Psychomatrix by date of birth


The term "psychomatritsa" first introduced Aleksandrov A.F., mathematician and scientist, founder of the school of numerology. One day, a five-hour brochure in numerology came to his hands, in which it was about the teachings of Pythagore and the secret knowledge of the ancient Egyptian priests. She prompted him to find the wounded knowledge on numerology. Alexandrov developed a whole system for digital analysis of the individual, which many numerologists are successfully practiced.

Walking through the expanses of Ineta, I was convinced that this system was "live". It is constantly updated with new developers of her practitioners. The purpose of writing this article was the desire to assemble interest relating to psychomatrix. As far as I got it and how much it works, it is all - to solve you.

Calculation of psychomatrix by date of birth

At the moment there is a lot of online services for calculating psychomatrix. In the absence of a desire to make calculations, you can use a simple

But the purpose of writing this article was the desire to teach you to count and interpret psychomatritsa on your own.

Let's proceed to the calculations. To start writing the date of birth in the line, as in the picture. Further, we need to calculate the working numbers.

1 working number Calculate by adding all the date of birth.
Consider the example of the date 19. 6. 1978
1st R.Ch.: 1 + 9 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 8 \u003d 41;

2 Operational - This is the sum of the number of the first working number.
2nd R.Ch.: 4 + 1 \u003d 5;

3 Operational - Calculate as follows: From the first working number, the first digit of the date of birth, multiplied by two (if we say, the man is born 28 numbers, we take the first digit, that is, 2 and multiply on 2. The product will be subtracted from the first working number.)
3rd R.Ch.: 41 - (1 * 2) \u003d 39;

4 working number - This is the sum of the figures of the third working number.
4th rch: 3 + 9 \u003d 12;

The value of the working numbers in the psychomatrice

The first working number - shows which qualities a person should develop to achieve the goal;

Second working number - this is the purpose of incarnation, as well as his leading quality;

Third additional number - These are qualities, data from birth person (they are largely determined by their parents).

Fourth Additional Number - This is the basic quality obtained by a person from birth.

Numbers in the date of birth - This is the set of tools that will be used by a person during life for the development of leading qualities.

Unruled numbers in the work number

When calculating the second and fourth number, unrulent numbers may form (which are not reduced to unique). There are only four of them: 10, 11, 12, 13. Let me remind you that in the second operating number it is a personal task of a person, in the fourth - the unrealized task of ancestors. What a value can take such a number:

Number 10 -the method of your implementation is leadership. Sooner or later, you have to lead people or lead something.

Number 11 -you are a good organizer, are designed to organize collectives.

Number 12 -you must organize a society aimed at spirituality (volunteering, church ...)

Number 13 -you must organize a society associated with creativity, something ancient or historical.

Decoding of psychomatrice

First line of psychomatrix

The first (1,4,7,7) row of psychomatrice is volitional qualities, man's dedication. Shows as far as a person knows how to put a task and come to the goal. Just as much as he is able to defend his views - it will go through the intended path or destruct to someone else's influence.

no digit
- Such a person is very easy to convince. He does not set himself tasks, hopes for others and floats downstream;
1 digit
- Sellek lands hopes for friends and will of the case. Weak target in man. It can enter into a dispute, but not for the sake of the result, but for victory in the discussion.

2 numbers - purposefulness in normal. At first, a person appreciates its capabilities and already on the basis of this plans the future. According to the principle, "you go quiet - you will go further."

3 numbers - The person is inclined to impulsiveness. Often, changes its goals unreasonably and unpredictable.

4 numbers - Strong dedication in man. He first puts goals in front of him, and only then thinks as much as they are real. Such people are able to achieve conceived, even if the task at first glance is not commensurate with the possibilities and does not correspond to interests.

5 digits - high level of purposefulness. Man, not looking at anything, goes to his goal. He is able to "go through the heads", can lose much, but will achieve it.

6 digits and more - The purposefulness of the excavation. A person puts several goals at once or goals that are incommensurable with opportunities. This slowly slows his movement forward.

Second row of psychomatritsy

The second (2,5,8) row of psychomatrix will tell about the qualities of the family man, as far as the desire to create a family is expressed in the man, to be in a circle of loved ones and native people.

no digit - In the human values \u200b\u200bsystem, the family is in the last place. He is not in a hurry to associate himself with the Uzami Gimenta, to take responsibility towards close, to have children. Most likely he is engaged in work, promotion over the career ladder or devotes himself and his free time to friends.

1-2 numbers - A person is aware of the fact that sooner or later will need to get a family. But targeted steps in this direction does not. Waits when everything itself is resolved, by the will of the case.

3 numbers - At one moment, such a person can visit the strongest desire to create a family, tied his lives with the second half. But after a time he can overcome the exact opposite desire to not create a family hearth by all means.

4 numbers "A person does not delay with the creation of a family, striving for solid relationships and rarely becomes the culprit of the divorce.

5 digits - A person does not represent himself without a family. The quality of the family man is strongly developed. Often it presents extremely high demands for family members, "customizing" their quality under some kind of ideal.

6 digits and more - The quality of the family man rolls. A person cannot find his ideal for a long time, from which family creation is postponed indefinitely.

Third row of psychomatritsy

The third (3, 6, 9) row of psychomatritsa shows how much a person is constant in their habits and affections. Is it easy to agree on changes, or is experiencing a fear of the slightest changes that destroy the usual way.

no digit1 digit - Such a person seeks to change everyone around him. The revolutionary in spirit, from easily changes the environment, the place of work and easily agrees to change.

2 numbers "A person is still easy to rise, but already holds back his gusts of the revolutionary.

3 numbers - Such a person is unstable. He is able to surround himself with habits and affections, but with the same ease of them and refuse. All this is spontaneously, unexpectedly without good reason.

4 and 5 digits - Very stable people. Often, heavy on the rise. Try so that everything went on the usual way, it is difficult to experience changes.

6 digits and more - Stability is excavated. Such a person creates so many habits that burdened by their cargo begins to cancel them himself. That is, he fights with his own stability.

First column of psychomatrice

The first (1, 2, 3) column of the psychomatrix will tell how the self-esteem is developed in man.

no digits - 3 digits - Self-development is poorly developed, a person does not believe in his own strength. Imported assesses its capabilities. With three digits, a person is very insecrated in herself, but glimpses still happen when he understands that he is still very good for something in life he is capable of.

4 numbers - A person is confident and its own opportunities. He spend a lot of strength to show yourself, stand out from the gray mass.

5 digits - Very severe self-esteem. Sometimes leads to the fact that a person estimates its potential opportunities, not improving them without turning into real qualities.

6 digits and more - self-esteem shrinking. The main problem of such people is that they are docked on the presentation of the external form, forgetting about the content. They flashed before the crowd admired by their appearance, but there is not enough for the achievement of the goals of the fervor.

Second column of psychomatritsa

The second (4, 5, 6) column we will consider as an indicator of how much a person aims to focus on financial independence, the arrangement of life. His need for money.

no digit - It does not mean that the person is inattentive to the money, it is simply more striving for information than to weaken.

1 digit- 2 numbers - The person is more interested in the status than wage. More motivation from the leadership, the possibility of career growth and he will be posted on full.

3 -4 numbers -man is experiencing the need for money. Without having a certain amount of money, he is discomfort.

5 digits - Sometimes, the life of such people is aimed at making money. A person with 5 digits is experiencing depression in the absence of a certain amount of money. It comes to the point that he cannot build any relationship with anyone.

6 digits and more - Quality rolls. This leads to the fact that a man of an adventurer in making money.

The third column of psychomatritsy

The third (7, 8, 9) column of the psychomatrix will tell how talented man. The power of the talent of a person is determined by the number of digits in the column. But 6 and more digits lead to quality overload, which is not good. Whether a person will reveal his talent - depends only on him.

Ascending diagonal of psychomatrix

Ascending (3, 5, 7) Diagonal of psychomatrix is \u200b\u200bthe indicator of the carnal interests of a person, the desire to eat tasty and tastefully dress up, as well as its temperament and need for physical proximity.

no digit1 digit- Man is cold. Often, it leads to treason, as he does not care with whom and how - the main thing is to prove its viability in proximity.

2-3 digits - Normal temperament. A person is able to have proximity every day. But if there is no such possibility - it will survive it quite calmly.

4 numbers - Pretty strong temperament, which indicates the need for a person in physical proximity.

5 digits - Very temperamental man. It perceives the act of proximity as art. He is not all the same with whom and how, the boring performance of married duty is not for him. He needs a real passion of the partner.

6 digits and more - temperament rolls. Bust, an increased desire for a variety leads to cooling and complete dissatisfaction.

Downward diagonal of psychomatrix

Downward (1, 5, 9), the diagonal of psychomatrix will tell about the desire of a person to spirituality and the highest to the beginning, his divine mission. It should be given such an assessment of the quality of 0 digits - fearlessness, 5 digits - the quality is as developed as much as possible. There is also more digits - spirituality excavation, which leads to fanaticism, sectarianism, which is more reminiscent of confusion. According to another version, if the diagonal contains 7-10 digits - a person has a high mission leaving for personal purpose.

Will, spirit or mind - what prevails?

Now we will return to the rows of psychomatrix and consider them a few differently. Which of the strings is more numbers?

1 line - this is the predominance of volitional qualities in man;

2 string - the spirit prevails;

3 String - very sharp mind.

In our example, the largest number of numbers in 1 line - 6 (four units, foursome and eight). This suggests that a person is very volitional. But intellectual abilities are almost not inferior to the will (in 3 row 5 digits).

Where does a person draw energy?

Where does a person draw energy to fulfill his mission and daily tasks? The greater the numbers in any cell of psychomatrix - the stronger energy. Consider the value of each cell:

1 cell - this is own mental energy of man;

2 cell. - this is a source of information from the external environment;

3 cell - this is a source of energy acquisition from the universe;

4 cell - The source of energy may be love, friendship, inspiration. Energia is able to transform into the energy of creation and creation;

5 cell - This type of energy can be obtained as a result of changes and changes due to the feeling of inner freedom;

6 cell - the source of energy derived from nature;

7 cell. - source of talents, spirituality and truth;

8 cell - source of debt, commitments and responsibility;

9 cell - The source of energy obtained from the Creator.

Psychomanic transitions

Each person has freedom of choice. Everyone is free to choose how to live him, choose the position of the "victim" or "owner of life." It is the right to choose that the number of psychomatrix is \u200b\u200bmovable. That is, even those born in one day people can have different psychomatrians. Consider more details Numbers:

Transition of numbers 22-4 in psychomatrice

Health and energy are interrelated, so the transition of numbers is carried out:
22 → 4
4 → 22

"In a healthy body healthy mind". Strengthening health, you will receive additional vital energy. Care from conflicts, despotism, a negative burst of emotions will save your energy and strengthen health.

Transition of numbers 8-11 in Psychomatrice

Transition 8 (tolerance) → 11 (power) -22 or -4
This transition is carried out in the case when a person suppresses the will of another. This transition is quite energy-cost. As a result of the transition, a person loses 22 (energy) or 4 (health).

Reverse transition 11 (power) → 8 (tolerance) +22 or +4
It happens when, instead of power, a person shows tolerance, kindness, softness and understanding. Due to such a transition, a person receives additional energy or strengthens health.

Transition numbers 6 - 7 in psychomatrice

Six (groundlessness, interest in power) in counterweights 7 (desire for the disclosure of abilities and talents). How is the transition?
6 → 7, as a result of 11 → 8 +22 or +4
7 → 6, as a result of 8 → 11 -22 or -4

This is such a difficult transition. By ruling to disclose your abilities, a person acquires additional resources in the form of health or energy. Grounding, rushing towards manipulations and destruction (6 is not considered in this case as physical work) - a person loses health or energy, if they are not there - he threatens death.

Numbers 5 and 9 in Psychomatrice

In this case, not the transition of numbers, but is mutual gain:
55 9
99 and more create an additional 5
Man, having strong 9 and weak 5, when solving a logical task, no logical calculations produces. It relies on a strong memory, comparing the task with the accumulated experience recalls the decision that subsequently accepts as logically reasonable.
A man with a strong 5 and weak 9 has a "logical memory". Holding a logical chain, he "remembers" the events of the past.

Creating an additional digit of a strong line

The subtitle speaks for himself. If a person improves its abilities - it is possible to create an additional figure due to the strong line of psychomatrix. However, the opposite is also the opposite line can weaken the number and other lines. To restore a weakened digit - to begin with, it is necessary to weaken the strong line that the figure was captured.
In order to "enable" a strong line to create an additional digit, it is necessary to develop the qualities for which this line corresponds to. The line is capable of creating only one of the three numbers, its components. There is one thing: if you go through the destruction, power and degradation, any additional digit can go and speech.

For example, what figure is able to create the first column of the above psychomatrix? This is a number 1 or 2 or 3. Only one digit created by one strong line !!!

Is the transition of numbers without loss possible?

Many transitions of numbers in psychomatrix are associated with energy loss (22) or health (4). Is it possible to avoid these losses? This is possible if there is zero in the matrix. For example, a person with 10 does not need to lose energy to become a leader. It is only necessary to always remember that rolling towards despotism, the person is "reset" (that is, he will not be able to realize the potential laid in it).

Psychomatritsa after 2000

How to be with psychomatrix children born in 2000 and later? When considering it turns out that there are very few numbers in them. Alexandrov proposed the following rule that acts in the time interval from 2000 to 2199: "To create an additional digit in the line, it is enough for at least one digit in this line. One line can create only one digit. "

We will analyze on the example of a child born on March 21, 2015.

1 string can create a digit: or 1 or 4 or 7.

2 row can create a digit: or 2 or 5 or 8.

3 row can create a digit: or 3 or 6 or 9.

1 Column can create a digit: or 1 or 2 or 3.

2 column can create a digit: or 4 or 5 or 6.

3 column will not create a digit, as it does not meet the specified requirements - there are no numbers in it. So, we can get the number 7 only by the 1st line and ascending diagonals. Only the second line can be given to the figure 8. Figure 9 can be obtained by the 3rd line or downlink diagonal.

1.5.9 (diagonal) can create a number: or 1 or 5 or 9.

3.5.7 (diagonal) can create a digit: or 3 or 5 or 7.

To create the necessary figures, parents must raise the quality in the child for which the line that creates the figure corresponds to.

Dynamics of human development

In which direction will the development of a person? In order to find out - it is necessary to calculate 2 more additional working numbers - 5 and 6. We note them with checkmarks in our psychomatrice. 5 working number - This is the sum of the number of the first operating number and the third working number.
5th 41 + 39 \u003d 80;
6 working number - This is the sum of the numbers of the second and fourth working numbers.
6th rch: 5 + 12 \u003d 17;

Health in psychomatrice

To begin with, consider the relationship of numbers with parts of the body (including 5 and 6 working numbers indicating the currently acquired diseases).

0 - if it is found in a numerological row - any or all parts of the body;
1 - Head, brain, mouth, teeth, nose, eyes. High pressure, headaches;
2 - body bodies related to speech (throat, language ...);
3 - nervous system, solar plexus, diaphragm;
4 - gallbladder, lungs, spleen, liver;
5 - pancreas, digestive and cardiovascular system;
6 - Immune system. Chronic disorders;
7 - kidney and urinary system;
8 - reproduction authorities;
9 - muscles, tendons, bones. There may be injuries, bruises, difficult-scale disorders, stretching, shock shocks.

How to interpret? Calculate the number of numbers in each cell of the psychomatrix:
no digit - A person is not predisposed to this disease. But if suddenly the disease is manifested and repeats - the operation is possible;

1 digit - the disease is possible, but the person will quickly cure;

2 numbers - Serious shifts, long-term treatment;

3 numbers - long-term disease with serious consequences;

4 digits and more - Serious long disease flowing into chronic.

The value of the combination of the cells of the psychomatrix

Additional information on positive and negative character qualities can be obtained from a combination of cells. What cells of psychomatrick are most filled?

1-2 mentally balanced people, with stable health, able to follow the norms.
1-3 reliable companion. Active person manifesting the strength of spirit, courage in extreme situations.
1-4 well-developed mental abilities, intelligence
1-5 overestimated self-conceit, irrepressible optimism, generosity over measures.
1-6 people kind, sensual, optimistic. Also eccentricity and capriciousness.
1-7 Responsibility, self-discipline, tolerance.
1-8 in humans are independent, it is original and intuitive.
1-9 The path of evolution. The development of yourself and the world around.
2-3 people are increasing and impulsive. Face for profit.
2-4 people mood, difficulty adaptation in large teams.
2-5 compassion, honesty, decency, ability to love and empathize. Predisposition to white magic.
2-6 wastefulness, credulity, insecurity in contacts.
2-7 sanity, responsibility, sense of tact, self-esteem or fruitful privacy.
2-8 people dynamic, open for emotional contacts.
2-9 people delicately perceives the world, endowed with a rich fantasy and strong intuition. He is impressed. Genial. Sometimes talking about passivity.
3-4 people are an enterprising, always ready for learning with a rapid response. Sometimes stiffness and fussiness.
3-5 sociable and brave. Sometimes talking about the inability to relax, dishonesty in acts and unreliability.
3-6 Personal passions, dreams of love, faith in the best. This is the path and life experience that a person must pass.
3-7 Individual development path.
3-8 people are very frank and bold. Also this is an unexpected short-term success.
3-9 people can keep their feelings under control, without suppressing them. It has personal attractiveness, powerful harmonizing energy.
4-5 people possesses abstract thinking. Optimistic. Perfectly controls its emotions. Assists those who need it.
4-6 This is a target line. Man is diplomatic.
4-7 people possesses an excellent feeling of shape and structure, endowed with logical thinking. Interacting with others, it produces its own internal system.
4-8 people are insightful, with a moving mind. It can also talk about nervousness, not the desire to perceive the advice of other, stubbornness and hasty in making decisions.
4-9 These are the abilities of the strategist, wonderful visual memory. Dar of the Prophet. Also depressed, anxiety, unwillingness to live.
5-6 can talk about popularity, sociability, generosity, pickly, harmonious relations with the opposite sex. Also luck in the financial sector.
5-7 people makes mistakes in planning, they are wrong with them.
5-8 people with hospitals, he has a very wide range of communication. Abilities in the field of astrology and occult. Natural magician.
5-9 people friendly, charming, noble and capable of empathy. There may be abilities to religion, mystic and magic. Love for travel. Also chaos and excess feelings.
6-7 Very reliable, moral and practical person, with love for order. Maybe about later marriage. Also, confusion, deceit, restraint.
6-8 people with changed mood. Maybe about marriage for love, love at first sight.
6-9 people are soft, courtesy, conscious, emotional, prone to empathy. Also religiosity and mysticism.
7-8 people are inclined to systematize knowledge and ideas, endowed with abilities to science, highly specialized. It can also talk about reliable, sincere friends.
7-9 people have a high ability to concentrate, it is mandatory and demanding. Possible interest occult sciences. Forehead in the affairs of everydays.
8-9 people idealizes reality. He has the spiritual abilities that he implements in life. Also these are occult knowledge, mysticity of consciousness. Perhaps sectarianism.

The predominance of numbers in the first (1, 2, 3) column - strong experience of the past;

The prevalence of numbers in the second (4, 5, 6) column - man lives a real;

The predominance of numbers in the third (7, 8, 9) column - a person lives the future;

Zero in the first and second working number suggests that a person must open something new, new laws. Zero in the third and fourth working numbers means that a person must restore and use the ready-made preferences.

On the example, consider the value of zero. Suppose it is in the third operating number, which determines the qualities, data from birth:

10 - True leadership. But only developing and self-improvement can be able to achieve championship. A dozen in this position may say that a person in the family had a man of government, a managerial and a true leader;

20 - such a person from birth is given knowledge of energy. Perhaps he will continue to continue the case of one of the masters, developing the doctrine of energy. It may be qigong, rail, yoga, etc. He can also develop the abilities of the healer;

30 - a person must restore, master and apply in practice some older, true knowledge;

40 - can mean dancing, sports, wellness systems, improving their body;

50 - the occupation of accurate sciences, intuition, logic, planning, policies and diplomacy;

60 - craft, needlework;

70 - the occupation of science, knowledge of the world, nature and the universe;

80 - True kindness and tolerance;

90 - accumulation of experience, memory, clairvoyance.

Units in Psychomatrice

The unit in psychomatrice takes a variety of values \u200b\u200b- this is character, volitional qualities, the ability to defend their views, uniqueness, leadership, authority, pride, loneliness, as of the Divine beginning.

"1" - "11" in Pichomastric

Such a person is difficult to make decisions on its own. He is not ambitious, he has no special desire to build a career or achieve some heights. Listen to the opinion of others. Most likely, it will look for a mentor or leader.

"111" in Piromastric

Such a person is able to make decisions and be responsible for them. Of these, good managers are obtained, able to listen to the opinion of the team. The presence of 77 makes them excessively targeted.

"1111" in Pichomastric

This is a "beginner despot." A person has leadership qualities, but ineptly distributes powers. It seems to him that no one is able to cope with work, accumulates all the work in his hands.

"11111" in Pichomastric

Such a person does not tolerate the opinions of others. This is a despot. He only listens to himself and is looking for confirming his words in a dialogue with others. Because of the overload in Psychomatrice, he simply needs to confirm the correctness of his actions from the surrounding. Through this, such people will plant "pets" who are constantly agreeable.

"111111" and more in Pichomastric

Often, such people are concerned about the opinions of others, constantly experiencing what the neighbors say about them. They are trying to assert themselves, show their personal qualities, sometimes even to the detriment of themselves. Easily inspire, without end looking for confirmation of the correctness of its actions.

Twos in Psychomatrice.

Two in psychomatrice is the energy of communication and self-development, the duality of behavior and duality in decision-making. Human activity and progress towards goal.

"No 2" - "2" in Pichomastric

Such people have a low level of energy. They are fussy, have excessive physical activity, often lazy student. Basically, they get energy from others using flattery.

22 "in Piromastric

A person has stable, good energy. 22 is the norm that needs every person. It is not inclined to bustle, if necessary, is able to engage in monotonous labor. Such people are not lazy, and if a person is lazy with 22 - it is necessary to seek reasons in another (the lines in which the twice entered). If necessary, to defend their interests capable of conflict.

"222" in Pichomastric

222 is a special sign in a psychomatrice. The so-called extrase sign. But it is not worth seduating) only the presence of unexpected, emergency situations can turn such a person in psychics. In other cases 222 \u003d 2. That is, a person with three twins is moving, fussy and manifests lazy. Plus, such qualities will be added as: the ability to help others, unwillingness to share their problems, closure, an explosion of emotions at pressure from the outside.

"2222" - "22222" in Pichomastric

Donor energy. Such a person has powerful energy and can share her with others. It is better to engage in activities that requires large energy consumption: physical labor, medicine, sports, teaching activities. It is suitable for working with people and preferable to have a wide range of communication. For "discharge" such a person can go to conflicts.

"222222" and more in Pichomastric

Such a person is inclined to fall into a depressive state. At such moments, it is practically not able to control his emotions. Tears, hysteries, in every way attracting attention, it unconsciously "pumps" energy from others.

Troika in Psychomatrice

Troika in Psychomatrice is a person's interest. His thrust for knowledge, whatever, love for technology and science. Originality, creative. This is also a generic potential. If a person has the first working number 33 - it can talk about the presence of a generic program, it is also a generic potential to eliminate the program.

"No 3" in Pichomastric

The absence of triples can talk about the difficulties in creative implementation. There are people born of 12 and 21 numbers (which in the amount forms 3). These are very creative, creative personalities. A man without a triple is not predisposed to the exact sciences. But this does not mean that he will not be able to realize himself in the sphere of accurate sciences. He knows how to systematize other people's knowledge, copy, just act as a slave. But still, in the absence of Trok, it is better to look for yourself in humanitarian sciences.

"3" - "33" in Pichomastric

Such a person is predisposed to the exercise of accurate sciences, he may even become a scientist. As far as it is capable of working with technology can be judged only by analyzing additionally 5 (logic), 6 (ability to physically labor), 2 (energy).

"333" and more in Piromastric

This very capable person. He is creative, there is a predisposition to the exercise of accurate sciences. Availability 333 and more may also say that a person has a generic problem. In this case, you need to pay attention to the number of birth. If its amount is 9 (9, 18, 27) - the problem is in male energy: weak men and husband-like women. (Especially if there are 33 in the work number).

Four in Psychomatrice

Four in psychomatrice is human health and physical body, physical strength; Also, all the science studies learning a person and humanity as a whole. When analyzing events, people can mean people, the crowd, the physical body.

"No 4" in Pichomastric

Man from birth is not endowed with strong health. However, his health in his own hands - should be preserved and strengthen it in every way. The absence of four does not allow such a person to professionally play sports. But if there is 22,2222 and more it can try himself in intellectual sport.

Such a person is not inclined to make little things and details. Thinks globally. Loves the cleanliness created by others, but does not follow the order itself.

"4" in Pichomastric

Such a person has good physical health and endurance. He can play sports (but should be careful at 111 and 1111, ambitions can kill a person). Such people are good strategists. They are attentive in trifles. In everyday life are not able to observe order every day.

"44" in Pichomastric

So people from birth is given excellent health. Of these, good team players come out. These are tactics, pedants, requiring the system from others. They know how to systematize. In everyday life are neat, able to restore order and adhere to it daily.

"444" - "44444" in Pichomastric

People with excellent health. Excessively pedantic. They simply need to be engaged in power sports, otherwise their entire energy will go to the terrorization of loved ones. Such people are metiches to the smallest things, strive for immaculateness. Could notice what others do not see. Always neat. Accustomed to follow themselves.

"444444" and more in Pichomastric

An excess quantine can give 2 extremes: a man manicly retreats and the mess can lead to a psyche disorder, or a man is slightly to the impossibility.

Five in psychomatrice

The five in Psychomatrice can take such meanings: planning, logic, intuition, ledger, survival, land, center of situations and universe. This is the sexuality of man.

"No 5" - "5" in Pichomastric

Such a person has standard logic. When solving tasks, it uses memory and intuition. They are not inherent in innate sexuality.

"55" and more in Pichomastric

Fives increase logic and sexuality in man. The more five - the more developed these qualities.

Six in Psychomatrice

Six in psychomatrice has such meanings: physical work, money, skill, ability to provide themselves, skill work with hands. Manipulation, NLP. In a negative, this desire to subjugate for self-follows, failure, death, destruction.

Availability 6 in the date of birth indicates external interference on the path to the target. Depending on the beginning or end of the date there is a six, you can foresee where a person will face obstacles. Let me remind you that the first digits of the dates are responsible for the results of the day. The end of the date is the moment when you have already shown our activity and created the basis.

The six in the first and second working numbers may have such values: the work of new skills of skills; A person has to work negative qualities - hereditary "vices"; We'll have to overcome the negative impact of money and power.

Six in the third operating number - may mean that in the family were "craftsmen for all hands" or parents are overly concerned about money and other material benefits. In the third and fourth working numbers, the six says that a person will achieve skill, using the experience of ancestors.

"No 6" in Pichomastric

Such people are very suggested. They persistently recommend to find faith in themselves, otherwise they will dismiss and manipulate. The lack of six makes people not predisposed to physical work. Physical work takes energy (22) or health (4). They should be minimized by hand, no needlework, look for sales in creativity and science.

"6" in Pichomastric

One six says that a person can occasionally work his hands. However, it is not recommended to choose a profession where it will be necessary to physically work every day. In this case, the person has all the energy goes to work and health can be shaken.

"66" in Pichomastric

This is the case when they say that the "man's work is engraved." A man with a high level of skill. He just needs to perform some kind of mechanical work. He is even able to improve from work. Products made by his hands will fill other energy.

"666" and more in Pichomastric

Such people skillful manipulators. Especially impressive they manipulate on the feeling of fear. They are recommended to engage in self-development so that the sixes move into seven.

Sevenxes in psychomatrice

The seven in a psychomatrice is the world, the universe, an understanding of the laws of nature, luck and luck, the ability to change the world around themselves. Nothing to do with financial success does not have (7 the most non-monetary number). When trying to get rich at the expense of the seven, a person will fail: money debt, prison, illness, death.

"No 7" in Pichomastric

A person with a lack of seven for good luck should not have to come. He is from those who are able to achieve "not due to, but in spite of." From the discharge not lucky, but successful.

"7" - "77" in Pichomastric

One seven gives a person some luck, and two makes a truly lucky.

"777" and more in Pichomastric

Such a person is like a happy talisman. He may not be a baulm of fate, but the surrounding brings good luck.

Eight in Psychomatrice

Eight in psychomatrice is tolerance, resistance to life adversity; Justice, knowledge of truth, justice; a sense of debt towards parents and loved ones; It is also life, blackmailing and striving for suffering.

"No 8" in Piromastric

A person with the lack of eights is easy to remove himself, it is easier for others in anger. It does not tolerate pressure from others. Such people from birth are not endowed with a sense of debt towards native and loved ones; Do not inherent in kindness and tolerance.

"8" in Pichomastric

A person begins to appear some sense of debt to relatives. Nevertheless, it relates to them quite cool and able to not see for years.

"88" - "888" in Pichomastric

The person is very tied to his family, especially to the mother. For him, the opinion of parents is important. Man with 888 is able to build his life in favor of the mother. He must be acquired by the family, otherwise after the death of his parents, his life will lose sense.

"8888" in Pichomastric

The child with 8888 seeks to control his parents, strive for the departments in the family. He can't without energy, it is still necessary to send his ambition to society.

"88888" in Piromastric

88888 Like 11111, despotism is included. Such a person can be completely absorbed by controlling his parents, to the detriment of personal life. May come up to tyranny and manipulations.

Nine in psychomatrice

Nine in psychomatrice is the development of peace and nature; memory; Ability to look into the future, the gift of anticipation; Inevitability, rock.

"No 9" in Pichomastric

Anyway, the nine is present in all, even born after 2000.

"9" in Pichomastric

A man with one nine special memory is no different. He should try to strengthen his memory every possible way. Avoid a sharp change of interests (to strengthen the neural networks), do not litter the memory of offends on others and other unnecessary things.

"99" in Pichomastric

A man with two nine possesses good memory. If a person forgetful, the reason may be in capturing nine lines or in resentments that do not give a man of rest.

"999" in Pichomastric

Memory at the level of intuition. Man has clearing.

"9999" and more in Pichomastric

A person with a high level of intuition and excellent memory.

References used:

A. Alexandrov "Big book of numerology. From numerology to digital analysis. Full version of the Alexandrova system »

Natalia Maslova "Slavic Karmic Numerology"

T. Shcheckina "Practical numerology. Numbers and name in your destiny »

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