Rules of personal hygiene as prevention against fungus on the legs


Among the infectious diseases of the skin and its appendages is one of the leading places. The incidence of Mikosami is still constantly growing, 10 - 20% of the adult population in our country are subject to this submission. Almost 30% of patients with Mikosami stop are infected in public places. The contribution of intramearial distribution is significant. Most often by mycosis Stop with onychomicosis (nail fungus) faces over seventy years old.

Men suffer from this dermatological pathology more often than women, children are rarely sick. The risk group includes military personnel, athletes, miners, metallurgists, workers of bath laundry and wellness complexes. Prevention Foot fungus, therefore, is a significant element in the fight against this disease.

Prevention from fungus on the legs is, above all, personal hygiene measures aimed at preventing infection, creating hostile for microorganisms of the medium. It is important to remember that the mycotic damage stops can continue to leak, almost without showing themselves, they are characterized by a chronic recurrent course. Pathogenic microorganisms affecting the foot, unusually survivors, love dampness, wet unparalleled interfallated folds, lower and side surfaces of the sole.

Exceptionally comfortable conditions for breeding and life colony of mushrooms are the articulation of the nail plate and the bed, the eroded deadlock layer of the epidermis, damaged areas of the skin. Skin integrity disorders are an additional entrance gate and for a bacterial infection, aggravating the disease.

Below is a brief list of personal hygiene rules (well-known, however, not always performed), allowing not to catch this obsessive infection:

Treatment of chronic diseases and improving immunity - Important measures for prevention fungus on legs

Chronic diseases due to impairment of immune reactions, insufficient intensity of blood flow and the activity of metabolic processes create conditions for the introduction of fungal infection in the foot of the foot and nail plates. The risk group includes patients with the following chronic diseases:

  • Venous insufficiency
  • Atherosclerosis of the vascular of the lower extremities
  • Sugar diabetes with severe microangiopathy
  • Kostoy-articular pathology
  • Repeated microtraums
  • Increased sweating
  • Overweight
  • Immunodeficiency states.

In different people, susceptibility to fungi is not the same. Pathogens capable of destroying keratin nails are usually placed on originally damaged areas of the surface of the skin and nail plates and exacerbate the flow of chronic diseases. Toxins, antibiotic substances secreted by fungi in the process of vital activity, significantly reduce immunity, cause heavy allergic reactions and violations of the functions of the internal organs.

The existence of such an undesirable closed circle explains the need to consider the treatment of chronic diseases and improving immunity as extremely important measures for the prevention of fungus on the legs. However, it is important to take into account that a necessary condition for the effective prevention of fungal diseases is rational treatment with corticosteroid drugs, antibiotics.

Refusal of bad habits - a significant contribution to the prevention of the fungus of the foot

Harmful habits (excessive use of alcohol, smoking, addiction), incorrect waveling regimes - sleep, work - recreation, inadequate behavior in stressful situations usually lead to a serious decrease in immunity, circulatory impairment.

Unreasonable unbalanced nutrition, excessive consumption of lung carbohydrates, hypodynamia to obesity. Against the background of weakened immunity, circulatory disorders and obesity is formed a favorable climate for infection and processing infection into a generalized dangerous disease. This indicates the urgent need to abandon bad habits.

Folk and pharmacy for prevention feet fungus

Not always observance of personal hygiene rules is a 100% guarantee of the prevention of the disease. It is why it is advisable so in order to prevent the doctor to use special antifungal agents after consulting a doctor for the use of various prophylactic agents.

Choosing folk remedies for the prevention of the feet fungus, it should be remembered that the fungi does not like a sour Wednesday, to stop the growth of fungi, a rather weakness environment (pH 5.5). With a preventive purpose, it is desirable periodically:

  • Processing the feet of diluted lemon juice or dairy products (kefir, Prostokvasha et al.)
  • Making baths with salt (2 tablespoons of salt in 0.5 liters of water) or light acetic water (1 cup of table vinegar in 3-4 l of water) or soda water (1 tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate in 1 liter of water).

A brief list of preventive measures from fungus, which can be purchased in pharmacies, is given below:

Locerall Ketodine Mikostop

  • Leg Cream with Verbena Oil and Barley Oil
  • "Tango" - Protective Foot Cream
  • "Myxoral" in cream forms, ointments, shampoo, tablets
  • Antifungal nail polish "Loceral"
  • Cream "Ketodine"
  • Hygienic spray for legs and disinfection of shoes "Mikostop"
  • Disinfectant liquid "Dezavid for shoes" for processing the internal surfaces of the shoes.
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