How to get help from higher powers. Signs of fate - how to recognize the prompts of higher powers and use them correctly


Synchronicity is an always existing reality
for those who have eyes to see.
Carl Jung

Is there support from higher powers, the Universe, in your life? Are you aware of the energy field of constant movement and creation around you?

There is a permanent energy flow, which permeates everything around. It creates and shapes the current moment. You are a significant part of this flow and are directly involved in weaving the endless web of life.

The Universe constantly encourages and supports us to be in harmony with this divine dance. We are a necessary part of this interaction.

When we pay attention and properly tune in to this rhythm, incredible miracles begin to happen in our lives!

But it's not always easy or simple. Sometimes flow can take us into difficult situations because that is how we can untangle distortions and free yourself from what no longer serves our development.

At times we are not aligned with this flow for many reasons, such as fear, past experiences or difficult circumstances. Our world at this time can be a difficult and confusing place, and we may have to resist and even fail in some cases.

The wonderful thing about this flow is that it is always waiting for us. We just need to tune in and get back to it again.

Many forms of support

Divine help comes in many forms. We may receive a vision or insight that will simply appear within us.

Or feel this knowledge in the solar plexus, where the term “I feel it in my gut” comes from. Our “gut” knows what is right.

For example, I ask internal question and feel disharmony and pressure in my solar plexus. Or, contemplating an alternative possibility that is harmonious, I will feel my body relax and open up.

Sometimes I just inexplicably know that it is the right action, even though it would not be the logical or preferred choice according to my mind/ego.

Each of us is unique, so practice listening to your body and inner knowledge. How do you get knowledge?

We have a wonderful helper, a way beyond the mind that is constantly available to us.

The benevolent flow manifests itself in signs and synchronicity. It is in our best interest to notice them by paying attention to our surroundings and what is happening around us.

When we open and aware, then all types of magic manifest themselves in our lives. The phrase “show me” can be helpful in attracting divine guidance.

Sometimes the support can be subtle, and at other times it can be bright and obvious. It can be like a sudden breeze through the trees, or a stranger's smile, or a "chance" meeting with someone you're thinking about.

Be open to attracting magic into your life, pay attention to it, and magic will happen!

It is important to notice how you feel inside in relation to the external mirror in your world. An event is like a mirror, showing you something about yourself.

There are also other energies in the universe that do not work so favorably.

However, if we affirm our honest and noble intentions and do not get caught up in our dramas and distortions, then such destructive energies may have little or no effect on our vibration and the way we interact with the world.

This is not a denial of some negative emotions, but an invitation to more of them. deep feeling and working with them, rather than suppressing or crowding them out with positive affirmations and thoughts.

If we have green intentions, the entire universe will organize itself to support us. We are part of the same Universe, and we are invited to the Divine service.

As an integral part of the Universe, who are we to refuse to play our part in this divine flow?

I will remind you of the words of Marianne Williamson:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inferior. Our deepest fear is that we are strong beyond measure. Our light, not our darkness, is what frightens us most.

We ask ourselves: who am I to be bright, magnificent, talented, dazzling? But in reality, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your bad acting doesn't serve God.

Go from mind to heart

In modern society, a bright mind seems to be a hallmark of the road to success, measured in the outward manifestations of movement and goal achievement. We are taught from a very early age to think, plan, and strategize.

True success, in my opinion, comes from a deeper Connecting with your heart and intuition.

True success lies in being who you really are and expressing your divine essence.

Here's an inspiring quote to create more space for flow in your life: “One of the biggest challenges of this society is that you try to do too much.

This kind of mere doing in large quantities is not divine creativity, which requires space and presence to happen correctly.

So take a close look at all the things you did during the day and ask yourself: Did I really need to do all of this? How does this serve my highest purpose?

If not, then throw it all out and let the open space take shape. Concentrate on “not doing”, on “not thinking” about what needs to be done now.

This is not easy because our mind continues to work in its established cycle. So go into your heart, work on avoiding the traps of the mind, focus on the heart space.

Open your heart. Then you will be surprised what wonderful miracles you can create.”

Pay attention, take time and find a place to contact the flow. Spend just a few moments a day breathing mindfully.

Forget about your busy schedule and other pressing matters for something that happens in a special way.

We may become fixated on the end result, but the Universe has a much broader view of the world and can reveal things that our limited minds could not imagine.

A myriad of possibilities that we have never even considered may be available to us.

I was reminded of the words and books of Gareth Brooks: “Our Unanswered prayers are God's greatest gifts", our greatest gifts, as well as things we could never imagine. So stay open to these endless possibilities.

Below is an exploration of three aspects of the universe's support that appear in our daily lives like outside rear-view mirrors.

The more we become aware and notice, the more obvious such support becomes. These aspects are just some examples.

Besides these, there are many other ways in which the Universe speaks to us.

Three ways to guide higher powers

1. Signs and synchronicities

When we pay attention, we begin to notice signs and synchronicities manifesting themselves in our environment.

Maybe we notice a special way in which the wind moves through the trees, or words spoken by someone in passing have deep meaning for us, or the license plate of a passing car points to numbers that are significant in our lives.

Such synchronicities do not always directly point us in the right direction; rather, they can be invitations to explore something deeper.

They can be quite abstract, such as the formation of clouds when we notice them and feel that they are important to us in some way.

Initially, we may have to be creative in interpreting their meaning, but as we practice, the answers become increasingly clear.

This inspires us to engage with this experience with even greater interest. Having faith in what we feel and how we interpret is also invaluable.

2. Hugs from the Angelic World

The angelic world offers beautiful, impressive and loving support. I've always had it. I have sometimes used angel cards in inspiration, which can be amazingly accurate and open the veil.

I often see feathers floating in the air while walking, which is a clear confirmation that angels are nearby.

A few days ago I was in a store and suddenly the song “In the Hands of an Angel” started playing. Maybe this was a sign to write this article?

I feel the angels around me, like a warm comforting hug that comes from support and care.

Why don't you close your eyes right now, take a few deep breaths and invite the angelic presence into your space?

Notice how you felt and how your energy changes.

3. Healing animals

“Realizing that visible bodies were only symbols of invisible forces, the ancients worshiped the divine power contained in the inhabitants of the natural world...

The sages of the past studied living beings, realizing that God can best be understood by becoming acquainted with His greatest creations - living and inanimate nature.

Every creature that exists on earth is a manifestation of some properties of the divine mind or power...” - Menly Hall “The Secret Teachings of All Times.”

Each person has his own patron animal.

If you happen to encounter one, this may be a sign to look out for characteristics or healing qualities associated with that particular animal.

There are some great decks of animal cards that are available or you can find online for healing related to your spirit animal. However, the most important thing is use your intuition.

Recently I had an encounter with a peeing squirrel, then a badger who crossed the road a few meters ahead of me in the heat of the day (badgers are generally nocturnal creatures).

Both of these things had enormous significance and relevance to what I was doing in my life at the time.

How you can bring more support from the universe into your life

There are so many ways to communicate and align with the flow to bring more support from the Universe into your life. Be curious, open, and observe where and where you feel distortion and tension.

Here are some ideas to help you along the way:

  • Sit in a quiet, comfortable place and relax. Breathe deeply and invite loving support from the Universe. Notice how you feel inside. This simple form of meditation can bring significant changes.
  • If you have a question or problem in your life, ask: "Show me". The answer may not come immediately, may not be obvious, or may not come in the form you expected. Be patient and remain open.
  • Watch your feelings and the sensations of your body, they are important indicators of correctness.
  • Pay attention to what is happening in your environment. There can be no insignificant moments here. What exactly did you notice that caught your attention, and how do you feel about it?
  • Angel cards or cards with images of totem animals can be useful in attracting patronage.
  • Create space in your life: meditate, spend time in nature, connect with the flow of the Universe.
  • Finding your joy and expressing it is a wonderful way to tune into your soul. Go on a spontaneous journey without a route or schedule, follow the flow and see where it takes you.
  • Get out of the constant thinking of your mind and into your heart, make a choice with your heart, and not with your mind.
  • Trust your experiences.

Magnificent powerful The Universe is a part of you- you are one with her. You have extraordinary support available to you all the time, you just need to become aware of it by connecting with the flow within you.


Each of us believes in Something that controls us - in the so-called Higher Powers (God, Supreme Intelligence, Cosmos) or, at worst, in fate. Arguing with fate is as pointless as arguing with your superiors. And only by changing ourselves, finding harmony with the Higher Powers, will we be protected from the blows of fate. If you don't change, then you have one destiny. By changing yourself, you change your destiny. Each of us is protected by the Higher Powers (Guardian Angels). They look out for us and are always ready to help. Perhaps, from our point of view, they help us in a very unique way, since their task is to prevent us from deviating from our Path, to help us preserve and purify our souls, and not to solve earthly practical problems, for example, how to earn a million or go abroad.

The Higher Powers speak to us in one of the languages ​​available to us: the positive effects of success, happy occasions and all sorts of other “carrots” or failures, punishments - they cannot speak human language. Using the “carrot and stick” method, Higher Powers help a person follow his destiny. There are several ways of interaction between the Universe and man.
The language of subtle feelings

The softest and most subtle of them is the language of our state, moreover, energetic, emotional, intuitive. That is why it is so important to listen to yourself, to your soul, to what our heart says, to your intuition. Unfortunately, it is difficult for a modern person to hear the voice of his heart; we were not taught this, and in vain, since the heart never deceives. If you do something, go somewhere (it doesn’t matter: to work, a business meeting or a romantic date), and your soul sings, you are on the right Path. If you feel discomfort, heaviness, elusive anxiety - stop, think about whether you need it, whether it’s yours.
Language of signs and signals

If we do not listen to our heart, the Higher powers use a more visual, but also rougher language - the language of signs and signals. Any unlikely, seemingly random event can serve as a sign or signal. They choked, their leg cramped, they tripped, someone stopped them from saying or doing something, something fell. Signs of fate warn us about both good and negative events and indicate our Path in life. Therefore, it is important to carefully look at the world around you, at people, at yourself: your leg has turned, a phrase you accidentally overheard is etched in your memory, some book is strongly recommended for you to read. All this is not accidental, there are no accidents.

For example, you had some idea and you decided to offer to one of your old friends to implement it, but his phone number has disappeared somewhere. This is a signal that your idea is either wrong or will lead you away from the path intended for you. Did you choke when you told your mother-in-law at the fire, or did you stumble when you decided to lie to your wife? Rest assured, this is a signal - you are wrong. Such signs can only be interpreted after the fact. And they won't happen again if you understand everything. If you do not understand, they are repeated up to three times, and then they move on to the next, more rude way of communicating with you.

If a person does not understand or does not notice the “signs” warning that he has taken a wrong turn, gone away from his Path, then the Higher Powers begin to speak to him in a less pleasant language - the language of situations: negative, of course, to make it clearer. That is, from this moment on, a light “educational process” begins to be applied to a person. And now you can’t get through to someone by phone, an important meeting didn’t take place, the deal fell through, it seems to you that all your plans are starting to crumble. If your friend is spreading gossip about you, your wife is cheating on you, a friend has deceived you, or you have simply been “dumped”, then it’s time to think about Who you are and What you are doing in this world. It is necessary to reconsider preferences and value criteria.

At the same time, do not indulge in worries, but analyze why this happens. What do these situations tell you? Maybe the Higher powers are not bothering you, but, on the contrary, protecting you from something? Maybe you have gone somewhere away from your Path, or are doing something wrong? All these situations are your life lessons. If you don’t understand them, you will have to solve more complex life problems, situations will become more tense, and your enemies may turn out to be quite decent people, and, conversely, in the role of friends and relatives - not at all the best representatives of the human race. If a person does not understand his lessons and gets irritated (and this is our favorite reaction to the educational process), then the educational process intensifies. And again, depending on your understanding of the situation and the presence of feelings about failures, it softens or hardens. With the help of it, the Higher Powers want to show you where you are wrong. When the lesson is understood, the situation is leveled out, and other positive situations are sent as carrots.

If the language of situations is not enough for you, then the Higher Powers are forced, due to your lack of understanding, to switch to the language of failures (some people prefer to call failures punishment or God’s punishment). And this has a negative impact on the most significant aspect of your life. If the most valuable thing for a person is his health, then they hit him; if it’s money, then it’s his financial situation; if it’s a love relationship, then it collapses; if it’s the health or well-being of loved ones (children, loved ones, parents), then he hits them. Often illness acts as an educational process.

They always hit where it can be seen (and therefore hurts). And you always need to figure out why you were punished. If you understand this, then the punishment is removed and the problems go away. The disease also passes with the speed of restoration of the corresponding tissues and functions. In this way, you can get rid of any problems or illnesses - past and present, except for completely irreversible cases (death, amputation).

Often, with the help of such failures or illnesses, the Higher Powers direct a person on his Path so that he fulfills his earthly destiny, or do not allow him to deviate from his Path

The punishment for those who do not understand is repeated three times, and if you do not react, then the language of the direct text is used for understanding. That is, you meet a person (you go to a psychologist, a bioenergeticist, a priest, you go to a lecture, a training session, call a friend, talk to a neighbor or colleague), where they explain to you the reason for your failures, why you are being punished. You can find out about this in a magazine or book, as if it accidentally fell into your hands. The world is what it is because it is full of misunderstanding. And if you understand that you can live differently, see the relationship with the Higher Powers, then life will change for you. You have a chance. And all the events that happen to you and the people around you, supposedly random and scattered, will begin to connect for you into certain logical chains.

LANGUAGE OF Suggestions

The next, more intelligible language of communication is “direct text for memorization.” It is based on the use of memory, without thinking. In this case, a person is used only as a storage and reproduction device that cannot think. Knowledge and skills are embedded in his memory during perception and education. And he can only strictly carry out the program laid down in him, drawn up by other people, society in another place, time and someone else's free will. Sometimes a person realizes that he is living like someone else’s zombie, and not his own life. Any step to the side, any manifestation of one’s own understanding of the world is perceived as an “escape” with all the ensuing consequences. A person becomes dependent, not necessarily on alcohol or drugs (of course, alcoholics and drug addicts are at this level), he can depend on a casino, fishing, work, a political group or sect, some idea, family or “loved one” - in our Life has many addictions.

At the previous stages (even when the Higher Powers apply punishment to a person), he has free will. And free will implies responsibility for one’s decisions and actions. And if the Higher powers give a person the opportunity to develop freely, understand everything independently and learn to make the right decisions, then under the influence of dark forces a person is the executor of their will, their decisions. He is a cog in a big alien machine. Well, he doomed himself to this. Everyone has what they deserve. But it's not too late to change your mind. You have a chance.

And then the educational process becomes even rougher and harsher, the punishments intensify: incurable diseases seem to suddenly appear, accidents occur. If even after this a person does not understand anything, he is simply “removed” from earthly life. What to do? We ourselves are to blame for everything, and only we ourselves can fix everything. The main thing is to understand that this is within our power.
Article by a psychologist at the “5 YES!” CENTER Marina Morozova

God, Angels, Higher powers, Space, the Universe - there are so many mystical names and each has its own, the essence is not in the name, but in the fact that there is something above us that guides, prompts and controls us, and this is an indisputable fact.

Higher Powers speak to us constantly. The only question is to hear and understand their language. After all, all our troubles and misfortunes are already a cry from the Universe: “Stop! You're not going there! You have turned away from your path, which leads you to your Happiness and Joy! I have sent you Signs so many times to protect you from the winding path and danger.”

The Universe always takes care of us, drawing our attention to the information we need. Each time it sends warnings in the form of Signs. But we stubbornly don’t want to hear her voice... Or we hear... and don’t understand it or perceive it incorrectly... Let’s figure it out.

The language of subtle feelings

This is our energetic, emotional and intuitive state. That's why it's so important to listen to yourself, your soul and what your heart tells you. Unfortunately, it is difficult for a modern person to hear his heart.

If your soul sings, you are on the right path, if you feel discomfort, heaviness, vague anxiety - you have chosen the wrong path!

The language of slaps or first warnings

If we do not listen to ourselves, higher powers use the language of signs and signals. This is not a random event - they choked, their leg cramped, something fell, someone interfered or said something. We are warned about both good and bad events.

Take a closer look at the world around you, people and yourself! Remember and keep track - such signs can only be interpreted after the fact. In the case when you do not understand these signals, the signs are repeated up to three times and then the Higher Powers move on to the next, rougher way of communicating with you.

Language of the situation

If a person has turned away from his path, they begin to speak to you in the language of situations - the deal did not take place, an important meeting was disrupted, your wife is cheating on you, etc... All situations are life lessons. Thus, the Higher powers do not interfere with you, but protect you from the worst problem.

If a person becomes irritated after these signals and does not understand them, then parenting techniques become tougher. They want to show you that you are wrong. But if the lesson is understood, the situation levels out and failures are quickly replaced by successes.

The language of failure

This is already akin to “punishment”. In the generally accepted sense, it looks something like this: what is most valuable to a person, what he is most attached to, is what they hit. If it is money, then due to financial status, love relationships collapse, often illness is used as an educational process.

They hit in such a way that it is impossible not to notice or miss it. And it is always necessary to figure out why this happened? And if you understand why, then the problems quickly go away and everything is restored with an even better effect.

But it takes time to analyze the “flights” - a simple phrase or thought “I understand everything” is not enough, you need to reconfigure your entire energy system. Then there will be similar double-checking moments and situations that will not look exactly like the previous problem - this will last until you cross “your line of understanding” experience and mistakes.

With the help of such severe failures, Higher powers direct a person on his path so that he fulfills his destiny and “learns his lessons.”

Direct contact

Various warnings and punishments for the slow-witted are repeated three times; if you do not respond, then the language of direct contact is used. You are drawn to, or you accidentally end up with, a person, a specialist, a clairvoyant, a healer, a priest, a lecture, a seminar, where the reasons for your various failures are suddenly explained to you.

The words of such people will not always be pleasant to you, they will “tug at your heartstrings”, you will want to argue, prove, run away, not listen - this will be one of the signs that the biggest problem is hidden in this place, which needs to be given attention.

Direct warning

A more rude way of addressing - for example, when leaving the house, you see a large inscription on the wall “ Vanya is a fool", until you understand that this phrase applies to you, it will remain in place.

Or you sit and think “it’s time to part ways with your business partner”... and at that time the completely strong chair under you falls apart and you get a bump. This means that they let you know what will come of your idea... You can give a lot of such examples - everyone has their own.

Language of suggestion

Direct text to remember. It is based on using memory directly, without the participation of thinking. A person becomes addicted to alcohol, drugs, casinos, sects, fishing, etc. Everyone reaps what they sow. And it’s not too late to come to your senses - there is a chance.

Tough educational process

And then the educational process becomes rougher and tougher, the so-called “signs, warnings” are replaced by “punishments”, which, if you do not pay attention to them, only intensify, as if diseases suddenly appear, accidents, problems, dislocations or fractures of the limbs of the hands occur. or legs, accidents occur.

And if after this a person does not understand anything, he can simply be put face to face with an incurable disease, disability, or death... To believe or not to believe is not a question, just notice, track and draw conclusions!

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A person has a guardian angel. But not everyone communicates with their Angel. But we all turn to Higher powers for help. Misunderstanding of how the laws of the subtle world operate leads to the fact that our prayers are lost or go to the wrong address.

Establishing a connection with your Guardian Angel is necessary for every person. Proper handling only strengthens the contact. Our guardians communicate with us in their own language - but ignorance of basic laws often leads to negative consequences. They talk to us all the time, but we hear very rarely.

The language of intuition. Listen to yourself. Your intuition is the voice of your Guardian Angel.

Don't be afraid of insights. This is what they tell you. They are guiding you. If you are joyful and harmonious, it means you are on the right path in this situation. If our internal state is heavy and viscous, it means we are not allowed to do something planned or go on some kind of trip, the result of which will be a deviation from the karmic task.

The language of punishment. It looks like an accident. Fell. I twisted my leg. I got burned. Something fell. Someone interfered. A pipe in the bathroom burst. We are warned and stopped. If a person still stubbornly does not accept the signal, it is repeated up to three times. And then the supply of information becomes stricter.

Language of situations. If a person has significantly deviated from the task of embodiment, then the language of situations is used. The family has collapsed or financial collapse has occurred. Your car crashed or your business ran aground. You are protected from an even more difficult situation to come. This is the level of lessons - warnings that mean you are making mistakes and going the wrong way. If a person does not complain about life and does not get angry, but begins to understand why this happens, then situations change and level out.

The language of destruction. For those who are completely dull, the destruction of what is most precious begins. If money is important, they take it. If there is love, the partner leaves. Very often illnesses begin to torment us on a physical level. They hit so hard that it is impossible to miss and not hear the signal. If a person understands why he was punished, the punishment is removed. Problems disappear.

Language of direct contact. A person goes to a psychologist, astrologer or cosmoenergetics specialist and receives a complete description of the cause-and-effect relationships in his events and situations. Here is a slippery point - you may not agree with what you hear. Do not take advice and continue to hear only what you want.

A person must understand that failures and illnesses on his life’s path are not accidental. There are cases of restoration of seemingly lost forever relationships, healings and returns. And everything is very simple - to understand the task with which you came to earth. And, solving it, raise the level of the Spirit, harmonize your states. Do not fall into the trap of passions and exorbitant desires.

Ask your Guardian Angel and he will help. Remember! An angel is a living and highly moral creature. Contact him directly, talk to him. The more often we turn to it, the stronger it becomes. You cannot ask for help in unseemly matters. He will not fulfill your whims and will not serve you either. He's not a genie out of a bottle.

When leaving home or preparing to do something, don’t forget to pray.

My angel! Be with me!

You are ahead! I'm after you!

The specialists of the esoteric expert service Astro7 will help you find out the task of your birth, in the fulfillment of which our angels help. Call any time of the day or night. You are welcome here and ready to answer any question and give practical advice on any life situation.

We are constantly being given signals. You just need to be able to listen to them

Perhaps the mental discomfort that has been weighing on you for a long time is not at all connected with overwork at work or your child’s failing grades at school. Maybe some forces are letting you know that you are not on the right path? By listening to the language of the Higher Powers, you can correct a lot and even avoid mistakes. This is our energetic, emotional and intuitive state.

That is why it is so important to listen to yourself, your soul and what your heart tells you. If your soul sings, you are on the right path; if you feel discomfort, heaviness, vague anxiety, you need to deal with it. Unfortunately, modern man has forgotten how to do this.

Language of slaps

Higher powers use the language of signs and signals. This is most often some random event. They choked, their leg cramped, something fell... We are warned about both good and bad events. Take a closer look at the world around you, people and yourself! Such signs can only be interpreted after the fact. In the case when you do not understand these signals, the signs are repeated up to three times, and then the Higher Powers move on to the next, rougher way of communicating with you.

Language of the situation

The deal didn’t go through, your wife cheated on you, your car was stolen... Perhaps the Higher powers are not interfering with you, but are protecting you from a worse problem? If a person gets irritated after these signals and does not understand them, then the methods of education become tougher. They want to show you that you are wrong. But if the lesson is understood, the situation levels out, and failures are quickly replaced by successes.

The language of failure

This is God's punishment, or punishment. What is most valuable to a person is what they beat. Illness is often used as an educational measure. They hit so hard that it is impossible not to notice. And you always need to figure out why you were punished? And if you understand why, then the punishment is lifted and the problems go away. With the help of such failures, Higher powers direct a person on his path so that he fulfills his destiny.

Direct contact

The punishment for those who are slow-witted is repeated three times. If you do not respond, direct contact language is used. You end up with a bioenergetics specialist, a clairvoyant, a healer, or a priest for a lecture (they literally take you), where the reason for your failures is suddenly explained to you.

Language of aggression

Rough way of handling. For example, when leaving the house, you see a large inscription on the wall: “You are a fool!” Until you understand that this phrase applies to you, it will remain in place! Or, for example, you sit and think: “It’s time to get a divorce.” And at this time, a completely strong chair under you falls apart. They let you know what will come of your idea.

Language of suggestion

At the last stage, the educational process becomes rougher and tougher. Punishments are increasing. Incurable diseases appear suddenly and accidents occur. And if after this a person does not understand anything, he is simply removed from earthly life.

A sign or symbol is a harbinger of events

“There are signs everywhere,” said Paulo Coelho, and he was right. Even atheistic skeptics admit that there are no-nos with those around them, and strange events are happening, clear warnings of impending changes. However, if skeptics and atheists showed a little observation and did not deny the obvious, they would believe more than ever.

What associations does the word “sign” evoke in you?

However, this word also has a less bloodthirsty meaning: a phenomenon, sign or symbol, a harbinger of some event. Alas, as a rule, bad. Whether we like it or not, signs surround us. Not with the black purpose of scaring and spoiling the blood, but to warn, protect, and save from error. After all, there is no need to warn about joyful, pleasant and profitable events - “there will be a surprise.”

Who sends these signs, how to name them correctly - there is no answer to these questions. All that remains is to trust the movie slogan: “To know the truth, you need to believe.” Let us add from ourselves: look around, observe, analyze.

“Against your own will”

At times, the sign of the Universe is easy to recognize by listening to your “I”. Since childhood, we have been familiar with the phrases: “not to our liking,” “our soul doesn’t lie,” “it makes us sick,” but sometimes for some reason we stubbornly do not notice such sensations. For example, a new acquaintance seems to be doing everything right and is sincerely trying to win sympathy, but... there is something alarming in his manners, insinuatingness or backhanded generosity.

We try to drown out the skepticism of the inner “I” with arguments of reason: “Well, Semyon Ivanovich cannot turn out to be a “radish”, we have a dacha nearby, he never gave a reason.” And then Semyon Ivanovich throws out a knee, from which all you can do is scratch your head, count your losses or feel offended: “Fathers, where were my eyes before?” Although they were exactly there, the only thing is that we deliberately did not allow ourselves to see the light.

Rational grain: To reduce the number of bumps on your long-suffering forehead, listen to your inner feelings and trust them. Violence against yourself is useful only when you give up bad habits; in other cases, self-coercion will sooner or later painfully shy away in response. If doubts have settled in your soul about the correctness of your choice of a companion, action, type of activity, most likely there is a reason for this.

"Grace has descended"

And it happens that butterflies flutter all over your body for no particular reason. Everything seems to be the same as always, but I want to “pick flowers, make bouquets and give them to passers-by.” Thus, the Universe makes it clear: you are on the right path! Esotericists claim that this state is harmony: peace and at the same time activity, elation. There is an opinion that this is nothing more than the blessed nirvana that Buddhist monks achieve. Be that as it may, the cosmos expresses support and approval to you.

Rational grain: What can we come up with here? Keep it up! The main thing is to remember what exactly you deserved praise for: what you worked on, who you communicated with, what plans you had in mind before you achieved peace of mind.

“Everything is falling out of hand”

“This is not your bread, find another occupation,” insisted the famous psychic Alexander Litvin, after listening to the story of a wretched man who wanted to make money as a private driver, but only got headaches and debts. Over five years, the loser got into accidents seven times, his car was stolen, and he got the most problematic clients.

Deciding that he was cursed, the man turned to psychics for help, and they advised him to change the method of obtaining his daily bread: most likely, the Higher Powers had other plans for him, which they made clear harshly and categorically. The balance of power in the Universe is unchanged; it is not the “crown of creation” that is in the lead. So there is no need to compete.

By the way, in history there is a Great Loser who decided to compete. This is American President Abraham Lincoln. For 30 years, he rushed into politics, but repeatedly lost elections to the Senate and Congress, and was defeated as a candidate for the post of Vice President of the United States. In 1860, Lincoln was finally elected president. However, five years later his life was cut short by a shot in the head; the murder was committed for political reasons.

Rational grain: There is a good expression: “don’t knock your forehead on a closed door.” Otherwise, you can embody another ironic saying - “the victory of perseverance (persistence, perseverance) over common sense.”

“I screamed from a bad dream”

Dreams are another signal from the Universe.

First of all, of course, Mendeleev and his table come to mind, but in history there were other famous personalities who received the hint “adjacent terms.” So, the poet Lermontov dreamed of the solution to a mathematical problem, the scientist Lomonosov - the island near which his father’s ship crashed, the researcher Gilprecht - the deciphering of an ancient Sumerian text, over which he struggled for a long time and in vain, the reporter Edward Samson - a volcanic eruption near the island of Java...

Rational grain: There is only one problem with dreams - it is difficult to remember and interpret them correctly. To do this, it is suggested that immediately after waking up, write down what you see and then analyze it. It is pointless to look into the dream book; it is more a product of folklore than a serious guide. Correlate the images you see with life situations, look for parallels and veiled cheat sheets.

Do you believe in chance?

Coincidences are patterns well thought out by the sky, believe supporters of the theory of Signs of Fate. Let's say a girl is in a hurry to go on a date, gets her favorite blouse dirty, and changes clothes. Along the way, she stumbles, drops her keys into a puddle, but ignores the troubles. A gust of wind brings a piece of a poster with the words “Cunning and Love” to her feet; on the transport, a fellow traveler is reading the book “Deceived Hopes”... And half of the above would be enough to see a signal from heaven about danger. But whether heaven will reach us depends only on the recipient.

Rational grain: Cinematographers are good at presenting the “Theory of Non-Random Accidents”, and it’s worth learning how to be observant on camera. However, you should not mindlessly record what is happening; you must keep in mind the question for which you are looking for clues from the Universe.

And without fanaticism! If in the morning you trip over an unsuccessfully “parked” slipper, most likely it was purely an accident. Don't cancel your plans for the day and lie down on the floor, covering your head with your hands. But if runaway coffee is accompanied by a stuck zipper on clothes or a flower vase overturned by a cat, it makes sense to triple your vigilance.

"Oh, what am I..."

Inexplicable actions are another piece of news from the Universe. This is called “obeying a strong sudden desire,” and in common people it is called “pushed by the arm” or “as I knew.” This has probably happened to you too: while buying a can of tomato paste in the store for future borscht, you suddenly decide to take a second one - maybe it will come in handy, as a reserve, etc. And this is bound to happen; before placing it in the dish, the “suicide” jar suddenly jumps out of your hands and shatters. And you thank yourself for your insight. Of course, the scale is too small for the Universe, but the scheme is clear.

Rational grain: Don't ignore strong random desires, just wait until their consequences become obvious.

"That's not what I meant"

Once the legendary psychiatrist Sigmund Freud became concerned with the problem of erroneous actions: slips of the tongue, slips of the tongue, misprints, misspellings, mishearings - the meticulous Austrian examined everything. And I came to the conclusion that mistakes are the voice of our subconscious, trying to declare the true desires of the individual. After all, the subconscious mind knows best. As a successful example, they cite the “pearl” of Gennady Zyuganov, when in the phrase “Several million people support us,” the party leader said “rubles” instead of “people”... Those interested drew conclusions.

Rational grain: Particular attention should be paid to repeated errors, annoying quirks that have appeared recently, for example, you swallow entire syllables. Listen to yourself, perhaps the Universe is not talking about impending trouble, it is just advising you to slow down the pace of life.

Application for a sign

Only extremely strong-willed individuals can make a decision alone; a weak, indecisive woman cannot do this. Torturing the minds of girlfriends is a thankless task, the margin of error is large. Therefore, we will focus on the “simple and tasteful” option - the Universal Mind as an advisor.

Say the question out loud and add: “I ask for a sign.” You can specify the date: “Urgent”, “Until tomorrow”, “Within a week”. And wait. Perhaps something similar to the intervention of Providence will happen to you, but its meaning will be vague. Do not be shy, it is not forbidden to ask for clarification, the principle is the same. Having received a sign, first of all try to interpret it positively, do not see a negative, frightening meaning.

And finally, remember: signs from above are tips, not orders. The Universe does not set out to subjugate you and does not promise punishment. As they say, “don’t make a mistake yourself.”

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