The average weight of a pig is. Measuring the weight of a pig at home


For any pig breeder, the issue of health and, of course, the maximum weight of piglets and adult pigs is relevant. To do this, it is necessary, firstly, to correctly calculate the feeding rate, and secondly, to provide the pigs with decent living conditions. In this case, the average weight of the pig will be maximum, and this is the goal of any owner. The success of domestic farming is based precisely on the overall yield of the average slaughter weight of pigs.

  • breeds;
  • age;
  • conditions of detention;
  • gender identity.

The largest pig in the world, weighing over 900 kilograms, lived in China.

A pig named Hun-chun weighed about a ton with a body length of only one and a half meters! The animal coped well with the amount of food that 10 pigs needed.

Another weight record holder is an American boar named Big Norma. Its weight was more than 1200 kilograms, the length of the body was 2 meters 74 centimeters. Modern domestic pigs, of course, do not gain such weight, but with proper feeding and taking into account the characteristics of the breed, the average weight can be more than 300 kilograms. And the weight of the pig is maximum and even more!

Average boar weight

The largest number of heavyweights among pigs belong to the Big White breed. So, for example, a wild boar of this popular breed at the age of one and a half years weighs 300-320 kilograms. At the age of 2 years - 350 or more. The female of the Big White breed has a weight less than the weight of a boar, about a centner.

Average weight of a pig

Considering the Big White breed, as the most in demand in subsidiary households, based on the experience of keeping these animals, we can say that the average weight of a pig is at least 200 kilograms at the age of one and a half years. Another popular breed in subsidiary farms, the Vietnamese, is characterized by representatives with a small average weight. Rarely, the weight of a bellied pig by months corresponds to the weight by months of representatives of ordinary breeds (Landrace, Great White, Pietrain and others). The average weight of the "vislobelly" is no more than 120 kilograms.

Average piglet weight

The average weight of a piglet largely depends on well-organized feeding. The fattening age starts from three months. At this time, the weight of the young begins to increase rapidly. For example, the average weight of a piglet at 4 months can reach 60 kilograms, and already at six months - more than 90. By choosing a feeding regimen ad libitum, this figure can be achieved in 2 months of feeding. That is, starting to feed a piglet by the method of free feeding from 4 months, already at 6 months the average weight can be at the level of 95-100 kilograms. Next, consider the average weight of pigs by month.

Average weight of a newborn piglet

When determining the average weight of a newborn piglet, it is important to understand that here the main role is played by heredity, the genetic predisposition of the baby to the rate of weight gain. Only strong, healthy pigs can produce offspring that will be different:

  1. Good appetite.
  2. Strong health.
  3. Subsequent high productivity.

The average weight of a newborn piglet is almost 60% dependent on the full feeding of the sow during pregnancy (40% on genetics).

If the feeding was balanced, correct, then:

  • ordinary piglets are born with a weight of at least 1 kilogram;
  • Vietnamese piglets - at least 600 grams.

It is the weight at birth that will have the maximum impact on the formation of the animal and its productivity. Properly organized feeding is the next most important factor in weight gain. Read about how to feed a piglet at home.

Average weight of a month old pig

Feeding a piglet in the first month of life is based solely on mother's milk, so weight gain is rapid. The average weight on the 30th day of birth is at least 8 kilograms. In any case, the table by month will accurately tell the weight of the pig.

Average weight at 2-3 months

At 2 months, piglets begin to receive balanced supplementary feed, vitamin premixes. The weight of piglets at 2 months should be at the level of 12-15 kilograms, at 3 months the weight should be at least 22-25 kilograms.

Average weight at 4-6 months

From the age of three months, piglets begin to intensively fatten. By four months, the average weight of a piglet should be at least 50-55 kilograms, the weight of a Vietnamese pig at 4 months should be 40% less. During the fattening period, the main emphasis is on feed with a high energy value. During this period, maximum weight is achieved with a diet that includes:

  1. Grain (barley, wheat, corn).
  2. Meat meal.
  3. Fish flour.
  4. Soybean meal.
  5. Vitamin premixes.
  6. mineral supplements.
  7. Table waste.
  8. Green mass.
  9. Vegetables and fruits.

With proper, balanced nutrition, the weight of a pig at 6 months will be at least 90 kilograms.

Average weight at 6 months or more

At 6 months, the piglet reaches puberty and belongs to the gilts. The rate of weight gain does not stop, but the diet that provides maximum gains changes slightly. Most of the changes relate to the type of premixes and mineral additives. At 9 months, the average weight of a gilt is about 130 kilograms. Read about how to quickly raise a piglet.

We measure the average weight

There are three main ways to measure the average weight of a pig:

  • pig weight according to the table;
  • using the coefficient of fatness;
  • by weighing. To do this, you can make scales for pigs with your own hands.

The first method is based on the precise measurement of the parameters of the pig's body. To do this, measure the length of the body and the girth of the chest behind the shoulder blades. The data obtained must be analyzed using a special table of correspondence between body sizes and body weight.

A method that takes into account the effect of body condition is based on the formula by which body weight is measured. In fact, this is the weight of the pig according to measurements. To do this, you need to know the body length and girth of the chest of the animal, that is, the initial data are the same as in the first case, only the table is not needed. So, for example, for pigs of normal fatness, a coefficient of 156 is applied. For thin pigs - 162, for pigs that are obese - 142. The assessment is made visually.

Average weight at slaughter

The yield at slaughter, that is, the average weight of a pig carcass, depends on the age of the pig, breed, body condition and sex. For example, the average weight of meat products from a pig of 120 kilograms will be about 90 kilograms. As you can see, the average live weight of a pig and the average slaughter weight differ by about 20%. Next, consider the average weight of the individual parts of the pig:

  1. The weight of the head is at least 8 kilograms.
  2. Heart - about 320 grams.
  3. Lungs - not less than 0.7 kg.
  4. Liver - one and a half kilograms.
  5. Kidneys 300 grams.
  6. Bones 11 kilograms.

These values ​​are average indicators of the mass of individual parts of the body of a pig with a live weight of 120-130 kilograms. The weight of Vietnamese pigs by month and at slaughter differs by about 50-60%. According to scientific studies of domestic and foreign pig breeders, it is noted that with an increase in the average weight of a pig, losses during slaughter are significantly minimized. For example, the useful yield is at least 80% when slaughtering 130 kilogram pigs and not more than 70% when slaughtering 90 kilogram pigs. This is due to a small increase in the weight of blood, intestines and waste products with the growth of the animal. That is, the yield of offal and bones decreases with an increase in the weight of the pig.

How to increase the average weight of a pig

An integrated approach is needed to increase the average weight of a pig. The weight of a pig largely depends on:

  • conditions of detention;
  • genetic predisposition to weight gain;
  • properly organized diet;
  • daylight hours;
  • walking opportunities.

How to ensure maximum average growth? Maximizing the weight of pigs is achieved through balanced feeding - first and foremost. Piglets fed with mother's milk up to one month of age are distinguished by strong immunity and excellent weight gain.

It should be understood that the best option for achieving optimal weight is ad libitum feeding, that is, it is necessary to provide as much food to piglets, and then to adult animals, as the gilt can eat at one time. At the same time, it is important to remember not only the quantity, but also the quality of feed.

It is imperative to provide fresh clean water and free access to water. The water temperature must be at least 15 degrees. If debris gets into the water, it needs to be changed in time. Up to three months, it is desirable to add copper sulfate at the rate of 1 gram per liter of water to prevent anemia.

In many subsidiary farms, various growth stimulants, that is, special stimulating additives, are widely used to achieve maximum weight. When using such additives, more enhanced growth of young animals and adults is observed compared to other animals that did not receive such substances in the diet. The mechanism of action of premixes is rather complicated. It is based on neuro-reflex reactions that change the animal's metabolism and the energy value of feed.

Such additives provide maximum digestion of food, maximum absorption of nutrients and effective improvement of digestion processes. Stimulants are a kind of catalysts for protein metabolism. First of all, stimulants include antibiotics, vitamins, organic substances, mineral supplements. Comparing the weight of the animal that received supplements with the one that did not receive them, the weight of the pig, the table of the scheme and the table, everything indicates the advisability of using stimulants within reasonable limits.

In any case, with or without stimulants, pigs should be fed:

  1. Sufficient.
  2. Regular.
  3. Complex.
  4. Nutritious.
  5. Fresh.
  6. Balanced.

For maximum weight gain, pigs should be fed several times a day (3-4 times). If the animals are fed ad libitum, the nutritional value of the feed should be at the level of one and a half feed units per kilogram of feed, and there must be a sufficient amount of vegetable protein (peas, lentils, beans) and animal protein (meat and bone or fish meal).

It is acceptable to use inexpensive pig feed, but in this case it is desirable to use the method of rationed feeding or ad libitum feeding (but not limited!). The average weight gain of pigs weighing up to 120 kilograms can range from 800 grams to one and a half kilograms per day, even when fed with cheap feed (bran, roughage, flour). Thus, the low energy content in the feed is a kind of limitation. If the feeding method is rationed or ad libitum, it is worth noting that two and a half liters of water are needed per kilogram of dry feed in the diet of pigs - water is one of the nutrients for animals.

Thus, the average weight of an animal is an indicator that depends on many factors. Care, balanced nutrition, sanitary standards, good health - all this may well lead to the fact that in a few months the fattest pig will be on your farm!

In the field of pig breeding, the question of determining the average weight of a pig quite often arises. This is necessary to track the correct development of a very young individual and the qualitative weight gain of already more mature animals. For these purposes, there are several simple and very accurate methods available even to beginners.

Average live weight of a pig

The weight of a pig depends on the sex, age, breed and feeding of the individual. An adult pig weighs on average 140-300 kg. There are also champions, for example, the heaviest Big Bill in the world, his weight reached more than 1 ton. But the smallest piglets are mini-pigs, they are no more than 30 kg. But on a farm, such pigs are not bred and this is rather an exception to the rule.

Depending on preferences, today you can choose a pig from tallow or meat breeds. For sebaceous breeds, an accelerated deposition of fat is characteristic after the onset of the age of six months, but for meat, on the contrary, an active increase in muscle mass is characteristic.

But there is also an average option, where fat and muscle tissue are distributed in equal amounts. Meat-fat breeds belong to this type.

The average weight of a pig depends on its species. So, for example, the mass of a Ukrainian steppe boar reaches 350 kg, but the Vietnamese one is only 100-140 kg. The weight of the queens varies between 220-250 kg.

But the weight of the piglet directly depends on the way it is fed and the feeding of the female during pregnancy. With proper and regular feeding of the pig with nutritious and high-quality feed, a piglet will be born weighing 1-1.5 kg.

It is equally important to competently approach the issue of feeding a newborn. At first, the piglet feeds on mother's milk, so the main emphasis must be placed on her nutrition.

However, already after reaching the age of 3 months, the piglet feeds on its own and you can start its direct fattening. Subject to all the rules, already in 2-3 months, weight gain can be up to 100 kg, and the average weight of a pig over the age of 5 months is 80 kg.

Determining the live weight of a pig at home

In large farms, the weighing process is simplified by purchasing electronic scales. But what if the pigs are bred on a very small farm or for personal use? Of course, an experienced farmer, even by eye, is able to determine how much a pig weighs. However, in most cases, measurements to the nearest kilogram are required. And for such cases, in the arsenal of pig breeders there are several proven ways to determine the weight of a pig without weights.

Methods for measuring the live weight of pigs:

These are the main measurement methods.

For small piglets, the definition by month is typical.

But these are very rough estimates and do not give accurate results. It is believed that at birth a pig should weigh up to 1 kg. In a month, the mass reaches 8-9 kg. At 3 months - 25 kg, at 4 months - up to 60 kg, at 5-6 months - approximately about 80 kg, at 7 - it reaches 100 kg, and already at 10 months the pig gains on average up to 150 kg.

There are also formulas for calculating weight according to the fatness category of a pig:

  • for sebaceous breeds- M \u003d (K * X) / 142;
  • for meat-fat breeds- M \u003d (K * X) / 156;
  • for meat breeds- M \u003d (K * X) / 162;

Determining the weight of clean meat at the exit

It is not so important to know the weight of a pig in live equivalent, how much meat and fat after slaughter, namely the final product. After cutting, on average, about 30-35% of the products are lost. Losses due to internal organs, fat and head.

It should be noted that an individual up to 100 kg retains about 70% of its weight, but about 200 kg is already more than 80%. That is why farmers try to feed the animals as much as possible before slaughter.

The internal organs are also sold, their total weight is about 3 kg, half of this weight falls on the liver.

Butchering and slaughtering pigs play a very important role in pig production. If there is not enough experience and knowledge, then it is better to turn to professionals with this issue. In slaughter, there is a certain sequence of actions and a number of rules that must be observed.

Otherwise, all the meat can be damaged, and it will not be suitable not only for sale, but also for personal consumption. And with illiterate cutting, you can simply lose a critically large amount of clean meat, up to 20% loss. Which will undoubtedly adversely affect the profits and profitability of the entire event.

As you can see, it is not necessary to have expensive specialized devices to determine the weight of a pig. Any novice farmer can cope with this task.

There are few such specialists who could determine the weight of a boar or a pig “by eye”. However, there is a very simple way that allows you to determine the weight of a pig without the use of special equipment - a table of pig weights by size. How to do this correctly, you can find out by studying the information below.

Why do you need to know this?

Often there are cases when it is necessary as soon as possible find out the weight of a pig without special scales. First of all, this will be required when calculating the amount of feed, because the full and sufficient nutrition of the animal is the main secret of the success of raising pigs. That is why it is advisable to pre-calculate the weight of the pig.

Weight gain in piglets is an important indicator that every farmer should control. If the piglet lags behind in weight gain, then you can make some dietary adjustments and include additional vitamins and feed in the diet.

Of course, before handing over an animal for slaughter, it is best to use electronic equipment. There is also a way to know approximate weight of the pig at home without special devices.

How to find out the weight of a pig by its size?

How to find out how much a pig weighs on average if there is no special equipment at hand? For such a calculation You need to know two things:

  • body length;
  • The volume of the chest, the measurement of which is done under the shoulder blades.

In order to make the measurement of indicators more convenient, you can use a lingering centimeter tape. The table for determining the average weight of a pig, which is given below, has an error of 4% to 11%.

Live weight table

Determining the live weight by measuring the animal should take place strictly before feeding it. In this case, the boar should stand straight with its head slightly raised. The obtained indicators are combined at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical values, after which the approximate live weight is obtained.

Determination of live weight using coefficients

This method of calculating the mass of a wild boar is considered the most approximate. It is recommended to use it if the above table is not at hand. In this case, measurements of the boar are carried out according to the same scheme as for the table.

To calculate the mass the following algorithm of actions must be observed:

  1. All obtained values ​​​​must be multiplied among themselves.
  2. "By eye" to determine the degree of fatness of the boar. There are three coefficients of the body condition stage: low body condition - 162, average body condition - 156, good body condition - 142.
  3. The resulting value after multiplying the volumes of the wild boar must be divided by a suitable coefficient.

This method can determine the weight of both adult pigs and a small piglet.

Pig weight by month

On the example of the Vietnamese breed of pigs, consider the average weight by months.

The weight of a newborn piglet of the Vietnamese breed is from 400 to 600 grams. Two weeks later, the mass crosses the mark of 1 kg. The mass of piglets at the age of one month averages 3 kg, however, you can meet larger piglets, whose weight reaches 6 kg.

At the age of 3 months, the weight of a Vietnamese piglet is about 25 kg. At 4 months, this figure reaches 40 kg. If Vietnamese piglets are bred for slaughter, then it is unprofitable to keep them for more than 4 months. After 40 kg, piglets begin to accumulate fat.

The weight of a Vietnamese pig at the age of 7 months reaches 60 kg. The mass of a pig at the age of 10 months is about 80 kg. At the age of one year, a Vietnamese breed pig can weigh 110 kg.

Description and dimensions of wild boar

Wild boar belongs to the order of artiodactyl animals and forms a separate genus in the family. It is also often called a boar. This animal is the direct ancestor of the current domestic pig. As for the appearance, it is not difficult to distinguish it from a modern domestic boar.

The wild boar has thicker body and longer legs. The shape of the head of a wild boar is elongated. The ears on the head are long and erect. Males differ from females in more developed upper and lower fangs. The body of the boar is covered with coarse long hair. There is a mane on the head and back. In winter, the fur becomes denser, and thins out in summer. Hair color can be gray, dark or brown.

As for the size of the boar, it may vary depending on the habitat of the animal. The further north a wild boar lives, the larger it will be. The smallest individuals can be found in southeast Asia and southern India. The mass of such boars reaches only 45 kg. But in the Carpathians, wild boars can weigh about 200 kg. The largest individuals live in the regions of the Urals in Russia. Their mass reaches as much as 300 kg. The maximum weight that was recorded was 320 kg. Large boars weighing 150 kg can also be found in Italy. In France, the mass of boars can reach 230 kg.

Quite often breeders of piglets before slaughtering livestock ask themselves: what is the net weight of meat obtained from one carcass? Net weight, or slaughter yield of meat from a pig, includes lard, muscle tissue, and bones. The rest - blood, entrails, head, hooves - does not apply to him.

After the slaughter of the animal, the carcass is cut into components.

Pigs, compared to other types of domestic animals, have the highest slaughter yield. It is equal to 60 - 80% of the carcass, which is 20 - 25% higher than the pure product from cows, sheep, goats. The table below shows the averages:


The quantity / quality of tenderloin depends on several factors that affect the weight and ratio of meat, fat. These include:

  • age - the optimal time for slaughter is 1 year-1.5;
  • breed - meat, bacon, tallow, universal are distinguished;
  • conditions of keeping, feeding- depending on the feed, the animal can build up either fat or muscle;
  • fatness - individuals of at least 80 - 100 kg are taken for slaughter.

This table shows what yield of meat and fat is obtained from a Russian White pig:

In good conditions with optimal feeding, animals quickly gain weight.

When the animal is kept in favorable conditions, without experiencing stressful situations (cold in the barn, loud barking of dogs, insufficient feeding), muscle mass will increase faster.

The norm of pork obtained from 100 kg of carcass without viscera, head and hooves:

When the pig moves a lot, the sebaceous layer will be small. If the animal is motionless and closed in the barn, there will be little meat, and all the feed will go to lard.

Belonging to a particular breed is also a significant factor. The most meaty are the breeds: Landrace, Estonian bacon, Urzhum, large white, Don.

It has been noted that in the absence of food for more than 24 hours, an individual loses up to 4% of live weight and 2% of pork weight per day. Therefore, her feeder should never be empty for longer than 6 - 8 hours.


With the right livestock management, you can get a large amount of product even from one individual. Pigs are considered the most profitable livestock in terms of net tenderloin weight and relatively few bones.

The average weight of a pig is a significant indicator in pig production. For this, professionals acquire special weights. However, you can find out how much a pig weighs without expensive equipment.

The live weight of the animal will depend on the height, breed, age, sex and type of food. On average, an adult weighs 150-300 kg, but there are exceptions. For example, the maximum weight of a pig, recorded by scientists, was 1 ton, and some mini-pigs grow no more than 30 kg. Of course, such breeds are not bred on a farm, since they do not bring great benefits.

Today, farmers prefer two types of breeds: greasy and meat. After six months of life, piglets of sebaceous breeds begin to actively deposit fat, and in meat breeds, an increase in muscle mass.

Experienced pig breeders can determine the mass of a piglet by eye. However, when accurate measurements are needed, it is best to calculate this indicator using a special table. It contains approximate data on the mass of a piglet, depending on the volume of its chest and the length of the body. To do this, it is necessary to make elementary measurements of the animal using a tape measure or measuring tape.

The piglet is placed straight - so that its head is directed exactly in front of it. When measuring chest circumference and length from head to tail, the measuring tape should not be stretched or loosened. With this method of measurement, an error of 1 kg is allowed. After obtaining the desired dimensions, you can use the weight table for pigs. At the intersection of the indicators, the approximate weight of the animal will be indicated.

How to determine the weight of clean meat at the exit

Determining the weight of a live pig is not as significant as the final product. If the weight of the animal at the time of slaughter is not more than 100 kg, then the losses due to the head and internal organs will be 30% of the total body weight. If the pig weighs more than 200 kg, then the losses are reduced to 20%. That is why, a month before slaughter, farmers try to increase the mass of an individual to maximum levels. When weighed, the total mass of internal organs is 3 kg, of which 1.5 kg weighs the liver.

Slaughter and cutting of the carcass should be carried out exclusively by professionals. If there is no proper experience in these processes, then it is better to seek help. Slaughter and cutting are carried out in several stages, which have their own sequence. If you neglect these rules, you can spoil the meat, as a result of which it will become unsuitable for sale and personal consumption.

How to calculate weight without scales

It is also important to understand how to find out the approximate weight of a pig without a table and scales. For this purpose, two simple schemes are used:

  1. Scheme for calculating the coefficient of fatness. The animal is measured in the same way as for the table method. Only in this case, the length of the body is multiplied by the volume of the chest and divided by the coefficient of fatness. This coefficient for a large individual is 142, for a less well-fed one - 156, for a thin one - 162. Calculating how much a piglet weighs using this scheme is quite simple, but the readings will not be accurate.
  2. A scheme based on a mathematical formula. To determine the body weight, it will be enough to measure the chest circumference and the length of the piglet. The value of chest girth is multiplied by 1.54, the length of the body is multiplied by 0.99. The resulting calculations are added, 150 is subtracted from the sum. The resulting number will mean the weight of the pig.

There are also average norms for the weight of an animal under the age of 6 months:

  • the average weight of a piglet at birth varies within 1 kg;
  • with proper care for a month, the pig gains 9 kg;
  • if you weigh an animal at two months, then the mass will be 20-21 kg;
  • at three months - 39-40 kg;
  • at four - 59-60 kg;
  • at five - 84-85 kg;
  • at six - up to 110 kg. At this age, the pig already reaches puberty and is transferred to the category of gilts. At the age of one year, an individual should already weigh 200 kg.

Obviously, in order to find out the mass of a pig, it is not necessary to buy expensive scales. Any beginner can independently calculate this indicator.

Video "Feed for raising pigs"

From this video you will learn how to feed pigs to beginner farmers for rapid growth.

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