Artillery ammunition (artillery and mortar shots). Artillery ammunition artillery ammunition


Artillery ammunition are means of weapons that are part of the fire complexes of rocket-artillery armament (RAN) and largely determining the fighting capabilities and effectiveness of the enemy's fire lesion, including a number of special tasks of ensuring the actions of troops.

They can be used to defeat live strength and technology, the destruction of military and civilian structures, as well as to fulfill special tasks: smoke, masking maneuvers of their troops, revealing the deployment of enemy's troops, lighting the area or backlight purposes in the dark, etc. .

Artillery shells belong to the main types of material means of warfare. Providing highly efficient ammunition in the required quantity played and plays a key role in achieving victory. With the development of techniques and protective equipment, the consumption of ammunition during the fighting is immeasurably. Thus, in 1760, when taking Berlin, the Russian artillery was spent by 1200 shells, and Soviet artillery during Berlin's storm in 1945 spent 7226 shell wagons and mines.

On the modern stage Military Art Development The fulfillment of combat missions should be ensured with the lowest cost of material resources. This requires widespread use of highly efficient ammunition.

Depending on the specifics of the solid fighter tasks, the combat sets of artillery complexes are included, as a rule, several types of ammunition.

Excipheral Fugasic Artillery Shells

The basis of the combat and reactive artillery Ground Forces make up collective-Fugasny (PF) ammunition. This is due to the fact that the PF ammunition is affixed to 60% of all goals on the battlefield. This type of artillery shells makes it possible to effectively fight with almost all types of objectives: the live strength, fortifications of field type, BMP, BTR, artillery guns and mortars, both on fire positions, and march, NP, RLS, and T .. Moreover, modern artillery deliveries make it possible to hit targets at a distance of more than 50 km from the combat contact line.

Improving the ammunition of the trunny and reactive artillery of the land forces currently goes along the way to increase the shooting range, the power of action for the target, reduction of technical dispersion. Raising the shooting range is mainly carried out by the upgrade of the delivery tools and improve the design of the shot (aerodynamic shape of the projectile body, the design of the throwing charge), the use of the projectile design of gas generators, the bottom gauge and the use of new high-energy powder, as well as the use of active reactive shells .

Improving the efficiency of ammunition is carried out by the use of new explosives, lighting and smokers, alloyed shealing steels, using the design of the case with organized crushing. When designing new ammunition at present special attention It is paid to the safety of their combat use throughout the life cycle.

Cassette artillery ammunition

In order to increase the efficiency of lesion of the area objects created cassette ammunition with fragmentation combat elements. Shells of this type are used in bulk artillery Calibers 120, 152 and 203 mm, mortars of the caliber of 240 mm, in the RSZO calibers 220 and 300 mm, as well as in combat parts of Tr and OTP. Due to the many points of breakdowns of combat elements (BE), the area of \u200b\u200bthe fragmentation lesion compared with the usual ammunition of the same caliber increases many times. Cassette ammunition is particularly effective when shooting on openly located and located in the fortification facilities of an open-type, unlarited and easier-organized techniques.

Concomplete shells

With the advent of fortifications such as dot, in which inside the personal composition is covered with a concrete cap, not made by ordinary Intrays, there was a need to create ammunition that can effectively deal with these goals. For this were created concomplete shells. Two types of action are combined in them: impact (due to kinetic energy) and fuhaasny from the triggering of the discontinuous charge. Due to the need to achieve a large kinetic energy, concremency shells are applied only in the guns of large calibers - 152 and 203 mm. The defeat of the personnel inside the fortification occurs due to the fugasal action or due to the fragments of the concrete cap, which is generated when the projectile is hit.

High precision artillery ammunition

In the 1980s of the last century, artillery appeared high-precision ammunition. So they began to call ammunition, which, like self-leading rockets, have on board the device, which detect the goal and the ammunition of the ammunition on it up to direct hit. The first domestic samples of such ammunitions - 240-mm corrected fugasal mine "Obelchk" and 152-mm managed fragoration-fuchic projectile "Krasnopol" - hit the targets highlighted by the radiation of the laser target designator. This type of guidance systems is called semi-active laser guidance systems.

In the 90s appeared new Type High-precision ammunition capable of autonomously, without human participation, detect armored goals for their thermal radiation. The first similar sample is a 300-mm cassette shell with self-propelled combat elements (SPBE) for the RSSO "Tornado" was created in Russia. The main components of the SPBE are the target sensor - an optical-electronic detector with a narrow field of view - and the combat part of the type "shock kernel" associated with it. Such a combat part is similar to cumulative, but has a facing in the form of a spherical segment of small curvature. When undermining the facing, a high-speed compact affecting element of kinetic action, which falls into the area observed by the target sensor is formed.

Further development of high-precision artillery ammunition is in directions:

  • creating self-dispersion shells and combat elements with the heads of self-removal of autonomous types;
  • increase the noise immunity of autonomous target sensors and homing heads due to an increase in the number of detecting channels of different physical nature - visible range, thermal, radiometric and radar, laser location, etc.;
  • creating combined semi-passive passive guidance systems capable of bringing ammunition to a laser-highlighted target and switch during the guidance process in autonomous (passive) mode or work only in one of the modes;
  • equipment of long-range high-precision shells of control systems on the middle section of the trajectories operating according to space radio navigation systems.

Anti-Tank Rockets (Ptti)

Special place in the system of rocket-artillery armament is occupied by anti-tank missile systems. PRK. It continues to remain the most effective means of parts and units of the ground forces in confrontation with tanks and combat armored cars.

In the late 60s, the Fagot and Metis, a semi-automatic control system, in which the operator's task is to guide and hold on the target of the operator, were developed to replace the first generation FIRs with a manual control system. The guidance of the rocket is carried out automatically using a delayer located in ground control equipment.

Further development of wearable FPCs went along the way to ensure the shooting at night without referenceing the target, increasing armoredness and reduction of mass engineal characteristics.

Based on the experience of numerous local wars, armed conflicts and tactical teachings, the first-generation IDRs and their advanced options with a semi-automatic control system - domestic complexes "Falanga-M" ("Falanga-P"), "Malyutka-M" ("Malytka-P ") - were adopted in the composition of helicopters, respectively, Mi-24 and Mi-8, which were for tanks the most dangerous opponent due to their high maneuverability and inaptability of tank SUOs to combat air targets.

The main directions of improving the FMR are:

  • expanding the range of combat use conditions (night, precipitation, fog);
  • raising the shooting range and providing shooting from closed firing positions;
  • an increase in combat speeds of complexes;
  • an increase in noise immunity;
  • the use of non-traditional trajectories of a fetter to the goals and methods of its defeat;
  • development of multipurpose complexes.

Special artillery ammunition

During the hostilities, in addition to the destruction or suppression of enemy objects, other tasks that are not directly related to the defeat of personnel and technology arise. To perform such tasks serve special ammunition: smoke, smoke, lighting, etc.

Smoke and smokery shells (mines) serve to disguise maneuvers of their troops or to blind enemy troops. Such ammunition is used in systems of almost all calibers of the artillery of the land forces: from 82 to 152 mm. These shells (mines) are especially effective in mad weather, when the smoke cloud is not dissipated for a long time.

When conducting hostilities in the dark, lighting ammunition is applied to highlight the objectives of the enemy. They, like smoke, are designed and adopted for aircraft systems of caliber from 82 to 152 mm.

The burning time of the torch of the lighting ammunition, descending on a parachute, ranges from 25 to 90 seconds, and with sequential "hanging", their artillery of the illumination area can be saved throughout the time of the combat task. In addition, the massive use of lighting ammunition at night has a strong psychological impact on the personnel of the enemy.

Ammunition for tank guns

As is known, the basis of the shock forces of the general part and compounds are units and parts of which included armored machinery. The ammunition of the main weapon of modern Russian tanks (125-mm gun D-81) includes the following types of ammunition: armor-piercing pyline-car, cumulative and fragantive fugasic shots, tank controlled rockets.

For 125-mm cannons, sedired-sleeve charge shots are used. The main throwing charge is one for all types of shells, which ensures the unification of the mechanisms for charging tanks and safety when shot.

Armor-piercing pyline shells (BPS) are one of the main means of lesion of highly stored objects. With all the variety of methods of overclocking the projectile, the principle of defeat armored goal remains unchanged - the breakdown of armor and education in the prechanus space of the striking fragments due to the mechanical impact of the body of high density at a high rate of collision. The dynamics of increasing BPS armor-proof practically corresponded to the growth of durability of protection of tanks. An increase in the armor-piercing effect of the BPS was mainly due to the increase in the overall mass characteristics and the improvement of the design of the shells: the use of cores and cases from materials with elevated physical and mechanical properties, the transition to long-corpus shells.

Act cumulative shells Based on the breakdown of external protection - the goal - due to the cumulative effect and the damage to the fragmentation flow of prohibiting vulnerable elements. The constant confrontation between the increase in the armoredness of the cumulative means of defeat with an increase in the security of the objectives has formed the appearance of a modern cumulative ammunition as a high-tech product having a tandem constructing scheme. The use of new design solutions made it possible to raise the basic characteristics of cumulative ammunition (armor-proof) to the level of breakage homogeneous armor Over one meter.

Manual anti-tank grenade launchers

Intensive saturation of armored vehicles of the armies of various countries and its use in almost all types of combined general combat, the conditions under which artillery could not universally accompany and ensure fire support for infantry. There was a need to equip it with a powerful anti-tank weapon, which would ensure that she would have the opportunity to successfully combat tanks in the near battle. The first anti-tank agents are anti-tank guns - appeared already in the First World War. In the future, the improvement of armored armaments and anti-tank agents was constantly.

To date, an important role in the fight against tanks and other combat armored cars, along with anti-tank artillery and ptur, perform the so-called middle Anti-Tank Means (PTS) - Grenadeomets.

For the first time, anti-tank grenade launchers were used during World War II. In the Soviet Army, the first manual anti-tank grenade launcher RPG-2 was adopted in 1948. Martialctions in local wars and armed conflicts during special operations Once again confirmed that anticolored grenade launchers - light and maneuverable, with powerful cumulative ammunition - are a highly efficient and mandatory element of the anti-tank army of the army of most states.

Currently in service Russian army (Ra) Consist of reactive anti-tank grenades with disposable grenade launchers (RPG-18, RPG-22, RPG-26, RPG-27) and anti-tank grenades of reusable use - manual (RPG-7, RPG-29) and machines (LNG-9M ), With the shots of various purposes.

In the future, on the basis of reactive grenades of RPG-26 and RPG-27, samples of RSHH-1 and RSHH-2 assault weapons were developed, equipped with new combat parts of multifactor-affected action, capable of effectively affecting not only living force (especially when an ammunition is in-room ), but also a unarnown or easy-fertilized technique.

Military conflicts that participated in the formation of our armed forces in the 80s - 90s of the 20th century, showed high efficiency of such a type of weapons, especially with the thermobaric combat part.

Modern member facilities for the reliability of action, convenience of service and operation, maneuverability are excellent, and on the efficiency of combat use are at the level of the best foreign analogues.

Thus, at present, a large number of different types of ammunition are in service with RA, ensuring the fulfillment of the entire volume of fire tasks imposed on rocket weapons and artillery.

Under these conditions, the technical policy of the RF MO for the improvement and development of domestic artillery ammunition proceeds from ensuring the requirements of improving the efficiency and reliability of action, an increase in the periods of continuability of combat and operational characteristics, safety in operation, manufacturing production using a domestic commodity and industrial base.

Content of this page prepared for the portal " Modern army"According to the article by Colonel-General N. Rutalova" means of defeat and ammunition. " When copying content, please do not forget to refer to the original source page.

The combat properties of guns are determined by the effectiveness of the combat task. These tasks have their own specific features than and caused by the need for different types guns. The combat properties of ground artillery tools are characterized by the following primary indicators: power, range, shooting accuracy, rapidity, fire maneuverability, mobility, buoyancy and air transportation.

Powerthe guns primarily depends on the power and efficiency of the projectile of the goal. The determining factors are the caliber and the weight of the projectile, which, in turn, affect the mass and mobility of the gun, on its rapidity and other interrelated characteristics.

Rangethe gun reflects its ability to hit targets removed over long distances. For anti-tank and tank guns, a direct shot of a straight shot is the greatest value. The range depends on the design of the gun, shape and shell, the value of the charge, the elevation angle of the trunk (the highest range is achieved at the corner of the elevation of the barrel of about 45 °).

The most important property of the artillery gun is the accuracy of firing characterized by adversity (dispersion) and the accuracy of firing. The shooting accuracy is estimated by the deviation of individual shells from the middle point of the mass of the gun, as well as the creation of special platforms and containers for landing the material part and ammunition.

To a tool, as well as any machine (mechanism), the requirements of reliability in operation, the necessary survivability and durability, safety in circulation, simplicity and convenience of service are presented.

Reliabilityit is expressed in the fact that the aggregates and mechanisms of the guns in all operating conditions do not have bounces that impede the fulfillment of fire tasks on maneuvering the gun in battle and march. However, with the most proper operation of the guns, after a while there may be breakdowns or malfunctions that require eliminating the forces of calculation and repair units. The average time between eliminating one malfunction and the occurrence of the other serves as an indicator of the reliability of the gun.

Under lithuncethe guns understand the ability to resist wear and maintain combat properties per longer time. The number of shots and the number of mileage kilometers, which can withstand the tool before failure, are characteristic of its survivability. Proper operation and maintenance of the material part increases the survivability of the gun.

Security in circulationit is achieved by using safety devices and warning inscriptions, as well as a constructive arrangement of a tool management mechanisms that reduce the possibility of bruises, impairment and other injuries when servicing the gun. The rational placement of mechanisms, tools and jobs (seats, platforms, footage, panels, panels with devices, etc.) ensures convenience and less fatigue of calculations (crews).

The exact execution of instruments, instructions, instructions and instructions governing the order of maintenance of the material part of artillery systems are the key to trouble-free operation.

Artillery ammunition.Artillery ammunitions are called an integral part of artillery systems that are directly intended for the lesion of the live strength and technology, the destruction of structures (fortifications) and performing special problems (lighting, smoke, delivering agitation material, etc.).

Each projecture has several types of action for the purpose. Some shells are striking live strength, but can not break through the armor, others are able to break through armor, but ineffective in the destruction of defensive structures. Therefore, the artillery in service consist of various purposes and devices.

Artillery system on its device (gun, a Gaubita, mortar, etc.) can make shots different in the appointment with projectiles depending on:

  • from the nature of the goal (live strength, tank, blonde, etc.);
  • The fire task is performed (suppress, destroy, destroy, ignite, render the moral and psychological effect, etc.).

Therefore, types of shells in artillery several times more than artillery systems. According to the nature of the equipment, ammunition with conventional explosive and nuclear is distinguished.

By appointment, artillery ammunition divide:

  • on the main (for defeat and destruction);
  • special (for lighting, smoke, radio interference, etc.);
  • Auxiliary (for training personnel, tests, etc.).

The main elements of most artillery shots are a projectile with the appropriate equipment, a fuse or remote tube, powder charge, a sleeve or a carriage (bag), means of ignition of combat charge.

Artillery shells classify:

  • a) in caliber: small (20-76 mm), medium (76-152 mm), large
  • (more than 152 mm) calibers;
  • b) the method of stabilization (sustainability) in flight - rotating
  • (cutting artillery shells) and uncaptured (mines and some shells);
  • c) combat advice:
    • - on combat - for combat shooting,
    • - Practical - to train the archery of gun calculations (shell - inert equipment, fuse - oholp),
    • - Training and training - for training for charging and shooting, as well as messenger treatment (elements of the shot - inert equipment or layouts),
    • - idle - to simulate combat firing and holding salutes (instead of the shell, pyzh or reinforced cover, special charge);
  • d) by charging method:
    • - cartridge charging - all elements are connected to one unit-unitary cartridge, charging is made in one app;
    • - Separate-gilz charging - powder charge in a sleeve not connected to a projectile, the tool is charged in two receptions - a projectile, charge;
    • - Cartus charging - the elements of the shot are contained separately, and the tool is charged in several techniques.

Artillery shots are equipped with projectiles of various purposes: fragmentary, fugasic, fragmentation, betheless, armor-piercing, cumulative, incendiary, special and auxiliary purposes.

Primary shells(Fugasny, fragmentation, fragantic fuzasny, incendiary, armor-piercing, cumulative, concrete) serve to destroy the living force, military equipment of the enemy and the destruction of its defensive structures.

Special projectiles(Light, smoke, campaign), although they do not apply the target damage directly, ensure the performance of a combat.

Auxiliary shellsdesigned for educational and auxiliary purposes.

Sharcalthe shells are used in the guns of small and medium calibers for the defeat of the fragments and the shock wave located openly or behind weak shelters of the enemy's living force, suppressing artillery and mortar batteries, to destroy the lightweight field shelters, putting the passages in wire barriers and mine fields.

The basic requirement for these projectiles is the effectiveness of a fragmentary action, which consists in obtaining the maximum number of slaughter fragments with a greater radius of affecting action.

The maximum amount of slaughter fragments is obtained as a result of the correct combination of the mechanical quality of the metal of the body and the power of the explosive (BB) of the discontinuous charge. The rupture of fragmentary shells for the target is ensured by the triggering of the heading of shock or remote action.

Fugasnyshells are applied to shooting from large-caliber guns and are intended to destroy field defensive structures (trenches, blocks, observation points), stone and brick buildings, turned by an opponent in supporting points, bridges and other solid structures; suppressing live strength and firewood in shelters. The power of fugasic shells depends mainly on the number and power of the discontinuous charge and can be increased by increasing the caliber, and within a single caliber - increase the capacity of filling and use of more powerful centuries.

The fuhaasny action is expressed in the destruction, which produces the power of an explosive wave (shock wave) of the discontinuous charge in a medium.

The housing of the fugasic shells is made of steel, thereby ensuring sufficient strength in the shot (with a slight thickness of the housing walls) and when hitting the barrier. Therefore, compared with the fragmentation shells, the fugasic have thinner walls of the housings, a high filling coefficient, a large mass of the discontinuous charge consisting of cast trotyl. The rupture of fugasal shells for the target is provided by head or bottom shock fuses that may have a fugasal or slow action.

Collectively Fugasnyshells are the unification of the fragmentation of the headlets and are intended to damage the living force, fire facilities and enemy techniques by fragments, shock wave and destruction of its field defensive structures. According to its fragmentation effect, they are inferior to fragmentary shells, and in the fundamental - fuhaasny projectiles of the respective calibers. But thanks to a wide range of exposure to fragantive-grade shells are widely used in medium caliber guns. The use of fragmentation and fugasal shells simplifies the supply of troops by ammunition and reduces their production.

The corps of fragoration-fuzase shells are made of steel and equipped with a tilt of the telescope. The target breaking of the target is provided by head or remote-action headers installed on an instantaneous, slow or remote effect. Depending on the installation of the explosion, the projectile may have a fragmentary or fugasic effect. With the remote action of the fuse, the rupture of the projectile takes place in the air before meeting it with a barrier.

Concompleteshells are designed to destroy reinforced concrete and concrete, especially durable stone and brick structures, buildings and basements. In some cases, these shells can be used for firing on armored targets. The power of the shells is penetrated into a solid barrier and destroy it with a fundamental effect of the discontinuous charge. The power of the shock and fugasal action is determined by the high strength of the case of the projectile, the number and power of the explosive. In addition to a durable case, concrequity shells have a monolithic head of doped thermally treated steel and bottom with a bottom explosion; The shooting of concrete shells is made from a caliber tool more than 150 mm.

Calibal armorbonicshells are intended to defeat armored targets (tanks, armored personnel carriers, armored vehicles, etc.) and are used for shooting from small and medium-sized carbon artillery cannons. The main requirement for armor-piercing projectiles is armoredness, i.e. The thickness of the armor, made by the projectile on a specific firing distance. It is provided by the kinetic energy of the projectile at the time of the meeting with the armor and the high strength of the head of the shell. To increase armored armor, the head part of the projectile (or the entire body) is made of special steel, and is subjected to heat treatment in order to give it hardness and strength. Separately manufactured head part of the projectile body is called an armor-piercing tip and is attached to the main part of the housing using welding or threaded connection.

The fuse in the armor-piercing projectile is placed in the bottom part of the projectile hull and works with a slowdown, providing a projectile break after breaking the armor, which allows you to hit the crew and fail the internal mechanisms of armored machines.

The discontinuous charge of armor-piercing shells is made of a powerful brisk explosive. The striking effect of armor-piercing shells per armor occurs fragments of the armor of armor and the force of the explosion of the explosion charge, which destroy the tanks, pipelines, cause ignition of fuel and lubricants, combat charges and the detonation of ammunition in the tank (machine).

All-metal armor-piercing shells are also used - without a discontinuous charge, which are a steel blank treated from the surface of the projectile.

In podkaliberny armorbonicshells The main afflicting element is a solid metal core or alloy, the diameter of which is 2-2.5 times less than the caliber of the gun. The core is placed in the housing (or in two bearing elements) from the softer metal, which directs the movement of the projectile through the trunk channel, deforming (collapsed) when the projectile has shockped about the armor and frees the core. Next, the core, continuing the movement, breaks through the armor 2-3 times thicker than the ordinary armor-piercing projectile can be pounding.

Podkaliber armor-piercing shells by weight are much less than ordinary armor-piercing shells of the same caliber, so when shooting, they receive a large initial speed. The core, possessing significant kinetic energy and high hardness, penetrates the armor and pierces it. When passing through armor as a result of strong compression in the core, large internal stresses occur. When the core outputs, the internal stresses are sharply reduced from armor, and the core is destroyed into small fragments, which, together with armor fragments, are affected by the crew and interior equipment of armor.

Cumulativethe shells can be conditionally attributed to the category of armor-piercing, as they are also intended for shooting direct tanks on tanks and other armored goals. The cumulative shells differ in that they break through the armor did not at the expense of the kinetic energy of the impact of the durable case of the projectile in armor, and due to the concentrated directional action of the cumulative discontinuous charge and metal facing.

This principle allows the use of cumulative shells when shooting from medium-caliber guns with small initial rates of shells. The effectiveness of the armor-piercing action depends on the design of the cumulative projectile and the power of the explosive. Shells are divided into rotating around the longitudinal axis and not rotating, with rotating shells, the cumulative effect is somewhat lower than that of non-rotating.

The body of the cumulative projectile is made of steel. The walls of the housing have a small thickness that increases to the bottom part to ensure the necessary strength when shooting.

The cumulative charge is the main part of the projectile that ensures the defeat of the target. It consists of a discontinuous charge, metal facing, a central tube, a capsule detonator and a detonator. The discontinuous charge is a powerful explosive with a cumulative recess in the head part that ensures the concentration of the explosion energy. The most common conical shape of the cumulative excavation is most common. On the axis, the charge has a pass-through hole connecting the head fuse with a capsule-detonator located in the bottom of the charge.

The metal lining of the cumulative recess is made of soft steel or copper and for the explosion forms a thin, heated to 200-600 ° C, a metal jet moving towards the obstacle at a speed of 12-15 km / s. Having a high concentration of energy (the jet pressure reaches 10 GPa (100,000 kg / cm), the cumulative jet destroys the armor. The affecting effect of armor is provided by the joint action of the metal cumulative jet, the metal of the armor and the detonation products of the discontinuous charge.

Ignitionshells belong to mainstreaming projectiles and are used for firing on flammable objects (wooden buildings, warehouses of fuel and lubricants, ammunition, etc.) in the arrangement of the enemy in order to call fires. The incerediary strength of these shells is determined by the amount and composition of the incendiary elements that must have a good incered ability, sufficient combustion time and resistance to extinguishing. Shooting is conducted from medium caliber guns.

TOshells special and auxiliaryappointments include lighting, smoke, campaign, targeting, training, practical, faft-trial and other artillery shells that are not included in the main group.

Shells intended for emissions on the trajectories of incendiary, lighting, agitation and other elements or materials are completed with remote tubes, reminding remote explosives by reminding. The difference from the fuses is that the fire chain does not have a capsule detonator, nor a detonator, because there is no discontinuous charge in such projectiles. The fire chain of the remote tube ends with a powder petardoy, which flammives the wasting charge from the smoke powder ejecting the contents of the projectile case.

Sleeveit is an element of an artillery shot of cartridge and separate charging and intended:

  • To accommodate combat charges, auxiliary elements to it and means of ignition;
  • protection of combat charge from the effect of the external environment and mechanical damage during official circulation;
  • Openness of powder gases when shot; Combining combat charge with projectile in cartridge charging shots.

The sleeves are metallic and with a combing body. For the manufacture of metal sleeves, brass and small carbonaceous steel are used.

Elements of a shot intended for ignition of combat charge are called ignition tools. According to the method of actuating, they are divided into shock, electrical and galvanic.

Impact inflammation techniques are powered by a strike of a shock mechanism and have the form of capsual bushings and shock tubes. The first are used in the shots of separate-sleeve charging, the second - in the shots of the cartus charging.

Electric ignition facilities act from an electrical pulse, which is provided with a voltage supply of 20 V.

Electric and shock methods of action are combined in one design. They are more reliable, allow you to reduce the time for the production of shots, eliminate the cases of delays, which is especially important when shooting from tanks from the go.

Question number 1 "Determination of an artillery shot.
Elements shot. Artillery classification
Shots for destination and by way of charging "
Question number 2 "Classification of artillery shells,
Requirements presented to them. Ammunition. "
Question №3 "Basic, special and auxiliary
Types of shells, their design characteristics. "
Question №4 "Refreshrs for projectiles, their appointment
and device. "
Question №5 "Marking on capping, markings on
Charges, shells, sleeves and fuses. "

Educational and educational purposes:

Educational and educational purposes:
1. Classification of shells and artvystrelov.
2. The elements of the artillery shot.
3. Wides of shells, their design.
Requirements for projectiles.
4. Figures, design and principle of operation
5. Learn from students responsibility for
Deep study of the design of artillery

Question number 1 "Determination of an artillery shot. Elements shot. Classification of artillery shots for its intended purpose and in the way

Question number 1 "Determination of Artillery
Shot. Elements shot. Classification
artillery shots for appointment and
Processing method "
Artillery shot - This is a combination
elements required for production
One shot of guns.
Siberian Federal University

Siberian Federal University
Artillery shots are classified:
1. By appointment:
- Combat (for host archery);
- practical (for conducting educational and combat
- idle (for imitation of combat
Shooting on the exercises, for signals and salutes. It
consists of powder charge, sleeve, dust and money
- Educational (for instructing tools
actions with guns, appeal with shots,
composing combat charges);
- Special (for experienced shooting on

2. By charging method:
- cartridge (unitary) charging
(All elements of the shot are connected to one
- separate sleeve charge
(Shell is not connected to a combat charge in
- Separate Cartus Charge
(differ from separation shots
Sleeves, i.e. Shell + combat charge in
Cartuze from special fabric + means
Electric tube).

3. According to the degree of readiness for combat use:
- Ready (prepared for shooting that can
be in a completely outfit (in the shell's point
Fleece or tube are screwed) or unexplod
plastic plug));
- full (insufficient shots whose elements
Stored separately in one stock).
In the artillery parts, shots are stored only
ready, with shells in finally or
unexpremely equipped.

Elements of artillery shot:

Print with a fuse
-Beboo throwing charge in the sleeve
- Suspendent (Obtürtering)


Siberian Federal University
Question # 2.
"Classification of artillery
Shells, requirements for them.
Ammunition "
Artillery Shell - Main Element
Artillery shot intended for:
suppressing and destroying the living force of the enemy and
His fighters,
lesions of tanks and other armored goals,
destruction of defensive structures
suppressing artillery and mortar batteries,
Perform other artillery fire tasks.


Siberian Federal University
In order to properly use shells and
ensure the troops, as well as relief
Artillery shells vary:
1. By appointment (main, special,
2 caliber (small to 70mm, average from 70-152mm,
large more152mm)
3. The caliber of the projectile to the caliber of the gun
(Calibe and Pocalibal)
4. Right
5. Stabilization in flight (rotating and


Siberian Federal University
The requirements for artillery
To artillery shells are presented
Tactical and technical and production requirements.
Tactical and technical requirements are:
power, long-distance or height,
battle combat, firing and
Standard durability with long-term storage.
To production and economic requirements
include: simplicity of design and production,
Unification of shells and their buildings, low cost and
The deficiency of the source materials.


Siberian Federal University
Combat kit - set number
Ammunition per unit of weapons (pistol,
Rifle, carbine, automatic, machine gun, mortar,
Weapon, BM RSZO, etc.).
Table 4.1.
The dependence of the composition of the BC from the caliber of the gun
Table 4.1.
Caliber guns
152-180 203-240
Number of shots B.
One BK, pcs.


Question number 3 "Basic, special and
Auxiliary types of shells, their
Constructive characteristics »
Main purpose shells are used for
suppressing, destruction and destruction of various
goals. These include fragmentary, fugasny,
fragantic fugasny, armor-resistant tracing,
Cumulative, concrect and incendiary
shells. The vast majority of shells by
The device is a totality
Metal shell (all-circuit or
national team) and gear appropriate



Siberian Federal University
Special purpose shells apply
To illuminate terrain, smoke setting
Curtain, targeting, targeting goals and delivery
in the location of the opponent of campaign
material. These include lighting,
Smoke, campaign and target mellitative shells.
The flue steel projectile D4 consists of a housing 4
(Fig. 4) with iron-ceramic leading belt 6,
Waste glass 2, discontinuous charge 3,
placed in a warent glass, and
The smoke-forming substance 5 placed in
Camorru Shell Cover, Sealing Tube
7 with gasket 5 and fuse.


Siberian Federal University
Auxiliary shells
used for combat training troops and
holding various polygones
Tests. These include practical,
Training boilers and slab

18. Question No. 4 "Refreshrs for projectiles, their purpose and device."

Fuses, fuses
devices and tubes are called
Special mechanisms designed
To call the projectile operation in the required
point of the trajectory or after hitting


Fuses and explosion devices
Complete to projectiles with brisk equipment, and
Tubes for projectiles having a wanted charge of powder.
Detonation chain of the fuse and fire chain
The remote tube is shown in Fig. 1.
The detonation impulse in the fuses produces
The detonation chain, which consists of a capsuil-oscillator, powder moderator, capsuyulonator, gear ratio and detonator. Ray
Pulse tubes is produced by a fire chain,
consisting of capsule-igniter, moderator and
Amplifier (Petard).



Installation for shooting
The desired action of the projectile
Hiking (main) installation
On "O"
Collectively Fugasnoe
On "O"
Fugasny with slowdown
On "s"
Riccetic (for in-429)
On "s"
Collectively Fugasnoe
Fig.7. Installation of fuses in action
Fig.8. Operational (installation) tool
for RSM fuses (in 429)
Cap will be
Crane on "O"


Siberian Federal University
Question # 5.
"Caption marking,
Marking on charges, shells, sleeves and
fuses »


Siberian Federal University
Ammunition coloring can be
Safety and distinctive.
Safety color is applied to all
The surface of paint gray (kV-124) for
the exception of centering thickening and
leading belt; Distinctive paint - in
The form of rings of various colors on cylindrical
Parts of shells, on the sleeves and some
fuses. The remaining elements of the shot are not
Agitation projectile is painted red
paint, and enclosures of practical shells
paint black paint with white marking


Stimples are called signs, extruded or knocked out on
outer surface of shells, fuses (tubes), sleeves
And capsune bushings. Artillery shells have basic
and duplicate stigma.
Main stamps - signs showing plant number, number
Party and year of manufacture of the case (bottom) of the projectile, melting number
Metal, Stimples OTV and Military Representative Grau and Print
Duplicate Terminal are applied on plants producing
Outlets of shells and serve in case of loss of labeling. To them
cipher explosive (smoke-forming substance) and signs
Mass deviations.


Charge name; Z463m - charge index (in
sleeve or in a beam); 122 38 - Short Name
tools; 9/7 1/0 00 - Mark
beams, party number,
year of making powder and
plant; 4/1 1/0 00 - brand
Powder of the main beam
plant; 8-0-00 - number
Shot and database number,
gathered shot. Letter
"F" at the end of the marking
Indicates presence in
Charge a phlegmatizer.


on the
on the
Black paint.
00 - number of the gear plant
; 1-0 - party number and year
projectile gear;
122 - Caliber of the projectile (in mm); H mark of mass deviation; T designing an explosive;
OF-461 - projectile index
In smoke shells instead
cipher cipher is set
smoke-forming substance.
On armorboratory tracing
shells except under the cipher
Apply the brand of this fuse,
which the projectile is given in

27. Task for self-preparation

Siberian Federal University
Task for self-preparation
Material of this class
Main literature:
1. Department. "Ground artillery ammunition."

Purpose and types of fuses. General Device and principle of operation of RSM-2 fuses, B-90, T-7, DTM, AR-30 (AR-5).

The fuses, pole devices and tubes call special mechanisms designed to call the projectile operation after the shot at the desired point of the trajectory or after hitting the barrier.

Unlike fuses, fuses are usually common from several parts located in various places of the projectile (combat parts of rockets).

The difference between the fuses and tubes is the nature of the initial pulse created by them: the first producing the detonation impulse, the second - radiation.

Fuses and explosive devices are completed with cutting equipment with brisk equipment, and tubes - to projectiles having a wanted charge of powder.

The detonation impulse in the fuses produces a detonation chain, which in general consists of a capsule-igniter, powder moderator, capsule detonator, gear charge and detonator. The radial pulse of the tubes is produced by a firing chain consisting of a capsule-igniter, a moderator and amplifier (fire).

Capsell-igniter is an element of a detonation (fire) chain, triggered when Pokolla staining with the formation of a beam of fire.

The powder retarder is intended to obtain a temporary delay when transferring the beam of fire from the capsule-igniter to the capsule-detonator. It is made of smoky powder in the form of pressed elements (cylinders), the dimensions of which are selected in accordance with the desired deceleration time.

In the tubes, the retarder serves as a remote composition, the combustion time of which provides flight of the projectile to a given point of the trajectory.

To increase the reliability of the fuses, the moderators are sometimes duplicated.

Capsul detonator is the main element of the detonation chain, which is triggered from the auction of sting or the beam of fire with the formation of a detonation pulse.

The transmission charge is a pressed checker from the sizanny explosive (Tetril, TEN, hexogen); It is used in fuses where the detonator capsule is insulated from the detonator.

The detonator is a pressed checker from Tetril, Tan or Huxogen - is intended to enhance the pulse of the capsule detonator in order to ensure reliability in the excitation of detonation in the burst charge of the projectile.

In the tubes, the amplification of the radial pulse is provided by Petarda from the smoke powder.

Classification of fuses

The classification of the fuses is based on the division of them on the NNDNING, the type of action, the place of compound with the projectile, the method of initiation, detonation chain, the character of the insulation of capsules and the place of creation.

By appointment, the fuses are divided into fuses to the shells of hard artillery, to mines of mortars, to tactical missiles and melee means.

By type of action, the fuses are divided:

· At the drums;

· On remote;

· To remote-drums;

· To non-contact.

Impact explosions are triggered when meeting with a barrier. By time of action, they are divided into instant (fragmentation), inertial (fugasal) and slow motion.

The time of action is called the time from the beginning of touching the barrier to the breakdown. For instantaneous fuses, it does not exceed 0.001 seconds; inertial action - ranging from 0.001 to 0.01 seconds, slow motion - 0.01 - 0.1 sec.

There are fuses with constant deceleration time and with automatically adjustable deceleration. In the latter case, the response time is installed automatically when the projectile strikes the barrier and depends on its thickness and strength.

The most extensive group of shock fusers constitutes fuses with several, most often with two or three installations.

Remote fuses are triggered on the trajectory in accordance with the installation made before the installation. They can be pyrotechnic, mechanical, electrical and electromechanical. Fuses with a clockwork (mechanical) were most widely distributed.

Remote-shock fuses are a combination of two mechanisms: remote and shock.

The non-contacting fuses cause an explosion of a projectile with rapprochement in order to work under the influence of any energy or field reflected or emitted by it.

Non-contact fuses that perceive the energy emitted by the goal are called passive fuses; Fuses emitting energy and react to it after reflection from the target (obstacle) are called active action fuses.

At the place of connection with the projectile, the fuses are divided into head, bottom and gibbing. The latter is considered to be the fuses, in which the detonation chain is located in the bottom, and the element that perceives the obstacle's response (drummer or shock contacts - closers) - in the head of the projectile.

According to the method of excitation of the detonation chain, the fuses are divided into mechanical and electric.

In mechanical fuses, the excitation is carried out as a result of moving the moving part that causes the triggering of capsules in electrical - electrical energy.

The non-contacting fuses on this feature are divided into radio drives, optical, acoustic, infrared, etc.

Requirements for fuses.

For fuses, as well as to projectiles and other elements of artillery shots, a number of tactical and technical and production and economic requirements are imposed.

Tactical and technical requirements include:

· Official safety, when shot and on flight;

· Undety of action;

· Simplicity of appeal before charging;

· Strong storage resistance.

Safety understand the absence of premature breaks of shells due to premature trimming of the fuses. The elimination of the premature action of the fuses is ensured by the careful development and observance of the manufacturing process, the detailed development of each sample being developed, the use of mechanisms proven in practice, comprehensive tests of newly introduced nodes, steady compliance with the established rules of treatment and operation.

The reliability of the action is achieved by the use of sufficiently sensitive shock mechanisms and reliable rejecting safety devices, a thorough check before the shooting of the qualitative state of the fuses, using duplicate mechanisms (nodes).

The simplicity of appeal before charging is reduced to reducing the time for the production of a commanded installation when preparing a fuse to shoot.

Strong storage durability should provide an explosion to the invariance of combat properties.

Production and economic requirements are provided for:

· Easy design;

· Lower cost costs are possible;

· Maximum use of deffficer materials;

· Unification of parts and mechanisms by using in newly designed fuses proven in the operation of nodes;

· The possibility of applying progressive processing methods.

Fur RGM-2 - head, with three installations (for instant, inertial and slow motion) safety type.

It is applied to 122-mm high, fragmentation, fragmentation and fuchic, incendiary, and smoke projectiles of stailated cast iron, 152-mm fragmentation and fragmentation fecal grenades.

Device. The fuse consists of a housing, head sleeve, shock, slow and rotary safety mechanisms and a bottom sleeve with a tetryl detonator.

Fur ZVM-2:

/ - cap; 2 - membrane; 3 - ring-lober; 4 - head; 5 - sting; 6 - fuse ball; 7 - ball stop; 8 - sleeve; 9 - crane; 10 - oscillator-obturator; 11 - case; 12 - sedentary sleeve; 13 - Spring of the stopper; 14 - Safety spring; 15 - stopper; / 6 - bottom bushing; 17 - detonator; 18 - cap; 19- washer; 20 - detonator sleeve; 21 - shirt; 22 - swivel sleeve; 23 - cover; 24 - swivel spring; 25 - hairpin; 26 - sleeve with capsule-igniter; 27 - drummer; 48 - counter-compartment spring; 29- Safety ring; 30 - Safety spring; 31 - welcoming spring; 32 - sedentary sleeve; 33 - shock rod; 34 - fungus; 35 - sleeve with a retarder; 36 - axis; 37 - transmission charge; 38 - Capsul detonator; 39- dive; 40 - counter-power, 41 - ball; 42 - check

The shock mechanism is placed in the head of the 4 fuse. It consists of a lower inertial drummer 27 with a capsule-igniter in the sleeve 26 of the upper drummer instantaneous action, which includes a shock rod 33, fungus 34, sting 5 and a ring-limiter 5; balls 6, safety rings 29, deposited sleeve 32 with legs; Safety 30 and welcoming 31 springs, counter-comparting spring 28 and the palpable counterpool 40. Over the head 4 of the membrane 2 routine and the cap 1 is screwed.

The slower mechanism consists of a sleeve 35 with a powder retarder, an adjusting crane 9, a heel 25, two brass sleeves 8 and a lead ring. 10. On the outer end of the crane, there are cutouts for the installation key and the arrow, and on the surface of the housing of the fuse - two risks with marks "about "And" 3 ", corresponding to the settings of the crane.

The swivel-safety mechanism is placed in the housing 11. It consists of two sleeves: detonator 20, motionless connected to the housing 11, and rotary 22, placed on the axis 36. There are two sockets in the rotary sleeve: in one placed capsule-detonator 38, and in Another is a locking mechanism consisting of a stopper 15 with a spring 13, sedenting sleeves 12 with spring 14 and ball 41.

The lower end of the stopper enters the jack of the detonator sleeve, while holding the sleeve 22 in an idle position, in which the detonator capsule is shifted relative to the gear charge 37 and is separated from the detonator 17 detonator sleeve. At the same time, in the case of a premature explosion of the kapxul, the detonator, the impulse of the transfer charge and the detonator will not be transmitted.

The cover 23 is attached from above to the sleeve 22, and the sleeve itself is enclosed in a cylindrical shirt 21, tightly bonded with a sleeve 20. The turn of the sleeve 22 out of idle position in the combat is carried out with a flat rotary spring 24, one end of which is attached to the lid 23, and the other - to the shirt 21.

To protect the fuse from a premature action when installing on "3" in the case of spontaneous ignition of the capsule-igniter, diving 39 with a copper check 42, which is designed so that at the moment of the shot remains the whole, but it is easily cut off by the power of gases formed when ignition ignition ignition . At the same time, diving falls into the slot of the lid 23 and holds the bushing 22 from turning into a mood position.

The Kapsul detonator remains in the displaced (idle) position, and the explosion is localized by a detonator sleeve, without transmitting a detonator.

The factory installation of the fuse - on the inertial action (the cap will come, the crane is open). To install on an instantaneous action, the cap should be twisted, and to set to slow down-closing the crane. In the latter case, the operation of the projectile will be the same in both the cap, and when the cap is removed from the fuse.

Fluster action. With a shot under the action of inertia for the linear acceleration of the sleeve 32, overcoming the resistance of the springs 30 and 31, settles down and the paws are connected to the safety ring 29. At the same time, the sedentary sleeve 12 compresses the spring 14 and frees the ball 41, which the centrifugal force shifts to the side, giving way To lift the stopper 15.

After renting the shell behind the muzzle cut, the spring 31 moves forward the deposited sleeve 32 with a safety ring 29.

Balls 6, falling into the cavity of the head sleeve, free the drummers of instantaneous and inertial action. In the rotary sleeve, the spring 13 raises the stopper 15, freeing the sleeve 22, which the spring 24 turns into a combat position. The fuse is crushed. On the flight, the drummers of instantaneous and inertial action are held from moving the counter-composite spring 28 and the sick counterproof 40.

When meeting a projectile with a barrier when installing a fuse for an instant (fragmentation) action, the upper drummer reaction to the obstacle moves back and sticks the capsule-igniter. The ray of fire through the hole in the crane is transmitted by the capsule-detonator, and the explosion of the latter through the transmission charge is transmitted to a detonator.

When installing on a fugasic effect, the lower drummer moves along the inertia ahead and heats the capsul-igniter on the sting. The fire ray is transmitted by a detonator capsule through a hole in the crane, and the detonation pulse is the transfer charge and detonator.

When installing on a slow motion (fugasny with a slowdown), depending on the presence or absence of a cap on an explosion, the upper or lower drummers excite the capsule-igniter. The ray of fire ignites the powder retarder, and after its burnout is transmitted by a capsule-detonator. The detonation impulse is further transmitted to the transfer charge and detonator.

T-7 tube _-head, remote action, having a uniform scale in 165 divisions on the lower remote ring.

The total time of the tube is 74.4 s. It is applied to 122 mm lighting and agitational projectiles.

Device. The T-7 tube consists of a housing, a remote device, a bottom sleeve with powder fuel and a safety cap.

The tube housing 24 is made of aluminum alloy and consists of head, plates and tail.

The head and the plate serve as the basis for placing the remote device. The bottom sleeve with powder petardoy is placed in the tail part.

The remote device consists of three remote rings (upper 7, medium 26 and lower 25), the ignition mechanism, the clamping ring 29, the pressure nut 4 and the ballistic cap 3.

Remote Tube T-7:

1 - connecting bracket; 2 - Safety Cap; 3 - ballistic cap; 4 - push nut; 5 - locking screw; 6 - leather gasket; 7 - upper remote ring; 8 - parchment circle; 9 - asbestos and tin mugs; 10 - transmission column in the remote ring; 11 - powder columns in the case; 12 - hairpin; 13 - a cloud circle; 15 - bottom bushing; 16 - brass circle; 18 - Powder Petard; 24 - housing; 25 - lower remote ring; 26 - average remote ring; 27 - Hoody Pressing in the remote ring; 28 - Capsell-igniter with a sleeve; 29-clamp ring; 30 - Spring of the Drummer; 31 - drummer; 32 - Threaded Cork

Remote rings are made of aluminum alloy. At the lower base, they have a ring canal with a jumper, in which a slowly burning gunpowder is pressed.

The lower and middle rings at the beginning of the channel have gear ratio and gas hits. Powder posts 10 are placed in the transfer holes, which serve to transfer the beam of fire to the remote composition, into the gas-sized, small powder charges, sealed outside asbestos and foil circles 9.

In the upper ring at the beginning of the channel there is an outer hole.

On the lower bases of the rings, parchment mugs 8 are pasted on the upper bases and on the plane of the housing circles - mugs from a special tubular cloth, providing a more dense adjacent of the rings to each other and to the plate and excluding the passage of fire along the surface of the remote composition.

The upper and lower remote rings are connected to each other 1 and can rotate freely when the tube is installed.

The ignition mechanism is placed inside the housing head. It includes a remote drummer 31 with a staining, capsulsulter 28, spring 30 and a threaded plug 32. To transmit the flame ray from the capsule-igniter to the rigorous window of the upper remote ring 7 in the housing head there are four symmetrically arranged inclined holes.

The clamping ring 29 and the pressure nut 4 are designed to fix the installation of the remote rings and their tight attachment to the plate.

The ballistic cap gives the tube a streamlined shape and improves the combustion mode of the remote composition. For this purpose, it has axial (injection) and four side gas-lodging holes.

To prepare the tube to shoot and install it on a given division, it is necessary to twist the safety cap and the key to combine the commanded division of the remote scale with the red installation risk on the side surface of the housing plate.

Tube action. When shot under the action of inertia strength, the clamping ring 29 and the pressure nut 4 with a ballistic cap 3 settled down and, tightly pressing the remote rings, fix the installation of the tube. The remote striker 31 squeezes the spring 30 and heats the capsule-igniter. The beam of fire from the capsule through the wallet window flammives the remote composition of the upper remote ring 7.

On the flight, after the powder in the upper ring is uninstalled before the transfer hole, the powder column flames itself and the powder in the middle remote ring lights up. Asbestos and foil mugs 9 are embroodbled by gas pressure, and the powder gases go through the holes of the push nut under the ballistic cap. Then the beam of fire is transmitted to the lower ring and through the powder columns 11 in the inclined and vertical gear stones ignites the powder stroke. Powder gas gases embroider brass

2.2.2 Purpose of a throwing charge, the requirements for its design. Types of charges, their device and action.

Martial charge A part of an artillery shot, consisting of a porch of one or more stamps and auxiliary elements collected in a certain order and intended to communicate the projectile of the required initial speed at a certain pressure of powder gases in the barrel channel.

Artillery combat charges are classified by the type of shots in which they are used, according to the structure and by the number of brands of gunpowder.

By type of shots, combat charges are divided into the following types:

- charges for cartridge charging shots;

- charges to the shots of separate sleeve charge;

- Charges to the shots of separate cards charge.

By design, combat charges are permanent and variables.

Permanent combat charges They are a booster of powder, the value of which is strictly installed, and change it before charging is impossible or prohibited. They allow only one table initial speed, and therefore predetermine the character of the projector's trajectory.

Variable combat charges Consist of several separate samples (main hits, called a package, and additional beams), which allows for shooting to change the weight of charge, and therefore, change the initial speed of the projectile, the nature of the trajectory and the range of the projectile.

The design of the combat charge primarily depends on the type of shots to which it is intended.

Combat charges for cartridge charge shots are constant. They are used to shoot guns and can be complete and reduced. The first are extremely large for a given sample to the guns of the gunpowder, and the second is reduced. Reduced combat charges contribute to an increase in the vitality of the trunk of guns when shooting on medium range and provide more attached trajectory.

Sevets of separate sleeve charge in most cases are equipped with variable combat charges and significantly less often - permanent.

Variable combat charges are used in two varieties: full variables and reduced variables.

A complete variable combat charge is a charge consisting of a main package and additional beams and ensuring the greatest initial velocity for this sample tools. Intermediate combat charges, obtained by removing a certain amount of additional beams from the sleeve, are assigned to each of them numbers and are reduced relative to complete. For some guns in order to expand the speeds, complete variables are also used, and reduced variable combat charges. Numbering charges in full and reduced combat charge total.

Sevets of separate traffic charging are equipped with only variable combat charges. They can be both complete variables and reduced variables.

The following basic tactical and technical requirements are imposed on combat charges: the monotony of action during shooting, less influence on the height of the trunk, the free shot, simplicity of receptions for the preparation of combat charges and durability during long-term storage.

The monotony of the actions of combat charges during shooting is estimated by the scattering of the initial speeds. To fulfill this requirement, for each sample, the guns are carefully selected by nature and the composition of the powder, the shape and size of the powder elements, the magnitude and design of the igniter.

To ensure the monotony of combustion of gunpowder, and therefore monotony of the initial speeds of the shells is required to strictly observe the magnitude of the porch's sample within the established norms.

A significant impact on the monotony of initial rates of shells has a charge structure, i.e., a certain arrangement of the suspension of powder and auxiliary elements, ensuring that the favorable conditions for inflammation and burning of the powder. Experience has been established that for the normal operation of the combat charge, it is necessary that the porch's sweatshirt occupies at least 2 / s Camoras or the sleeves and there was a relatively rigid fixation.

The monotony of the actions of combat charges during shooting largely depends on accurate compliance with the rules for the treatment of combat charges both during storage and when shooting.

The requirement of a smaller influence of powder gases at the height of the trunk is directed to an increase in the duration of the stem service. This requirement is ensured by using powders in combat charges with relatively small calorie. In the case when the use of low-calorie powders is irrational, a phlegmatizer is placed in a combat charge, which reduces the thermal effect of powder gases on the metal metal.

The requirement of free shot is ensured by the use of flameful powder or special additions to charge, called flamestellers.

Easy and monotony of techniques for the preparation of combat charges contribute to increasing the rate of guns and prevent errors when performing this operation during firing.

The resistance of combat charges with long-term storage is ensured by reliable sealing of combat charges and the use of powders stable when stored.

General principles of combat charges

The combat charge consists of a gear of powder and auxiliary elements. Powder's mood is a source of a certain amount of energy that ensures the desired throwing effect. However, in addition to the powder, the auxiliary elements may include the combat charges in addition to a series of tactical and technical and operational requirements. These include: igniter, a deductor, phlegmatizer, a plane arrester and a sealing (core) device. The presence in combat charge of all listed auxiliary elements is not necessary. The use of each of them depends on the properties of the powder, devices and the purpose of the combat charge and the conditions of firing.

Powder's jacket is the main element of any combat charge. The jacket and brand of powder are determined by the ballistic calculation from the condition of the highest use of combat charge energy to achieve the required initial velocity at a given pressure of powder gases.

The magnitude of the jamming for each part of the powder is set by the test shooting at the landfill. The powder even the same brand, but different batches of manufacture inevitably differ in their properties. The powder jamming of both full constant and complete variable combat charges should ensure the greatest initial rate of the projectile at the pressure of powder gases, not exceeding the strength of the trunk of the gun. In determining the suspension of the powder of reduced charges, it is based on the conditions for obtaining a given initial speed. The maximum permissible minimal suspension of the main package of variable charges, as well as reduced permanent charges is determined from the conditions for obtaining a given minimum initial velocity at a pressure of powder gases to the bottom of the projectile, sufficient to ensure the incidence of the fuse mechanisms.

To expand the speed scales in the development of combat charge variables, it is very often resorted to the use of two guns of powder: for basic packets - with a smaller thickness of the burning arch, for additional beams - with a greater thickness of the burning arch. Such a choice of powder stamps allows at a smaller weight of the gunpowder in the main package to ensure the correction of the mechanisms of the fuse, as well as reliable ignition and full combustion of the combat charge.

The inconsistency of the requirements for the smallest and complete combat charges are sometimes not able to satisfactorily resolve in the system of one alternating combat charge. In this case, two charge variables are manufactured:

a) reduced variable consisting of a thin powder and allowing to obtain a number of initial velocity values \u200b\u200bfrom the smallest and higher (according to scale);

b) A complete variable consisting of a thicker powder and allows to obtain a number of initial speed values \u200b\u200bfrom the highest and lower.

When shooting on full and reduced charge variables, the requirements are satisfied for the entire speed scales installed for this artillery system.

Depending on the shape of the powder elements, the type of shots, as well as the design of the charging chambers, the combat charge is given by one or another form. The gunpowder can be placed in a lispier liner or in a cotton fabric card (Mitkal) in the cartridge and separate sleeve charge shots, or only in the Cartoux - in the shots of separate traffic charge. Cartumes in this case are made of silk fabric (amianthine). Silk tissue with a shot burns completely, leaving in the camar of the guns of smoldering residues, which can be prematurely ignored the next charge when charging.

Igniter. The ballistic monotony of shots is largely depends on the monotony of ignition of the powder of the combat charge. The monotony of the initial rates of shells and maximum pressure of powder gases can be obtained while simultaneously and short-term ignition of all powder elements of charge. Means of inflammation of shots themselves in many cases do not have enough power to ignite the combat charge. Therefore, the igniter is used to enhance the flammable impulse.

The igniter is a smoky powder sample, placed in a Mitkay Cartus. The weight of the igniter is established at the calculation of the trouble-free and fast ignition of the combat charge. With an increase in the weight of the igniter, in addition to the increase in the power of the flammable impulse, the initial pressure increases, which leads to an increase in the rate of ignition and burning the charge as a whole.

For reliable and fast ignition of combat charge, some minimal pressure developed by gas and igniter gases, equal to 50-125 kg / cm 2. Experienced data confirm that at a pressure of less than 50 kg / cm 2, it is difficult to obtain reliable ignition of combat charge. With insufficient power of the flammable impulse and low pressure, refusals are possible in the ignition of charge and protracted shots.

The weight of the igniter, providing reliable ignition, is selected by experimentally and is depending on the instrumental caliber in the range of 0.5-3.0% of the porch.

According to the design, the ignitions are contributable, sewn and binding and are usually located between the means of ignition and the base of the combat charge. If the combat charge has dimensions at which the entire powdery charge is not ensured by one igniter, the second igniter is used, which is located in the middle of the charge.

For variable combat charges of split sleeve charge shots, both pyroxiline grains or tubular and nitroglycerin tubular powder are used.

In fig. The full variable charge to the 122-mm Gaubice arr. 1938 The charge consists of the main package of the brand 4/1 and six additional beams of the score of the brand 9/7. Additional beams are located in two rows: two beams in the bottom row and four - in the top. Additional beams in each row are equilibrium among themselves, but multiple rows.

The main package card (Fig. 73, a) is a rectangular pouch with a central hole. To increase the rigidity, it is divided into four equal sections with firmware. An additional igniter and a flame reverse flame flame is sewn to the base of the package of the package of the VTX-10 brand. Two lower additional beams made in the form of a half-colt, when laying on top of the main package in the sleeve form a hole with a diameter of 20 mm. On top of the additional beams of the upper row, the rash, normal and enhanced lid are stacked.

The design of this charge with a hole along the axis of the main package and additional beams of the lower row provides simultaneous ignition of the powder of all elements components of the charge.

Shooting is conducted both in full charge and on six intermediate charges obtained on firing position by removing a certain number of additional beams in accordance with firing tables. Intermediate charge numbers correspond to the number of additional beams from the sleeve.

Artillery ammunition is an integral part of artillery systems designed to defeat live strength and technology, destroying structures (fortifications) and performing special tasks (lighting, smoke, delivering agitation material, etc.). They include artillery shots, mortar shots, as well as reactive projectiles of ground RSZO. According to the nature of equipment, artillery ammunition is distinguished with ordinary explosives, chemical and biological (bacteriological). For appointment: Basic (for defeat and destruction), special (for lighting, smoke, performing radio domain, etc.) and auxiliary (for training personnel, tests, etc.).

Artillery shot - Ammunition for shooting from the artillery gun. It was a set of elements for a single shot: a trim projectile, a slim charge in a sleeve or a carriage, a means of challenging and auxiliary elements (phlegmatizers, degraders, flamestellers, pry, etc.).

For the purpose of the appointment, artillery shots are divided into combat (for combat shooting; make up amatele amatele), idle (for sound imitation; instead of the shell, pyzhe or enhanced cover; Special charge), practical (for training archery of gun calculations; inert gear; fuse , training (for studying the device and teaching intakes of ammunition, charging and shooting; elements of the shot - inert equipment or layouts) and systems (for testing artillery guns).

Artillery shot is called full, if it has all the elements, but not assembled, and ready when he is assembled. The finished artillery shot is final and unexpremely equipped (respectively with the screwdriver or with the unnecessary fuse).

By charging method distinguishes:

Artillery shot cartus charging - a projectile, a throwing charge in a charging capue (a shell of dense fabric for placing the thrust charges of artillery and mortar shots) and the means of ignition are not interconnected; It is used in large-caliber instruments charged in three receptions (by elements). The use of carduz received distribution from the first half of the XVII century, which significantly reduced the time required for charging. Prior to that, gunpowder was powered by manually.

Artillery shot separate-sleeve charging - The sleeve with a throwling shell and the means of ignition is not connected to the projectile; It is mainly used in medium caliber instruments charged in two receptions. Created in 1870-1871 French Refphi.

Artillery shot unitary charge - a projectile, a throwing charge and a means of ignition combined into one unit; It is used in all automatic and semi-automatic guns, as well as in some non-automatic guns of various types of artillery charged to one reception. Artillery shot of unitary caliber charging is sometimes called artillery patron.

One of the main components of the artillery shot was shell - means of lesion of the living force, material part and the counterpart of the enemy, fired from the artillery gun. Most of the types of shells were an axisymmetric metal body with a flat bottom, to which the powder gases formed during the combustion of the throwing charge are made. This body can be a solid or hollow, streamlined or sweat-shaped shape, carry a payload or not. All these factors, together with the internal device, were determined by the assignment of the projectile. The classification of shells was carried out according to the following features. For the purpose of the projectiles were divided into:

- armor-piercing shells designed to combat armored vehicles of the enemy. According to its device, they were divided into calibrate, podkalibers with a permanent or separating pallet, and sweat-shaped feathers.

- Concontummy shells intended for the destruction of reinforced concrete long-term fortification facilities.

- Fugasic shells designed to destroy field and long-term fortification structures, wire barriers, buildings.

- Cumulative shells intended for the destruction of armored vehicles and garrisons of long-term fortification structures by creating a narrow-controlled jet of explosion products with a high penetrating ability.

- Declar shells designed to destroy the enemy's living force by fragments formed by the breakdown of the projectile. The gap occurs when hitting the obstacle or remotely in the air.

- Carton - ammunition intended for the destruction of openly located enemy's live strength during self-defense guns. It is a bullet laid in the lightly aggressible frame, when they are shot, flying up in a certain sector from the trunk of the gun.

- Shrapnel - ammunition intended for the destruction of openly located alive enemy strength by bullets inside his body. The rupture of the case and throwing out the bullets occurs in flight.

- Chemical shells containing a potent poisoning substance for the destruction of the alive force of the enemy. Some types of chemical shells may contain a chemical element of non-optical action that deprive the soldiers of the enemy of combat capability (tear, psychotropic, etc. substances).

- biological shells containing a potent biological toxin or culture of infectious microorganisms. Designed to destroy or non-leaving the universal power of the enemy.

- incendiary shells containing a recipe for the ignition of light aggregate materials and objects, such as city buildings, fuel warehouses, etc.

- Smoke shells containing a recipe for smoke formation in large quantities. It was used to create chimneys, blinding the command and observation points of the enemy.

- Lighting shells containing a recipe for creating a long and flagged flame. It is used to illuminate the battlefield in the dark time. As a rule, equipped with a parachute for greater lighting duration.

- Trassing shells, leaving with their flight a bright track visible to the naked eye.

- Agitational shells containing leaflets inside themselves for agitation of the enemy's soldiers or spreading propaganda among the civilian population in the front-line settlements of the enemy.

- Training shells designed to train the personnel of artillery parts. It can be both a casual or mass-dump layout, unsuitable for shooting, and an ammunition suitable for training shooting.

Some of these classification features can overlap. For example, fragantic fugasal, armor-sized tracing shells, etc. are widely known.

The shell consisted of a housing, equipment (or tracer) and an explosion. Some shells had a stabilizer. The case or core of the projectile was made of alloyed steel, or steel cast iron, tungsten, etc. It consisted of head, cylindrical and cape parts. The case of the projectile had a oscillate or stupid shape. For the proper maintenance of the shell on the trunk channel, when they are shot on its cylindrical part, there is a centering thickening (one or two) and pressed into the groove of the presenter (from copper, bimetal, iron, iron, nylon, providing when shot to prevent the breakthrough of powder gases and the rotary movement of the projectile, Necessary for its sustainable flight on the trajectory. To undermine the projectile, a shock, non-contact, remote or combined fuse was used. The length of the shells usually ranged from 2.3 to 5.6 of its caliber.

In calibration, shells are divided into small shells (20-70 mm), medium (70-155 mm in ground artillery and up to 100 mm in anti-aircraft) and large (over 155 mm in ground and over 100 mm in anti-aircraft artillery) Calibers. The power of the projectile depends on the type and weight of its charge and is determined by the coefficient of filling the projectile (the ratio of the mass of the discontinuous charge of an explosive to the mass of the final cutting projectile) constituted for fugasic shells up to 25%, fragmentation and cumulative up to 15%, armor-piercing up to 2.5 %. For fragmentation shells, the power is also determined by the number of slaughter fragments and the radius of the lesion zone. Shells are characterized by long-range (height), the adversity of firing, safety when handling and resistance (when stored).

Mortar shot - Ammunition for shooting from mortars. Consists of mines, main (ignorant) and additional (throwing) powder charges with inflammation. In the appointment, mortar shots are divided in analogously to artillery shots. Mines are overlaid (most) and rotating. Finally, an oven is the oven mine includes a housing made of steel or steel cast iron, an equipment, an explosion, a stabilizer, or a plumage drop-down after departure of mines from the barrel channel. Rotating mines usually have protrusions on the leading belt, which are included in the cutting of the trunk when charging. For increasing the shooting range, active reactive mines with a jet engine are used. Length Min usually accounted for up to 8 calibers.

Jet shells Describes in the chapter "Rocket and missile weapons".

During the war years, the USSR made about 7.5 million tons of ammunition, incl. Artillery shots of field and ship artillery - 333.3 million pieces, mining mines - 257.8 million (of which 50-mm - 41.6 million pcs., 82 mm - 126.6 million pieces.), shells RSZO - 14.5 million. In addition, 2.3 million tons of artillery ammunition was at the disposal of the Soviet troops to the beginning of the war.

In 1941-1942 Germany captured about 1 million tons of the USSR ammunition, incl. 0.6 million tons of artillery.

It should be noted that Germany during the war years by about 1.5 times (and at the beginning of the war 2 times) less spent artillery ammunition in comparison with the USSR, since the artillery of Germany led fire for purposes, and the USSR - on the squares. So on the Eastern Front, German troops spent 5.6 million tons. ammunition, against 8 million tons. Soviet troops.

In Germany, during the war years, about 9 million tons were issued. Madripasses of all kinds.

In the United States during the war years 11 million tons of artillery ammunition and 1.2 million tons were issued. jet. Including 55 million shells for Gaubitz, anti-tank and field artillery.

Below are the most common artillery ammunition in the context of calibers and countries.

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