Halloween. When is Halloween


Soon the most mystical halloween ... halloween Is a modern fun holiday with fortune-telling, interesting costumes and dances. We owe this celebration to the traditions of the ancient Celts of Scotland and Ireland, the Celts called this holiday Samhain. In the holiday Halloween pagan traditions and church customs were mixed. Traditionally, Halloween is celebrated in all English-speaking countries, and Halloween paraphernalia on the eve of the holiday in stores "flies" like hot cakes. Now the celebration of this mysterious holiday is gaining popularity in Russia, nightclubs are preparing festive program with a mandatory dress code, and young people dress up as heroes of dark power: vampires, monsters, ghosts and frighten passers-by. When is Halloween knows. How to celebrate Halloween.

What date is Halloween

Halloween is celebrated on October 31st starting in the afternoon and is celebrated all night from October 31st to November 1st. The apophysis of the holiday is midnight, the eve of All Saints Day.

Rumor has it that Halloween is the most dangerous day of the year, on this night the border between the world of the living and the dead opens, and the spirits of the dead come to communicate with people, and all kinds of evil spirits are also having fun.

To hide from evil spirits, the Celts smeared themselves with soot, put on terrible masks and costumes so that the evil forces would take them for their own and would not touch them. They lit fires and celebrated with the whole tribe until dawn, so the unclean forces could not find them sleeping and move into people.

One of the Celtic customs is to make lamps that help the souls of the dead find their way to purgatory. Subsequently, pumpkin lamps were made for Halloween.

On Halloween, druids gathered in oak groves and performed sacred rituals on the hilltops, burned fires and prepared festive meals. Coals from the fire in the morning were selected and distributed to all people. Everyone in their houses kindled a hearth with these coals, believing that this fire would protect them from all evil spirits.

The Celtic lands were conquered by the Romans and they also had a holiday on October 31 - they honored Pomona, the goddess of plants - Pomona Day.

When the monks brought the Christian faith to the UK, pagan traditions mixed with Christian beliefs and October 31 began to celebrate All Hallows "Eve or All Saints" Eve - the evening of All Saints, and Halluvin is read in Scotland.

Here's an interesting Halloween story.

How to celebrate Halloween

On Halloween, it is customary to wear costumes and masks, have fun, be naughty, go home to demand sweets, treats and be a little disgraceful. Receiving treats in return, you need to sing, dance, read poetry, and so on - to entertain the owners of the house.

The main attribute of Halloween remains pumpkin lamp. ...

Halloween home decoration. If you are planning to celebrate Halloween at home with a fun group of friends, decorate your home themed.

Festively decorated houses mean that they are ready to receive children dressed in costumes who will come for treats.

Decorate the walls of the house with black cardboard bats.

And it is easy to make a ghost out of gauze; you can hang it on a chandelier or decorate a corner in a room. To make a ghost, inflate a balloon, set it in the neck of a regular can. Boil the starch and dip the cheesecloth in it, then put it on the balloon, let it dry. When the gauze becomes completely dry, pierce the ball, draw eyes with a marker. The spider web on the candlesticks is made in the same way, very realistic, in my opinion.

Jar candle holders can be decorated with Halloween themed stencils. Using stencils, you can beautifully decorate windows. Halloween stencils.

Here are some home decorating ideas for Halloween:

Make your own Halloween costume. The theme of making a Halloween costume is mystical characters of evil spirits: vampires, monsters, witches, evil wizards, Dracula, werewolves, ghosts and other evil spirits.

Don't forget about makeup. For festive makeup, or rather make-up, you can use not only decorative cosmetics, but also finger paints (they are not made on the basis of gelatin and are unlikely to cause allergies on the skin). With the help of make-up on the body, it is easy to depict wounds and blood, for example, if your character is a vampire or a risen dead.

Halloween games and divination

Create fun holiday games. You can play a prank on your friends.
Fortune telling
In ancient times in Scotland, girls peeled the peel from apples, cutting it as long as possible, then threw it over their shoulder, and watched what letter it looked like. It was believed that the peel should take the form of the first letter of the name or surname of the future husband.

Another old fortune-telling related to the belief about Bloody Mary. The girl should in the house with the lights off, climb the stairs with a lit candle, walking backwards and hold the candles in front of the mirror. In the mirror image, she should see the face of her betrothed.

And, of course, you can't do without holiday treats for your friends. Halloween Dishes. Pumpkin dishes.

Well, after you've been fooling around at home and scaring passers-by on the street, go to a nightclub. If you are wearing a costume and make-up, admission is free, such a tradition. In the company of the same funny characters, you can have fun until dawn.

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