coloring of large flowers, pleasant for insects fragrance, the crowding of small flowers in inflorescences and, of course, the nutritious nectar inside the flower.

The conclusion about the adaptability of organisms to the habitat

Identifying patterns and learning the adaptations of the animal world in various forms terrestrial, water, air life is important and limitless an interesting topic For researchers. Since reveals the main paths of the evolutionary process of modifying living beings.

Fitness of organisms - the result of the action of natural selection prepared Chirizo Elizabeth, student 11 "M" class.

this is a combination of those features of the structure, physiology and behavior, which provide for this species the possibility of a specific lifestyle under certain conditions external environment. Adaptation -

How to apply fixtures? K.Linna: Types are created by God and are already adapted to the habitat. J.B.Lamarka: Formation of adaptability by the desire of organisms to self-improvement. Ch. Darvin: explained the origin of fitness in organic world Using natural selection.

Adaptations to the habitat manifest themselves in the external and inner structure, vital processes, behavior. The body shape of various animals serve as an example of fitness of organisms to the habitat. The patrons of the color and the shape of the body in some animals make them imperceptible on the background ambient, mask them. Some animals have a bright color that dramatically highlights them against the environment. This color is called warning. Some defenseless and edible animals imitate the species that are well protected from attacking predators. This phenomenon is called mimicry. Protection against eating is characteristic of many animals and plants. They protect themselves. Behavioral adaptations are changes in animal behavior in certain conditions: care for offspring, the formation of individual couples in marriage, And in the winter, an association in flocks, which makes meals and protection, frightening behavior, fading, imitation of injury or death, hibernation, feed. Fitness of life processes to habitat conditions are called physiological adaptations: the accumulation of fat with deserted animals, glands that eliminate excess salts, heat flow, echolocation. Biochemical adaptations are associated with the formation of certain substances in the body facilitating protection against enemies or attack on other animals.

Adaptation Forms Examples Description of Adaptations Body Shape Patronizing Coloring (Disguise) Warning Color Mimicry Behavioral Adaptations Classification of Adaptations

Body shape The streamlined shape of the body allows the dolphin to develop a speed in water 40 km / h Falcon - Sapsan in pursuit of prey development develops speed 290 km / h Penguin speed in the thickness of water 35 km / h

The patrons of the coloring (disguise) at openly nesting the poultry of the female, sitting on the nest almost indistinguishable from the surrounding background. Corresponds to the background and pigmented egg shell. Interestingly, birds nesting in the voupel, the trees, females often have a bright color, and the shell is light. Quail and his gorge's eggs, cuckoo egg in the nest of the city

Pontreating coloring (disguise) Amazing similarity with branches is observed at the ladies. The caterpillars of some butterflies resemble the knots, and the body of some butterflies is a sheet. The effect of the patronage color increases with its combination with the corresponding behavior: at the time of danger, many animals freeze, taking peace pose.

Warning coloring is very bright coloring (usually white, yellow, red, black) is characteristic of well-protected poisonous, stinging forms. Trying several times trying to try the Clarow "Soldatika", God's cow, the bird's axis in the end refuse to attack a victim with a bright color. Sandy Efa Kophop - Soldier Lady Cow

Mimicry Butterfly Vice-King repeats the shape and color of the wings of the poisonous butterfly-monarch. The fly copies the appearance and behavior of the bee is the similarity of defenseless or edible species with well protected and possessing the warning color

Mimicry Dairy Snake successfully imitates the coral aspid color as a rule, the number of copied individuals is many times higher than copying.

Behavioral adaptations The characteristic feature of the behavior of the possum is the ability to pretend to be dead in danger, in this "game" the opossum is simply inimen. Changes in behavior in certain conditions frog lapotog. The amphibian desert, who lives most of his life in Norah, comes out at night to hunt when heat will fall.

The behavioral adaptation of the river beaquet is up to 20 cubic meters. The feed of the male barley builds a socket with 2 outputs - care for the safety of offspring

The relative nature of the adaptability of poisonous snakes, dangerous for many animals, eat mangoshos. Yozh protects against the fox with needles and turns into the ball, but if there is a break of a stream, the fox rolls it into the water, where the hedgehogs are squeezed and it becomes easy prey.

Fitness of organisms (adaptation) is a complex characteristic featuresallowing to survive in a certain setting and leave a numerous strong continuation of the genus.

The driving force of evolution is influenced by addictive conditions. But conditions are never permanent, they change, so all the devices are relative.

White partpath, merging with snow, detects shadow. Organisms with new features operating in a certain range can simply die by going beyond these boundaries. Only individuals who adopted to the new medium during the natural selection remain to live.

Types of fitness of organisms

Morphological adaptations include:

  • Body transformation, namely: streamlining or flatness of the shape, refiliency of the paw, thick wool.
  • With the help of disguise, it is possible to become imperceptible against the background of the environment, become a similar colorful and shape on a sheet, stone, twig (insects, fish).
  • With the patronage and dismembering color, you can merge with the environment in a changing situation (hare - Rusak, bird eggs, zebra).
  • The warning color is highlighted in bright color, speckle, stripes, and needed for scaring or warning about attack (bees, snakes, ladybugs).
  • To warn and protect yourself, weak, from stronger, becoming similar to it in the colorful, body shape or behavior, is called mimicry (tropical, fly - murmur, bug eggs).

Among physiological adaptations Allocate:

  • Preparation for life in condensed conditions: - camel accumulates fat; - the formation of gloys that save extra salt ( sea Reptiles and birds). - heat and sound location; - Flash in hibernation.
  • Behavior: - the smaller the number of cubs, the more concern about them for conservation; - Formation of marriage pairs for the time of reproduction of offspring and life in steps with complication of conditions (birds, wolves). - Scaring (Cobra, grind and dwarf dog, Skuns smell). - imitation of wounded or dead, dragging (opossum, frog, bird). - Promotiveness (winter sleep, feeding).
  • With the help of biochemical devices (special substance), the animal can defend or attack the enemy (poisons, antibiotic bacteria, special proteins and fats).

The character of the adaptability of organisms

Nature selection leaves alive only the most adaptive. But the slightest environmental changes can make useless or even harmful toes that served well before.

As a result, they survive those organisms that managed to adapt faster, and late die away, giving the opportunity to form a new form. Such adaptations are formed a very long time natural way and are relative, because living conditions change much faster than the necessary changes in animals appear.

Proof of relativity of devices:

  • ways of protection are not universal (dangerous for some poisonous snake eats a mangoste, hedgehog);
  • in some cases, the instinct leads (the night butterfly flies behind the nectar on a light flower, and can confuse it with fire);
  • the organ required in one environment is useless or harm in other conditions (mountain geese with unnecessary membranes);
  • fish is adapted to separate oxygen from the water, it will not be able to do this on land; - Green insects are not visible on the grass, they will quickly eat them on pure ground.

Causes of fitness of organisms

It has been established that the individual of the species will survive if they are faster to change, adapting to the new requirements of the medium. The emergence of new signs and the appearance of a new species got the name of the phyletic speciation.

To date, the variety of species was noticeably accounted for compared with several thousand years ago. Marina is constant climate change, ice periods, eruption of volcanoes, earthquakes, deterioration of the environmental situation, the barbaric attitude of people. As a result, the most adaptive organisms survive, and the main cause of adaptability belongs to the natural selection.

Fitness of organisms to habitat

To survive, you need to adapt to living conditions, and it will choose the best individuals and will remove the weak. All animals live in different parts Their adaptive signs depend on this.

Laboratory work fitness of organisms

Laboratory work, with a problematic situation in the content, is necessary for the development of independent skills to study and research objects of biology. The existing problem generates hypotheses, versions, evidence and teaches to draw conclusions. Each work has a goal, questions, tasks and applications. And the work move is more convenient to display in the table.

Example. L. r. "Fitness to the habitat."

purpose: Determine the concept of animal fitness, to train the ability to determine adaptation.

Muhu - Burning can be found everywhere, except the tundra and desert. This is a short-cut insect, similar to the wasp, but completely harmless. Burbed fly very quickly. Proved their connection with ants, bumblebees leading a public lifestyle.

Fitness of organisms to environmental factors

Natural factors operate on any living organisms. TO inanimate nature include: temperature, change of day and night, seasons, characteristics of the soil, landscape, chemical composition Air and water, noises, radiation. The organisms adapt to this, but influence these conditions that are called abiotic factors cannot.

An important meaning for the survival of animals has adapts to changes in nature by man (anthropogenic factor). Being in natural communitiesAll living inhabitants of the planet are divided into groups with similar signs of adaptations to a separate environmental factor. These changes can be expressed both externally and internally, with the change of behavior.

For example, the body temperature depends on the weather conditions in most of the representatives of the animal world. These are cold-blooded animals. They react to a decrease, then an increase in the metabolic rate. When slowing, they have an anabiosis, which contributes to the preservation of energy. In warm-blooded species, the temperature is always constant and does not affect the metabolism. There are predators who hunt the day, and there are those that come out only at night. Pets are active mainly during the daytime.

Examples of adaptability of organisms

The horse can quickly run with wide comfortable hoofs. Feline capable of silently sneaking, pulling the claws. Birds facilitated their body to fly, getting rid of the bladder, one ovarian, teeth and acquiring wings with different plumage.

Insects - caterpillars adapted to become like a leaf of a plant, a twig. Crocodiles have special glands near the eye, helping to output an extra salt. The camel spares in its humps fat, with the splitting of which water is released. Polar bear Keeps heat with a layer of subcutaneous fat and thick fur, wide paws allow you to walk on thin ice.

Study of fitness of organisms

Initially, during the time of the domination of religion, it was stated that all living on Earth created an existing wise God. That the very nature of doing this could not. The Creator created everyone so that they could perform what they were entrusted. This theory was adhered to K. Linney.

J. B. Lamark argued that all organisms are born with the ability to change, and throughout their lives it remains only to improve these skills. Thus, new species with useful properties arise. But this theory does not explain the different color of the bird eggs and the benefit of the barns for the hedgehog.

C. Darwin expressed his opinion; "... if the animal or plant can survive a sharp change of climate or other conditions, then it is its descendants to become the most common." The new sign is transmitted to the offspring if it contributes to survival.

Modern scientists, studying adaptation, concluded that any useful variability comes later than the right time. Some new signs even harm the animal in the condition changed suddenly.

  • Wilorogues occupy second place among all animals in the speed of running. But a special feature is muscles that change the slope of wool. This ability helps in the heat or cold. And most importantly, having seen a danger, the observer spreads his hair of his task, which immediately notices the flock.
  • The secret of Klykach, Antarctic fishery, is that with the help of a special protein acting as antifreeze, its blood remains unproofy even at a temperature of minus 2 degrees.
  • African Fish Protter, which can sleep until 4 years, even will envy the bear. She is two-way, having a light system along with the gills.
  • Toad - waterpath sleeps in his shelter from the mucus, waiting for the new rain, as many as seven.
  • Bird Graph is not only Sanitary - Eats Padal, and maybe cool your body, urging on a plumage.


Each organism is best adapted to the conditions where he has to dwell. This change serves only where it was purchased, therefore it is considered relative. Natural selection leaves individuals only with those signs that have solved the greatest deviation of the significance of a certain environmental factor.

The emergence of adaptability of organisms.
The main reason for the appearance of various fixtures of living organisms to the habitat is selection. For example, it is known that the partridge is a forest bird. Depending on the habitat, it appears various adaptations: a) shortening the beak in connection with the production of food from under the snow and sheet bedding: b) the appearance of horny folds at the ends of the fingers to facilitate movement in thick snow cover; c) expansion, rounding of wings for rapid lifting into the air (there was no such structure for the ancestors of the partridge).
To further spread the fruits and seeds of plants also underwent various changes. These are hooks, spines, which they attach to animals, or light down, which is scattered by the wind.
The appearance of fitness in plants and animals - characteristic phenomenonBut in any case, the adaptability does not appear immediately. As a result of a long evolutionary process, individuals appear with special symptoms adapted to the conditions of the external environment.
Features of fitness in the structure, color, body shape and behavior are well visible on the example of aqueous mammal - dolphin. A pointed body shape gives him the opportunity to easily and freely move in water in different directions. Dolphin movement speed reaches 40 km / h. And in the birds, the adaptability indicators for the flight is the presence of feathers covering the body; lack of ear shells and teeth; The ability to rotate the head to 180 "; ease of bones; fast digestion of food in the stomach, etc.
Many animal adaptability is so developed that they are difficult to distinguish them from the environment. The shape of the body, coloring of fish, animals living in thick thickets of algae, help them successfully hide from enemies.

Types of fitness:

  1. Pontrery (masking) coloring and its types.
  2. Instinctive device.
  3. Caring for offspring.
  4. Physiological adaptation.

Fig. 21. Fitting of night butterflies by changing the color in the appropriate colors of the tree trunk: 1 - the same number of dark and light butterflies placed; 2 - light tree trunk; 3 - increase the number of light butterflies; 4 - increase the number of dark butterflies; 5 - Dark Tree Barrel

1. Pontrery (masking) coloring and its types. The patronage of color is the fitness of the organisms that live openly and can be available for enemies. Birds, starting eggs on Earth (deaf, partridge, quail, etc.), merge with the surrounding background. The bird sitting on the nest is motionless, almost imperceptible for their enemies. Milotless and eggs that have a pigmented shell and chicks hanging out of them. At large predators, whose eggs are not available for enemies, or in birds, laying eggs high on the rocks or injection them. In the ground, the patronizing color of the shell does not develop. Butterfly caterpillars are usually green, under the color of the leaves, or dark, under the color of the bark. Donate fish (Skat, Kambala) are often painted under the color of sand.
Animals deserts have, as a rule, a sandy yellow color. A monophonic patronage painting is characteristic of insects (locust), lizards, saigas, lions. Depending on the time of year, many animals change coloring. For example, the sandy, hareboy, the partridge in winter have white color. In daytime butterflies, patronizing coloring on the bottom of the wings, and at night - on the top of the wings, so during the day they become noticeable for enemies and can die (the lower part of the wings is light). The patroness color can be observed in the form of insects: the pupa of butterflies on the branch is very similar to the kidney; The larva attached on the branch in a stationary state is similar to the tree branch, etc.
Pontrery coloring is especially useful on initial stages individual development of the body (eggs, larva, chick). A patronage color is needed for slowly moving animals or rejoiced at rest.
Many animals are able to quickly change painting depending on the color of the environment, and this ability is inherited. For example: Chameleon, Kambala, Agama.

Types of patronage painting:

  1. protective coloring;
  2. attracting color;
  3. threatening coloring;
  4. imprive painting.

1. Protective Warning Color It is characteristic of poisonous, stinging or burning insects. For example, God's cow (red, yellow, brown, dark red, striped) birds are never climbing due to a poisonous, bitter yellowish liquid (Fig. 22). If the chicks randomly smooth this beetle, then the next time they do not fit it. The beetle makes a unpleasant ignition fluid, has a bright red striped color. Coloring bee, bumblebee, wasps, poisonous snakes Protects them from predators. Protective color Depends on the behavior of some insects and animals. Sometimes crawling beetles in the moments of danger fade. A stack, nesting in the reeds, accidentally seeing the enemy, pulls the neck, raises up my head and freezes. The warning color in animals is combined with behavior, scareting a predator.

Fig. 22. Warning color: 1 - ladybug; 2 - Faceproof

2. Attracting coloring. This coloring is especially important during reproduction. Bright coloring of red butterflies, blue-haired grasshoppers, tushkars, the plumage of male birds attracts females during the breeding period. In the usual days, the color is merged with the environment and becomes not noticeable for enemies (Fig. 23).

Fig. 23. Attracting Color: 1 - Red Order Tape; 2 - Blue-haired mare; 3 - Tushkhank

3. Threatening coloring. During the danger, animals take a threatening pose. For example, Cobra in the minute danger raises his head straight, inflates the neck and takes a threatening pose; The blackwood beetle raises the abdomen and highlights an unpleasant smell. The eared roundhead instantly reveals the skin folds on the head and freezes with an open mouth. On the disclosed wings of the mantis there are spots similar to the eyes. In case of danger, opening the wings, the mantis scares his enemy. Such stains are also available at night butterflies (Fig. 24).

Fig. 24. Threatening color: Glazchable spots on the wings of the butterfly (1) in the pose of the threat similar to the eyes of the elves (2)

4. Impriveting color - mimicry (Greek Mimikos - "Imitation"). This imitation of animals and plants with living organisms or certain non-living areas of the medium. The warning color of unprotected organisms has similarities with one or several species. For example, on the shape of the body, size, bright coloring the cockroach is similar to God's cow. On the shape of the body of the sea horse and fish-walled reminded algae. White butterfly in an unpleasant smell, bright color imitates inedible butterflies from the Heliconide family (Fig. 25), and fly-axes. The similarity of non-union snakes with poisonous helps them to protect them from enemies and survive.

Fig. 25. Immissory Color: Belyanka Butterfly (T) Looks like a poisonous butterfly-heliconide (2)

Examples of intelligent coloring of plants.
Imatabilities in plants are necessary to attract or intimidating animals. Usually there is no nectar on the whiteness flower. To attract insects, it looks like a honeycomb plant. Insects, sitting on the flower, contribute to his pollination. Flowers insectivorous plants (non-tenta) have a bright color. Insects, sitting on the flower, instantly fall into the "trap" and die. Orchid in the form of a flower and smell resembles a female of some insects, so the males of insects involuntarily sit on the flower and pollinate it.
Mimicry There is a "under the control" of natural selection. The occurrence of it is associated with the accumulation of small useful mutations edible species In the conditions of their joint habitat with inconsiderable. One of the main tools for protection against enemies and adaptive signs is: bugs and crabs - chitinos, clams - shells, crocodiles - scales, in armaduses and turtles - shell, hedgehog and dickery needles.

Fitness. Protective coloration. Protective coloring. Attracting coloring. Threatening coloring. Impaid painting (mimicry).

    1. The main reason for the various devices of organisms to the conditions of the medium is the selection.
    2. The patronage of color is the fitness needed to protect organisms leading an open lifestyle, from enemies.
    3. Protective coloring is a type of patronage color characteristic of poisonous, stinging, burning insects.
    4. Attracting coloring is the type of patronage color during the reproduction of organisms.
    5. Threatening painting is a way to protect animals from enemies by making threatening poses.
    6. Imitation of living organisms and non-residential areas of the medium is the fitness of organisms that are not capable of independently defending or sedentary.
    7. What signs of organisms determine the fitness?
    8. How does the fitness arise?
    9. Name the types of patronage painting.
    10. Show on the example protective coloring.
      1. What organisms are peculiar to the resulting color?
      2. Give examples proving the usefulness of attracting painting.
      3. What are the examples of the imitation color in plants?

The task
Did you meet in the nature of insects that serve when touched? Pay attention to their actions, immobility. Pay attention to insects that allocate an unpleasant odorous smell. Compare them. This task will help you to get more deeply familiar with the protective and threatening painting animals.
Try to task.
What type are the above examples of the patronage color? Enter according to capital letters: "ZSH" - protective; "Pr" - attracting; "PD" is imitative.

    1. Ladybug. 5. Neventes (insectoral plant).
    2. Butterfly. 6. Fill.
    3. Beetle-blackwood. 7. Male Pheasant.
    4. Sea Horse. 8. Bogomol.

Explaining on the basis of natural selection, the origin of species as a grand and comprehensive process of consistent adaptation, Darwin's theory also explained the phenomenon of the expedient structure of organic forms. Forms of adaptations as a reflection of feasibility are infinitely diverse: the swimming bubble in the body of the fish is filled with air and facilitates the mass of her body; overcome the swamps more conveniently on long legs with widespread fingers, like Herons, or with wide hooves, like an elk; In jumping animals, the hind limbs are stronger (kangaroo, grasshopper, frog). In animals leading the underground lifestyle, the limb of a vintage form and are adapted for the digging of the earth. There are appropriate devices in plants and animals for daily and annual fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

Adherents of idealistic views and servants of the church in the phenomena of the adaptability of organisms and their expedient structure saw the expression of the total harmony of nature outgoing, allegedly, from her creator. The theory of Ch. Darwin rejects any participation in the emergence of devices of supernatural forces, she convincingly proved that the whole animal and vegetable world Since its appearance, it is improved along the path of expedient devices to habitat: to water, air, sunlight, gravity strength. Amazing harmony of wildlife, its perfection is created by nature itself: the struggle for survival. This struggle is that the strength that gives the fortress to the roots, the sophisticated beauty of flowers, causes a bizarre mosaic of the spot location and hides the teeth, gives the mighty power of muscles, visual sharpness, hearing, and alone many animals.

Fitness as an expression of feasibility is manifested in everything. For example, predators have claws, fangs, beaks, poisonous teeth, from which the victim is very difficult to escape. But in the struggle for life, the means of protection were developed: one forces respond by force, other feet saved, thirdly had a sink, shell, needles, etc., many weak and defenseless insects, being harmless or edible, for many years of natural selection He took over the color and shape of the sherry, OS, became similar to poisonous or inedible forms. Their intelligent color or form at the same time is a guard, as it coincides with the background of the environment: it makes predators in inconspicuous and helps them sneak up to mining, pursued species makes it possible to hide from enemies. If insects pursued by birds did not have coloring under the color of green grass or wood bark, they would have destroyed the feathers. The plumage of the tundra partridge is merged with the tone of rocks and vertices covered with lichens, the Valdshnep is immeasured among the dried and fallen oak foliage, etc. The expressed adaptive character is the ability of animals to take a "threatening" or "frightening" color and position: the caterpillars of the wine brahnik there are in front of Blood-like stains, at the time of danger, she lifts the front of the body, scaring these birds.

A variety of devices exclude the possibility of self-pollution in most plants, allow them to spread the fruits and seeds or thanks to the spines to resist the eating herbivores. The aroma and bright coloring of flowers arose as adaptations to attract insects, which, visiting flowers, cross these plants crosswise, or as a device to a more efficient absorption of the sun's rays of a certain length.

Protective coloration. The patronage of color is developed in the species that live openly and can be available to enemies. Such color makes organisms less noticeable against the background of the surrounding area. In some there are a bright pattern (painting at zebra, tiger, giraffe) - alternation of light and dark stripes and stains. This dismembering color seems to simulate light and shadow stains.

Disguise. Masking - a device in which the body shape and the color of the animal merges with the surrounding items. For example, the caterpillars of some butterflies on the shape of the body and the color resemble the bitch.

Mimicry. Mimicry - imitation of a less protected organism of one species to a more protected organism of another species. This imitation can manifest itself in the shape of the body, color, etc. So, some types of unseated snakes and insects are like poisonous. Mimicry - the result of selection of similar mutations different species. It helps unprotected animals to survive, contributes to the preservation of the body in the struggle for existence.

Warning (threatening) Color Types often have a bright, memorable color. Once trying to taste an unbearable cow, the bird, the bird will remember their bright color for his whole life.

(According to the personal page of Ivanova Andrei)

In the teaching on the natural selection of Darwin not only materialistically substantiated the adaptation of the organisms (their appropriate structure), but also showed it relative nature. So, preventive and patronage color, various other protective devices act far from all pursuers, but, having adaptations, the individual is less likely to be attacked. Holders of sting - wasps, bees, hornets - without difficulty eating mukholovki, chubs. Fly fish, jumping out of the water into the air, is cleverly saved from the predatory fish, but the Albatros enjoys it, overtaking its prey in the air. Turtle shell - good defense, however, the eagle raises it into the air and throws on the rocks; The shell is broken, and the eagle eats the turtle.

Each animal and plant cannot be fully adapted to all the conditions, which have been overwhelmed throughout the living. Any fixture is preserved until it is supported by natural selection, but disappears as soon as it ceases to be useful. As an example of the change of fixtures, the development of the patronage color has a butterfly of birch spin.

Thus, the basis of the theory of Darwin is the doctrine of natural selection - the main and guiding factor of evolution. In the struggle for existence on the basis of hereditary variability, there is a consistent change of fixtures and survival of the most adapted, the diversity of wildlife forms is increasing, the process of speciation is performed and the general progressive development of the plant and the animal world is carried out. In this theory, there were resolution of two problems: the mechanism of the speciation and the origin of the expediency of the organic world.

The fitness of the organisms as a result of evolution (T.A. Kozlova, V.S. Kuchmenko. Biology in tables. M., 2000)

Indicators of fitness



Methods for mining food

The absorption of water and mineral salts is ensured by the intensive development of roots and root hairs;
The absorption of solar energy is carried out most successfully wide and thin leaves;
Capture and digestion by marsh plants insects and small amphibians

Comicing leaves in high trees; Capture using a network and towing power facilities; The special structure of the octopic organs ensures the catching of insects from long, narrow holes, the bone of grass, catching flying insects;

Grappling and retention predatory mammals and birds

Damage protection

Have spines providing protection from herbivores;
contain poisonous substances;
the rosette shape of the leaves is not available for blending

Saved fast running; have needles, shells, scareting the smell and other protection; The patronage of color saves under certain conditions

Adaptation to abiotic factors (to cold)

Focusing; cold resistance; preservation; Vegetative organs in the soil Flight to South; thick coat; hibernation; Subcutaneous layer of fat


Lungs, winged seeds; Chain hooks Bird flights; Migration of animals

The effectiveness of breeding

Attraction of pollinators: coloring flowers, smell

Attracting sexual partner: bright plumage, sex attractants

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