The Academy has passed courses for advanced training on the methodological support of the implementation of educational programs in the context of changing educational policies and legislation in the field of secondary professional and additional professional.


The Deputy Director of the Department of Public Policy in the field of work personnel training and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Tatiana Ryabko. In the morning, she familiarized himself with the Republican Center for the Development of Competences on the WorldSkills format for the competencies "Cooking", "Confectionery" and "Restaurant Service" in Cheboksary Technical School of Power and Commerce Technology.

Currently, the Center includes many educational and laboratory, technological laboratories that are equipped with modern equipment and meet infrastructure requirements. international standards. Four technological laboratories have all the necessary thermal, refrigeration, mechanical and auxiliary equipment for the preparation of modern personnel of public catering. It is not by chance for many years, the technical school is the basis of all competitions of professional skill of various levels, including the WorldSkills format.

Tatyana Vasilyevna highly appreciated the work of the pedagogical team and proposed a technical school to give candidates for incorporating the Working Group on Profile Competences in the All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Association.

Recall that, being the center for the development of competencies, the technical school initiates conducting master classes on its basis not only for their students, but also other profile educational institutions, catering enterprises of the republic. Experienced teachers of the technical school Maria Malitsky, Ekaterina Bortov, act as mentors. It was they who prepared the winner of the 43rd World Championship of Workers 'Workers' Professions "WORLDSKILLS COMPETTION 2015" (Brazil, G. São Paulo), owner of medals "For Higher Mastery" Medallions of Excellence (the competence of the "Cow") and "Best of Nation" Goniashvili. Bronze medalist of the final of the National Championship "Young Professionals" (WorldSkillSrussia) for the competence of the "Confectionery" Ksenia Kuzmina prepared Olga Gerasimov, a technical school teacher. Ksenia is included in the National Competence Competence "Confectionery" to participate in WorldSkills International 2017.

It should be noted that the preparation of competitive specialists for the labor market contributes not only to the excellent material base, but also, first of all, strong pedagogical shots. Currently, 8 candidates of science work in the technical school. Students have the opportunity to pass production practices abroad. Currently, 8 people are internship in restaurants and cafes of France. For students - Practice bases on the best catering enterprises. It is already becoming a reality practice of holding final certification in the form of demonstration exams. Among the technical school students, it is often possible to meet graduate university graduates, sometimes even non-core. Graduates of the technical school are 100% employed. Most restaurants and cafes of Cheboksary are headed by former students of the Cheboksary Technical School of Power and Commerce Technology.

This year, the technical school will have to undergo a procedure for accreditation of the Center for the Development of Competencies on the WorldSkills format with the participation of national experts of Russia.

The federal agency held a meeting in the region, which was considered by the interim results of the execution of presidential decrees relating to the professional formation system. The event was attended by deputies of specialized ministries and managers of URSOs.

According to the Deputy Director of the Department of Public Policy in the field of work personnel and additional vocational education The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Tatyana Ryabko, the Ulyanovsk region for holding the federal meeting was not chosen. "Your region is a major cluster for the development of a system of secondary vocational education. Here is the best result of the implementation of the May Decree, aimed at creating conditions for professional education by persons with limited features Health. In addition, a large basic platform for inclusive education programs will be created on the basis of one of the technical schools, "Tatiana Ryabko emphasized.

To date, 40% of the Ulyanovsk region are implemented learning programsAdapted for children with disabilities. "For example, a pharmaceutical college is engaged in the preparation of medical profile professionals from among the persons with disabilities in hearing and vision. After its end, the graduates are guaranteed to be employed in various medical and prophylactic institutions and private firms of our region and other regions. In five Ulyanovsky professional organizations Created a barrier-free medium. By the end of the year, these conditions will be provided in another institution, "said Natalia Semenova, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science.

Another important achievement of the Ulyanovsk Region Tatiana Ryabko called the creation of one of the seven in Russia of interregional centers of competences. Recall, it will be opened on the basis of the aviation college. For these purposes, 300 million rubles will be sent out of the budget of the Russian Federation for two years. On behalf of the Virio Governor of Sergey Morozov, according to a program of modernization of education in the Ulyanovsk region, another 75 million rubles were allocated from the regional treasury on the holding of capital repairs and the reconstruction of training and production workshops. The new structure will include two main divisions - the educational center and training ground. "Experts of transport services and logistics will be trained here. On the one hand, the Center will implement programs under new federal state educational standards that meet the most popular and promising specialties that are included in the top 50. On the other hand, it will be a major training base for the preparation of our country's national team according to WorldSkills standards for the 2019 championship, "explained Tatiana Ryabko.

Also participants in the meeting discussed the issue of interaction of higher and secondary vocational education. In the Ulyanovsk region, this direction is also evolving. In particular, the possible collaboration options is working as a pedagogical university. "Almost every fourth our student, if you are accurate, more than 1,300 people from seven thousand, already has a diploma of the professional formation. This also testifies to the level of training, and the relationship of mutual trust and respect, which developed between graduates of institutions of CPO and ULGPU. We are closely cooperating with specific institutions of the Pedagogical, physical culture and sports and even mechanical-technological profile. For example, the branch of the Supercomputer Academy of the ULGPU on the implementation of an additional educational program was opened on the basis of the Old Council of the Technological Technical Technical Technical Technical Technical Technology, "said the rector of Ulgpu Tamara Devyatkina.

From June 15 to July 1, on the basis of the Academy, advanced training courses on the issues of methodological maintenance of implementation were held educational programs Under conditions of change educational policies and legislation in the field of secondary professional and additional vocational education. On the 72-hour program were trained:

  • deputy Heads and Specialists of Regional educational organizations Additional vocational education (hereinafter - DPO) pedagogical workers (IRO, IPK), who oversee the issues of DPO pedagogical workers in the field of secondary vocational education;
  • heads and specialists of professional educational organizations.

As part of lecture courses and practical lessons Conducted representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, FGAU Firu, GBOU DPO Tver Regional Institute of Improvement of Teachers, FGAOU AIC and PPRO and others.

Tatiana Vasilyevna Ryabko, Deputy Director of the Department of Public Policy in the field of work personnel and DPO preparation, Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, acquainted listeners with the advanced training program and read a lecture on the main areas of state policy in the field of secondary vocational education and additional professional education in the implementation of implementation Federal Law December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in Russian Federation».

Alla Arkadyevna Factorovich, Deputy Head of the Center for Vocational Education, FGAU Firo, held a lecture on the topic "State and Public Regulation educational activities in the sphere of SPO and DPO. Licensing educational activities. State accreditation in the sphere of SPO. Public accreditation of organizations. Vocational and public accreditation of educational programs of the SPO and DPO ".

Seminar "Enforcement practice of modernizing a system of secondary vocational education and additional professional education in the conditions of the implementation of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ" On Education in the Russian Federation "held Föklin Sergei Ivanovich (Center for regulatory legal support of the Education of FGAOU APK and PPRO) .

Lecture and practical session on the methodological recommendations of the organization of the educational process on part-time and correspondence forms of training in educational organizations that implement the basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education, held Petrov Alla Mikhailovna, an expert of the Center for the Study of Vocational Education, GBOU DPO Tver Regional Institute of Teachers Improvement .

Golubeva Tamara Alekseevna, Head of the Department of General, Secondary and Vocational Education, GBOU DPO Tver Regional Institute of Improvement of teachers, presented to listeners guidelines: "Development of basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education: programs for the training of middle-level specialists and programs for the preparation of workers and employees and the formation of an educational and methodological complex on a professional educational program", "Organization of the implementation and protection of final qualifying work in educational organizations implementing educational programs of the average Professional education according to mid-level specialists training programs.

Click Olga Friedrikhovna (FGAU Firo) was told about the regulatory and methodological support for the implementation of additional professional programs and key strategies of state policy in the field of DPO.

The knowledge and competence received during courses will allow specialists to develop and implement programs to improve the qualifications and professional retraining of managers and methodologists of professional educational organizations on changes in the system of secondary vocational education. The system of such training in the regions, in turn, will ensure the implementation of educational programs of the SPO and DPO in accordance with the main strategies and the relevant tasks of the educational policy of the state.

At the end of courses on the basis of the Academy, the conference "Modernization of regional secondary vocational education systems, taking into account changes in educational policies and legislation". It was attended by representatives of the scientific community in the SPO and DPO, specialists of the executive authorities of the subjects, carrying out the powers in the field of education management, as well as employees of professional educational organizations and regional educational organizations of the DPO.

Participants discussed topical problems of modernization of SPO systems and DPOs in the subjects, the problems of an independent assessment of the quality of CPO and DPO, building a system of certification of qualifications in these areas and familiarized themselves with successful experience and developing subjects. Within the framework of the conference, participants in advanced training courses were presented their final work - namely, additional professional programs For managers and methodologists of professional educational organizations.

According to the results of the courses, students who successfully mastered the program and the final certification issued certificates of advanced training.

Zolotarev Natalia Mikhailovna

Director of the Department of Public Policy in the field of work personnel and DPO training

Questions supervised by Natalia Mikhailovna:

    development and implementation of state policy in the field of primary vocational education, secondary vocational education, vocational training and additional vocational education;

    the formation of the regulatory legal framework in the established field of activity;

    ensuring the development and implementation of federal state educational standards of primary professional and secondary vocational education, federal state requirements of additional vocational education;

    development of the mechanisms of public-public management of the work personnel training system;

    ensuring cooperation with social and professional organizations, employers on the development of vocational education and training;

    interactions with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the development, content and organization of vocational education and training;

    coordination of projects of federal target and departmental programs in the established field of activity, including the Federal Task Force Development Program for 2011-2015;

    introduction and development of modern educational technologies, including information and communication;

    development of the system of resource support for educational institutions, including on the basis of network and cluster approaches;

    participation in the work on the definition of the preparation of middle-level specialists and the formation of control numbers of admission to citizens on programs of secondary vocational education in higher educational institutions;

    organization of the formation of a system of advanced training and professional retraining of pedagogical workers and heads of vocational education institutions;

    implementation of the presidential program of improving engineering personnel training for 2012-2014 and other advanced training programs and professional retraining of employees of the sectors of the economy;

    organization of work on the use of organizational and financial mechanisms to increase the motivation of employees in the established field of activity;

    development of international cooperation in the established field of activity.

Alimova Tatyana Mikhailovna

He was awarded the medal of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" II degree - for merits to the state in the development of education and science, and many years of fruitful work.

Ryabko Tatyana Vasilyevna

Deputy Director of the Department of Public Policy in the field of training workers and DPO of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

The rank of valid state counselor of the Russian Federation of 3 class is assigned.

Dyubin Viktor Mikhailovich

President of the Union of Directors of Middle Special educational institutions Russia

Presents the director of the Krasnogorsk Optio Electron College. Doctor pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor. The author of many textbooks for custody and scientific work on the history, informatization, management and economy of professional formation. Actual member of the Academy of Vocational Education of Russia and the International Academy "Contenant". Awarded orders Friendship, honors, medals. Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education. Honored Teacher of Russia. Honorary worker of secondary vocational education. Experiencer of secondary vocational and general education.

Repeik Alexey Evgenievich

Member of the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation on Professional Qualifications

President of "Business Russia", member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the R-Farm Group of Companies. Provides active support for educational, social, cultural and sports and recreational projects in Russia.

August 11 T.V. Ryabko familiarized himself in Cheboksary Technical School of Power and Commerce Technology with the Republican Center for the Development of Competences on the WorldSkills Format for the Competences "Cooking", "Confectionery" and "Restaurant Service". High guest has learned the educational database of the center. It is proud of the republic today and includes many educational and laboratory, technological laboratories that are equipped with modern equipment and comply with the infrastructure requirements of international standards. Four technological laboratories have all the necessary thermal, refrigeration, mechanical and auxiliary equipment for the preparation of modern personnel of public catering. It is not by chance for many years, the technical school is the basis of all competitions of professional skill of various levels, including the WorldSkills format.

"Well done, working with a soul," so appreciated the work of the pedagogical team of the technical school Tatyana Vasilyevna. She proposed a technical school to give candidates for the inclusion of the Working Group on Profile Competencies in the All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Association.

Recall that, being the center for the development of competencies, the technical school initiates master classes on its basis for their students, other specialized educational institutions, catering enterprises of the republic. Experienced Teachers of the Technical School of the Litteskaya Maria Yuryevna, Ekaterina Yuryevna, act as mentors. It was they who prepared the winner of the 43rd World Championship of Workers 'Workers' Professions "WORLDSKILLS COMPETTION 2015" (Brazil, São Paulo), owner of medals "For Higher Mastery" Medallions of Excellence (Competence "Cooking") and "Best of Nation" Goniashvili Alexandra. Bronze prize-winning final of the National Championship "Young Professionals" (WorldSkillsrussia) for the competence of "Confectionery" Ksenia Kuzmin prepared Gerasimov Olga Nikolaevna, a technical school teacher. Ksenia is included in the National Competence Competence "Confectionery" to participate in WorldSkills International 2017.

It should be noted that the preparation of competitive specialists for the labor market contributes not only to the excellent material base and strong pedagogical shots. For information, in the technical school there are 8 candidates of science. The guys have the opportunity to pass production practices abroad. Currently 8 people Pass internship in restaurants and cafes of France. For students - Practice bases on the best catering enterprises. It is already becoming a reality practice of holding final certification in the form of demonstration exams. Among the technical school students, it is often possible to meet graduate university graduates, sometimes even non-core. By the way, graduates of the technical school are absolutely employed. Most restaurants and cafes of the city of Cheboksary are headed by former students of the chart.

This year, the technical school will have to undergo a procedure for accreditation of the Center for the Development of Competencies on the WorldSkills format with the participation of national experts of Russia.

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