Hulling of a bartholin cyst. Bartholinitis


The labia cyst (bartholinitis) is a pathology that occurs after blockage of the protocabartolin gland. Education can reach large sizes (3-4 centimeters), it gives a woman significant discomfort and inconvenience. In severe and advanced cases, surgery to remove the Bartholin gland cyst is required. Consider how the operation goes, and what its consequences may be.

In what situations is cyst removal necessary?

Of course, not all cases require removal. If the cyst is small and not more than 2 centimeters, then such cysts do not require emergency surgery. As a rule, in such cases, regular diagnostics are performed so that you can monitor the development of education. Quite often, such cysts can resolve on their own. If a woman feels discomfort, then in this case small formations are removed.

Large and large-sized cysts that interfere with daily life are removed by surgery. It is worth remembering that if pathologies are detected in time, then you can avoid surgery and cure the cyst with the help of drug complex therapy.

Removal of a Bartholin gland cyst is necessary for such indications:

  • if the swelling on the labia is rapidly progressing;
  • the development of inflammation, which is accompanied by a purulent process;
  • pain in the external genital area.

The operation is performed on the day of the woman’s treatment, without prior preparation. If the cyst bursts, severe pain appears. Then the complete removal of the Bartholin gland with further antibiotic therapy is recommended.

Many women are interested in the question: why is drainage with a web catheter rare? This procedure is ineffective, as there are frequent relapses that can aggravate the situation. It may also be necessary to remove the entire organ. The procedure is required when its duct is removed along with the bartholin gland. Excision is used in extreme cases. To begin with, doctors are trying to achieve the desired result using gentle treatment methods.

Surgical intervention

Abscesses and cysts of the Bartholin gland are quickly treated. If a woman develops infectious or inflammatory processes of the genital tract, surgical removal is performed after preliminary antibiotic therapy. In some cases, after successfully undergoing antibacterial treatment, it is possible to eliminate inflammation in the excretory duct and restore its normal patency.

The purpose of surgical treatment of Bartholin gland cysts:

  • Restoring the natural anatomical structure of the gland by removing the cyst. Cysts are husked, followed by antibacterial treatment of the rest of the cavity. Then a drainage is installed in order to pump out the liquid that has accumulated in the gland.
  • Ensuring the normal functioning of the gland, that is, restoring the natural outflow of fluid. Sometimes one removal is not enough, because for a short period after the operation, the mucous walls stick together again, and the cyst forms again. In order to prevent relapse, it is necessary to restore the function of the gland. In this case, the method of catheterization is used: a small incision is made, and a catheter is inserted into the cyst cavity - the contents are evacuated through it. The catheter is left for several weeks until the wound is completely healed. After removal of the catheter, a duct forms in its place.

It must be remembered that any method of removal is necessarily supplemented by physiotherapy and immunostimulating therapy.

Marsupialization of the cyst

This method treats inflammation of the gland, which has a recurrent nature. The operation is based on the formation of a new duct with a hole. Such an operation is performed to restore the excretory duct, resume the work of the Bartholin gland, eliminate the consequences after inflammation and prevent cavity abscessing.

If the place that is being operated on is severely swollen, an incision is made on the mucosa and on the cyst. The cavity is washed using antiseptic medications. At the end, the cystic membrane is sewn to the mucous membrane of the labia. Such manipulations help to form a new excretory duct.

Opened cysts are also often suggested. During this procedure, the contents are removed and the cavity is rinsed. In this case, the epithelium does not have time to tighten the protective film, and this often leads to relapse. Such an operation is performed under local anesthesia. At the end of the procedure, the woman is allowed to go home. It is forbidden to have sexual intercourse within 1 month.

Hulling cysts

Hulling is a special operation. An incision is made, which is directed to the labia minora. The cut to the other side is dangerous, because this part of the labia is tender and sensitive, exhausted from the disease. You can also allow the incision of the capsule of the cyst. With the right cut, the edge area is bred by 0.5 centimeters.

Hulling requires caution and accuracy. It is impossible to prevent the rupture of the cyst, since the contents can get into the wound, and this is fraught with infection and inflammation. In order to sew a hole, you need to make only 2 seams. As a rule, this operation removes iron. During surgery with this method, the patient loses a lot of blood, so the operation requires special care and caution.

Consequences after surgery

The absence of the gland will lead to dryness in the vagina, which will cause discomfort and pain during intimacy. Postoperative scars can deform the genitals from the outside, and this can interfere with walking and will cause pain. Remember that the main thing is to prevent the disease and visit the doctor on time. A rapidly developing abscess can result in sepsis, and suppuration occurs rapidly and requires urgent surgical treatment.

Preventative measures

Preventing a Bartholin gland cyst is much easier than treating it later, and in severe cases, you can lose your organ altogether.

  • adhere to the rules of personal and intimate hygiene;
  • have one sexual partner;
  • timely treat infections and inflammation of the reproductive organs;
  • visit a gynecologist once every six months;
  • lead an active and healthy lifestyle;
  • strengthen immunity and eat right.

There is nothing complicated in the rules of prevention, therefore, dear women, be more attentive to your health in order to avoid irreparable consequences. Often the situation is left to chance, because women hope that the body itself will cope with the malaise. And when you have to turn to specialists for help, they are forced to shrug, because the disease is already in an advanced stage. To prevent this, at the first alarming symptoms, immediately seek medical help!

With surgery to remove a Bartholin gland cyst, the consequences can be adverse. This article will tell women what to fear by agreeing to excise a cystic mass in the large vestibular gland.

The consequences of Bartholin's cyst

After hatching the Bartholin gland cyst, the consequences may be as follows:

  • suppuration of a postoperative wound;
  • bleeding from a cystic bed that has not been sutured;
  • the occurrence of relapse of the pathology due to incomplete removal of the contents of the cyst, or incorrect rehabilitation;
  • bleeding that occurs at the time of surgery or in the postoperative period;
  • the formation of huge scars that interfere with a woman, hurt and cause discomfort.

If the wound fester after removal of the cyst, inflammation develops, which must be quickly eliminated. The pathological process occurs due to poor-quality care for postoperative sutures or due to the entry of pathogenic bacteria from the anus into the wound. Against the background of inflammation, a new abscess in the bartholin gland is often formed. A festering surgical wound almost always provokes high fever, severe deterioration of the patient’s well-being, soreness and redness of the skin around the suture. In such a situation, the gynecologist must again send the woman to the operating room, dissolve the applied suture material and clean the wound cavity from the purulent masses.

Bleeding that occurs during excision of the cyst, an experienced surgeon must quickly stop. A qualified specialist gynecologist performing the operation is well aware that there are many vascular bundles near the bartholin gland. In the process, he uses special surgical clamps to prevent violation of the integrity of the blood arteries.

After husking of the Bartholin gland cyst, bleeding from the suture in the postoperative period may occur. To eliminate the problem, the gynecologist surgeon directs the patient to the operating room and performs several manipulations:

  • dissolves seams;
  • finds a vessel that began to bleed;
  • performs the ligation procedure (sutures from special threads on the problem capillary).

Women sometimes turn to the following question with medical forums - they removed the Bartholin's gland cyst, the temperature rose very much in the postoperative period, what should I do? Such a symptom during rehabilitation indicates the development of inflammation. Most likely the infection got into the wound, and it began to fester. You should immediately report the problem to the attending gynecologist in order to prevent relapse of the cyst. If excision of the cystic abscess has not led to a successful result and the woman again has cysts again, she is recommended to completely remove the bartholin gland.

Bartholin gland removal - consequences, reviews about the operation

After surgery to remove the Bartholin gland, the consequences are favorable and unfavorable. The positive aspects of its complete excision include a 100% guarantee of no relapse. A woman can be sure that cysts, abscesses and fistulas will no longer bother her. However, with complete excision of the Bartholin gland, the consequences of removal have many negative aspects. For example, during surgery, the risks of heavy bleeding increase. Loss of the gland causes vaginal dryness during sexual intercourse (after all, the main function of this organ is the production of intimate lubrication).

The procedure of extirpation of the large glands of the vaginal vestibule involves the mandatory hospitalization of a woman for 1 week in a gynecological department. This surgical technique receives negative feedback from patients because it is performed under general anesthesia, takes a lot of time and can provoke severe bleeding both at the time of surgical procedures and in the postoperative period. A large bundle of veins is located next to the bartholin glands, and with careless movements, the surgeon can damage them.

The consequences of removing the bartholin glands are also associated with too large and ugly sutures that the surgeon puts on the inside and out. After them there are scars, often leading to deformation of the labia majora, the occurrence of pain and discomfort during movement. Painful sensations at the suture site can occur even after a long time after surgery. The rehabilitation period after removal of the large vestibular gland is often complicated by huge and deep hematomas that affect the vulva. Severe swelling of the external genitalia causes pain and delays hospitalization.

The duty of every woman is to regularly and carefully monitor her health and the purity of the external genital organs. This will help prevent problems with the Bartholin gland and the adverse effects of its removal.

The Bartholin gland cyst can be in the representatives of the beautiful part for a long time and not cause them any concern. An inflammation of the bartholin gland can form in a woman at any age. This happens due to injuries, inflammation, or just that.

Such formations can be in a pregnant woman, while she can give birth to a normal child. Such an ailment does not affect the fetus. Also, a woman can lead a normal sex life without any unpleasant symptoms.

A cyst is a cavity that usually has a circular shape. Inside it is usually liquid. Education can be formed for the following reasons:

  • Due to swelling or inflammation. As a result, fluid will accumulate in the tissues and a cyst may form.
  • With a tumor of the penis. In some cases, such processes can occur without inflammation.

Removal of a Bartholin gland cyst may not always be advisable, but doctors recommend such an event when a pathology occurs. Bartholin gland cyst treatment can be performed without surgery. An operation of a Bartholin gland cyst is carried out in the case when such an education poses a threat to the patient's health.

But usually such a pathology is almost harmless and does not prevent a woman from living. If it is small, then you should not pay attention to it. Some women with this pathology may not have problems until they are old.

But there are also such moments when the operation to remove the Bartholin gland cyst must be carried out without fail. It:

  • Inflammation occurs and the gland begins to show unpleasant symptoms. In this case, the intervention of the surgeon is a necessary measure.
  • When inflammation occurs periodically, you can try the methods of drug and folk treatment. Including when a Bartholin gland cyst manifests itself during pregnancy.
  • When education is large and it brings discomfort to a woman. She can not have normal sex and give a load on the body.
  • When together with such a formation, there are also labia tumors. Then such material is removed comprehensively.
  • At the request of the girl herself, when the tumor gives her discomfort.

If the above manifestations are observed, then the cyst can bring more serious complications, and therefore it is recommended to contact a gynecologist immediately for its identification for examination and risk assessment. If ordinary inflammation happens, then this can cause more serious manifestations.

Surgeon-free treatment

After identifying all the risks and when there is no inflammation in the gland, it is possible to treat such a pathology with the help of medications. But here it is worth remembering that such therapy will not make it possible to completely get rid of the pathology. It can only reduce symptoms.

Rarely can a cyst pass by itself. This is only possible if fluid outflow is established in the body.

The essence of cyst therapy in this case is simple. It consists in creating the conditions for the release of fluid. This can be achieved by conservative methods, but usually surgery is needed.

After the intervention of the surgeon, you can create a new channel through which the secret will flow out, or simply open the cyst and let the secret flow out independently. Sometimes it will be easier to completely remove such a formation.

The operation is not required in this case:

  • Against the background of inflammation, there is no abscess.
  • The course of the pathology has no complications.

Medication treatment

When inflammation occurs, then certain medicines are used. All the efforts of the doctor in this case are aimed at ensuring that the abscess does not have the opportunity to form, since otherwise it is impossible to do without surgery. When prescribing treatment with drugs, the doctor may ascribe such drugs:

  • Antispasmodics.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Painkillers.
  • Antibiotics. For their purpose, you must first take the material from the vagina to determine the type of drugs. Also, a detailed examination of the organ may sometimes be required.

Also, the doctor may prescribe the use of procedures with which you can eliminate inflammation and unpleasant symptoms. Sometimes a decoction of herbs or cold can help, which must be applied to the affected area.

Folk recipe

All recipes are aimed at using them to relieve inflammation and prevent the tissues from being affected. Also, such tools help relieve swelling and unpleasant symptoms. They can also be used to strengthen immunity.

Recipe 1

Take nuts, hazelnuts and dill. Pour all this with a honey product. Insist 2-3 days. Take 5 milligrams per day.

Recipe 2

Take elderberries and nettles in equal proportions. Pour boiling water and insist. Apply for washing.

Recipe 3

Marigold and chamomile mix. Pour boiling water. Cool the mixture and make baths. It is possible to add potassium permanganate to increase the effect.


Radical methods are also used to treat this pathology. They, as doctors note, are more effective and efficient. But each case is individual, and therefore the doctor, when making a diagnosis and prescribing therapy, must choose the most optimal treatment method.

Hacking of a Bartholin's cyst

It is this method that most doctors prefer when eliminating such a pathology. But if you remove the gland completely, then it can cause some harm to a woman, although she will never again become inflamed.

The gland is designed to release vaginal lubricant during sex. When the gland is removed, then during sex a woman will experience discomfort and pain. It can also completely put an end to her sex life.

During the operation, a large loss of blood can occur, since the cyst is located in the place where there are many vessels, and therefore it is rarely necessary to resort to such an intervention.

When husking a cyst, blood loss is also possible, but smaller. It is worth remembering that after removal of the cyst, there may be relapses.

The essence of the operation is as follows:

  1. An incision is made.
  2. The cyst is freed from other tissues without rupture.
  3. The bed is sutured in layers.

Marsupialization of Bartholin's Cyst

The most high-quality and optimal operation. It is often used to treat such a pathology. It is carried out both in remission and in the period of exacerbation. Usually, after such a procedure, a woman ceases to experience negative symptoms.

The operation is as follows:

  1. After the incision, the contents of the cyst are removed.
  2. The seams are superimposed on the incision in such a way as to allow the new channel to form a liquid to independently form.

After this operation, you will need to follow special rules of care and hygiene.

Also, during these two operations, the doctor makes sutures that can dissolve themselves for a certain time. They do not require removal. Such sutures are preferred in gynecology so that tissue inflammation does not occur.

  • For the first time after surgery, vaginal edema is possible. This will cause some discomfort. At this stage, to reduce the negative symptoms, you can apply cold to the body.
  • In order for the wound to heal well, it is necessary to carefully treat it initially and then monitor the hygiene of the organ. Seams should be lubricated with septic tanks a couple of times a day.
  • Turund will have to change every day.
  • Linen should not be pulled together and it is necessary that it be made of natural material. Since air access in the wound is necessary.


At the end of the operation, it will take some time for the body to resume. This is 3-4 weeks. Also, throughout this entire period, you should adhere to such rules:

  • Observe personal hygiene.
  • Lubricate the wound with lubricants prescribed by your doctor.
  • Before healing, refuse sex.
  • No need to visit the baths or open water, so as not to infect.


This is a modern technique for removing such an education, which has a lot of advantages. But such an operation is not performed by all clinics, but only those that have special equipment and professional doctors.

Such an operation is carried out on the same principle as a normal one, but a laser beam acts as a scalpel. The advantage of this method is as follows:

  1. Does not affect whole tissues.
  2. The operation is bloodless.
  3. It is carried out quickly (5-10 minutes).
  4. It does not require a long recovery.
  5. Low possibility of relapse.


Such a pathology as a Bartholin gland cyst can be found in women at different ages. There are also many methods by which pathology can be eliminated. The most effective is determined by the doctor who performs the operation, taking into account all the risks.

The Bartholin's cyst is an abnormal benign hollow node that forms on the labia majora with inflammation of the Bartholin gland and its duct.


  • the size of the inflamed cyst reaches 7 - 8 cm;
  • not capable of malignant degeneration;
  • does not affect the condition of the fetus, hormonal composition, pregnancy;
  • not related to heredity;
  • able to absorb itself or under the influence of drugs and physiotherapy;
  • often gives relapses.

Bartholin glands are paired organs located in the region of the labia majora in anticipation of the vaginal arches, which produce a mucous secretion secreted through the excretory ducts. Mucus protects the vulva from the penetration of pathogens, moisturizes the mucous membrane, preventing it from drying out, preventing soreness in intimate proximity.

If there is a partial or complete blockage of the duct of the gland, the outflow of mucus is impaired. Mucus, accumulating in the excretory canal, stretches its walls and gland, forming a cavity and forming a cyst of the labia majora. Inflammation begins with the aggression of pathogenic flora: staphylococcus, trichomonas, gonococcus, ureaplasma, E. coli, streptococcus, Candida fungi.

Causes of the cyst on the labia

Among the causes of Bartholin gland cysts, experts identify the leading one - the infectious process of the external reproductive organs, accompanied by inflammation.

However, many bacteria are constantly located in the external genital area of \u200b\u200ba woman, without causing the formation of a Bartholin cyst. Therefore, there are certain provoking factors that form the conditions for its development:

  • reduced immunity;
  • hypothermia of the external genital area;
  • dysbiosis of the vaginal mucosa;
  • non-observance of elementary genital hygiene, especially during the period of monthly bleeding, a rare change in sanitary pads, tampons;
  • sex with more than one partner;
  • epidermal trauma during abortion, medical procedures, sexual intercourse, hair removal;
  • genital infections, inflammation of the mucosa (vulvaginitis, colpitis, endometritis, cervicitis, adnexitis, salpingoophoritis;
  • chronic diseases, diabetes, prolonged or severe stress;
  • synthetic underwear;
  • rubbing the perineum with tight linen;
  • the use of synthetic lubricants during intimacy.

Sometimes a Bartholin gland cyst may form due to proliferation of connective tissue.


Signs of an external cyst are associated with the stage of an abnormal process, which can occur without inflammation and suppuration of the Bartholin gland, limited to the excretory canal, or reach the glandular tissue.

The following stages are distinguished:

  1. Inflammation limited to the excretory canal (canaliculitis).

The walls of the duct swell, the lumen narrows, but the outflow of mucus is not disturbed. The course is not severe, and the cyst on the labia has not yet been formed. Pathology attracts attention:

  • swollen labia (usually on one side);
  • slight soreness when feeling;
  • unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse, walking, sitting position.
  1. False abscess, in which the walls of the excretory duct stick together, blocking the outflow of mucus, but the gland itself functions normally. Microorganisms invade the walls of the glandular duct, causing inflammatory changes in the form of edema, which further narrows the lumen of the excretory canal, exacerbating the pathological process. Unpleasant symptoms of the first stage are aggravated.
  2. A true abscess (acute suppuration, purulent bartholinitis) is a severe stage of the cyst that occurs when the infectious and inflammatory process passes to the gland and the pathogenic organisms destroy its tissues.

Symptoms of the acute stage:

  • the vulvar cyst swells, is poured with pus, increasing in size to a chicken egg, swells in the form of a rounded formation;
  • the labia is swollen, hot, dense, and purple;
  • the pain becomes pulsating in nature, acute soreness occurs with the slightest pressure on the swelling on the labia;
  • the temperature rises to 38.5 - 40C;
  • symptoms of intoxication appear (headache, chills, severe weakness, nausea) due to absorption of microbial poisons and toxins into the blood from cell decay;
  • inguinal lymph nodes increase.

If the cyst opens itself, a lot of greenish-yellow pus flows out, and at the site of the bursting formation, a wound bed opens, healing for a long time with scarring.

It is unacceptable to wait until the cyst burst itself. If you do not perform an immediate operation to open a Bartholin's gland cyst, then the abscess can expand to fatty tissue and cause blood poisoning.

Do you use folk remedies?



It is necessary to differentiate (distinguish) a cyst of the Bartholin gland from papillomas, which arise in the form of pink growths on both sides. A pimple on the clitoris or on the labia minora, even if they are swollen, is also not related to the Bartholin's cyst.

The Bartholin's cyst is mobile, elastic, forms as a rounded mobile formation below the labia majora from 10 to 80 mm in size.

To find the reason why a vulvar cyst is formed on the gland, conduct:

  • general and biochemical blood analysis;
  • examination of a vaginal smear under a microscope and PCR for the presence of microbes;
  • bacterial culture of the secretion of the Bartholin gland in order to determine the pathogen and its response to antibiotics.

What could be the consequences if not treated?

If not treated:

  • the infection can cause a severe abscess, spread to other organs, enter the bloodstream and lead to sepsis;
  • a sluggish, ongoing process will lead to periodic suppuration in the gland.

Bartholin Gland Cyst Treatment

Can a cystic capsule dissolve by itself or with treatment at home? Such cases occur if the formation is small, is not complicated by severe inflammation, and local and general immunity is strong enough.


How to cure a Bartholin gland cyst with folk remedies at home?

Local treatment with a small and painless education provides the following methods:

  1. A hot water bottle is wrapped in cotton cloth, applied for 20 to 30 minutes with a mandatory break for half an hour.
  2. Three large tablespoons of salt are mixed in a liter of warm water using a solution for cool lotions or sitz baths. For lotion, gauze soaked in a solution is applied to the sore spot for 10 - 15 minutes. Repeat up to 6 times every 3 to 4 hours. Baths are made no longer than 3 to 4 minutes and no more than 6 times a day. A saline solution (not lower than 30 C) is poured into the basin so that the water reaches only the pubis.

It is absolutely forbidden to warm the inflamed area, since infection spreads quickly when heated.

It is important to remember that treatment with folk remedies is permissible only at an early stage of inflammation.

Therapeutic treatment

In the case of an uncomplicated disease, treatment without surgery is provided. They try to choose this option if the Bartholin's cyst inflamed during pregnancy in order to minimize any effect on its course.

Main goals:

  • eliminate swelling, pain, inflammation;
  • prevent suppuration, the development of an abscess and subsequent infection of adjacent organs;
  • if suppuration cannot be stopped, accelerate the opening of the cystic capsule.

How to treat a Bartholin gland cyst without surgery?

Types of treatment without the intervention of surgical technicians involves a combination of:

  • local therapeutic agents;
  • physiotherapy;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • painkillers, sedatives, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory drugs.

External treatment

Use Levomekol, Levosin, Vishnevsky ointment, Ichthyol, Oflocaine (with analgesic effect), Synthomycin ointment, antibacterial ointments - Gentamicin, Tetracycline and Erythromycin. They impregnate a gauze swab, carefully fixing it on a sore spot.


  1. It is unacceptable to use local remedies on your own, since various ointments are intended for different stages of the inflammatory process.
  2. It is advisable to choose antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ointments on a water basis for better absorption into the epithelium.
  3. In the initial stage of inflammation of the cyst of the labia majora, it is incorrect to use Vishnevsky ointment, Ichthyol, since they activate blood circulation, accelerating the process of maturation of the abscess.

For washing and lotions, antiseptic drugs that disinfect the area of \u200b\u200binflammation are used: Miramistin, Chlorhexidine.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapy is prescribed only after the normalization of all acute manifestations, when the temperature stabilizes, acute pain subsides, and the general condition improves.

Apply: UHF currents, magnetotherapy, infrared laser, healing mud, warming applications with ozokerite and paraffin.

Important! It is unacceptable to use any warming procedures in the acute stage of inflammation of the cyst.

Drug treatment

The main groups:

  1. Antibacterial agents.

With inflammation of the Bartholin gland cyst for 7 to 10 days, an antibacterial treatment is prescribed, aimed at suppressing broad-spectrum pathogens. Particularly effective: Ceftriaxone, Doccef, Azithromycin, Amoxiclav, Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin.

  1. Painkillers

They use medicines that relieve pain and at the same time suppress inflammation: Analgin along with Paracetamol, Spazmalgon, Diclofenac, Ketonal. The Bartholin's cyst can give more pronounced pain, then the same drugs in injections are more effective.

  1. Antiallergic drugs.

Contribute to the reduction of puffiness, relieve itching, special sensitivity to infectious microorganisms and their poisons. Assign Suprastin, Diazolin, Tavegil, Claritin, Eden, Zodak, Loratadin.

In addition to fixed assets, the following are mandatory:

  • sedatives: motherwort, valerian root, evasive peony, Novopassit;
  • immunostimulants: Timalin, Laferobion, Viferon, eleutherococcus, echinacea;
  • vitamin complexes: Centrum, Vitrum, Complivit.


Surgical treatment of Bartholin gland cysts is shown:

  • with an increase in education and severe soreness;
  • if the cyst is accompanied by suppuration (abscess) of the Bartholin gland;
  • with frequent exacerbations of the pathology.

The purpose of the operation is to remove the formation, restore duct obstruction, gland function, prevent an abscess and spread the inflammatory-purulent process to neighboring tissues.

Removal of the Bartholin gland cyst is performed in several ways, one of which is chosen by the doctor, taking into account the stage of the disease and complications.

Types of operations:

  1. Marsupialization of the cyst is a method in which the surgeon, under local anesthesia, opens the capsule and treats the cavity with antiseptics. In this case, a special temporary incision is surgically formed for the outflow of exudate until the wound is completely cleansed. Marsupialization of the Bartholin gland cyst is prescribed for frequent exacerbations.
  2. Vaporization (evaporation) of the cyst with a laser. A mild method in which the cyst is removed with a narrow laser beam, evaporating the dense contents of the capsule. Adjacent healthy tissues remain intact, bleeding and pain are absent, the probability of relapse is very small.
  3. Hulling of the Bartholin gland cyst, in which the cystic capsule under general anesthesia is removed along with the membrane, separating from adjacent tissues. The method eliminates relapses, but is considered rather complicated due to the risk of bleeding and subsequent scarring of the wound. Healing 3 to 4 weeks.
  4. Extirpation (resection) or radical excision of the cyst with the simultaneous removal of the Bartholin gland. It is prescribed for frequent blockages of the excretory ducts, severe suppuration of the gland, and the failure of more gentle methods. The operation provides a complete cure, but complicates the course of sexual activity.

Recovery period

During the healing period of injuries after surgery to remove the Bartholin gland cyst in women, it is recommended:

  • 2-4 times a day to treat the damaged area with an antiseptic to prevent infection;
  • comply with the postoperative treatment prescribed by the doctor, including physiotherapy, antibiotics, wound healing ointments;
  • in order to avoid infection and bleeding, exclude intimate contacts, physical activity, hot baths, a sauna, a bathhouse, swimming pools for 30 - 40 days.

Bartholin's cyst and pregnancy

How to remove a cyst on the gland during pregnancy? If the formation is less than 10 mm, not painful, the doctor prescribes local funds that are allowed when carrying a baby.

But with the development of inflammation, in order to prevent suppuration, as a temporary method, use the technique of aspiration (removal of contents) of the capsule, in which a special nozzle is used to draw fluid from a cyst through a puncture. Surgical removal is done after childbirth.

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