Stomatitis in children treatment at home. Symptoms and treatment of stomatitis in the mouth in children: photo and prevention of the disease, the opinion of the doctor Komarovsky, what does stomatitis in children look like


Stomatitis in children is a very frequent disease. The causative agents of Stomatitis in children serve various infections and viruses. Depending on the species of stomatitis, the symptoms of children are recognizable.

What does stomatitis look like in children

(Photo 1) manifests itself depending on the cause of the occurrence and type of disease. The main signs of stomatitis in children are: Capriciousness, inflammation of the mucous membrane, cough, runny nose, elevated body temperature, redness and edema of gums, rash and redness in the mouth.

The characteristic causes of stomatitis in children:

  • damage to the mucous meal;
  • allergic reaction;
  • mucous membrane burn;
  • infection.

The most encountered signs of stomatitis in children (Photo 2.1) Next:

  • lethargy, the capriciousness of the child, breaking sleep, plasticity, nervousness, rejection of food;
  • possible raising temperature;
  • pain in the mouth;
  • tummy and bleeding gums, language ulcers and mucous membrane.

Children's stomatitis is classified:

  • catarrhal;
  • peptic;
  • aphtose.

Types of stomatitis in children:

  • bacterial stomatitis;
  • viral stomatitis in children;
  • candidial stomatitis in children;
  • traumatic;
  • allergic;
  • recurrent stomatitis.

Read more about the types of publications on our website.

(See photo 3) You can detect with a thorough inspection of the mucous membrane. The mucous membrane of the mouth is inflamed and has redness. Characteristic symptoms of stomatitis in infants: plasticity, capriciousness, decreased appetite. Signs and symptoms depend on the shape and degree of stomatitis in the infants. Stomatitis in infants brings anxiety to the child.

Everyone knows that herpety stomatitis in children (photo 4) (he, herpesy) - viral disease. Signs of herpetic stomatitis are the appearance of painful ulcers on the mucous membrane. Herpentine stomatitis in children is caused by a virus, which in the body remains in it forever. Herpety stomatitis in children is characterized by both external and internal signs.

Herpentine Stomatitis in children (photo 4.1) is manifested by general weakness. Such symptoms are also manifested: increased temperature in a child, complaints of headache, drowsiness. Herpety stomatitis in babies It may cause a decrease in appetite, an increase in lymph nodes.

How to find out children's stomatitis

So, what the children's stomatitis looks like:

  • abundant salivation;
  • eveniness and redness of the mucous membrane;
  • the gums blemed.

Children's stomatitis (photo 5) passes with increasing temperature, fatigue, lethargy, headache, refusal from food, the faint of the child. In the acute course of the disease, the signs of stomatitis in children are very pronounced.

Stomatitis in newborns (photo 5.1) appears from the transfer of infection from the mother. Also stomatitis in a newborn can be caused by the reaction to antibiotics.

Stomatitis in babies is usually candidoid. Signs of the disease: white flare in the language and mucous membranes. The disease is showing characteristic of stomatitis symptoms: the absence of appetite, the capriciousness of the child, a possible increase in temperature.

Candadose Stomatitis

Candidal stomatitis in children (see photo 7) - fungal disease. This stomatitis in children is characterized by the following signs: a white touch in language and oral cavity. This stomatitis is usually found in newborns. The causes of the disease are various fungal infections.

Aphtose Stomatitis

Aphtose Stomatitis in children (see photo 8) shows signs in the form of small defects - AFT mucous membrane. Around them bright red kaym, and they are covered with a yellow-gray raid. More information about this type of stomatitis is described in the notch of our site.

Aphtheasian stomatitis in children can be called:

  • allergies;
  • staphylococcus;
  • immune disorders;
  • chronic internal diseases.

Viral Stomatitis

Viral stomatitis in children (photo 8.1) - an infectious disease caused by different viruses. It is considered the most common form of children's stomatitis.

Causes of viral stomatitis:

  • infectious diseases;
  • weakened immunity;
  • contact with patients with viral stomatitis.

The danger of the disease is that the initial symptoms are very similar to the angina. And the treatment of stomatitis begins late.

Catarial Stomatitis

Signs of this disease: the mucosa is inflamed without the formation of an ulcer. Catarial stomatitis in children (photo 9) manifests itself after contacting the child with microbes or viruses. This stomatitis in children can be caused by a lack of microelements or vitamins, metabolic disorders.

We looked at how children's stomatitis looks like and what symptoms expresses. Children are often subject to the disease, however, it is found quite often.

Photo gallery Stomatitis in children

Playlist video about stomatitis (choice of video in the upper right corner)

Stomatitis in children - irritation of the mucous membrane of the mouth, which appears in children by age from three years and kids up to the year. The causes of the occurrence of stomatitis serveled infectious diseases, strong colds and ORVI. But it is worth noting that the disease is not a complication of these processes, but manifests itself as a result of the decline in immunity after their transfer. This is happening, because during a viral disease, the mouth cavity dries due to a minor stream of saliva, which in ordinary life protects the mouth from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms.

Children's stomatitis is often accompanied by an increase in the body temperature, which parents are mistakenly treated at home with antibiotics. Such preparations only worsen the position of things and further contribute to the decrease in the immunity of kids. The disease is expressed by the appearance of small pimples, an ulcers on the mucous membrane, as well as its ethnicity, is accompanied by all this by a significant increase in body temperature (the child is experiencing severe pain).

Diagnose and determine the reasons for the appearance of stomatitis in children is possible only by a children's dentist, on the fact of a complete inspection of the mouth. Under no circumstances should the stomatitis in children at home. Parents should only be inspected daily the cavity of the mouth of the kid from the year of life up to three years.


Doctors identify many reasons for the occurrence of such a disease in children, but the most predominant of them are:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • the burns of the mucosa of the mouth from strongly hot food or beverages;
  • unintentional bitterness of the baby's inner surface of the pitch or language;
  • entering in some way into the oral oralness of fungal infection;
  • viral;
  • non-observance of hand hygiene after visiting a toilet or walks on the street. The kid bows in his mouth dirty hands, which can serve as the beginning of the development of the inflammatory process;
  • children's habit of pulling all that surrounds them;
  • mouth injuries when falling;
  • scratches due to an extraneous subject;
  • teething teething is the most common cause of stomatitis in infants;
  • transferred viral diseases - ,;
  • unusual for the children's infection - ,;
  • inept cleaning of teeth;
  • allergic pathogens;
  • dental braces;
  • premature appearance on light;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • some drug drugs.

The mucous membrane of the mouth of small children, especially those that have not reached one year, is so subtle that any impact may cause stomatitis.


According to the forms of flow, stomatitis happens:

  • sharp - appeared first time in life;
  • chronic - repeated manifestation of symptoms.

Depending on the causes of the occurrence:

  • herpese - herpes virus enters the oral cavity through foreign objects;
  • angular - carrier of infection is the child himself, it means that he gets ill through dirty hands;
  • aphtheasian stomatitis in children - appears due to allergic effects;
  • viral - arises due to the effects of bacteria. The rash has the form of small transparent bubbles in tongue, cheeks, lips and larynx.

By age group:

  • candadose - appears in the kids in the period from the moment of birth to three years. It is expressed by small white dots on their homes, cheeks and language;
  • allergic - characteristic of children of junior preschool age;
  • bacterial - can be expressed in children of any age, but not older than seven years.

By the presence of scars after healing:

  • with scars;
  • without them;
  • temporary scars - pass a few weeks after recovery.

According to the degree of intensity of manifestation of symptoms:

  • light - without characteristic signs of the disease;
  • average - rashes a lot, the state of the child worsens every day;
  • heavy - multiple rashes, the body temperature significantly increases.


Despite the wide range of diversity of types of children's stomatitis, they all have similar symptoms, including:

  • non-freight and indous smell of mouth;
  • increased saliva separation;
  • bonding lips;
  • changing the color of the oxide mucous membrane - it acquires a bright red or burgundy shade;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • swelling dysen;
  • yellowish raid in language and gums;
  • increasing the number of ulcers in the mouth (with each day).

The manifestation of stomatitis in infants has its own characteristics:

  • the kid crying during breastfeeding;
  • refuses to take the chest;
  • decreases appetite;
  • increases body temperature;
  • the child is constantly in anxiety;
  • sleep disturbance.


Only a doctor can distinguish stomatitis from other diseases of the oral cavity. It is strictly forbidden to parents to carry out any manipulation in the oral cavity at home (especially in kids up to year). If the specified symptoms appeared, you should immediately go to the doctor.

To determine a clearer picture of the disease, the doctor may additionally assign research:

  • and. Sometimes there is a fence of the fence - to identify the particles of worms in the patient's body;
  • laboratory study of scuff or smear from the oral cavity;
  • cytological diagnostics;
  • virological;
  • bacteriological;
  • immunological.

These activities are carried out for accurate recognition of pathogens of symptoms of the disease.


Adults often wonder how to treat stomatitis in children alone, without contacting the clinic. Conduct the treatment of stomatitis at the child at home is strictly prohibited. Treatment may appoint only a children's dentist together with the therapist.

Stomatitis treatment is aimed at:

  • elimination of the intensity of manifestation of symptoms with antiviral medicinal substances and ointments;
  • rinsing the oral cavity by antiseptic means every time after meals;
  • anesthetic drugs;
  • healing of ulcers using special toothpastes and ointments.
  • the use of special sprays with active substances. For children under year, their use is not recommended.

Eliminate painful sensations help:

  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil;
  • ointment with rosehip extract;
  • anesthetic gels.

If there is a re-expression of stomatitis in infants, it is necessary to urgently consult with an immunologist.

Treatment of stomatitis in children, especially those who have not achieved the year of life, should be carried out under a complete supervision of the doctor, and under no circumstances (even the weak manifestation of symptoms) cannot be carried out by stomatitis therapy at home.


The prevention of children's stomatitis should be carried out by parents - especially carefully for children who have not yet become a year. Parents are required:

  • protect children from any injuries, securing the home conditions in which the child lives;
  • in time to treat viral and infectious diseases of the baby;
  • daily inspect the oral mucosa of the child (especially intently for the first three years of his life);
  • carry out disinfection of nipples, bottles and nipples before feeding infants;
  • monitor the performance of the baby's hygiene;
  • after the child has cut the teeth, to regularly show it to a children's dentist;
  • brush your teeth to their children on their own or always attend the process, use special pastes intended only for children;
  • provide a child with balanced nutrition, enriched vitamins, calcium and other minerals;
  • never carry out the treatment of the child from any diseases yourself, at home.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Aphtose Stomatitis is a kind of conventional inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, accompanied by the emergence of AFT, i.e., small white-colored ulcers with a red border, which have a circle form or oval (can arise alone or manifest in large quantities). The main symptoms of the disease are the unpleasant sensations in the form of pain and burning, exacerbating during the treatment of food. The neoplasms are healing about ten days, without leaving behind the traces, only some types of illness can provoke scars.

Stomatitis - infectious diseases of the oral cavity. In children, the inflammatory process on the gums, the inner surface of the cheek often flows with complications. In young patients, it is diagnosed more often than other pathologies of the oral cavity. The disease with pronounced symptoms is striking children of different ages - from babies to adolescents.

Information about how Stomatitis is manifested in the mouth, what to do, what and how to quickly cure the child, it is useful to parents.

general information

The inflammation of the oral mucosa is characterized by high contagiousness, frequent relapses, negative effect on the immune system. Yazvochki, swelling, irritation of mucousse deliver to children a lot of suffering.

Stomatitis has several varieties, proceeds with complications or lightly. The nature of the disease depends on:

  • age;
  • immunity strength;
  • the state of the oral cavity;
  • type of pathology;
  • availability / absence of background diseases;
  • individual sensitivity of the body;
  • nutritional qualities, patriot care features.

Classification, species

By origin:

  • fungal;
  • viral;
  • allergic;
  • bacterial;
  • symptomatic;
  • drug;
  • traumatic.

At the depth of the damage to the mucous:

  • vesicular;
  • catarrhal;
  • peptic;
  • aphtose.

By the nature of the flow:

  • acute;
  • chronic;
  • recurrent.

Forms of the disease:

  • Easy. Symptomatics is poorly expressed, the general condition is stable, single ulcers are noted on the mucous membranes, gums, lips. Thin layer of plaque, dry mucosa during candidal type. An unpleasant smell is heard.
  • Medium-heavy. Reduct, swelling increases, the number of affected areas is growing. Feels dryness, strong burning, pain during food.
  • Heavy. Abundance of ulcers, affected surface bleeding, soreness is permanently permanent. The general condition deteriorates, the temperature often rises.

In childhood, the following types of stomatitis are most often diagnosed:

  • in infants - candidomic;
  • from year to three years - herpetic and thoughcase;
  • preschoolers, younger schoolchildren - Aphtose and allergic.

Bacterial stomatitis is diagnosed in young patients of different ages. Microbes penetrate with gentle mucosa microtrauma: infants pull in their mouths, toys.

Senior children often use unwashed fruits and vegetables, scratch soft fabric with candy, crackers. Any injury to the mucous - "open gate" for infectious agents.

Causes of occurrence in the mouth and in language

Each type of stomatitis has provoking factors. Hyperemia, ulfs, swelling develop under infectionpenetrating through a gentle mucous membrane. Sometimes unpleasant symptoms appear as the body's response to allergen.

The weaker immunity, the sooner the infectious agent penetrates new sections, the higher the probability of complications. The most danger is the defeat of the oral cavity is for infants, babies from a year to three years, preschoolers, younger students.

The main causes depend on the type of disease:

The development of various forms of stomatitis contributes to many factors:

  • weak immunity;
  • low weight, poor nutrition;
  • a shortage of trace elements, insufficient flow of vitamins of the group B;
  • the total weakness of the body;
  • disruption of oral hygiene;
  • wearing orthodontic structures;
  • consumption of potent drugs affecting microflora;
  • carious cavities, a soft or solid raid on the teeth (possibly), inflammatory processes of the near-block fabric.

What are the consequences of pneumococcal vaccination, for which the vaccination is needed from this disease, read.

Specific and nonspecific symptoms

All forms of illness have several similar signs:

  • hyperemia (redness);
  • soreness during food;
  • edema of varying degrees;
  • changing the composition of saliva;
  • dry mouth, burning;
  • reduced or complete loss of appetite.

With severely, the health deteriorates, the baby weakens, whimshes, drowsiness develops, the lymph nodes are growing.

Specific features for various types of stomatitis in a child:

  • Candidose (fungal). Curly raid sulfur or dirty white.
  • Herpetic. Little diameter blisters filled with exudate. Number of formations - from 4-5 (light shape) up to 20 or more (severe).
  • Bacterial. Whitish flare, fibrous films, tongue, bright red or purple mucosa, erosion of limited area.
  • Traumatic. Redness, weak swelling on an affected area, a wound or an ulcers with a white translucent film.
  • Aphtose. Symptoms reminds or herpetic shape, AFTs are formed - round ulcers with a hyperemic area around formations. The wound is white, covered with thin, muddy film. Secondary infection provokes the activation of the inflammatory process, the film breaks through.

How to recognize in a timely manner

First signs:

  • complaints on swallowing pain, it is hard to eat even soft food;
  • it is noticeably reduced or disappearance;
  • The oral cavity is inflamed, burning sensation;
  • breasts are capricious, cry, the dream deteriorates, anxiety appears, refuse to breast;
  • in the mouth there are wrecks, ulcers or a cotton flare, swelling, often change color.

In acute flow or in running cases, the general condition is rapidly deteriorated, the temperature increases, the lymph nodes in the neck area are sweeping, sometimes in the armpits.


The first signs of Stomatitis - reason for visiting a doctor: Launched cases of any form of the disease are harder to treat, provoke complications. When detecting a lesion, contact your children's dentist or pediatrician.

When diagnosing a diagnosis, the doctor takes into account:

  • clinical picture, symptoms;
  • probable reasons for parents (injuries of the oral cavity, contact with the virus carrier);
  • state of teeth, gums, other factors;
  • the degree of manifestation of characteristic features.

Be sure to carry out one or more studies:

  • general inspection, poll of parents and a young patient (if age allows);
  • In some types of disease, the pediatrician or the dentist will send for advice to narrow specialists.

    How and what to treat: methods, schemes

    The duration and nature of therapy depends on the type of disease. An integrated approach is important, compliance with hygienic requirements.

    Change the diet: required refusal of food irritating mucous. Suggest the baby rubbed, viscous dishes in a warm form. It is prohibited sour, sharp food.

    Important! Self-treatment is unacceptable. Therapy is carried out only after a thorough examination.

    The doctor takes into account:

    • variety and form of pathology;
    • age, the overall condition of the baby;
    • the severity of the disease;
    • intensity of the inflammatory process.

    The treatment of stomatitis in children is standardly carried out at home, medicines and additional funds from the disease for treatment are prescribed by a pediatrician. Hospitalization is usually not required.

    Herpety (herpesy)

Young children suddenly suddenly rise high temperatures, they become capricious, turn away from food. More adult children complain about painful sensations in the oral cavity. Parents with attentive inspection can detect on the cheeks, language, the sky or the inner side of the lip of redness or ulcers. All these are signs of stomatitis. This disease can be caused by different types of pathogens, such as herpes virus, ordinary bacteria, fungi. In addition, stomatitis can be toxic or allergic. So how to treat stomatitis in children? Let's try to figure it out.

Types of Stomatitis

Interesting, but each type of stomatitis is characteristic for a certain age of a child.

  • Children under the year are subject to candidal stomatitis, which is caused by fungus. It is on the skin and mucous membranes, but if the child has a weakened immunity or he takes antibiotics, the fungus begins to multiply rapidly. In the mouth, a white flare is formed, the mucost begins to dry. If the disease is not treated, cracks appear.
  • A child aged from a year to three years suffers from herpetic stomatitis. Transmitted through common dishes from parents.
  • Schoolchildren often arise allergic or aphtose stomatitis. Allergic stomatitis occurs when using some products or drugs. With aphoosal disease, the entire oral cavity is covered by painful formations of small size.
  • Children of all ages suffer from bacterial stomatitis, which arises due to thermal or mechanical injury of the oral cavity, due to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, due to the use of unmeeded fruits. At all small children, bacterial stomatitis occurs when they drag everything in the mouth during teething.

Causes of occurrence

The reasons for the occurrence of this disease are many. Basically, a very tender mucous membrane of the oral cavity easily injuredAs a result, malicious bacteria begin their attack on the body. The immune system of the kid is still very weak to resist them. In an adult, saliva perfectly protects the body from a variety of malicious microorganisms, but in young children, it does not yet contain the desired number of enzymes that have antiseptic properties. Because of this, stomatitis occurs, causing inflammation of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity, manifested in the form of ulcers.

Thus, stomatitis in children arises in three reasons:

  • Due to traumatic damage to the oral mucosa.
  • As a result of the malicious action of various bacteria, herpes virus, measles, influenza. Often develops after applying antibiotics.
  • Due to allergies.

Symptoms of Stomatitis in children there are following:

  • Increase body temperature, sometimes up to 40 degrees, if the stomatitis is herpetic. Weakness and indisposition appears, the child begins to sick. A nose is laid, the mucosa begins to slowly swell and blush.
  • The whole mouth is covered with a white, gray or yellowish flare, bubbles and erosions. It is important not to miss this moment and timely start treatment, otherwise it is possible to transition to stomatitis in a more severe form.
  • Unpleasant, sour smell of mouth.
  • The baby begins to refuse food due to the painful swallowing process.
  • Slotidation increases greatly.
  • Often on the neck increase the lymphatic nodes.

As soon as the baby appeared in his mouth white flagIt is necessary to urgently show his pediatrician. The disease is very quickly progressing at an early age, and severe complications often arise. Only a doctor can determine in symptoms, what kind of stomatitis in a child, and appoint him the right treatment.

How to treat stomatitis in children (general information)

At different types of stomatitis in children symptoms and treatment is also different. As soon as the doctor puts the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment. Parents, suspecting this disease from their child, should give him as much as possible. Water irrigates the mucous membrane and contributes to the removal of intoxication products from the body.

In addition to water, you can give a child to the baby, compotes, children's herbal teas. Sweet and sour is prohibited. It is categorically impossible to give carbonated drinks and concentrated juices, which are just stronger than begin to irritate the inflamed mucous membrane.

So what treatment is needed by the baby, so that everything goes fast and less painful for him?

To start mucous membrane should be anesthestSo that the child can eat normally. Basically use products containing lidocaine or choline salicylate.

It is well helped tools for teething, for example, a kamistad or dentinox gel. It is best to use gels because they quickly penetrate the mucous membrane. Spray with lidocaine can not be used for children up to a year, because they provoke bronchospasm from them. After that, all ulcers need to be treated with a means against the causative agent of stomatitis.

If the stomatitis is herpetic, antiviral ointment helps well help. For bacterial stomatitis, creams and solutions with antiseptics or antibiotics are suitable. The fungal stomatitis is treated with antifungicidal agents.

For speedy healing of cracks and yazens, the means that contribute to the fastest restoration of tissues. It can be Actovegin and Salcselle gels, as well as Vinylin Balza.

The most important thing in the fight against this disease is the observance of the rules of hygiene of the oral cavity. Teeth should be cleaned twice a day and rinse the mouth after meals.

The child per year can not yet carry out all these procedures. It is necessary to wind a piece of gauze and clean the mouth of the baby.

If allergic stomatitis, apply antihistamine drugs, such as Supratin, Fenidist, Dimedrol.

With viral stomatitis are effectively fighting antiviral ointment with acyclovir, such as acik, Virolex, herpevir. Also use Viferon and oxolin ointment. If viral stomatitis is repeated very often, it is necessary to strengthen the immunity by interferon, immunal or visiferon in the candlelight.

The most wonderful means to combat this type of stomatitis is considered gel Bulisal. It includes choline salicylate and cetalconium chloride. This gel reduces inflammation, heat, relieves swelling, eliminates pain and destroys the pathogens of the viral disease. For children, it can also be used in comprehensive treatment.

The gel is applied to the pure finger and rubs into the oral mucosa by massaging movements 2-3 times a day.

Treatment of candidal stomatitis

Candadose stomatitis arises due to fungus, so treatment is carried out antifungal ointment. It may be candidisole, candida, clotrimazole. In addition, doctors can assign rinse with soda solution. It contributes to the creation of an alkaline medium in the mouth, which acts destructive on fungi and pathogenic flora. The use of soda is particularly suitable for children up to the year, because at this age, many antifungal drugs are prohibited.

To make a solution, it is necessary to dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm water. A piece of bandage is wound on the finger, dipped into the solution and the oral cavity in the child is wiping. Thus, processing after each meal. More adult children rinse their mouths on their own.

Treatment of aphthose stomatitis

At the same time, the disease is necessary as quickly as possible to start the treatment of the wound and anesthetic them. For this use aqueous solution of methylene bluewhich in common is called blue.

It is precisely an aqueous solution that should be used, because if you replace it on the alcohol, you can easily burn the gentle oral mucosa of the child and cause poisoning. The cotton wand is wetted with a solution and handle the wounds 5-6 times a day.

Treatment of traumatic stomatitis

A child in 2 years often gets into traumatic stomatitis. The satellite of this disease is a bacterial infection, so treatment occurs with current and antiseptic.

Up to two years, children are prescribed Gel Holisal, Solfossyril, Actovegin, the oral cavity is treated with soda solution or chlorhexidine.

Bacterial stomatitis is well cured antiseptic means, such as the sprays of the hexoral, Tantuum Verde, Orapept, but children under the year they are contraindicated. We can use therapeutic lollipops, but they are contraindicated to children under 6 years of age due to the possibility of the development of asphyxia.

It is best for treatment to use antiseptic gels with metronidazole and solutions for rinsing the oral cavity. The most popular antiseptic solution is Miramistin, which effectively destroys microorganisms and helps healing the mucous membrane. It must be injected into the oral cavity three times and rinse 4 times a day. Children up to the year Mirismine, the mouth cavity is treated with a gauze tampon.


While he is healing the rings in the mouth, food should be soft And to the maximum gentle. It is best to give a baby cooked rubber vegetables, omelets, soups-mashed potatoes, cottage cheese.

Children who have been for more than 6 months, in the diet must be added to the procurement or unsweetened yogurt. Sweet to give extremely undesirable, because sugar contributes to the reproduction of fungi and bacteria, and this only aggravates the situation.


So that stomatitis does not occur, follows comply with Hygiene Rules. Little children should wash their hands more often and do not give dirty items in your mouth. More elder children should clarify what you need to wash your hands and brush your teeth. It is necessary to raise the child to raise the immune system so that it is sick as possible.

Examples of stomatitis in children

Stomatitis in children is inflammation of the mucous membranes in the mouth due to insufficiently formed immunity, as follows, any damage to the thin mucous membrane of the child can lead to the formation of ulcers in the language, nose and cheeks.

The reasons

All mucous membranes in the child in the mouth, including the mouth very sensitive. That is why parents need to pay special attention to them and periodically conduct a visual inspection.

The most commonly arising stomatitis of viral origin, more than 80% of all patients. The facial herpes may be a sense for its appearance and development, cortex, seasonal influenza, rubella, smallpox, mononucleosis infectious, papillomavirus infection, enterovirus, HIV.

If the mouth cavity was amazed by a fungus of any origin, then most often it is accompanied by the appearance of candidomic stomatitis. In the people of her second name thrush. In most cases, it is detected in the child of the breast. This can happen if the mother during pregnancy has not cured the vaginal candidiasis and the baby got infected during the passage of the generic paths. Also, its main reasons can be: long-term toddler treatment with antibacterial drugs, sulfanimides, immunodeficiency, diabetes mellitus.

If the baby has chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tact and the endocrine system, then also the periodic occurrence of stomatitis cannot be avoided.
The so-called traumatic stomatitis in children appears due to mechanical damage to the tissue of the oral cavity. The main patients of this type of stomatitis are kids of one year old age. Most often it is a cut toy, peeking cheeks, tongue wounds, teething, cavity burn with hot food or drink, a rigid toothbrush, non-accurant dental procedures. It can provoke any allergy.

General reasons for the occurrence of the disease:

  1. Prematurity of the fetus.
  2. Incorrectly organized oral hygiene or its absence.
  3. Early caries.
  4. A large amount of dental plaque, including in the language.
  5. Braces.
  6. Low level of general immunity.
  7. Lack of vitamins (B, folic acid, selenium, zinc).
  8. Violation of the child in the intestine microflora and the oral cavity with frequent intake of medicine.


There are many varieties of stomatitis:

  1. bacterial;
  2. viral;
  3. fungal;
  4. toxico-allergic;
  5. aphtose.

For each species, a specific course of drugs is selected to eliminate the causative agent of the disease and reduce pain. Self-treatment during stomatite is excluded. Only a children's doctor can be diagnosed correctly.

With any form, you need to protect the child from tough, coarse food. It can injure the mucous membrane. The intake of acidic and salty foods also contributes to the irritation of the mucous membrane.

To support immunity prescribed vitamins and immunomodulators. With a significant increase in body temperature, children give antipyretic drugs, for example, nurofen. For young children, it is released in the form of a suspension.

These are general rules that parents who discovered the stomatitis from their Chad. Further, the doctor must establish the cause and prescribe treatment. Medicinal preparations with different forms of the disease will be different.

How to determine the type of stomatitis?

To diagnose stomatitis can only children's dentist and pediatrician with visual inspection. Only he knows how every type of stomatitis looks like. But, the true cause of inflammation can be found out not immediately.

Baby can designate:

  1. Blood analysis on glucose.
  2. Scraping with mucous membranes.
  3. Analysis of carts.
  4. Ultrasound abdominal cavity.

If the child's stomatitis returns several times a year, it is necessary to additionally consult with a children's endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist, an allergist. Perhaps they will prompt how to cure the boring disease.


More often, Aphthosal Stomatitis meets from schoolchildren. Call it capable of: Staphylococcus, food allergies and drugs, chronic liver disease and gastrointestinal tract, interruptions in the work of the child's immune system.


  1. the occurrence of one - two ulcers (AFT) with a whitish raid;
  2. inflammation and redness of the mucosa around AFT;
  3. a slight rise in temperature.

According to Komarovsky, Aphthosal Stomatitis is the most common form of stomatitis. Since the external signs of such a disease are very similar to herpetic, it is necessary to know their distinctive features. After opening bubbles in herpetic stomatitis, small-sized ulcers are formed, sometimes they can merge into one erosion. With the aftenne - there are larger yasers, in the amount of one to two pieces.

To determine how to treat aphodny stomatitis, it is necessary to establish the cause that caused the disease. If the AFT is detected, all allergenic products are excluded from its diet. The body's allergic reaction may occur on medicines, so you need to cancel their use or find a similar drug. Children need to put the course of antihistamine drugs. It may be: Suprastin, Tavagil.

Accelerate the process of recovery will also help with irrigation or rinsing with antiseptics, such as Miramistin, Rotokan, hexoral. Damaged byphmy mucous membranes of the mouth are treated with anti-inflammatory gels. They also have an anesthetic effect. Depending on the cause of the disease, a children's doctor may appoint antibiotics.


Such a form of stomatitis occurs when a simple herpes virus gets into a children's body. Herpety stomatitis is found more often in children of preschool age. Extremely rarely appears in an infant, since he has antibodies to the virus transmitted from the mother.


  1. increase temperatures up to 40 ° C;
  2. redness and swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth;
  3. appearance in the mouth and in the field of lips of small bubbles with transparent liquid;
  4. the emergence of erosion with a whiskers of a spike on the spot of burst bubbles.

The patient has an increase in the sizes of submandibular lymph nodes. They are painful. Heat pains can also be disturbed.

It is extremely important to know what to treat Viruchno Stomatitis. First of all, this is the use of antiviral agents. In the form of candles, the preparation of Viferon is produced, it can be purchased in the form of a gel. Anticherpietary ointment is prescribed: acyclovir, Bonafon, Zovirax. For rapid healing erosion irrigate the mucous milmistine. To support immunity prescribed vitamins and immunomodulators.


Mushrooms cause yeast-like fungi of the Candida type. Candidial stomatitis occurs due to non-compliance with hygiene, the use of one nipple with several children, or a long taking antibiotics.


  1. stable body temperature or its moderate increase;
  2. the appearance of a white or gray cotton coil on the mucous membrane;
  3. when removing the plaque, redness or bleeding occurs;
  4. over the course of the disease, the flight turns into a solid film.

In order to cure such a form of stomatitis, it is necessary to achieve the substitution of the acidic medium, in the oral cavity is more alkaline. For this purpose is prescribed rinsing with soda solution. I process your mouth with a child with a pulverizer or cotton swab, since the baby has not yet acquired the rinsing skills.

Help with the treatment of antifungal ointments: pimafucine, clotrimazole, nastatin. There are antifungal agents in the form of suspensions and tablets, for more grown children - it is Diflucan and Fluconazole. Determine than to treat stomatitis in a child and only a children's doctor can draw up a circuit treatment scheme.


Staphylococci and streptococci serve as causative agents of this form of stomatitis. The reason for the appearance is any mechanical injury to the mucous membrane. This may be a period of teething in a child of 2 years or an injury to sharp objects, toys. At the injured place an ulcer arises. Subsequently, bacteria fall on it, and pus is formed. Also, the reason is the neglect of personal hygiene rules, the use of unwashed fruits and vegetables.


  1. temperature increase to 38.5 ° C;
  2. much formation near the wound;
  3. the occurrence of crusts on the lips.

With this disease, the child becomes a capricious and irritable. The baby may refuse food, since painful sensations in his mouth are very worried.

Since the causative agent is Staphylococcus, which is present in the teeth destroyed by caries, it is necessary to cure all carious teeth. If there is a flaw or dental deposit on the teeth, they must be removed. Typically, these procedures are carried out in a child for 3 years, when he first can face Caries.

In special cases, appoint antibiotics. The disease is treated with antiseptic gels and rinsing solutions of peroxide, furacin and metrogil.

Allergic Stomatitis

Allergic stomatitis occurs when an allergen penetrates into the body. Allergic inflammation develops in children in the mouth, as the response of the body to the invasion of alien particles. Allergies can develop on materials that use in dentistry in the treatment of teeth, as well as on drugs.


  1. the development of the oral edema and redness;
  2. the appearance of bubble rashes;
  3. the formation of erosion in the place of open bubbles.

Toxico-allergic stomatitis is treated with antihistamine. Erosions that appeared with antiseptics. For rinsing, decoction of chamomile and a solution of furaciline is used, it helps to avoid infection of the wound. A painkiller gels with lidocaine content will be able to reduce pain sensations.

Folk remedies from stomatitis

Most mothers against drug treatment of their babies, especially antibiotics. That is why they approve and maintain treatment with folk remedies. This is possible, but it will be necessary to report this to the doctor, in order to avoid complications.

List the most famous healing agents:

  1. Chamomile infusion. Effectively relieves inflammation, speeds up the healing processes of the affected areas. It is necessary to rinse your mouth at least 5 times a day.
  2. Infusion of onion husk. Effectively taken with malicious bacteria. It insists for 11-12 hours, rinsing is carried out 3-4 times a day.
  3. Decoration from the bark of oak. It has anti-inflammatory properties, restores the protective functions of the tissue of the mucous membrane. It insists in a water bath of 30-40 minutes. Rinse mouth every 3 hours, not more than 2 days.
  4. Infusion of linden flowers. It is prepared in cold water, insist 5-6 hours, you can add some food soda during rinsing.
  5. Freshly squeezed juices from carrots, cabbage. You can simply offer a child to chew a fresh carved sheet of aloe.


The main factor that will help protect the baby from Stomatitis is the right cavity care. With the advent of the first teeth in the child, parents must follow their cleanliness. Coming from walks and, before sitting at the table, you need to wash your hands. Watch the child's toys always clean.

It is also necessary to protect the child from acute items that can injure the mucous membranes, being in the mouth. Timely campaign to the children's dentist and the treatment of emerging caries will help reduce the risk of stomatitis.

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