Description of birch in scientific and artistic style. Works and stories about Birch


Birch is white - in truth, one of the most beautiful trees, it truly personifies Russia, a beautiful tettlellic tree. Most types of birches reaches a height of 30 meters. White birch is a beautiful snow-white tree, less often shrub, with beautiful hanging branches and a tight barrel. The whole family has about 150 species of trees and 6 clans. In Russia, this tree is distributed in temperate areas, as well as in the mountainous area.

Birch Belaya - Description of wood, photo and video

In itself, this tree is beautiful, widely spreading the branches and a large crown, it attracts attention to himself at all times of the year. Also, this beautiful tree, it was always the subject of poems, songs and epic.

This tree has long been considered a pure Russian, and often personifies Russia. If you see one day, a beautiful forest, mainly from the birches, this picture will be remembered for life.

It is a beautiful tree begins to bloom in May, this is an indescribable beauty spectacle, though the flowers have a humble birch - serving. This tree grows everywhere, primarily due to its simple breeding, fruits are simply spread by the wind.

Berret is often called a pioneer, because it grows faster than other trees, and can grow where other trees grow, can not.

It is a beautiful tree, about 25 years old, grows a height with a five-storey house. This tree, very moisture. Also, this tree is widely used, meters and brooms make from branches, from Berriest - thin paper, furniture makes furniture.

And also from birchs are pronounced Russians and lapties. And from the kidneys make drugs. In earlier times, our ancestors could not imagine life without birch rays, as it was the only light source at that time.

In total, this family has about 140-150 species, it grows almost everywhere, from subtropics to the tundra. In Russia there are about 70 species, but, unfortunately, because of not legal cutting, many species disappear forever. In Russia, listed in the Red Book, 4 types of birches, these are birch of Far Eastern and Birosis Megrelskaya. In view of its rarity, these birchs grow only in the Caucasus. Of the most common species in Russia, it is growing: birch wart, or hung and birch fluffy.

Birch white grows about 120 years, exception is the so-called iron birch, which grows about 400 years, which is not very small for wood. Also this is a beautiful tree, has another one amazing propertyif you cut it in early spring, Sweet, transparent liquid starts to flow out of it. This is birch juice, from it the famous kvass.

Birch Belaya - True russian treewhich almost always persongates with Russia, you need to take care and care for such trees, and in general, in all of nature.

Watch the video - white birch

Description of birch for children. Description of the leaf of birch

Surely many of us image whole Russia Associated with the appearance of ordinary white birch. Its descriptions are often popular with poets, musicians, painters and other artists attractable by the simple beauty of the Russian tree.

"Country of Birch Citz"

How it is bright noticed by the favorite many great poet. Berezu is used as a metaphorical part, compared even with the soul of the great people of our Fatherland.

Numerous songs, poems, paintings that transmitted from generation to generation are devoted to the beauty and uniqueness of beauty birch.

Perhaps that is why the description of the birch for children, including in the visual creativity, since school bench is so important for their spiritual growth and the formation of a sense of patriotism, expanding their emotional responsiveness, as well as the formation of love for nature. It is important that the vocabulary will be significantly replenished after acquaintance with unique pictorial images.

Love for the beautiful than and is the nature of us, formed in early childhood, is able to protect the soul from worn, make it kinder and responsive. Beauty will save the world! And this is an undeniable truth.

And the main question that arises before the teacher and not only - how to help children see and hear the world around. Therefore, it is no coincidence when raising a child use a descriptive image of white beauty.

Where to begin?

Birch is always good. Any season of the year makes it unique and elegant. Its greasy earrings, silk pigtails, silver dew, white bark. All this is so characteristic at all times description. Birch tree retains its own appearance of centuries.

And at the same time, for each year of year, their features and images are characteristic.

Charming tenderness of spring foliage, shine and aroma of pointed leaves. Pink reflections of wake-up sunlights, incurred by the snow-white cortex, are blocked.

The greens of opposite garlands on the long thin rods of branches, falling to the ground in the summer, confirms the celebration of nature that flourishes in all its glory.

Description of the birch sheet with its unique carvings at any time of the year often becomes the central theme of many lyrical works.

The gold of birch "clothes", shining under the blue azure of the autumn sky, dresses the whole ground with stunning shades, saturating the parting ceremony to spring with unique colorful decoration. It was not for nothing that the autumn was the favorite time of the year of our great poet, Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin: "... Oral charming! ... lush nature fading, in the bazhret and gold dressed forests ..."

And, of course, a fabulous winter that turns beauty-birch into a huge fountain of snowy splashes and ice floes frozen on the branches and glittering a diamond brilliance in the sunny rays of a clear frosty day.

Historical reference

It is characteristic and quite interesting to the description of the birch for children can be transferred through folk signs and peasant folk creativity.

Sacred tree, how believes our common progenitors, Slavs, personified beauty, radiance of light and purity of a woman.

The White Beautiful Beauty was honored in a festive day special for her, on church canons - a semic, when she honored special attention. Young girls decorated with birch ribbons and flowers, gossip the wreaths on the heads, sang songs and drove round dance.

In addition to the festivities dedicated to the folk trees, there were many peasant and sayings identified and invented farmers and simple nature observers.

Many will be associated with sowing. So, the bread sowed when birch earrings were bursting, and Oats - when leaves were already bloomed.

If birch juice tried in the spring, and he turned out to be tasteless, it was believed that there would be a rich bread harvest.

About how summer will be, also suggested birch. If her alder before she blossoms his leaves, then summer will be dry. If on the contrary, then rainy.

About the spring and winter, the tree also talked with a big coincidence. Early spring came if the first began to yellow the top, late - from the bottom side. And the snow covered the land late if in the first days of October birch still standing dressed.

As can be seen from examples, a lot is said about birch and in riddles, and in fairy tales, and verses.

"February azure"

It would seem, where is Birch? But here, it turns out, it is easy to raise the level of formation of children by expanding their horizons when meeting a very famous painting.

Often, many painters of snow birches were attracted, a brief description of which you can find out if you study the reviews, the history of creativity and directly the paintings of the great domestic artists.

So Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar. He wrote a picture of the well-known public, not only in Russia, under the picturesque name "February azure".

Having created his masterpiece and telling after the story of his writing, the landscape officer recalled that at the time there were wonderful, sunny February Days: "In nature, something unusual was worried. It seemed that she celebrated some unprecedented holiday of the Lazorian sky, pearl birch, coral branches and sapphire shadows on the lilac snow. "

Therefore, at least once at this work, it is easy to remember the image of birch and quickly transfer to that winter fresh mood that invested in the picture the author.

Memorable images of birch

Description of birch for children class 3, as well as other age categories, can be continued by the exactly seen characteristic "birch" features, some of which have become almost inseparable phrases - blonde birch, adhesive leaflets, gentle spring greens, seelings and outfit color of the emerald, silk curls , Table breeding beauty, lace foliage, solemn garlands ... This list can be continued to infinity, comparing with poetic images a slim and bright beauty.

Children can give an example of other varieties of terms used in science, including such a characteristic phrase, like "Birch Hanging", a description of which can be found in biology textbooks.

About name

The word "birch", in Latin Betulus, is translated as "blissful", "sharpened". This is associated with the healing force of a birch juice, which has a magical effect.

As a version, there is an assumption of the formation of the name from Batuere - "Schish", "beat". Most likely, because the rods of the tree served as convenient adaptations for punishment.

The third assumption is based on the similarity of the names and the word BHE, meaning "white", "bright", "clean".

Birch Biology

Description of birch for children can be continued by bringing biological characteristics.

Crown, trunk and roots are the main components of the tree, as well as other similar species. Distinctive features are: a clearly discharged trunk, the presence of side branches and top shoots. This is its main biological description. Birch tree at first grows relatively slow pace, but after a few years the development becomes rapid.

There are about 120 species of birches. In height, the tree grows up to 40 meters. However, there are varieties of it as a shrub, including developing their escapes on earth.

The root system Berez is represented by powerful superficial and deeply leaving for earth branches, thanks to which the tree is quite stable. However, the central main rod dies. Further life is carried out at the expense of side shoots forming a large number of roots.

White painting of the tree bark is due to the presence of betulin, which is white resin in it. Outside the bark of the main part of the trunk is covered with a smooth bark, easily separated stripes. At the bottom of the tree has a dark painted trunk with large cracks, giving the rough look.

Description of birch for children can be brought through a comparison with other similar representatives of the grove. Where there is a lot different trees - both young, and old, and thin-vent and low, and high - the bright bark is especially highlighted. And the birch grove seems to be weightless and saturated with freshness and purity.

Tree use

Especially loved birch by scientists learning history. It is known that in ancient times the price of parchment reached the transcendental heights. And Beresta and its properties allowed to use it as a material on which various letters were placed. It was thanks to them that they were able to reach information about the ancient life and the peculiarities of life.

Box, bodywork, boats, shoes were also subjects that can only be obtained thanks to this tree.

Birch is also useful for a person as a simple plant. She cleans the air, gives coolness on a hot summer day. In addition, it is both valuable material from which you can get boards, furniture, paper.

In conclusion, I would like to say that Birch was, there will be a symbol of our great homeland. She is good and summer, and in winter. And will rejoice for a long time if we keep a good attitude towards nature.

Message about birch |

Brief message About birch can be used in preparation for the lesson. The story about birch for children can be complemented by interesting facts.

Report about Berezu

Bereza (Lat. Betula) belongs to the leaf fall trees of the Birch family. Birch is one of the most common trees in our country. There are about 100 types of birches.

Birch is a typical "resident" of the northern hemisphere. Her Area spread out of hot subtropics to areas with a very harsh climate.

Birch Description

The appearance of Birch is familiar to everyone, the songs sing about it, poems are composed, it is widely used in everyday life in everyday life and in medicine. This tree can reach a height of 20-40 m, and the girth of its barrel is 100-150 cm. Baron is fluffy, bright -sel. Leaves are small, up to 7 cm long and up to 4 cm wide, heart-shaped with a toothed edge. The cort is most of the trees white or yellowish. The outer part of the cortex - berson is usually very easy to peel. The tree has a powerful root system, or superficial or deeply flowing into the soil. It depends on the conditions for its growth. Young trees grow slowly, but after a few years the growth is significantly accelerated. A characteristic feature that distinguishes birch from many other trees is the presence of so-called sergek.

How do people use birch?

For many centuries, a man uses birch in everyday life. Firewood is used to heat the dwellings, and birch brooms are indispensable in the bath. Wood is used for the manufacture of souvenirs and household items. It was used to tar in the old days as a lubricant for the wheels, and today it was widely used in perfumes and medicine.

One of their most luxurious eggs of the Great Faberge was manufactured in 1917 from the wood of the Karelian Birch.

In addition, kidneys and birch leaves are used in therapeutic purposes as a diuretic and bactericidal agent. Birch juice collected at the beginning of spring is used to prevent blood diseases. Chaga tea (birch mushroom) helps remove headaches, improves appetite and restores forces.

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Bereza - Symbol of Russia -

Simple and touching beauty Birch informs her high aesthetic value. Slender white-barred light tree, giving a blue shadow, adorning at any time of year, every rural look, uses special love. From the old years of Bereza was a manner of Russia.

Birch branches decorate churches and dwellings for the day of the Holy Trinity. Leaves give with alum yellow paint for wool. Berbs - good dusty plants. The birch of the beacon was considered to be the best for the lighting of peasant rally - it burns brightly and almost without soot.

Grove was birch. © percita.

Bereza (Betula) - a genus of leaf fall trees and shrubs of the Birch family (Betulaceae). Birosis is widespread in the northern hemisphere; On the territory of Russia belongs to the number of the most common wood species. The total number of species is more than a hundred.

Many of the birch parts are used in the farm: wood, bark, berist (surface layer of the crust), birch juice. The kidneys and leaves are used in medicine. Some species are used to create structural strips, as well as in decorative gardening.

Bereza occupies an important place in the culture of Slavs, Scandinavians, Finno-Ugric and other peoples.

Many types of birches are widespread and most important forest-forming rocks, largely determining the appearance and species composition Deficious and coniferous deciduous (mixed) forests in the moderate and cold part of Eurasia and North America.

When we are talking about Birch, most often we mean the most common - birch hurt (Betula Pendula). Other types of type: Bereza Warrior, Birch Watching, Birch His hungry. Previously, the name of Birch Beet (Betula Alba) was also applied to it, but at present, in order to avoid confusion with a birch of fluffy, to which the name "White Bereza" was also used, the name of Birch was not desirable.

There are among birches and shrubs. The most famous of the Birch Dwarf (Betula Nana) is common in the Tundra of Europe and North America and the mountain tundra of Siberia. It does not reach 1 m in height. In the Ice and Post-Deated period, this Birch was widespread much further south, now she meets there on the swamps as a relic.

Birch. © Bart Everson.


Most of the types of birches are trees with a height of 30-45 m, with the trunk girth to 120-150 cm, some species are shrubs from large to small, up to the sharpening, barely elevated above the earth. All representatives of the kind are one-bedroom, separation, brassy (anemophilic) plants.

The root system is a powerful, depending on the type and conditions of growth or superficial, or, more often, goes to the depth. The rod root of the seedlock freezes very quickly, but the side roots develop powerfully and rich in thin urochiva roots. Bereza grows slowly only in the first years. Then, on the contrary, begins to grow quickly, and this ensures her victory over competing herbal vegetation.

The corte of most of the birch white, yellowish, pinkish or reddish-brown, in some species - gray, brown or even black. The cavities of cork tissue cells on the trunks are filled with a white resinous substance - betulin, which gives the bore white color. The outer part is birch - usually easily peeling with ribbons. At old trees, the lower part of the trunk is often covered with a dark crust with deep cracks.

Berbs useful, or Himalayan. © ukgardenphotos.

Overlooking birch leaves, solid, on the edge of gear, ovid-rhombic or triangular-oval, monosymmetric, with a wide wedge-shaped base or almost truncated, smooth, up to 7 cm long and 4 cm wide, before falling yellow. Young leaf sticky. Residential leaf plate perfect perista-nervous (peristo-regaell): side alkali ends in teeth.

The kidneys are alternated, seated, covered with spirally located, often sticky scales; Side kidneys are a little distinguished.


Birchs are not demanding of the soil fertility, but, having planted them on the site, it must be remembered that the birchs are large "water chills."

They successfully take root on poor podzolic soils, in solonz and obese chernozem, on heavy loams and sands. But most of all are suitable loose, weakly acidic, sufficiently moist, well-humous soils, samp or light-coded in composition.

Having planted birch on the plot, you need to remember that the adult birch birch in the summer per day pulls out of the soil on average 20 buckets of water, that is, about 250 liters.

Birch hanging. © George RedGrave.

Large birch saplings with an open root system, even planted in the right time, are not always coming up - part of the trees die or they dry up the tops. Therefore, it is better to buy seedlings with earthlings or in containers. It is possible to winter landing with a frozen room.

Planting points under the birch are filled with a mixture of garden land, humus, sand and peat in a 2: 1: 1: 1 ratio. In the spring planting of young birch trees, a complex fertilizer is added to the landing pit (150-200 g). With autumn landing, which is less preferable, use phosphorus-potash fertilizers.

Features of cultivation

Supporting: Early spring and early summer requires feeding nitrogen-containing fertilizers (cowboy - 1 kg, urea-10gr, ammonium nitrate - 20 grams to 1 water bucket). Autumn subcorder-cemeyr-universal or nitroammophos.

Watering: obligatory when landing and the next 3-4 days. In arid periods require regular irrigation - 1 bucket / 1 sq.m. Projection crown.

Swimming: It is allowed to the depth of no more than 3 cm. For the struggle with weeds.


Trimming, haircut: Sanitary and forming trimming is carried out early in spring, before the start of the cojoint.

Diseases and pests: for prevention from pests (Medveda, Major beetle, sheet sawder, trips, cereal and silkworm) and diseases (mostly mushroom), it is necessary to process the trees of fungicides and insecticides annually.

Types and forms

As mentioned above, birch genus (Betula) is very numerous and distributed to the world. It takes extensive squares throughout the northern hemisphere - in Europe, Asia and North America. This tree has biologists, very high polymorphism (variety of species and forms).

Birch hung

Birch hung (Betula Pendula), synonym - Birch bearded (Betula Verrucosa) - a tree, a height of more than 30 m, with a drooping branches and smooth white bark, which with age darkens and cracks.

Decorative forms of birch by rolled:

  • 'Tristis' - with a crying crown,
  • 'Gracilis' - with hanging branches and narrow dissected leaves,
  • 'Dalecarlica' and 'Laciniata' - with elegant leaves,
  • 'Fastigiata', with an elongated egg-shaped or column-like crown form,
  • 'Youngii' - Birch Jung, with smaller leaves and a compact umbrella crown, descending to the earth itself,
  • 'Purpurea' - with dark red or brownish leaves.
  • 'Carelica' - Birch Karelian, a variety of birch by Him. Its pinkish-brownish wood has an unusual winding texture.

Birch Karelian, a variety of birch by Him. © Viherpihalle

Fluffy birch

Birch fluffy, or pubescent (Betula Pubescens) is very unpretentious and frost-resistant, her area comes far to the north; The only territory where the birch is no fluffy, - Far East. This species can grow in raw places. The trunk is white almost to the base, and the crown is stretched up or spread.

Bereza yellow

Birch yellow, or birch ribbed, or birches yellow Far Eastern (Betula Costata), the bark with the reflections, light yellow, yellowish-gray or yellowish-brown, smooth or weakly peeling, smelling on thin leaves. One of the most shadowed species.

Birch barrel with yellow, or ribbed. © Sureaux

Woolly birch

Birch woolly (Betula Lana) with a grayish bark, also makes a shadow well.

Berez Daurskaya

Bereza Dauroskaya, or Birch Black Far Eastern (Betula Dahurica) come from East Asia, with dark bark and dense wood. The dark brown bark is separated by small scales, forming around the trunk "fur coat".

Birch Manychurskaya

Birch MANCHURICA (Betula Mandschurica) originally from East Asia, the cortex is grayish brown.

Birch Schmidt

Birch Schmidt, or iron (Betula Schmidtii) - a tree growing on the stony slopes with a dark gray or brown bark and wood that sinks in water.

Birch Schmidt. © daderot.

Birch Erman

Birch Erman, or Stone (Betula Ermanii) meets in Japan, on Kurilla and Kamchatka. Her wood is extremely solid and heavy, and the bark is bright.

Berez Maximovich

Far Eastern Berez Maximowich (Betula Maximowicziana) - a tree with thick branches, light brownish or yellowish - gray trunk and large, like a linden, leaves.

Birch is fluffy, or pubescent, virtualized. © Dacnoh.

Black Birch

Birch black, or river (Betula Nigra) grows in America, she has a brown or reddish-brown bearer, which is peeled with large coupling flaps.

Birch dwarfs

Among the bush birches are the most famous European Birch dwarf, Birosis, Malvori or Birch Dwarf (Betula Nana), growing in the north: its growth is only 0.8-1 m.

The type of birch of the dwarf is divided into two subspecies

  • Betula Nana Subsp. Nana - Birch Dwarf
  • Betula Nana Subsp. Exilis - Birch Thin

Birch dwarf, Birosis, Malorus or Birch, dwarf. © Randi Hausken.

The subspecies of Nana have young shoots with the downstream, but not sticky; Leaves are longer (up to 2.5 cm), usually the length and width is approximately the same. A subspecies in the north-western part of Asia, Europe (south - in the Alps at large altitudes), in Greenland, on the island of Bafeinova Earth (Canada).

At the subspecies of Exilis, young shoots are unreashed or have separate scattered hairs, sticky. The leaves are shorter (no more than 12 mm of length), often width longer. A subspecies in the northeastern part of Asia is common, in the north of North America (Alaska, Canada).

Slightly larger birch, or birch squat (Betula Humilis) c bura row.


Using Bereza B. landscape design May be the most diverse. The trees are planted in the composition of clean and mixed pictorial groups, to create dense arrays, densified groves, Alley along roads or protective scenes.

The most common birchs will be interesting in bakery landing, and exotic species and decorative forms - in soliter, against the background of lawn. For large gardens and parks in the landscape style, the basis of arrays and groups can be powerful high birch trees with a well-developed spectacular crown - maximovich, paper, yellow and hung.

In small groups, contrasting combinations birch with an unusual color or body texture. For example, Daursk and Schmidt (with black or dark brown rough trunks), manchurskaya, black and cherry (with brown or reddish-brown bark), as well as useful, Japanese, blue and fluffy (with smooth and light bark). Such groups, with an admixture of high conifers, especially good with a circular review, if they are planted in the center of the lawn.

Birch hanging. © kfunk.

Birchs with an unusual crown (for example, hung 'TRISTIS' or 'JOUNGII' with disrupting scattering branches) are ideal for the design of the shores of the reservoir or stream. To create bright color spots, you can land the shape of the 'Purpurea' birch by rolled with reddish foliage. The pyramid shape 'Fastigiata' is used to create strict charming alleys or for flanking entry.

For small gardens, small trees are chosen - the shape of the 'Joungii' birch by the rim or Karelian birch. They are very attractive in group landing, in compositions with low flutter conifers. Dwarf types of birch land in large-scale alpine slides

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There is a birch for loving, a slim tongue tree with a sophisticated foliage of foliage, time immemorial imaginary benefit to people. On the territory of Russia, this forest-forming plant can be found everywhere - from Kamchatka to Kaliningrad. This tree easily populates the sections of deciduous or mixed forests freed after cutting or fire.

Birch Description

We can meet up to 60 species of this plant - from shrubs sprinkling over the ground to trees up to 45 m with a diameter of the trunk to 1.5 m. The birch bark varies from white to light yellow or pinkish. There are views with brown, brown and even black bark. The external part of the bark is easily separated by ribbies, at the base of the trunk of old trees is covered with cracks and is taken in dark crust.

The leaves of birch in their form are symmetrical, the autumn is yellow, it is falling on the winter. Sitting alternate kidneys of the tree are most often covered with sticky scales.

Birch earrings are female and male. Men's earrings are formed in summer period On elongated shoots. They have a length of 2-4 cm and are fragile cover, thyroid scales covered with waterproof resin.

Female earrings are formed at shortened shoots. In the spring and men's, and female earrings are blooming, and the process of pollination begins. After that, female earrings forms a bump in the form of an oblong cylinder. The fruits ripen - nuts in the form of lentils, which fall out of the cones to the autumn and are spread by the wind.

Due to its powerful root system of birch, any weather conditions easily tolerate, including permafrost. Most trees are light-headed, but they do not make any special requirements to the soil, so they are found everywhere.

Gardeners on the back of you want to decorate this tree your household plot, then select a place for it with loose, relatively wet soilenriched in the neighborhood with low fir trees and rosehip. The rest of the birch plants will coal, because it grows rapidly and has a property to dehydrate the surrounding soils.

Birch application

The fact that this plant has long and firmly entered our life, says the old Russian proverb - a mystery: "There is a tree, green color. In this tree, four benefits. The first benefit is a sick health. The second - from darkness light. Third - stray healing. And the fourth - the well of the well. "

And after all, there are birch brooms, which are invariably the main attribute of our original-Russian baths. The broom is not just a tribute to tradition. Biologically active enzymes contained in birch foliage penetrate the expanded pores of sparkling leather and help us get rid of colds and inflammatory processes.

Birch mound Not one century was the constant component of Russian life, its light most often illuminated peasant dwellings. Here you and the second deposit. However, you can guess it and differently. Recall the birchy diplomas, which, thanks to the presence of resinous substances in them, have still been preserved and told a lot about our grandparents. What is not the light of history?

The third ridge also hints at Beresto. The fact is that broching pots bonded in the old days. In addition, birch and birch wood are now used in folk fishers for the production of household goods - children's carved toys, cigarettes, tuesls, boxes, buckets, baskets, in old days - lapes. For the diverse material, only old birchs are suitable (from 60 to 100 years).

On firewood (and birch is considered the best material for heating) you can take the wood of any age.

In the construction, there was no previous birch, it is easily amazed by the Nyctomyces suaveolens putrid fungus. But thanks to modern impregnations, today's building birch material in its strength and lightness is not inferior to steel structures, and in its durability - concrete. It is also good from her plywood and skis wood.

You yourself guessed about the fourth gay. The most useful in Bereza is her juice - Berezovitsa, a medicine from a hundred pigeon. In the old days they said: "We drink Berezovitsa for three weeks - well the whole year." And they said that in tears birch Big Bogatiry force. And this is true, by the spring, its juice accumulates the maximum possible content of the useful components in order to give the plant a new life.

It will be interesting for you: how to grow a birch at the cottage - landing and care

Do you know that Birch marked the beginning of the Nevsky Prospect? In St. Petersburg, where the Admiralty Garden is shown now, four rows of birches were planted.

The Celtic horoscope of Druids consists of 22 plants, among them there are birch.

In the Old Slavic calendar, March is named in honor of Birch, this name has so far been preserved in the Ukrainian and Czech calendar.

White birch under my window was knocked out with snow, precisely silver.

These are lines from the most famous poem about birch, S. Yesenin's suspension in 1913. He challenged Berezu not only Yesenin, everyone is beautifully known Russian folk song "In the field Birch stood", the first written publications of this song are referred to 1790. Works about this tree entered albums of such performers as VIA "Pesnira" and even in the famous 1981 American album Mikhail Gulko. Translated from the Icelandic name of the singer Bjork meant "Birch"

At the commemorative Russian coin dedicated to the Great Ustyug depicted Birch. Often this tree can be found in Heraldry.

For the manufacture of one of the most magnificent eggs of the famous Faberge in 1917, Karelian Birch was used.

In 1964, a network of famous currency stores called "Birch" appeared in the USSR.

Until the end of the twentieth century in the USSR, there was a military camouflage, named as part of the birch.

Birch juice on an industrial scale in Soviet times was harvested in the northern regions of Ukraine and throughout Belarus. There were even whole plants that were walking and preserved by Berezovitsa, engaged in the cultivation of this tree.

In one of the works of E. Permyakov, sparkling birch wine in Sverdlovsk speaks in 1936.

The ancient Rusichi believed that the birch people presented the gods as a guard, so some linguists associate her name with the name of Beregini, the Staroslavan goddess - defenders.

Birch to this afternoon can suggest a favorable sowing date, to predict the weather, and the types of vintage is better than any moon calendar:

  • many Berezovitsa - Wait for a rainy summer,
  • birch before alder gave leaves - wait for a dry summer,
  • birch Zaelenil - it's time to sow oats.

Birch in Slavic mythology

Almost all the Vine Slavic peoples associate this tree with the female start, cleanliness and chastity. During the walling branch branches, the bride's symbol was carried, and the branches of oak - the groom. And when firstborn, the firstborn was born in a young family, followed near the house to plant a birch, which will save all households from the troubles, bring his descendants, happiness and well-being. There was a custom to bring a sick girl to healing to birch.

In the Polessian villages, on the contrary, they avoided biring nearby dwellings, because such a neighborhood could lead to diseases of the female half of the house, and the growths on the trunk of the tree were spoken of the induced damage. Another tradition existed to cover the body of the deceased woman branches of birch.

Ancient Slavs inextricably tied this tree with the souls of the dead. For them, birch was a kind of bridge binding the world real and otherworldly. On the green shints, a week before the Trinity, it was believed that the spirits of the departed came for a while in the real world and settled in the young foliage of Berez. From here, the tradition went to decorate the door on the green shints of the tree in the greenery of this tree. This was done in order for the souls of dead parents visiting their descendants.

There was another custom - to plant young birch trees next to the house and set up the buckets with water so that the ancestors were where to guest and what to wash. That birch birks laid on both sides of the porch, birch birks were laid on both sides of the porch. Mandatory these days was to visit the dead and in cemeteries. There was a memorial breakfast, among other things there were eggs, painted with a birch greenery. Birch brooms were engaged in the graves, after the eyes opened the dead, the bay branches in the grave, and by leaving the branches, closed their eyes. Our ancestors believed that it helps them to communicate with the dead.

Poles believed that in lonely standing birchs live the souls of the tragic dead young girls. Random traveler, passing by night by such birches, could get into trouble. After all, during the lunar light, the soul of girls left their refuge and could invite him to dance. After such dances found the unfortunate in the morning dead.

Belarusians believed that the souls of innocently dead people rest under the curved birch.

In some, the witches can take no juice from the trunk from the birch, and milk from the branches, and fly on birch sticks, not counting broke. Gifts are unclean always turned into birch curves (horses), then in the bark (bread). And if the woman was unclean, then the first thing during an attack threw her on a birch.

You will be interested in this video telling trees and folk signs:

There is birch in the Old Slavic epics and legends. Our peoples from one fairy tale in another repeats the plot about how Mermaid, going to the land, became birch.

Here, for example, in the forest lake there lived a beautiful little mermaid, which in the light of the moon loved to walk with his shores. It was allowed to take walks to her only until the first rays of the sun. But once, carried away, the Little Mermaid broke this rule and did not notice how the radiant god of Horsa appeared in the sky, the Horse had never seen such girls on Earth and immediately fell in love with her. Inpaid tried to hide in his native lake, but she had nothing left, Horse did not want to let her go and turned into a thin birch with a drooping like wonderful hair mermaid branches.

But in our fairy tales, not only mermaids become birch trees, offended by people of earthly girls, too, this fate also does not afford. The Belarusians are even singing about it, telling how the wonderful birch grown on the place of the death of the death of a young daughter-in-law.

Biblical legends most often narrow about the healing advantages of this tree. In the villages of East Polesia, to this afraids, you can hear believe in the fact that Birchs are daughters of Adam. Their braids have grown into the ground, and the tears of unfortunate girls expire every year with birch juice.

In the Polish interpretation by a tree, covering Christ and Maria Aota Rain and Wind, was the sacred birch. And in the Russian interpretation under Birch, I found protection against unclean St. Paraskeva-Friday. There is a belief that when Judah was going to hang on a birch, the tree turned from horror.

But the Serbs, on the contrary, curse this tree, believing that the birch branches of the sequli of Christ, when he was going on Calvary.

Be that as it may, this is a magnificent tree that brings the joy of our soul, which gives us health, there has always been to eat and will be a symbol of our country.

Elena Stepanan, ©

Detailed description - Russian Birch

There are many versions of what the name "Bereza" came from. It is often associated with the word "Betulus", which is translated from Latin as "attenuated", "Blessed", i.e. He who drunk a healing juice. Another version, suggests its origin from the word "Batuere" - Schish, beat. This is associated with the fact that with the help of birch rods punished naughty children.

The emergence of the Slavic word "Birza" belong to the Praslavyansky era. Then it sounded like "Berse", from the verb "Berechery". Such an origin is due to the fact that the Slavs have long been considered the Russian beauty with the gift of the Most High, who protects a person from the troubles and misfortunes.

In European languages, the name of the tree comes from the word "BHE", which is translated as "bright", "clean", "white".

There are about 120 types of birrors. Often, a white tree is a plant that achieves 20 - 40 meters in height, but biologists also describe various shrubs, even those that are stealing on the ground.

Birchs have powerful roots that can be superficial or departing deep into. It depends on the cultivation conditions of the tree. The rod root very soon deviates, and the side roots develop quite quickly, and there are a huge number of uroxid roots.

Young birch grows very slowly, but after a few years its growth becomes very active.

The bark bark has a white color, which contributes to the presence of betulin - white resinous substance. The outer part of the trunk cortex, which is called birch, is usually easily disconnected by strips. The lower part of the barrel is almost always covered with dark crust, and large cracks appear on it.

Birch, has a not very thick pyramidal crown. Leaves at the tree reach 7 cm long and 4 cm wide. They are smooth, solid, on the edge of the sheet there are small teeth. The shape of the leaves is described by the rhombic to triangular, they have a wide wedge-shaped basis. In the autumn period, before falling, the leaves of birches are yellow.

On the forest beauty is formed seating alternate kidneys, covered with sticky scales.

In the summer, men's flowers appear in complex inflorescences. First, they have a green color, but gradually boil. Their length reaches 2 - 4 cm. They consist of a large number of consistent servants.

In the spring, the stem of the male flower is lengthened, as a result of the described process, scales are revealed, squeezed by inflorescence, and stamens appear between them, which actively produce pollen.

Women's flowers are developing, always disposed of branches. Fertilized female flower is lengthened, very often his leg appears.

The sorcement itself (Brunka) thickens and gradually turns into a plug, which matures at the end of the summer - early autumn, after which it crepts.

The male flowers fall immediately after fertilization.

The fruits of white wood are a flexible nuts that are surrounded by a thin-grained wing. They are in the sinuses of fruit scales. The seeds are very lungs, they are unhindered to the wind over long distances (about 100 m) from the maternal tree.

Birchies are quite highly common trees that are important forest-forming rocks.

Most trees are frost-resistant, they with ease tolerate spring frosts and even perpetual freezlot. Berbs living in the subtropical climate require more heat.

Birchs grow almost on all types of soil. It can be found on wet coastal territories, and in swampy districts, and in hot steppes, and on stony slopes.

Burizka is often described as a soil-free breed, because They are able to settles the terrain, which devastated as a result of the cutting or action of fire.

In the forest-steppes of Bereznyak, as well as aspen and willow, form small forests, which are called rods. Most often they are found in Western Siberia.

On average, the life expectancy of Birch is about 100-10 years old, but it happens that the trees reach 400 years.

A large number of insects and other living organisms live on the surface and under the crust of the barrel, among which one of the largest beetles is a deer beetle.

In birch groves grows many widely described mushrooms. These are inhibitors, white birch mushrooms, black freight, some types of raws that live exclusively in the bereznyak landing community.

Also on birch, the healing mushroom chaga is growing. It is assessed in medicine.

Description of birch for children 2 class

Birch is perhaps the most famous Russian tree. In the forest it is easy to distinguish from other trees. A white birch barrel with dark horizontal strips is noticeably standing out among other trees. This trunk is always thin, elegant as branches of birch. Krone at the tree of the air, through her in a cloudless summer day, the rays of the sun are always overlooked.

Birch leaves in shape resemble rhombus. But with one edge they are rounded, and from the other, on the contrary, there are teeth. The color of the leaf of this tree is saturated green, and with the advent of the autumn of the birch, one of the first changes its painting on yellow.

Birch is so good with its cute simple natural beauty, but not only for her they are fond of birch. Birch is used in the manufacture of furniture, finishing materials for home, toys, in folk medicine.

As a rule, they do not build at home from birch wood. This is explained by the fact that buildings from birch are not very durable - they rot and destroy from dampness. But it makes materials for the interior decoration of the premises.

With the first rays of the Spring Sun, when the Earth is just starting to warm up from the winter jellows, the birch wakes up from sleep. First, the twigs are covered with "earrings" - oblong fluffy clusters of tiny flowers of birch. Birch juice is running to the twig in the trunk - transparent, sweet drink with fresh taste and healing properties. People collect this juice and use thirst for quiet and saturation of the body with vitamins. It is important to know that it is necessary to collect juice very carefully, trying not to damage the tree and never need to take more juice than required.

In the old days, even before the paper was invented, people wrote on Bereste - this is a subtle outer layer of young birch bark. The younger of the tree, the more smoothly the trunk, and the better it gets berst. Ancient birchy diplomas can still be seen in museums.

Therapeutic properties of birch is wide. In traditional medicine, infusions and bisks of the kidneys and birch leaves are used. These funds are effective and when cold and with a lack of vitamins and when treating wounds. And those who have a bath in the country or in a rural house, are well aware of the fact that excreted brooms are obtained from birch. Of the birch, they also make the notorious activated carbon, which doctors are prescribed in poisoning and some other health problems.

Municipal General Education

Seacharist Secondary School

The image of Birch B.

works of Russian poets and writers

Research on literature

5 "b" class

Leader: Basdyreva Elena Anatolyevna, Teacher of Russian Language and Literature

year 2012


Introduction ......................................................................3

1. The installation of the word "Bereza" ............................................. 5

2. The image of birch in oral folk creativity .................................... 7

3. The image of birches in artwork .............................. .11

Conclusion ................................................................................. 21.

List of used literature ................................................ .23



In the artistic literature a lot of works in which the authors challenge flowers, trees. The image of birches is most popular. No, probably, a person who would not admire the tender-tight beauty. Birch is one of the most beautiful trees. White with black pattern trunks Berez has a special appeal. I admire this tree, her beauty, mystery.

Relevance - I wondered why the image of Birch used and enjoys such love and popularity in the literature? Many poems are devoted to the cedar, pine, oak, rowan. These trees are also very beautiful. But Birosis stands out among the others.

In my work, I will try to prove why.

Object of study works of Russian writers and poets

Subject of study The image of birch in the works of Russian writers and poets.


Objectives of the study determine what expresses the image of birch in the works of Russian poets and writers; Find out how in his work the Russian poets and writers create its artistic image.

To achieve this goal, the following are settasks:

1) to give the concept of the word "birch", to determine the lexical meaning of this word;

2) consider the image of birch in oral folk creativity;

reveal the traditions of the Russian people associated with the bereza;

3) find out how the image of birch is revealed in the works of Russian writers and poets;

4) determine what symbolizes the image of birch in the works;

5) Make the Word of Fine Media used in the description of birch.

When writing, the following were usedresearch methods : Study Scientific I. fiction, observation, search method, comparison and analysis.

Hypothesis - the image of birch is interrelated with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

1. The installation of the word "birch"

Beautiful our forests, are surprisingly good trees. But the mile of all our birch. No, probably, a person who would not admire the tender-tight beauty. Birch grove is always light, clean. Russian birch! How often do we think on long-night travel and mentally communicate through them with native land, with endless expanses, armor, edges, autumn mushrooms! How often we hear from our friends and friends from different parts of the world, a little with reproach, a little with irritation - and what did you find in the Russian birch?! But we are born with this, because love for birch has its own history and is connected with the long traditions of the Russian people, with its culture and life.

Berevian diplomas and dishes, birch juice and birch broom for a bath - all this came from the distant Slavic past. And they treated the birch, and heated, and decorated her to the great pagan holidays, and drove the dance to the midst of birch trees and sang songs about them and praised their beauty.

Since a long time, birch is considered a symbol of Russia. Why did Berez use so popular in Russia? Bereza is hardly the most common tree in Russia. Birch is always

accompanied the Russian person. In the summer, in the shadow of birch, it was possible to hide from the sun, in the winter, birch firewood was well warmed, on Bester in ancient times, they wrote from it the bonded and caskets, and how many Version Slavic rites and customs connected with birch, and not recount!

It is impossible to present Russia without birch. Bereza is hardly the most common tree in Russia, slim, white, with spreader branches and rustling on the light of the wind by the leaves. Bereza always accompanied the Russian man.

Let's see which interpretation is given in the dictionary of the S.I. Ighov: "Birch - a deciduous tree with white (less often dark) bark and with heart-shaped leaves." The word "birch" of the National Slavonic Indo-European character, originated from the Old Slavonic "Break". V.I. Dal explains that this tree is called the white color of the crust.

In the old Petersburg, all deciduous trees were called birch, and coniferous trees. If we translate from Latin, which spoke in ancient Rome, then in Russian, the name of the birch will be rogged. "Birch piping" slept the negligent schools for bad marks.

In Ancient India, the word "BCER" once lived, which meant "light". From light white bark received birch of their name - "Svetlitsa".

Birch is one of the most beautiful trees. White with black pattern trunks Berez has a special appeal.

2. Audio birch in oral folk creativity

Birch - the most festive and elegant tree. White of her trunk pushes deceptive warmth and does not give the sun to the deadline to wake a tree from the winter sleep. Two main colors of the Russian Nature are connected in the birches of Birch: the greenery of meadows and whiteness of snow-covered fields. For touching tenderness, the birch is guessing the bride. About her from the old days and songs, and fairy tales, and poems.

Birch - one of the main images of folk art. In folk songs, fairy tales, legends is a symbol of spring and homeland. Favorite tree was endowed with the most apparatus epithets. She was slim, curly, thin, white, fragrant, cheerful, appeared by a young girl in a green golk and always positive heroine: then the keeper of the treasures, then enchanted by beauty, then the wise peasant daughter, who defeats in a duel with evil forces.

For Russian man there is no tree relative than birch. In the old days in Russia, Berezu was considered by the Rodonachal and Patroner.Once the birch was called the tree "four cases" "worth a tree, color green, in this tree three areas: first - patients on health, second - from darkness, the third - people well" Ancient this mystery is closely connected with peasant life. Bathe birch broom - sick on

health, Lighting the dwelling of the rays - from darkness light, thicken thirst for birch juice - people well.

Our ancestors-Slavs honored the main goddess, the mother of all spirits and wealth on earth. No wonder the Russian people noted the funny summer holidays around their favorite birches, decorating them with ribbons,

turning branch braids. They drove around the birch dance, sang songs. The word "birch" appeared in about the 7th century and happened from the verb "Berechery".Birch was considered for a long time the symbol of fertility.

How many Russian people composed songs, mysteries, proverbs, in which he was mainly birch!


Students are white,
On them are green hats.

In White Sarafane
Rose in the meadow.
Fit tits,
Sat on the brass.

In the glade of the girl
In white shirts,
In green hemishers.

Undressed in the edge
In the white dress girlfriends.

Some of them relied on the properties of the birch bark:"Trying in the summer to the trunk of this tree. He is cool even on the sun. This can be only one tree in the world: this is the only tree with white bark, which does not heat up in the sun. " In other birch, they compared with girlfriends girls.

Usually in the riddles of birch appears in front of us in white sundress, with green braids or earrings.

Sometimes, when describing birch, brief adjectives are used:Zelen, not meadow, Bela, and not snow, Kudryava, not a man Or lists the main distinguishing features of birch using homogeneous nouns:Standing Alena - Green handkerchief, thin mill, white sundress or with the help of homogeneous verbs: Barrel whites, the hat is green, stands in white clothes, becking the earrings.

But always in the riddles of birch appears in the image of a young beautiful girl with a thin mill, in a white sundress, with green braids and earrings:

Russian beauty is standing in a glade in a green blouse, in a white sundress.


From the birch there is a lot of juice - to rainy summer.

When birch in front of the alder leaf dissolves - summer will be dry.

When Bereza becomes blossoming - this offs.

In the fall, the leaves of the birch will begin to yellow from the top - the spring will be early, beyond the bottom - late.

Proverbs, sayings:

Birch is not a threat - where it costs, there is noise.

Bela Beresta - yes to do, black.

For the enemy and birch - the threat.

Zelen, not meadow, Bela, and not snow, Kudryava, not a head.

Bereza is not a threat, where it costs, there is noise.

Birch curve does not hold snow, a bad person will not hold down the words. Bela Beresta - Yes, Cheyorn.

In Russia, people loved birches. She lived in every home in sayings, fairy tales, riddles, signs. People did not watch TV, did not play with the computer, but they told fabulous stories about Bereza, they played the riddles, they passed through the proverbs. So, in the oral folk work of birch appears in front of us as beautiful girl And as an indispensable subject in the national economy. Artists, poets and composers often appeal to the image of Birch. Do traditional ideas of the Russian people coincide with their vision? Did the ideas about Birch changed as a healer tree, about the Savior Tree?

3. Birch image in artwork

Many poets, writers, artists dedicated her works to her. Birch is the only tree with a snow-white thin bark. Her beauty fascinates any person. At the sight of her joyful feeling embraces others, it becomes more fun. No wonder our distant ancestors were affectionately called her "fun." Good, calm, beauty, responsiveness proceed from it. Admiring the wonderful uniqueness of birch, writers often turn to her image, speaking of Russia, about the cute heart to the native side. Under the Senyu Berez created their famous works Composers: Glinka, Tchaikovsky and others.

Artists were also very interested in the image of Birch. Here are just some of them:

one). I. Grabar "February glaze." Giant Birch, like a wise old man, gray, big, reliable. Such birch will protect from the wind, snow, bad weather.

2). I. Levitan "Birch Grove". This is a fabulous song where every birch sings. Through the paints of winter, blue, white, we feel the purity and the greatness of this tree. Bright greenery paints create a mood of delight, draw an outfit as a maiden robe. We do not always know how to see and hear the beauty of our native nature. And often artists and poets help us in this, teach us to peering and listen to the world around us. Moreover, they not only convey their own mood, feelings in the work of art, but also coming to the viewer or listener sounds, paints, flavors, beauty and harmony. Berezu love her for the beauty of the incomparable, for the purity and bright good Russian character, so songs sing about it, poems compound, depict pictures.

I love birch Russian,
Then light, then sad,
In Belen Sarafanchik,
With handkerchiefs in pockets,
With beautiful clasps
With green earrings.
Then clear, cycling,
That is sad, weak.

This is all known lines from the poem about Birosis A. Prokofiev. How many definitions are: "Svetlyy", "sad", "in the White Sarafanchik", "Clear", "Tea", "sad", "mobble". Every day on the way to school, near the house I meet this tree. Today we will try to look at the birch with other eyes, try to consider this familiar image in the works of Russian poets.

The obstellers and poets saw in Bereza Tu gentle femininity, the cute and sincere beauty, that light pride, which sounded for them in the name "Russia". After examining the poems of Russian poets, in the center of which - a description of Birza. Among them, the works of S. Jenin, A. Prokofiev, O. SHESTINA, V. N. Rubtsova, S. Gorodetsky, N. Rubtsova, I. Sokolova-Mikitova, G. Strbstsky, and Tokmakova. It became clear that for every poet Birch is defined symbol. I united the poems of these poets about Birch in groups: for some - this is a symbol of Russia, for other Birch - the girl - beauty, for the third, it is a symbol of childhood, the poems of other poets represent the "peaceful tree" birch. Bereza is a symbol of Russia: the poem O. SHESTINA, with Yesenin.

In poems of some Russian poets, birch is merged with the image of Russia. That was what the poet O. Shestinsky wrote about her:

Without birch, I do not think Russia -

So light Slavyansky she,

What, perhaps, in a century other

From Birch All Russia is born ...

At the beginning of the poem "Without birch, it is not a thought of Russia", Sixsky speaks of birch and Russia, as a whole. In one of the lines, it is assumed that Berez is prim than from birch - all Russia is born. " Bereza occupied with nothing with a comparable place in the life of the Russian man. All the life of Russians, events are closely connected with this amazing tree:

Under the birch sang, married,

Chose horses at the auction;

Dear mothers buried, ...

So, so that there were birch trees.

Bereza, according to the poet, also live "human life." At the same time, he uses personification: they are "... Laugh with green foliage, ... Singing the tears of tears," thereby proving that Russia and Birch is a whole, and they are inseparable.

For me, Russia is white birch

For me, Russia - Morning dew ...

The beauty of Russian forests is called birch. Slender, blond, with thin dynamic branches and tangible elegant foliage, she always causes admiration, joy.

S. Yesenin called Russia "Birch Citz" country. For him, the birch was like a gentle, young, pure girl:

I am forever for fogs and dew

I loved the birch of the mill,

And her golden braids

And the canvas of her sundress.

S. Yesenin emphasizes the harness of the tree, tenderness, compares it with the girl's figure. Birch branches resemble the poet of girlish braids.

In S.Senin, the calm condition of the trees is associated with sleepy, peacefully loving, and therefore, smiling birchings.

Fluffy branches The poet compares with disheveled braids, the inflorescences of the tree - earrings - with decoration.

Smiled sleepy birchings,

Silk braids disengaged,

Green earrings rustle,

And burn silver dew.

In such a small quatrain, Yesenin expressed all the feeling, all his mood at the moment spelling. He admires her, gives it a special temper.

S.A. Jenin is spiritualized by the image of birch, comparing her with a girl.

His birch "Devicious breasts", girls' things: sundress, scallop, skirmon, earrings. Birch is believed, she "looked at the pond," she is all permeated by the expectation of joy and anxiety. As a girl, she is full of dreams and a doom. "Looking around" - it means, thought. From the blows of the wind, foliage is "whispering wind". Fluffy branches of birch Author compares with braids. Even the "sand rings" in Esenin; Everything around lives its imperceptible life for us. The image of the girl and the Motherland merge into a single integer in the work of S. Yesenin.

A. Prokofiev animates birch, gives her human qualities. As a person, she can be different in nature: sad, cheerful, sad, cheerful. Her apparel is distinguished among other plants. White bark - beautiful white sundress, black spots on the crust - pockets or clasp.

Prokofiev in the poem "Birch" uses the only verb - "love", in which the author's attitude is transmitted to an unusual wood. The remaining lines of poem consist of epithets that reveal and enrich the image of birch, the more

Birch is fabulously beautiful, unique, originally, mysterious, therefore, probably, fabulous actions occur in a birch grove.

This confirms the poet V. Christmas in the poem "Trees":

But all mile me girl - birch,

Coming from fairy tales and epic

Snow Maiden, Frost's favorite,

Alenushka hillocks and plains.

V. Christmas, creating a birch image, uses many fine-expressive drugs: epithets - green braids, with thin branches, white dress, in foliage lace, hot summer, on the edge of forest, thoughtful songs, light outfit; Comparisons: with a girl with braids, in a white dress dressed, in earrings, lace, wondery outfit; Ompmixing: The Sun is hardened, birch waves, meets. As in oral folk art, a young girl gets up to our eyes - birch, with green braids, which

downt with thin branches. She is dressed in a white dress, lace from foliage, all in earrings.

Outfit her light wonderful,

No tree heart mile,

And how many thoughtful songs

Soon the people about her!

In the poem, I. Tokmakova "Birch" are well pronounced specific traits The girls who are watching themselves for their hair. Here the author fully personifies Berezu, trying to introduce it into the image.

Of course, fine means are used here, such as comparisons: in the river, as in the mirror, looking; Protecting: changed birch hairstyle; Metaphors: combing boutious strands, would go into the habit in the morning to braid a pigtail.

Using conditional inclination: if B, it would have changed B, combing B, the author as if he would introduce us to another world, forcing it to reflect and fantasize.

Birch is the keeper of the secretions. In the depths of her wood bark, she thinks about something, dreams or sadness awaits autumn days. The shepherd was forgiven to this "starry night" - "Lil Tears", hugging a thin tree trunk, until the next spring ("to new cranes").

S. Gorodetsky in the poem "Birch" White birch barrel compares with a white body. Its branches are similar to the Black Hair, which chalms Lel. In the creation of beauty, the God of the Sun - Yaril,

which gave a tree green pointed foliage. Here are used bright expressive drugs as an personification, epithets, comparisons: A amber day, a bezure of the light, laziness, the branches of grateful, Belalo body; White, like hops; Kipuchi waves, waves of lake, cheerful Lel, rays of Voloshai, black, Yaril crowned, pulled out, foliage the foliage, was shoved, the color of the sky, the color is green.

But in the poem of N.rubtsov "Berezia" thanks to a familiar rustling of leaves birch by the author, memories arise, the experiences of lived childhood and adolescence. Birch - memories and symbol of his childhood and youth. They awaken joyful and sad memories. His childhood and youth passed among these trees, its image is connected with the death of the closest to the author of people: father and mother.

The poet at the same time uses fine-expressive means, personification: birch sides, tears raid, noisylasting; Metaphors: Tears run out, defeats the prose, killed bullets. There are few epithets: crumpled days, yellow leaves. There are also other visual means here: eyes, disgusts from tears; Everything will all be in mind unwitting; will respond in the heart and blood. There are comparisons: noisy like a hive.

Sokolov Mikitov also decided to describe the birch and birch grove. To reveal the topic and idea, the writer gives a description of the tree in spring, summer and autumn; uses popular attitude to this plant.

From the first sentence of I.Sokolov-Mikitov transmits emotions against birch. Words Mile, wonderful, good, joyfully, ahnesh, specially express the author's feelings. For expressions of thoughts and feelings, the writer uses fine-expressive tools, such as epithets: Russian forest, birch light groves, white trunks, thin bark, resinous fragrant kidneys, giving sweet juice, pattering birds, hollow frozards, nimble cinemas, blue and white snowdrops - reveal the image of a birch grove; Young foliage, green delicate haze, forest edges, gentle foliage, fresh breath - reveal the image of birch in early spring;

summer hot days, warm wind, fragrant strawberries, thick foliage, sunny people, in clean grass, on a blue summer sky, white swans, high clouds - reveal the image of birch in the summer;

golden foliage, gold leaf, fading foliage, the slightest sound, birch forest - reveal the image of birch in autumn;

in folk songs and fairy tales, rustic people, on holidays, dance songs - reflected popular attitude towards birch.

The writer uses an impersonation, reviving inanimate objects, hanging them by human properties: rays break through, clouds float; Comparisons: Swans are floating and float, high clouds.

I.Sokolov-Mikitov, using fine-expressive means, gives the statement emotional color.

White birch as a plant attracts many writers. They are surprised on white this peculiar, not similar to other wood.

"White trunks of young trees brightly shine in the sun, and from this it becomes lighter" (Crespitsky "in a birch grove"). In the birch grove, it is always light, this light is delivered to anyone with joy, raises each mood.

White color always pleases the eye, it is associated with tenderness, peaceful, cleanliness. Therefore, probably, the birch is called a peaceful tree.

Berezu poets are called not only white and green, but also gold because of her bright autumn yellowness.

Birches yellow thread

Bright in Lazari Blue ... (I.A. Bunin. Leaf Falls)

Birch, like a fabulous tree, all gold, beautifully drawn on the pale blue sky ... (I.Turgenov).


Any tree attracts the attention of people to some kind of feature, characteristic only by him. But Birch conquered everyone. Her gentle and slender barrel made a manitis of their whiteness and purity.

In the process of work, we came to the following conclusions:

1) What Russian, what a cute tree - birch. None of the trees accommodates so many national concepts, does not give rise to so many images and comparisons.

2) Birch is truly the peasant tree, it has everything: and Babi Sitz's handkerchief, and a whitewashed hut, and a Russian oven, and a canvas shirt, and a rocker rush.

3) Birch is beautiful at any time of the year. She, like a beautiful girl, changes his outfits. In the fall, golden dresses put on, in winter it is wrapped in fluffy white fur coats, in spring and summer dresses in gentle green sundresses with coquetty earrings.

4) Birch is called the beauty of Russian forests. Slender, with thin dynamic branches and elegant foliage, it always causes admiration and joy.

5) A poetic image of birch creates from traditional epithets - white, curly, traditional metaphors - White swan,

birch earrings. But at the same time, every poet sees birch in his own way.

6) Birch is presented in the works of poets and writers in different ways: the image of the motherland, the image of a girl, a symbol of childhood, a peaceful tree.

7) amounted to the dictionary of the visual means used in the description of birch.

I love the bircke of Russian,

Then light, then sad,

In Belen Sarafanchik,

With handkerchiefs in pockets,

With beautiful clasps

With green earrings.

Then clear, cycling,

Then sad, weak,

I love the bircke of Russian.

List of used literature

1.Belskaya L.L. Song Word. Poetic skill of Sergei Yesenin.- M., 1990.

2. Goroshenko V.P. Nature and people. - M.: Enlightenment, 1971.

3. Yesenin S. Favorites. Poem and poems. - M.: Children's literature, 1983.

4. Ozhegov S.I., Swedov N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Azbukovnik, 1999.

5. Petrov V.V. Forest and his life. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986

6. Prokofiev A. - Favorites. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988

7. Christmas V. Poem. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986

8. Rubtsov N. Poems. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986

9.Thiskova I. Evening fairy tale. - M.: Onyx, 2003

10.Shan N.M. A brief etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Enlightenment, 1975.


Slightly sun prickly slopes
And it became in the woods of warming,
Birch of green braids
Hanging with thin branches.

V. Christmas

Tools of artistic image, which used poets when describing Birch:

Olites ́ nie - Trope, assigning the properties of animated objects in an inanimate. Very oftenelimination It is used in the image of nature, which is endowed with those or other human features.

smiled birch trees

changed birch hairstyle

the sun is prigid

birches smelled


noisy birch

tears raid

noisy leaf fall

Comparison - comparison of the displayed object or phenomenon.

in the river, as in the mirror, looking

with girlfriend with braids

in a white dress dressed

in earrings noise

like a hive

Metaphor - A word or expression used in a figurative value is based on an unnamed comparison of the subject with any other on the basis of their general feature.

combing boutious strands

would get into the habit in the morning to braid a pigtail

white swan

at birch seeds

they rusty earrings

tears raid

winning prose

killed bullets

Epithet - e. the figurative characteristic of a person, phenomena or subject through expressive adjective.



sleepy birch

silk braids

green braids

with thin branches

white dress

in foliage lace.

Birch - a healing tree.

Linguists believe that the name "Birch" occurred from the word "Berechin", because the ancient peoples were very valued and protected this tree, considering it the gift of the gods. In Russia, Berez has always been one of the most revered trees. In the ancient Slavic and Baltic peoples, she was considered a symbol of purity, light and femininity.

In antiquity, people landed a birch near their yards, believing that she could protect them from diseases, especially during the spread of various epidemics. Birza was planted at the wicket and put a bench near her so that you could sit down and talk to a tree, asking him help and health.
People also believed that birch is able to protect against unclean power. The rings from Berez were surrounded by settlements, there were also all sorts of charms made from Beresta.

In the old days, people believed that if he was sent to the torn baby with a birch rod, then the disease would go. It was also believed that birch can take the disease. In addition, being a symbol of femininity and fertility, the tree could awaken the fruitful forces not only the earth, but also people. Therefore, people appealed to birch for help in the continuation of the kind. Pregnant women asked for a birch to have a lighter, and the born baby grew up healthy and happy.

So, about this wonderful tree of Birches, his healing properties and will be discussed in this section. There are also specific recipes used in the treatment of various diseases. But do not forget about the existence of contraindications and engage in self-medication. Regarding the use of any recipe, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician.

Description of birch.

Birch - a tree, not higher than 20 m. Birch straight, white and smooth, with black lines on the cortex, the lower part of the trunk is black. In young trees, the bark is brownish. The branches are thin, with resinous warts, thick and well developed. Old trees branches are hung.
Leaves are long-coal, smooth on both sides, triangular or diamond-ovoid shape, wide at the base and pointed at the end, 2-3 minutes long. In young trees, sticky and fragrant leaves. The kidneys appear in early spring. They are reddish-brown, elongated shape, resinous and bodied taste.

Birch - one-bedroom tree. It has pestile (female) and sticky (male) I earrings. Pestish earrings strokes, upright, 2.5-3 cm long, are located on one on short side branches. Striping earrings picked, 5-6 cm long, are located 2-3 pieces at the ends of the branches.
Birch flowers in April - May, when the leaves bloom. Men's flowers are developing in autumn and remain for the winter, women appear during the dissolution of the leaves. Pestile flowers are connected in 2-3 pieces, have a three-bladed flake, covering 3 two-nest pestle with 2 filadious stigmas. Stomaching flowers consist of split stamens and 1-2 leaves of the perianth.

Fruits ripen in August - September. One earrings contains about 500 seeds. The fruit is a single-heated flat nuts of an oblong-elliptical shape, with 2 wings, which are 2-3 times the nuts itself. Seeds are transferred to the wind and are well caring, hitting dry or moistened, sandy, linous, black earth or rocky-grain-rich soil. Grows the tree quickly, perfectly resumes the pig and self-sowing.

Where birch is growing.

Birch is widespread in Russia. There are 120 types of birches in the world. Of these, about 65 species are growing in Russia. They slightly differ from each other and in medicine are equally applied. The most famous are squat, fluffy and hung birch.

Birch of light-headed, does not like blackout, it's good to carry any climatic conditions. It grows in the forest and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia and Siberia. Very common in parks, gardens, often grows near the roads. The life of birch is about 100-120 years.

Birch often forms derivatives on the spot of cut or burned pine, spruce, oak and deciduous forests. It very quickly populates the vacant place, but over time, it is crowded with other rocks of trees.

Beard birch is an ordinary deciduous tree and mixing forests. Fluffy birch is different from the first fact that its branches and twigs, as well as the leaves from the bottom (especially in the corners of the veins) have hairs (young - velvet), as well as the fact that the birch fluffy grows in more raw places.

Birch is hung, fast-growing leaf full, up to 30 m, birch family, with smooth white bark. In total, the genus birch contains 120 species, occupies 13% of the area of \u200b\u200ball forests of Russia. The most common birch beard lives up to 100-150 years. Branches at the ends of diluting. The leaves are regular, cherry, triangular-rhombic, along the edges of the ostridge. Leaves and young twigs fragrant coated with resinous glands. Male and female flowers in earrings. Birch flowers in spring. During flowering with branches, long yellowish earrings are fused, very similar to Oshness earrings. These are men's inflorescences, are located in a brush of 2-4 and consist of a variety of stamen flowers. In earrings produced a large amount of yellow powdered pollen, which is far spread by the wind. Female strokes are single scene, reprehension or rejected much smaller male. They have a greenish color, are unlikely to contain many smallest female flowers consisting of only one pestle. After flowering, these earrings grow greatly, turning into small green cylinders. At the end of the summer, the increasing earrings become brown and begin to crumble on small three-blade flakes and tiny refigble fruits. Birch fruits are so small that it is barely seen by a simple eye. In the center of the fetus there is an elongated seed, on the sides - two oval wings, which are the finest films.

The composition of vegetable raw materials and the beneficial properties of birch.

In birch leaves, essential oil (0.05%), having a pleasant smell, saponins (3.2%), ascorbic acid (2.8%), vitamin C, carotene, nicotinic acid, beto-retinic acid (in the form of butyl Ether), glucosides (hyperozide spirochozide), tanning substances (5-9%), triterpene alcohols, inosit, betulalbin resin, flavonoids.

Birch kidneys are also contained by saponins, essential oil (6%) and ascorbic acid, as well as phytoncides, bitterness, tannins, resin, grape sugar.

Birch bark contains triterpene alcohol (Bethulol), which protects the plant from the penetration of fungi and thanks to which it has white color, glucosides (betu-vow and grealoine), saponins, bitter substance, acids (protochykhin, lilac, vaniline, oxybenzoic), catechins, lei-coantocians, tanning substances, resinous substances and a small amount of essential oil.

The dead, obtained from the birch bark by dry distillation, contains phenol, cresols, dioxibenzenes, govelas.

The composition of the birch juice includes sugars - fructose and glucose (up to 4%), malic acid, protein, vitamins C and group B, tubyl and aromatic substances. In addition, birch juice is rich minerals and microelements such as potassium (273 mg / l), sodium (16 mg / l), calcium (13 mg / l), magnesium (6 mg / l), aluminum (1-2 mg / l), manganese ( 1 mg / l), iron (0.25 mg / l), silicon (0.1 mg / l), titanium (0.08 mg / l), copper (0.02 mg / l), strontium (0, 1 mg / l), barium, nickel, zirconium and phosphorus (0.01 mg / l).

About birch mushroom, which is called "Chaga", can be read in more detail on our website.

Preparation of therapeutic raw birch.

Birch is widely used in medicine. For therapeutic purposes, kidney, leaves, birch juice, bark, from wood are obtained to targe and coal. Also popular with a birch mushroom chaga, forming growths on the trunk of a tree.

Birch buds.

Collect birch kidney.

The kidneys should be assembled in winter (January - February) during the cutting of the forest or early spring during their swelling (March - April), before the dissolution of the leaves. The branches with the kidneys are cut and bind into bundles, which are then dried outdoors for 4-5 weeks.

After that, the kidneys ridges from branches and dry in the shade in air at a moderate temperature. At high temperatures, they can lose some active substances, so it is not recommended to use dryers. The kidneys must be shiny, dark brown, with a pleasant smell and a little bitter taste.

Storage of birch kidney.

Dried kidneys are packaged and stored in a dry place. They retain healing properties for 2 years, after which the renal stock should be updated.
The leaves are harvested in May - June, when they are still young, fragrant, sticky, and not coarse. They are cut straight from the branches. Sewing the leaves follows in cool, dark and well-ventilated rooms, laying up a layer of 3-5 cm and stirring 2-3 times during the day. You can save dry leaves within 2 years. They are stored in marral or paper bags, as well as in glass jars.

Beresta (birch bark).

The outer layer of birch bark (Beresto) can be dying with growing or conceded trees, as well as a dog. To do this, you need a sharp tool to make an incision on the top white layer of the crust. It is necessary to monitor so that the bottom layer of the cortex is damaged (Lob).

The best is berson from the middle part of the trunk. The removed bark is dried on a dry open place. To protect against rain above this place, make a canopy of large plates of Beresta.
Better time Beresta blanks is a period of enhanced slotting. At this time it is easily separated from the wood. The dried bark bark should be broken.

From the bark and wood birch receives to targe and coal, which are also widely used in medicine and everyday life.

Birch juice.

Collection of birch juice.

Birch juice is extracted early in spring, until the leaves are dissolved, at the very beginning of the Softness. For this, the trunk of the tree is waiting for the depth of the bark and several layers. During the day you can collect from 3 to 10 liters of juice from one tree, and for the season - 30-150 liters. Thus, you can get 5-10 tons of juice per day with 1 ha forest. Even the stumps of birches, conceded in winter, in the spring, plenty of juice.

Birch juice is best collecting from trees to be cut, because damage to the bark is harmful to birch. However, if you competently do the lap of the bark, the tree will give juice for several years. Communion should not be large, otherwise the tree will lose a lot of juice and rotting will begin in this place. Usually, a hole is drilled in the lower part of the barrel (40-60 cm from the Earth) to collect the juice (40-60 cm from the ground) in the lower part of the barrel (40-60 cm), into which the hollow tube is driven and the cellophane package is attached to it or navigate any dishes (except galvanized).

When the juice stops stand out, the plug is removed, and the hole is tightly plugged by the usual wooden plug, after which it is destructive this place with a dressing or paint so that the tree is not started to rot.

It is necessary to collect juice only before breaking the leaves, then the fee should be stopped. You can not take the juice from thin trees (less than 30 cm in diameter), otherwise they will weaken and wage. Store juice in a cold place in a closed dish.

Preparation of birch brooms.

Brooms for the bath are harvested in the second half of June, when all the leaves on the tree are dissolved. The branches should be cut off from trees located in forestry places.

Therapeutic properties of raw birch.

Birch kidneys are therapeutic properties.

Infusions and bark of birch kidney produce a choleretic, stiff, blood complimentary, painkillers, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.

The alcohol tincture of birch kidneys is used for colds, pain in the stomach and intestines, as well as with Ikota. In addition, the kidney tincture is used for rubbing and as compresses in rheumatism, gout, pains in the joints, lumbago, proleells, abrasions, cuts and non-heaven wounds.

Birch kidney essential oil.

Essential oilextracted from birch kidneys is used as a sliding and stimulating agent. In addition, birch oil is used in the treatment of gonorrhea.

Ointment of birch kidney.

To make them prepare, a very small powder from a plant is used, which is tricious with such oily bases, like lanolin, vaseline, butter or vegetable oil and fresh pork fat. Mazi remains longer, cooked on the basis of vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, linen, etc.).

Recipe 1 ointment from birch kidney ..
400 g of kidney birch, 800 g of butter cream, 8 g camphor.
A layer of 1.5 cm with a layer of 1.5 cm with a layer of 1.5 cm thick, the same layer of birch kidneys. Alternating layers, filled with a saucepan, closed it with a lid, deceive with the dough and put a tricky in the oven for a day. After that, the oil is squeezed out of the kidneys and add a camphor pre-unplored into powder.
Finished ointment put in a refrigerator for storage. Ointment has an anesthetic property and is used to treat rheumatism.
Outfielding sick places 1 time a day before bedtime.

Recipe 2 ointments from birch kidney ..
300 g kidney birch, 500 g of butter creamy.
In the clay or ceramic container lay a layer of kidney thick with a finger, then a layer of freshly-rich butter, a renal layer and a layer of oil.

So repeat until the container is filled. Then it is closed with a lid and deceive with a dough, after which they put on a day in a well-protiguous Russian oven or hot oven, not allowing it to warm above 90 ° C. After processing with temperate dry heat, the kidney is pressed.
The ointments prepared in this way are used for rubbing in sore joints overnight. At the same time, the ointment layer is applied to the surface of the skin to cut on top of birch leaves, then wrap a dense cloth and strengthen the bandage well so that it does not shift during sleep. Ointment is not recommended for a long time to store.

Cart from bark bark.

The dead, obtained from birch bark, has bactericidal, antimicrobial, insecticidal and ceiling properties. It is included with the composition of the ointles of Vishnevsky, Wilkinson and Konkov, which are used to treat skin diseases, wounds and pediculosis.

In the old days, the birch delet was used in the treatment of patients with leprosy and scabies.

A mixture of birch tar, castor oil and alcohol is used in the treatment of fatty sedias of the skin, as well as with severe skin itching. For the treatment of skin diseases, birch dispatch are used in the form of 10-30% ointments or a liniment. It is also used in burns and purulent wounds.

With long-term use of birch tar and ointments based on it, skin irritation appears, and with eczema, the exacerbation of the disease may begin.

Therapeutic properties of the birch leaf.

Breaks of kidneys and birch leaves strengthen the secretory activities of the glands, facilitate menstruation, accelerate their offensive, produce anthelmic effects (with round worms). Birch kidneys and leaves have a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the body and contribute to the excavation of slags and harmful substances from it.

Extracts and infusions of birch leaves are used for various diseases of the liver, they have an anesthetic and anti-voic action, improve the overall condition of the patient, reduce the size of the liver, increase the bonement.

Dry and fresh stewed leaves are used as compresses with rheumatic diseases, as well as in burns and sweating legs.

Therapeutic properties of birch bark.

Bark Bark is used in diatela treatment, as well as wounds and ulcers. It prevents the imagination of the affected skin. Barriest decoction is given in malaria and uterine bleeding. The decoction of a thin film lagging behind Beresto helps with coughing. The film is also applied to chirnyam to pull in pus. Birch root is used as an antiperscript and anti-hoisfactory. In folk medicine, the ash of birch roots are also used when heartburn, and calendar, indigestion and ulceration of the stomach or duodenum.

Therapeutic properties of birch juice.

Juices are the most valuable drugs cooked from plants. The best are juices that have not been subjected to thermal processing.

Birch juice is useful for goug, rheumatism, edema of various origin and as a toll-based agent for furunculese, angina, non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers. Previously, birch juice was also used in the treatment of lung tuberculosis. It is externally used during eczema.
In addition, birch juice is rich in vitamins, its use prevents deposition of salts and cholesterol in the body. Juice also contributes to the purification of blood from uric acid and produces a hematopoietic and regenerating effect.

Birch juice drink 200 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is designed for 6 weeks, after which it is necessary to make a two-week break and repeat the treatment. In winter, an effective means of cold is the use of birch juice mixed with milk.

Birch juice can be used externally with eczema and for washing with eels.

Birch juice wash his head, because it improves the condition of the skin of the head, removes dandruff and promotes hair growth, reduces their loss, strengthens.

In cosmetics, birch juice is used to remove pigment spots, skin nutrition, increasing its total tone and smoothing wrinkles. To this end, the face, hands and neck in the morning and in the evening with a tampon dipped in birch juice.

With neuralgias of the shoulder belt and the radiculitis for the removal of inflammation, birch juice of 2 tbsp. Spoons 3 times a day in an hour after eating, as well as the juice of roots and celery leaves 2 times a day.

How to preserve birch leaves and kidneys.

Young birch leaves are stored in drawers laid out with paper, and the kidneys are pressed into bricks and fold into tightly closed boxes (better tin).

Family: Birch (Betulaceae).

Motherland: North hemisphere.

The form: Tree or shrub.


Birch is the most common demanding breed in the northern hemisphere. Different types of birch (about 120 of them) are common from subtropics to the tundra. Birch is a beautiful tree with a height of 30-45 m or shrub with an openwork crown. Main distinctive feature of birch - coated white, yellowish or pinkish trunk. Birch leaves Cherry round or lanceal shape, whole (rarely padded), gear. Birch leaves in the fall acquire a yellow color. Birch flowering begins before leaf breaking. Birch flowers are collected in earrings. Birch fruits are one-step nuts with a length of 1-5 mm with two interfachable wings. Birchs have a rather large root system that takes moisture and nutrients from the upper layers of soil. Therefore, vegetation under the birch of meager.

Birch's life expectancy is 100-150 years old.

Two types of birch trees are widespread in the European part of our country: birch fluffy and birch.

Fluffy birch (curly birch) (B. Pubescens), or birch bearded (B. Verrucosa) - a tree to 15 m high, with a pure-white barrel that does not form a dark coarse crust at the base, for which another name has been received - birch-bore. Curry Kurry Curry (birch beard) Shirovoy, ovoid. Branches are directed up. The bark of young branches is smooth, reddish-brown, later purely white. Birch leaves fluffy shiny, ovoid or rhombic, up to 6 cm, after dissolving adhesive and fragrant.

In Birch, there are several forms from which the most decorative: pyramidal (f. Fastigiata) - with a narrow-shaped crown; mourning (f. Tristis) - is distinguished by very thin dye branches and rounded crown; cabin boy (f. Youngii) - with an incorrect, elegant crown, with thin debt branches; purple (f. Purpurea) - with purple leaves.

(B. pendula) - a tree with an openwork, incorrect crown. The height of the birch of the resulting can reach 20 m. Birch trunk by the white. In adult trees, the lower part of the barrel is covered with a coarse black in deep cracks. The branches mostly hit, for which Bereza received the people in the people another name - birch mocking. Birch leaves with robic rhombic, bare, up to 7 cm, some time after dissolving resinous, sticky. The fruits of birch fruits are smoke earrings. Birch hungry grows fast, frost-resistant.

The following types are popular from birch shrubs.

(B. Nana) - elegant bush high up to 1 m. With small ones characteristic of birch by round leaves. In the fall, the birch leaves are painted in yellow. To grow birch karlikova, it is recommended to buy cultural instances.

Berred fermented (B. Glandulosa) looks like a birch dwarf, but higher (up to 3 m) and has larger leaves.

Birch low (B. Humilis) - Strong branched shrub with a straight crown. Leaves in birch lowweed up to 3 cm long.

Berez Medvedev (B. MEDWEDIEWII) - a large shrub, becomes tree with age. Birch Medvedev is characterized very large, compared with other types of birch, kidneys and leaves (up to 10 cm long!).

Growing conditions

Birch - the tree is undemanding to soil, but the birch fluffy prefers more raw soils and the wet climate. Birch shrubs are also not demanding of soils, but they prefer light sandy.

Birch need good lighting. With a lack of light birch, they become chili and oppressed.


Due to its unpretentiousness, birch is used in groups, as well as to create small forest plantations, protective strips, and so on. An indispensable birch in the garden for gardening areas of recreation. It is possible to land birch, however, it should be borne in mind that they are losing foliage and twigs throughout the summer, so the territory around them requires periodic care.

Birch fluffy good for planting in wetlands and wet places: the root birch birch system is capable of cope with the mooring of the soil.

But in the city gardening birch because of the transparency of the crown are not as popular and found mainly in parks and squares.

Dwarf birchs are suitable for.

Landing and care

Birch care is minimal. Watering required in the drought.

Birch transplant is better to spend early spring. Birch transplant is carried out under the age of 5-7 years, since more adult copies are poorly accepted. The autumn transplant Berez is not recommended, as it has a greater percentage of death. When landing birch seedlings, it is not recommended to shrink the root neck. The roots of Biros are shallow, so require watering into drought.


Birch reproduction is carried out mainly by seeds. Some types of birches (usually cultural) are silent.

Seeds of birch collected in the period of serving serving. Seed seeds are recommended immediately after collecting, late autumn.

Cultural species birch seedlings can be found in garden centers and nurseries. Saplings of birch of wild species can be taken from the forest.

Diseases and pests

Birch pests are dangerous as the May Beetle, an unpaired silkworm.

Birch is one of the most common and beautiful trees in our country. His cute image is extremely attracted by its sincere naturalness and soul soul with tenderness.

Want to see the greatness of natural beauty in rustic simplicity? Pay your gaze to birch. On the one hand, it is quite ordinary, and on the other - a surprisingly touching, unusually attractive tree. On top of the bark bark white, yes thin, and from the bottom - black, but spoiling. Black stripes on white crust are needed so that the tree can breathe through them.

Creative people see in birches inexhaustible source of inspiration. Contemplation of this modest tree gives strength, energy, contributes to the disclosure of the writer and artistic gift. Talented musical works, creations of visual art and fiction appear on the world. Perhaps the most famous is the poem of Sergey Yesenin:

"White birch
Under my window
Snapped with snow
Exactly silver "...

A gentle white-breeding beauty glorified the people in the songs. One of them - "in the field of Bereza stood" - so popular that recognizable already from the first chords.

How to explain such a big nationwide love for this modest tree? Probably the fact that it resembles a fragile young girl, dressed in a white outfit with dark stripes, which fits its flexible mill and emphasizes the elegance of a thin shape.

Take care of birch!

Description of birch at different times of the year: in spring, summer, autumn, in winter

In warm season, a slim beauty throws from above the green raincoat, cracked out of the druff-like leaves. And in order to emphasize your unsurpassed image, fashionista decorates itself with long serges. She changes them depending on the season: in the spring prefers green, in summer - brown. In the autumn, the birch dressed in a festive golden session. But with the onset of cold weather comes the solemn outfit to give. The White Beauty does not want to part with him, but the evil wind does not germinate the beauty. He ruthlessly disrupts golden clothes, leaving a wonderful nude girl. And she stands, confused and shudding, with sadness remembering the dignity of summer days. Then the breeze was affectionate, and the sun was not only shining, but also gotten. Before the spring, the tree will dream of a warm season, hoping that her beauty will rise again.

Here is our birch: defenseless, honey, dear, dear pain. And how good is the birch forest! Beautiful sisters are standing nearby, contacately standing out with their white trunks on the background of dark land. They are charming and charming, they are involuntarily falling in love at first sight and for life. Loving a view of a young birch grove affects the finest strings of the soul, making a person softer, kinder, and merciful. Take care of these wonderful trees!

Essay about Russian Birch for 4-5-6-7 classes: "Bereza - a symbol of Russia"

Bereza is an originally Russian tree, which is distinguished by resistance and modest beauty. Birch's names themselves sound like challenge nature: stone, iron, woolly ... strong character! As they say, you won't take our hands. It is not by chance that this tree symbolizes Russia.

Bereza is surprisingly unpretentious to soils. It is able to root even in saline soil conditions, with a lack of moisture and severe frosts. It is all fit, everything is energized and will grow. Such an iron will to life is worthy of admiration.

Often birch is called a pioneer tree. On the wasteland, on cutting down a slim-barber beauty appears first, decorated with a dull space. Nature itself put this tree in the first rows of attacking Gary, embossed pastures, abandoned land. Moreover, birch helps other trees, making the road coniferous and wide.

No tree can compare with birch on the abundance of seeds. Each seed is light, tiny, almost weightless. It is in such properties of seeds a mystery of the rapid spread of Birch, its ability to walk on the ground ahead of all other trees.

Birch seed resembles lentil seeds. It looks like an oblong nut, equipped with transparent interfachable wings. Blooded wind - seedly seed, steam, like a glider, in air jets. By flight range, this nut with two wings is recognized by the champion among all other wood seeds. It was not by chance that one scientist called him a "aircraft".Once in the soil, the seed quickly fastens in it and germinates. And after a while there appears Bereznyak - birch forest. So step by step, a decade in a decade, a century over the age of victoriously steps on the ground of Birch. No wonder it is also called the guide of the Russian forest.

Estimation of the centuries of Birch gave proper honors. In the holiday of spring, the girls walked into the forest, curl birches curl and drove around her dance, as if taking birch in the sisters ... Nice custom! This beautiful tree is worthy of such honors.

The resistance of the Spirit, an uncomplicable will to victory, as well as purity and modesty - the qualities that are inherent in the Russian person. That is why Birosis is rightfully considered one of the main symbols of Russia.

Mini-essay on the topic "Bereza"

Back in ancient times, Slavs believed that Birch had a special life force. And the tree is generously divided by healing energy with all those who wish. If you go to the birch, leaning off and hug it, all the sadness leave, and the soul becomes light and joyful.

Bereza is not only a beautiful, but also a useful tree, which is famous for its healing aromatic juice. He is beginning to collect in the spring, at the end of March. It is impossible to use the ax, as this can lead to the death of a tree. So that the holes for the collection of juice did not turn into open wounds, they need to be lured with paint and stuck moss. Take care of birch! Do not bite our green friends!

Visit the birch forest, admire the slender whit-barracks. Think that you like most of all, and then your essay about Birch will be sincere and meaningful.

To write an essay or mini-essay about Birch, read also stories about it in a nationwide beloved tree.

Story about Birch number 1

House Dimka stands near the forest. From him to the village road on the field goes. There are no trees there. Only in one place near the road is white birch.

There is a Dimka from school, song about cosmonauts sings. Today he is happy. Five in geography received. Watching: A car stopped on the road near the birch. The driver came out of the car, it stands and thinks what to do. Can not drive, because on the road pit.

He took the ball ax and went to the birch. Dimka understood everything and shouted:

Uncle, wait, do not chop birch!

But the driver does not hear. Raised the ax. Dimka ran to him.

Uncle! Uncle! - screaming.

Chaffer looks at Dimka.

What do you, boy? - asks.

Uncle, do not chop birch. She is small.

I myself see that a little, "says Shofinger. - So what to do? See - pit. You need to put something under the wheels.

I am in the village behind the tractor run, "says Dimka.

Well no! I have little time. I am late…

Then I brought stones, "said Dimka and ran. Printed stones. Eyes cheerful. - Where to throw?

The driver said nothing and also went behind the stones. Together they wore stones, threw them under the wheels. And here you can go. Seed the driver into the car.

Where are you? - He asks at Dimka.

To me to the forest.

Sit down. Let's go.

Quickly runs the car. Here is the forest. The car stopped.

Goodbye, "said the shofer and smiled. - Thank you, boy.

(According to F. Halturina)

Story about Birosis number 2

Growing the birch slim and curly. It was put on her green branches on the forest edge. And in the thick of the branches of birds settled.

Each day the birch is good. Exactly winter snow, blossom slim, straight trunk. Now it does not hurt him to the ground.

But they came to the edge of the children. They came to the birch, waved the ax. Twisted birch, and transparent droplets fell on the ground.

Takes to the frame of the guys of the groove, and she watered transparent fragrant juice.

Spring passed, summer came, and the birch was sad. Before the autumn was far away, and yellow leaves appeared on the birch.

(By Polyakov)

Story № 3 - "Decent Action"

A lonely spoiling birch grew on the hillock. The autumn wind hurt her, breaking down the young branches.

Once upon a time the guys came to the hillock, pits dug up, put on the slope of the apple tree. And the circle to protect the apple tree from the wind, planted rowan, birch, trees.

Often the guys came to a young garden. That will whiten the trunks of lime, then smoky fires will lit.

Trees have grown. Blooming apple trees. People passed by, admired the garden. In the autumn of the garden, the thick aroma of ripe apples was walking.

(On N. Bobneva)

Story № 4 - "Ax"

Fixed an ax for firewood. Tips on the stumps, laughs.

And in the forest, the birch rose kudryaya, merry. I saw the ax Burizka and says: "I will begin to kill kut, only the sins will fly."

Birch was frightened, golden gloves crushed, the twigs lowered. The ax, the ax, appeared on the birch - only white sins flew.

Birch fell and fell in green grass, in blue flowers. Casting her ax, home tops. And go to the topor through the Kalinos Bridge. The bridge was angry and says: "You why do you need my sisters chuck?"

I did not regret my back, chased and broke the Kalinos Bridge. The ax stupned into the water and she caught. And the birch sailed on the river in the sea.

(By A. Tolstoy)

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