How to salt the waves. The easiest way


Edible or not? That is the question.

The wrestling grows in mixed and birch forests, refers to the family of raw materials and there are two types: white and pink. At first glance, two fungus is very similar: Gruzdery and Ryzhik.

You can distinguish them from the above mushrooms in a small leg, creating the impression that it simply lies on Earth. The leg in shape resembles a cylinder, it is smooth, easily breaks and has almost identical color with a hat.

They also have characteristic caps, they are either convex, or resemble a funnel with strongly lowered edges that wrap inside the cap. Largely distinguished concentric zones.

Collect their rather troublesome lesson. It tastes quite grieving and for this reason in most countries is considered to be poisonous. However, with proper preparation, you can appreciate their unique, incumbent taste, which justifies all the efforts spent.

First of all, I would like to note that most people are concerned about the question: "How much time you have to soak them before start to salt, marinate or freeze products at home, and how to do it right," there is no exact answer to this question, since each recipe carries its data.

Waves, as a rule, are harvested for the winter because of their late appearance. They begin to grow from late June, and end up closer to October. In addition to the salting, they can also be frying.

They are fried very quickly, only a quarter of an hour, however, before omitting them in the pan, it is necessary to soak them in water for two days, then cook half an hour in salted water and only after that you can start roasting.


Tastier they exhibit themselves in a saline. However, do not everyone know how it is properly and tasty to sleep the waves. There are several ways to plant them for the winter: you can do the hot and cold way. These solvent solutions differ little from the methods of picking up other mushrooms. They are considered conditionally edible, so the recipes for their cooking should be carefully observed.

"Cold" way

Soldering over the winter with a cold way is a very time-consuming and long process.

For their workpiece in this way, it is necessary to begin to give them a pretty moving in cold salt water for one and a half - two days. It is necessary to salt water at the rate of 50 grams of salt per kilogram of the waves.

You can also replace with citric acid salt, but instead of 50 grams add 2. Water for soaking it is necessary to change at least three times a day. After the launching time, the mushrooms are washed and dry.

In specially designated dishes for salting mushrooms, spices and spices are stacked by a layer of the layer as follows: a layer of salt, a layer of waves (about 7 centimeters), caps down, a layer of salt with tmin, dill, garlic.

After the waves ended the mushrooms are covered with a clean cloth, it puts the wooden circle with hot water and the last place - the oppression. After two months, the waves reach the necessary salt and they can be eaten.

"Hot" way

Soldering with a hot way a much faster way of billets of mushrooms for the winter.

This method does not require so long procedure as mushrooms. This is a much faster way. To begin with, the waves are boiled, and then arched in the same water.

The following ingredients will be required to salting the waves with a hot way: Waves, pepper peas, carnation, bay leaf, garlic, currant and, of course, salt.

First Point Preparation: Relocation of Mushrooms. It is necessary to leave only good, not damaged mushrooms. They should be cleaned and then rinsed thoroughly under running water.

Waves should be lowered into boiling, barely salted water, and then add four pepper peas, three carnations and four currant sheets. To keep the fifteen minutes on fire, after which it was rinsed in the colander in running water.

They shift the container specifically to the salting, four laurel sheets are added and covered with hot brine, the salt is added in proportions. Female and a half large spoons per liter of water. Garlic, pre-sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin circles, is added last.

Sterilization is carried out as follows: the banks must be carefully flushed and wooble, heat the oven to the temperature of 180 degrees Celsius, shove there to the container and keep 3-4 minutes. Mushrooms roll in hot jars.


Salt the waves for the winter at home for the winter is quite simple and does not require much effort. The main thing is to follow the priority of actions and carefully follow the time. Water change, if planting a cold way is very important for several reasons: As the waves find the water in the water, it goes excessive and pretty unpleasant to taste.

If you do not change in water during the water, they will begin to skit in their own juice. It is very important that the water completely covers mushrooms, otherwise mold may appear on them. Of course, it is quite easy to remove it, flushing slightly salted water, but always remains the likelihood that part of the mold remained in the water and then you will have to make the entire preparation procedure to the salting.

Recipes for the preparation of different mushrooms are very similar among themselves, and quite just get confused in small nuances of famous recipes. Each type requires a special relationship in terms of cleaning, washing, preliminary workpiece before marination.

Usually, the volzhanka is quite well rinsed from dirt, leaves and bugs, most convenient to do this to some toothbrush. They, as a rule, do not have the film, therefore, the cleaning process does not deliver. However, it should be remembered that to handle these mushrooms must be extremely neat, because they are very easy to break.

With washing Volzhanki (wave in common) It is necessary to adhere to the standard procedure: it is necessary to wash them in cool running water, since if you wash mushrooms in some tank of a whole bunch, from their almost nothing will remain and hike in the forest will become lost in vain and forces .

Waves are included in the category of conditionally edible mushrooms. In some countries of the world, they do not use them, but not in Russia. We have many fans of a quiet hunt like to salt the waves at home for the winter.

Practice shows that everyone who has awarded Mother's Mother's Mushnikov for the season, is impossible. Therefore, caring hostesses are thinking about salting oil, chanterelles, rhymes and waves, so that with the onset of the autumn-winter season, please rejoice in the taste of fragrant delicacy.

Many stored blanks in the freezer, but delicacy from the bank exceeds a frozen product to taste repeatedly. The secret of jam salts lies in the use of a mixture consisting of salts and spices. The result is a delicious and useful dish.

The milling has a characteristic feature - in a cut form, they highlight white juice having a bitter flavor. The elimination of the lack is reduced to the correct preparation of the marinade.

After singing, the waves change color. If in a fresh form they are white or pink, after contact with salt and other ingredients become grayish. But there is no reason for a panic, because the change of color does not affect the taste.

Below will look at the most delicious and popular salting recipes. Be sure to take them on the note, if you want to pour households or amazing guests unknown previously delicacy.

Classic salting recipe

Consideration of recipes Soldering waves at home will begin with "Classics". The fact is that the classic cooking technology helps the hostess to gain experience and opens the way to further research and experiments.


Portions: 15.

  • waves 1 kg
  • water 1 L.
  • lemon acid 2 g
  • salt 50 g
  • seasonings, spices taste

For a portion

Calories: 25 kcal

Proteins: 2.5 g

Fats: 0.7 g

Carbohydrates: 1.7 g

1 hour. 10 min.Video Recipe Print

    Cleaning and wash the waves, soak in salted water. Add lemon acid there. Prepare a deep container in which you will pick up or marine. A enameled pelvis or a wooden barrel is suitable.

    Dummy water, lay mushrooms in dishes caps down. Do all the layers, not forgetting to sprinkle with salt and spices. Having postponing all the ingredients, put the load on top to pick up well.

    Leave for 2 days in a cool place. Mushrooms will be allowed and decrease in volume. If you have collected even the waves, add to the rest, moving the salt.

    Having done all this, leave in a cold place for 1-2 months until readiness.

As you can see, sleep the waves on the classic recipe is very easy and simple. Such mushrooms can be used as a snack or ingredient to prepare any other dish. I advise you to use them as a filling for pancakes on milk.

How to salt the waves for the winter in banks

Best of all, pink waves are suitable for salting, which marinate canned and solid with a hot or cold way. I suggest to consider the last 2 methods of workpiece so that you make the best option.

Cold way

Cold way spent in time, but the result is worth it. Since products are not subjected to heat treatment, the maximum amount of beneficial substances is maintained. And this is good, because the waves strengthen the vessels and normalize the work of the heart.


  • Waves - 1 kg.
  • Khrena leaves.
  • Cherry leaves.
  • Currant leaves.
  • Bay leaf and peas pepper.
  • Salt - 50 g

How to cook:

  1. Clean and wash the mushrooms. For this method of salting, it is better to telect young waves of the same size. Separate the leg from the leg and soak in water for 2 days to get rid of bitterness. Water periodically change.
  2. Drain the water and proceed to the salting. Take a spacious pelvis or bucket. On the bottom, put the chrenca leaflets, cherries, currants. There, send the Laurel, pepper peas.
  3. Lay out the waves with layers, not forgetting to salt. Be sure to use only a stone salt, because iodized or sea will lead to fermentation, which will keep the shelf life of canned food.
  4. Having laid out the last layer, cover the saucer and give away the cargo. On the second day, the cooler will be allowed. Leave for a week, then transfer to banks and roll out the lids.

Video cooking

Salted waves are a great dish. Add sliced \u200b\u200bonions and vegetable oil to them and serve to the table. Better snacks for alcoholic beverages just not to find.

Hot fashion

One of the disadvantages of the cold way of salting is considered a long cooking time. Therefore, if you want to quickly get salty mushrooms, use hot cooking technology.


  • Waves - 1 kg.
  • Dill - 2 umbrellas.
  • Black currant - 10 leaves.
  • Garlic - 3-4 teeth.
  • Salt stone - 3 tablespoons.
  • Bay leaf, carnation, fragrant and black peas pepper.


  1. For salting, different mushrooms are suitable, which need to be cleaned and inspect for the presence of worms. As fragile waves, like crops, do it carefully.
  2. Separate the hats from the legs. Very large hats cut into 4 parts, medium - on 2 parts, and leave the small as a whole.
  3. Wash the workpiece and soak in ice water for 48 hours to get rid of bitterness. The main thing is that the waves completely covered the water. Do not forget to change the water 3 times a day, putting in a cold place so as not to zakise.
  4. Drain the water and place mushrooms on fire in salted water. Student regularly and remove the foam. Boil 20 minutes, and then with the help of a coat, see the water.
  5. Getting Started. At the bottom of the prepared capacity, put the leaves of currant, dill and carnation with pepper. Then a mushroom layer with a thickness of 5-8 cm. Sprinkle with salt and chopped cloth of garlic. In the future, lay out all the layers: the leaves of the currant, the greens of dill, carnation, mushrooms. Each layer saline, add garlic.
  6. Salt in a cold place for 48 hours. As a result, the brine will appear, and the waves will decrease in volume. Put them in banks, covering currant leaves, roll off the lids.

A hot method of preparation is considered the most common among the owners. Canned mushrooms are stored for a long time in a cool place. So even at the end of the winter season, a wonderful delicacy will appear on the table. I also advise you to try out the recipes of salted weak. They are also good.

Real Griboedians know that the end result largely depends on the proper preparation of mushrooms before salting. Therefore, I will share secrets that will help to prepare excellent pickles for the winter.

  1. Separate white from pink mills, they are accepted salt or preserved separately. Choose leaves and dirt carefully. Sliced \u200b\u200bthe leg, leaving the pennies on the half astimeter.
  2. Having turned the waves, soak them for two or three hours in the water so that the small dirt retired from the hat. Then, with the help of brush, clean the finally, washing in clean water.
  3. Painted mushrooms fill with water and leave for 2 days. This technique will help get rid of the bitter taste and make a fragile body more dense. Be sure to change the water three times a day.
  4. Waves must be completely immersed in liquid. Therefore, on top, be sure to place a plate and give the cargo. After two days, drain the water and rinse the mushrooms well.

Thanks to these ordinary tips, you can easily get raw materials for making a finite dish. Be sure to go through the preparatory stage, after which, proceed to the salinity of mushrooms by any of the methods described above. This is the secret of an incredible taste.

You can easily find in a mixed forest. These mushrooms most often come across a hilly terrain. Waves to collect is very difficult, since they are most often hiding in the grass or disguise among the fallen leaves. These mushrooms grow whole families. For eating, those that are no more coins in five kopecks are suitable, with a wrapped pink fringe. Of course, it is not easy to find a clean wave. After all, these mushrooms fell to tastes. But if you found suitable food, cook it is necessary correctly. There are several ways. In this article we will look at how to solicit the waves.

Edible or poisonous?

Many mushroom skins are interested, whether it is worth collecting the waves and shed them. According to foreign scientists, such products do not need to be eaten. For example, Gerard Udu in his book writes that Volzhanka, or, in a different way, is a pink wave, is a poisonous. Eating this mushroom leads to all sorts of disorders of the digestive system. As for our scientists, they argue the opposite. That is why in many areas of our country, salt waves are considered quite edible.

Raw mushrooms have a bitter taste. This is explained by the fact that they contain Milky Juice. Because of this, the product needs to be preprocessing before cooking, as it makes no sense to salt the waves immediately after collecting. They still save bitterness.


As already mentioned, before the salinity of the waves, they need to be processed. This process takes a lot of time, but the result is worth it. The whole procedure comes down to the following:

  1. First of all, separate white waves from pink. They should be prepared separately. Before cooking, mushrooms need to be carefully cleansed from the traces of damage and land. It should be removed 2/3 of the legs. If the knife does not allow you to clean the fully fully, you can use a small brush with soft bristles.
  2. Since it is impossible to fasten the waves immediately after cleaning, they should be soaked. To do this, place mushrooms in deep tank and fill with cold water. Leave for a few days. Of course, water must be regularly changed, preferably every five hours. It will not give mushrooms to cry and pull out of them all the bitterness.
  3. After two days, the mushrooms can be thrown into a colander, clean and rinse again. Before cooking, give water completely drain.

Cold Method Solving Waves: Preparation

Consider how to solit the waves with a cold way. In this case, soak them should be a little different. Purified Waves Place in a barrel with a lattice double bottom and a special hole through which the water is designed. Prepare a wooden circle and clean cloth in advance. Fill mushrooms with cold water and cover them with prepared objects. It will not allow the waves to emerge. As a cargo you can use the washed pure stones. A barrel with mushrooms should be placed in a cold place. Liquid is recommended to change to three times a day. So how to salt the waves with a cold way a little more complicated, we will pay special attention to this issue. Pushed mushrooms from 3 to 5 days. Stop the procedure follows the moment when the caps will bend, but do not break. This is the first sign that the waves are ready for salting.

Cooking process. Recipe number 1.

Prepared mushrooms should be put in the container with caps down. The layer thickness should be approximately six centimeters. Each layer must be suspended with salt and all the spices that are specified in the recipe you selected. It should be remembered that the bottom of the barrels and the most top row of mushrooms need to escape well. When the container is filled, it must be closed with a wooden circle and put up the upstream. A few days later, another party of mushrooms is laid in the barrel and again everything is going to salt. The procedure is repeated until the barrel is filled. After that, it is necessary to prepare a 6% salt solution and pour the waves them. After that, the container is blocked.

Cold Method of Solving Waves: Recipe No. 2

In this case, the waves can be soaked for five hours, and the rims only need to be cleaned. From the dishes you need to prepare a glass container or an enamelled saucepan. Hats down the mushrooms are laid out in the container, on the bottom of which you should pour salt in advance and put the spices: the stalks of dill, the leaves of the horseradish, currants and cherries. Each layer of waves should be suspended with a laurel sheet, garlic and pepper. Do not forget about salt.

At the end of the ambassador over the mushrooms it is worth putting the stalks of dill, the leaves of currant and cherries, a clean canvas, a circle of wood and stones as the oppression. Approximately the kilogram of the milling is required from 40 to 50 grams of salt. After a few days, the mushrooms should give juice. If it is not enough, it is worth increasing the severity of the oppression. If signs of mold appear, it is better to replace the cloth, and the circle and cargo are to wash. Waves will be ready in 40 days. Keep them in a cold place. Now you know how to solit the mushrooms with a cold method.

Soldering with preliminary blanching

Since it's more difficult to solit the waves in hot weather, it is recommended to use a preliminary blanch method. It does not allow when soaking them scurin. Mushrooms are placed in a colander, and then five minutes are lowered in boiling water. If you wish, you can boil several times. However, remember that after boiling water, the product should be immediately placed in cold water. After that, the mushrooms are arched as indicated in the previous method. Waves will be ready for consumption after 10 days. This is the fastest way of salting.

A little about the hot way

So how to salt the waves for the winter with a cold way long enough, many choose a hot method. Most often it is resorted to it if it is not possible to soak mushrooms, for example, it is too hot weather or the process of their cooking needs to be accelerated. Waves before planting are simply boiled. In principle, you can process any mushrooms. However, those that are conditionally edible become much more tastier, because during boiling the whole bitterness is pulled out, and the hats acquire elasticity. Look below, look at how to solit the waves with a hot way.

Pickup recipe

So how to solit the waves with a hot way? To begin with, purified mushrooms should be boiled in a slightly salted water. If there are a lot of mills, then do not expose heat processing all the lot at once. Better divide. Also do not boil all mushrooms in the same water: they will be patched and darken.

Cooking the waves follows 30 minutes, after which they need to be rinsed in cold water, throwing them into a colander. After that, the mushrooms are stacked into the container, salt and seasoned with various spices to taste, for example, shit, currant, estragon, or dill. On top necessarily put the load. As for proportions, one kilogram of mushrooms accounted for grams of 50 salts. Put the capacitance with the waves in the cold place. You can try in a week. Now you know how to solit the waves with a hot way.


Before salining the milcanis, they should be prepared. The flavoring qualities depend on the soapying process. In addition, this type of mushrooms is considered conditionally edible. So, they should prepare them, observing all the rules. Otherwise, the snack from the waves will have an unpleasant taste.

We again seek your attention on the fungal business. In addition to growing mushrooms, we wrote about in the articles "", "", ", etc., favorable business is the collection, soling and sale of mushrooms. In particular, this is a seasonal business that does not require initial investments, as the product itself grows for us, we only need to collect it and spend it right.

Mushrooms Waveushki

Wave Pink is a representative of the eukaryot, the kingdom of mushrooms, facing the highest mushrooms, the basidiomicota department, the class of agaricomycetes, the family of raw materials.

Wave Pink is one of the types of conditionally edible mushrooms, which has been widely used as a salty form.

In the people, the hair is pink called a flush, a volzhanka, voltenna, a lot, a fiberglass, a wave, rubella, a paintula, a decoction.

The diameter of the Wave Hats ranges from 4 to 2 cm. The base is convex. Closer to the edge of the hat is becoming increasingly flat, in its center there is a deep umbilical recess. The edges of the hats are wrapped and omitted at the bottom. The pork is thick and coarse, they are located unevenly in the form of concentric circles. The skin is not very mucous, it has a pale, gray-pink color, in dry weather, the color is flexible, that is, the skin becomes pale pink. If you touch it, then the skin becomes darker in the place of touch.

The pulley's pulp has a white color, it is strong enough and dense, has a sharp taste. For the Milky Juice is characterized by abundance, sharpness. The color of the Milky Juice is white, under the action of sunlight it does not change.

The height of the feet of the wave is from 3 to 6 cm when it is diameter from 1 to 2 cm. According to its form, it resembles a cylinder, the color is pale pink, the base of the fungus is somewhat narrowed, is strong and solid. A young wave has a solid leg, later - a hollow. On the surface of the leg there is a cannon, occasionally you can observe small pits.

Frequent plates are white, their width is small, are descending on the leg.

The color of the spore powder is white, sometimes has a cream shade.


Color range of caps are characteristic of pronounced variability. In particular, its color can be yellow, orange, light-nut and so on. The number of pork on a hat also varies - depending on the age of the mushroom. Color variability is characteristic and for plates. In particular, the young wavelets records have a light pink color, after time - yellow.

Water growing

Favorite places of Pink waves are birch groves, mixed forest arrays with presence in the species structure birches, less often grow on a terrain with high humidity. These mushrooms with birchings form mycorrosis, as a rule, it is typical of old trees. Mushroom is most common in the north of the forest zone.

The duration of the season is about 3 months - the end of June-beginning of October.

This family belongs a white mill, which, in comparison with the pink wave, has a lighter hat (almost white) and smaller in diameter.

The nutritional value

As noted earlier, the Pink Wave is a conditionally edible mushroom. Despite this, the fungus is quite good quality. Mainly applied to the flesh and marinovka, less often include in second dishes in the fresh form. Younger waves are preferred for salvings, the diameter of the caps of which does not exceed 4 cm. Mushrooms are often called "curls" at that age. Cooking waves involves their pre-soaking and blanching. In the blanks, the color of the mushroom changes - it becomes yellow. The greatest popularity of the Pink's wave acquired among the population of the northern part of the country, which harvest it for the winter. For comparison - in popularity, this mushroom is not inferior to weak.


If the hair is pink not enough, it has an effect characteristic of a poorly poisonous mushroom. At the same time, the toxins of milling can cause irritation of mucous membranes, intestinal disorders.

Below will look at several recipes for the correct salting of the waves, in particular the cold and hot ways.

Mushroom Mushrooms Cold Warves

The salinity of these mushrooms is the most popular way of their workpiece. Previously, we noted that young waves are better suitable for the Mountain, as they are characterized by higher tugality and density. Before the immediate saline of mushrooms, they must be counted. For this purpose, salted water is used (on 1 liter of water should have about 20 g of salts). Purpose of pre-winding - removal of bitterness. Before salting legs, it is advisable to separate from the hats. If the latter have a big diameter, then cut them. The soaking is completed when the hats of mushrooms acquire elasticity, that is, the ability to bend. Hat insufficiently dyeing mushrooms will break.

A cold way to salmon of these mushrooms is the most used. Cool method varieties:

Without preloading;

With pre-winding.

It is interesting: Thread our sections "" and "" in them everything about the beginning of their business. Mushroom pickers recommend reading - ""

The cold way of salting with pre-winding is applicable not only for the waves, but also for weak, sorrises, some species of raw materials. According to the recipe, the waves must first be cleaned from the sera (needles, sand leaves), after rinse them. At the next stage, the waves should be poured with cold water, which it should be predetermined - to one liter of water add 0.5 tbsp. l. Salt salt. The frequency of changing water per day should not be less than 2 times. According to numerous recommendations, it is advisable to spend after every 5-6 hours. Such a practical approach will eliminate the overlooking of mushrooms. The duration of the dynamage is 1-2 days. So, mushrooms are painted. Now it is necessary to re-clean them. For this purpose, a brush is applicable, a piping cloth. Method of laying mushrooms in the container - hats. The thickness of each layer is from 5 to 7 cm. In the process of laying mushrooms, their saline should be carried out. For this purpose, you should use a table salt that does not contain iodine (this chemical element may cause rapidly waxing of mushrooms). At the same time, 1 kg of milling should have 30 g of salts. Before laying the first layer, you first need to put the spices on the bottom of the tank (per 10 kg of mushrooms: a bay leaf - 2 g, non-thin fragrant pepper - 1 g). Spices are stacked on top of the last layer of fungi. Carnation, black currant and so on are also added as spices. Ideally, the solvent of mushrooms should be wooden. In the absence of such an enameled dishes can be used (but we do not recommend it). In any case, the lid (wooden, round) should be freely enter the container. Out of the lid stacked the oppression (cargo). If the capacity of the tank, for example, the barrel is 50 l, then the mass of the oppression must be at least 8 kg, better than 10 kg. IMPORTANT: The lid, the oppression must be wellhed. After 2-3 days, the brine matures, at the same time the mushroom sediment will go. The extra brine must be deleted, as the first parties are depositions, new layers of mushrooms will be added. In the absence of brine, the mass of the oppression should be increased. Mandatory condition for salting mushrooms - the level of brine should always be higher than the top layer of fungi.

Now consider a cold way that does not require pre-winding. Waves should be released from garbage, rinse twice with cold water (water is better to spill or acidify water). Mushrooms lay in a package for salting need layers. In parallel with laying, the salting salt should be carried out - an average of 35 g (+/- 5 g) per kilogram of milling. According to this recipe, the use of spices is excluded. The degree of readiness of the waves and the duration of the fermentation period are similar as in the case of cold solvent with pre-winding - 40 days.

Cooking Mushrooms Waves With Hot Fashion

As for the hot way, it allows you to reduce the maturation of the waves. Mushrooms should be cleaned of garbage, soak (at least 1 day), rinse with cold water. If it is not provided for sorting mushrooms in size, then large caps must be crushed. In the enameled dishes it is necessary to pour water in the calculation of the half-table per kilogram of the waves. Water must be pretty. Next, the water must be brought to a boil and add mushrooms to it. In the process of cooking, it is necessary to constantly stirring, which will eliminate the burning of mushrooms. Foam is removed using noise. The next step will be adding spices. For this purpose, it will be necessary (per kilogram of boiled mushrooms):

Salt - 2 tbsp. l.;

Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.;

Black currant leaves - 2-3 pcs.;

Cherry leaves - 4-5 pieces;

Non-thin (polka dot) black pepper;

Carnation - Bouton;

Dill - 5 g

After boiling, the duration of the cooking should be from 10 to 15 minutes. Readiness is determined by the moment of precipitation of mushrooms and transparency of brine.

Boiled mushrooms and brine after cooling are placed in barrels, banks and closed. The ratio of mass brine and the waves - 1: 5. The full ripening of mushrooms will require at least 40 days.

Prices for salty mushrooms are much different depending on the terrain, the time of year (when to sell them) and yields, but in any case, this business will be cost-effective, as it does not require any investments and is a business from scratch.

In the mass collection season, many mushrooms wonder how you can prepare mushrooms for the winter. Preparation options for this product. Mushrooms can be frying and cooking. But some species are suitable for a certain method of workpiece. This can be attributed to the waves. They contain milecal juice, which gives it bitterness and with an improper processing method can cause poisoning. Therefore, let's talk about how to solit the waves.

Usually they are arched with a cold way or marinate. The cooking process lasts a little longer than some other types of mushrooms. However, the result is worth waiting.

Waves should be carefully overlooked, removing old and spoiled instances. Then they are washed using flow water. After that, the mushrooms are soaked in a bit of salted water. This process lasts about 3-5 days. For their soaking, it is necessary to take enameled dishes or mushrooms must be placed in the prepared container and on top of putting the load so as not to give them to pop up. During the soaking period, it should be changed water at least two times a day. Keep a container with mushrooms is needed in a cool place.

After soaking in the waves, bitterness disappears, and the hat becomes soft and not breaking. Therefore, this process is necessarily carried out before soling the waves.

The most optimal for the workpiece of the excavation is salting with a cold way. Pushed mushrooms are unfolded in the prepared capacity (except for aluminum) caps down, forming layers. Every two layers should be suspended with salt and shift with spices. They need to be prepared before caring the waves. Usually take pepper peas, dill (very well combined with mushrooms), bay leaf and leaves of some plants at will (currant, cherry, etc.)

One kilogram of mushrooms take about 50 grams of salt.

When all mushrooms are laid, they should be covered on top of clean gauze (in several layers) or a cloth. Then we lay a wooden circle, and we put a small cargo from above. Leave the waves for several days. Usually, after 5-6 days brine appears. Mushrooms become dense. If this did not happen, then we should increase the weight of the cargo, and cover the tank. Mushrooms should stand in a cold place.

In the process of salting from above, mold may form. In this case, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the wooden circle and change the rag. You can remove the top layer of mushrooms on which mold was formed. As the mushrooms must decrease in volume. You can report new layers, also speaking them with salt and shifting spices.

After 1.5-2 months you can already eat does not require special hassle.

You can also substitute salted mushrooms. To do this, we take clean glass jars with a volume of 0.5 liters and lay on each of them several peas of pepper (fragrant) and one laurel leaf. Mushrooms, we fold on a colander and rinse expand them into banks.

Next, you need a brine, in which the worshipers spilled, boil and strain. In jars with mushrooms pour two tablespoons of vinegar (5%). Then pour brine into them. If the brine is not enough, then replace it with freshly prepared. To do this, we are divorced in hot boiled water (1 liter) 20 grams of salt.

After that, you should cover the cans with metal covers (but not roll!) And sterilize them 40 minutes. Next, the covers are clocked hermetically and leave banks to full cooling. That's how to solit the waves with a cold way and save them for a long time.

You can serve as a snack to any dishes and garniram.

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