How to grow chic lilies on their own window?


The thin fragrance of lush colors in the house is a great opportunity to recreate a pleasant and cozy atmosphere, fill the air by astounding flavors of freshness.

Special varieties of lilies have already been displayed enough, which are adapted to growing at home, these are Asian and oriental hybrids that can do without transplanting for several years in a row.

These perennial herbaceous plants that we, to a greater extent accustomed to see in conditions of flower and gardens, are distinguished by sophistication and tenderness, probably because of this, Lily had a rich and long history.

Just imagine, even during ancient Rome, wealthy citizens used such flowers to decorate houses, clothes and even pleasure chariots. The Egyptians successfully used them in medicine, and also prepared "SUZION" - the famous ancient fragrant oil. It was the white lily at the time of the Middle Ages considered a symbol of the world!

Today, these amazing and beautiful flowers settled not only on our flowerbeds, but also on domestic window sills. Care at home for such a flower is a painstaking case, however, to adapt and skillfully perform the entire list of her "whims", and they, in principle, not so much, then the whole process is essential to simplify and even make pleasure!

It would still, because, as a result, Lily must reward you with lush and bright flowering, from which it is impossible to tear the eye.

Choose a pot for home miracle

Lilia is a bulbous plant, because it is very important to land on time, the pot must satisfy all the requirements of beauty, otherwise the flowering from it will not be so simple. Depending on the specific variety, the height of the stem of lily can reach 1.5 meters, which, accordingly, will require a sustainable and sufficiently deep pot for a comfortable placement of rhizomes.

The higher the future flower - the deeper there should be a pot. For example, for the highest copies with a length of the stem at 1.5 m, it is necessary to choose landing places with a depth of 35-40 cm. Diameter Pot does not have to be too wide, especially if you are going to plant only one bulb, no more than 20 cm.

Otherwise, Lily all free space will try to "fill out", constantly producing new children. As a result, blooming will not come until all free space is filled, and you can leave for it!

So be careful with a pot diameter! In the potted in a diameter of 35-40 cm, it is possible to plant 3-4 bulbs, so you will achieve a lush and saturated flowering. Before boarding the bulbs, it is recommended to hold 15-20 days in the refrigerator, on the bottom shelf, it is desirable that the temperature is about 5 °. Immediately before immersion in the ground, the bulbs must be soaked in a heat transfer solution for 2 hours.

As for the soil, it is best to use special mixtures for bulbies for lilies, light nutritional land and river sand. It is also important to take care of the drainage: we pour it into the bottom of the pot so that it creates a layer of 2-3 cm thick. Further layer of Earth 4 cm and planting the bulbs.

Covered with its soil in such a way that there is enough space for water in the pot. Usually the transplant of such colors is carried out, no more often than once every three years, the procedure is carried out after flowering.

Before sending a bulb into a new pot, all the flowers must be cutting, the resulting small "children" carefully remove and, if desired, searched into the pot of small size. Up to the first shoots, the pot is recommended to keep in a cool room, and with their appearance to transfer to the windowsill or balcony.

How to care?

To grow a healthy and beautiful plant that will delight you with your juicy blossom, you need to know exactly what conditions of life for him are most acceptable, and try to observe them.

They say that in his homeland, in South Africa, lilies grow even in the most difficult conditions, however, in our latitudes and, even more so, home conditions, everything is not so simple. For good growth and development of juicy foliage, the flower needs a sufficiently large amount of light, however, direct sunlight is still better to avoid, as they can lead to burns of foliage. As for the temperature, it is quite suitable for her room, it should not fall in winter below 16 °.

We must not forget that all homemade lilies love fresh air, so in the summer, in the period of activity, try to endure them on fresh air, for example, on the balcony. As for irrigation, it must be regular, as the earth coma is drying up, approximately 1 time in three days.

You can not pour, but also you can not cut the earth, otherwise the flower can get sick and stop blooming. It is very important to pay attention to feeding and regular fertilizers. The first subcort is carried out immediately after the first sprouts appear, usually a solution of organic fertilizers use for this.

The second feeding is carried out in a week, for this, phosphorus calcium formulations are used. The last two mandatory feeders are brought during the formation of buds and after flowering. Then it is enough to provide a full watering and feeding with special complexes for flowering plants at least 1 time in 2 weeks.

In principle, it is in this that the main care for homemade Lilia is. For its more active growth and lush flowering, it is necessary to regularly loose the top layer of the soil, so that oxygen is easier to enter the rhizomet. Additionally, until the dissolution of the buds, Lily can be sprayed with water so that the foliage was cleaned and breathe better.

It should be noted that in the first year of life, you can hardly be able to force Lily to bloom, and even if so, then the first buds are better to rechride for the further formation of a strong plant. The peak of blossoms falls on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of life, then the activity of the flower is gradually fading, it is at that time to disembark new and healthy "kids."

Sometimes the bulbs for the winter are digging and stored in a container filled with sawdust and transmitting air, in a dark and cool room. However, it is not necessary, Lily can be left in straight pot, but also in the cool room.

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