Wood painting in the Vologda region

2019-12-07 22:41:22

Wood painting in the Vologda region BDOU SMR "Kindergarten 27" Didactic game "Vologda painting" Teachers: Mikhailova M.G. Savicheva L.L. Field and portage, and meadow, and river - Vologda, Vologda, you are far away! Wonderful Tsar-city over the Sukhona River, Vologda, Vologda! You are not with me! It's like you

What and how should be in it

2023-08-02 00:39:24

What and how should be in it What you can never have enough of is money. But for some reason they are constantly found in some, while in others they never linger. But a wallet is a talisman that attracts wealth; you just need to know how to choose it correctly. We'll tell you about

What you can and cannot do on Maundy Thursday

2019-09-29 02:56:11

What you can and cannot do on Maundy Thursday Easter is the main holiday of all Christians in the world. This day is expected and prepared for in advance. What should be done on Maundy Thursday before Easter, what magical rituals? Maundy Thursday is considered no less significant a day than Sunday, so this is the time

Mikhail Prokhorov about life, money, sports and girls

2020-03-14 23:20:07

Mikhail Prokhorov about life, money, sports and girls Mikhail Prokhorov is one of the most successful Russian businessmen. He began his professional career during the years of Perestroika. In the harsh 90s of the last century, the man became richer year after year. By the beginning of the new century he was among the richest

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