Consequences of fungal infection for people's health


The fungus is a dangerous infectious disease that can affect not only nails, then the skin stop, the gaps between the fingers, mucous membranes, internal organs and organs of the urogenital system.

With the normal state of the immune system in the human body, there is always a certain amount of the spore of the fungus, but their number is constantly monitored by the body and does not increase. As soon as our immunity weakens, for example, after illness and constant stress - the disputes of the fungus begin to develop very quickly and spread throughout the body. If it does not start treatment in time, the micaosis can go to the internal organs. In this case, a long and expensive course of treatment will be required.

Consequences of the launched nail fungus

If you do not start on time, then onychomicosis will gradually capture the entire surface of the nail and go to healthy nails on the fingers and legs. In this case, the surgical removal of the patient nail may be required. This procedure is rather painful and is characterized by a long residence permanent period, during which a person cannot work normally and go a lot in shoes.

Additionally, the cosmetology consequences of onychomicosis. The affected nails change the color to yellow-brown shades, becomes more brittle and porous, which highlights them in the background of healthy plates. Women hide this cosmetology defect very difficult even with the help of multi-colored varnishes, since the surface of the plate is not uniform and after staining structural deformations is visible even more.

Against this, a person may have a number of complexes: fear of removing shoes visiting or a constant wish to hide the nails on their hands when traveling in public transport and at work. Additionally, sick nails highlight an unpleasant smell, which is formed due to the results of the life of mushrooms.

All the above factors lead to serious consequences to maintain a comfortable standard of living in a patient with onychomicosis.

The effects of fungal infection for human health

Mycosis may affect not only the skin, but also internal human organs, thereby presenting a serious danger to his health.

Although the fungus nail or foot is not a fatal or very serious disease, but constant in the body of a dispute dispute in large quantities can provoke the appearance of heavier bacterial and viral infections that require long and expensive drug treatment, for example, pyodermium or corrosive inflammation.

Additionally disputes fungus are a very strong allergen and with long-term inheritance in the human body can provoke the emergence of serious allergic reactions that can manifest themselves in the form of bronchial asthma, urticaria, rhinitis.

If you do not engage in the treatment of mikosa, then the body may have hypersensitivity to disputes of fungus and such reactions will continue to occur. Medicine is known cases where the launched micaosis penetrated deep into the internal organs and through blood flow throughout the body. The consequences for the patient's body were extremely bad.

But the greatest danger to human health is not a fungus itself, and toxic products that are constantly allocated as a result of the vital activity of bacteria. In reproduction, the fungus is accumulated in the human body and can cause poisoning, decrease in immunity, allergies, liver diseases, kidney and other internal organs. As a result, the metabolism and the normal functioning of the basic systems of the body is violated. The patient has a constant decline of strength, increased fatigue and a weak weather resistance and other seasonal diseases.

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